This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018年7月1日 at 11:54:53
Artist: Arata Iiyoshi, Hideki Sakamoto, Keisuke Ito
Title: Boss Battle!
Source: ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 空の探検隊
Tags: pokémon pokemon nintendo nds mystery dungeon explorers of the darkness time sky pmd 時の探検隊 闇の探検隊 David- fieryrage Hobbes2 pkhg
BPM: 212
Filesize: 2682kb
Play Time: 00:45
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Normal - me
Hard - me
Light Insane - David-
Insane - fieryrage
Expert - Hobbes2
Extra - pkhg
Challenge - me
hitsounded by me (phkg for his own diff)
bg from here, and internet
original (triangle + pp)
Artist: Arata Iiyoshi, Hideki Sakamoto, Keisuke Ito
Title: Boss Battle!
Source: ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 空の探検隊
Tags: pokémon pokemon nintendo nds mystery dungeon explorers of the darkness time sky pmd 時の探検隊 闇の探検隊 David- fieryrage Hobbes2 pkhg
BPM: 212
Filesize: 2682kb
Play Time: 00:45
Difficulties Available:
- Challenge! (5.94 stars, 208 notes)
- David-'s Hyper! (3.53 stars, 135 notes)
- Fiery's Insane! (4.62 stars, 151 notes)
- Hard! (2.66 stars, 104 notes)
- Hobbes2's Expert! (4.99 stars, 165 notes)
- Normal! (1.59 stars, 60 notes)
- pkhg's Extra! (5.68 stars, 195 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
hitsounded by me (phkg for his own diff)
bg from here, and internet
original (triangle + pp)