
Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年1月20日 at 21:06:05

Artist: Megpoid GUMI
Title: Life Reset Button
Source: kemu
Tags: vocaloid vocaloid2 wcx19911123 hatsuko Jinsei Risetto Botan ProudOtaku Love
BPM: 200
Filesize: 17612kb
Play Time: 03:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.17 stars, 163 notes)
  2. Life Winner (5 stars, 730 notes)
  3. Love's Taiko (4.89 stars, 1631 notes)
  4. Normal (4.25 stars, 259 notes)
  5. wcx's Hard (5 stars, 546 notes)
Download: Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button
Download: Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
XD I love Gumi! YEAH!!!
Thank you for WCX'S SUPER DIFF \o/!!!!
Nice song~Enjoy~~~
Thank you for Aoix's video help~~~
Thank you for Megurine Luka's BG help~~~
I love you guys <3~~

4/12/2011 ~UP~
17/12/2011 Add Love's Taiko~
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

Megurine Luka

tutuhaha wrote:

用身体? -_,-

request from myself

02:51:367 - 03:24:064这段clap为什么都在重音线上。。是不是应该加条红线调整一下
tag里面加上Jinsei Risetto Botan

00:46:730 (1) - x16 y 124
02:06:297 - 02:14:471是不是跟别的难度一样都map了比较好。。

00:45:080 (2,3,4,5) - 不弄个正方形吗
02:52:567 (4,4) - 上1格


00:39:081 (1,2,3) - 好违和的感觉 0 0

0-0 Orz好浪费时间 另外你敢不敢别让我浪费Kud。。。
Yutsuki yukari
/me from irc req



快把劳资给你找BG修BG这小破事儿写进creator's word里


所有难度offset 85,其实没变,置前不容易被MAT BAT挑而已


00:20:483 (1) - 从这里开始的slidertick音是音效设置上的bug么,如果不是话得,这么密集的clap音真的好奇怪
00:43:280 (2) - 和前面保持一致的话这里的slidertick应该有音
02:59:767 (3) - 试试看把N2推后到这slider结束,slider尾部+fin去clap
03:16:565 (3) - ^


00:43:280 (3) - 1 gird up。哎那么nazi其实没区别但感觉上移一格对的更齐
00:49:880 (2) - 头部和1的尾部放在同一垂直线上
01:47:474 (2) - ^,太懒了,居然复制黏贴,原则上来说我是不mod复制黏贴的歌的OTL


01:31:575 (6) - 不和5平行吗







Part of mod
07:26 <GiNa> : tutuuuuuu
07:26 <tutuhaha> : 啥啥啥
07:26 <GiNa> : Q~Q~
07:26 <GiNa> : 我在想
07:26 <GiNa> : 03:08:166 (1) -
07:26 <GiNa> : 這slider要不要換個拉法
07:26 <GiNa> : ^Easy
07:28 <GiNa> : 渣網
07:28 <GiNa> : 那個slider,test play時看不到第三個tick
07:28 <tutuhaha> : 我觉得这个拉法还行
07:28 <tutuhaha> : 哈=口=?
07:29 <GiNa> :
07:30 <tutuhaha> : =口=..
07:30 <tutuhaha> : 哇哦真的
07:31 <GiNa> : 剛剛test我就在想明明有音效但怎麼沒tick Orz
07:34 <GiNa> : 01:30:076 (3) - 這裡要不要NC一下 (純建議
07:35 <tutuhaha> : 你继续说,我先调一下那个slider
07:40 <GiNa> : 後面應該還有一個跟那一樣的slider
07:46 <tutuhaha> : easy上传完了
07:46 <tutuhaha> : 看看
07:46 <tutuhaha> : 我直接拉长了
07:47 <GiNa> : 拉的真圓,plays fine now :D
07:47 <tutuhaha> : 噗呲
Can't find anything for Normal, doing the rest after I finish eating/my homework lol.

Part 2 of mod

00:10:284 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 這串排得不是很美觀的感覺
00:34:431 (6) - 這裡好像錯了?前幾個圈都是1.6x這裡突然變回1.0x有點奇怪(而且跟前幾個圈一起NC)。我個人是偏向把它擺在00:33:681 (1)的上面,不過這樣跟下一個slider又形成了2.0x的小跳Q~Q
Topic Starter

GiNa wrote:

你好,,ErErTuTuHaHa, 这次的Map不是BL歌我很喜欢 ;D

00:01:285 (1) - 00:02:484 (2) 第一个slider的end和第二个的start全部放到X:48 轴上
00:37:281 (1) - 这个正常的Slider的尾巴上有一个多余的点00:48:080 (2) - ^同上,嗯,,是专门放成这样的么?
01:26:176 (2) - ^ .....嗯
01:35:475 (2,3) - 希望第二个Slider的end能和第三个的start保持直线


[WCX'S Hard]
02:48:968 (1,2,3) - 希望能稍微调整位置
02:50:168 (4,5,6) - 希望这三个note能够更跳一点

[Life Winter]

Map 很棒,抱歉我没有KD所以不能给星,,加油
Topic Starter

Mura_77 wrote:

你好,,ErErTuTuHaHa, 这次的Map不是BL歌我很喜欢 ;D

00:01:285 (1) - 00:02:484 (2) 第一个slider的end和第二个的start全部放到X:48 轴上
00:37:281 (1) - 这个正常的Slider的尾巴上有一个多余的点
00:48:080 (2) - ^同上,嗯,,是专门放成这样的么?
01:26:176 (2) - ^ .....嗯
01:35:475 (2,3) - 希望第二个Slider的end能和第三个的start保持直线


[WCX'S Hard]
02:48:968 (1,2,3) - 希望能稍微调整位置
02:50:168 (4,5,6) - 希望这三个note能够更跳一点

[Life Winter]

Map 很棒,抱歉我没有KD所以不能给星,,加油
Hi there mod from queue


combo color 3 :64,0,64在许多时候会由于视频的缘故导致无法看清approach circle

00:05:184 - 这里加个note吧。。果然总是觉得有点别扭……

00:43:280 (2) - 这个感觉应该从前面红线那里开始会比较好吧?现在这位置似乎在一段连续歌词的中间,怪怪的。或者干脆从红线开始放4个note也许会更好一点

01:35:475 (2,3) - 让3沿着2的弧线拉上去会好看一点吧,总感觉放歪了的样子

01:38:475 (2) - ,01:40:875 (2) - 同第一个那里。。。

02:48:968 (1) - 右侧的一个描点似乎歪了……(从开头数第5个),把grid level开到tiny,然后把这个描点向下向左各移动一格会好点

00:39:831 - 这里也是加个Note吧。。和00:39:981 (1) - 叠一下什么的?

01:48:973 (4) - 感觉这里应该是个note而不是slider,然后01:49:274 - 01:49:573, 01:49:873 - 01:49:874是2个slider,然后是那3个note,似乎这样更跟节奏一些

02:04:872 (6) - 取消reverse,然后在原先结尾的白线那里下个note吧

wcx's Hard:
00:05:784 (8) - 这个1/8折返。。第一次test就直接掉了。。对hard难度来说会不会有点过了……

Life Winner:
00:34:431 (6) - 这里突然间距降低外加遮挡外加没有NC真的没问题么……

00:48:080 (7) - 取消一个reverse吧,然后后面的连续4个重音和00:48:830 (8) - 放在一起用4个note来打会好些吧,另外这后面应该NC

01:03:528 (6) - 这个删了吧……

01:42:524 - 这里反复听总是觉得少了个note的样子,后面那个空拍也是……建议干脆用2个slider好了,做成短slider跳

02:41:169 (1) - 这个我觉得和02:40:569 (3) - 结束stack在一起好一点。。。个人感觉而已……

03:05:616 (7) - 同样是建议删掉算了……

03:06:966 - 感觉少个note。。或者是把后面的03:07:116 (5) - 挪到这里

03:17:315 (10) - 同建议删掉……

yo modding this map because of ur request :)

00:37:281(1) - this is just a minor flaw: get rid of the 3rd point because it looks like the arrow isnt facing straight
00:46:730(1) - *nazi* 2 grids right
00:51:679(3) - NC
01:49:274(3) - ^
overall this is a fun easy to play

00:28:282(4) - NC
00:29:482(1) - remove the NC
00:30:082(3) - NC
these 3 r together
00:59:479(3) - replace this for a slider and end it at 00:59:779
01:06:678(5) - NC and hmm. make this soft?
01:49:874(1) - replace this for a slider and end it at 01:50:024
01:50:174 - add a slider and end it at 01:50:324
02:04:272(5) - same as 01:06:678
02:57:367(3) - stack it on (1)

wcx's Hard:
from wat ive learned i thought kiai time needs to b the same for 1 mapset
00:44:330(6) - NC
03:03:366(1,2) - stack the ends perfectly
03:12:815(5) - NC

Life Winner:
01:26:776(4) - adjust the end point so that itd align (2,3) properly. it should be like this if ur not following

this is the best i can do. star...actually no TWO stars and GL :D
Hi, from my queue ;)


  1. Offset 1.266 seems better, try it
  2. Change the offset of the video at 101, it starts earlier. Because if you see here: 01:46:874 (1) the "flash" doesn't start when the slider starts.. (Do it in all diffs)
  1. 00:29:482 (1) - mh, you could delete this slider, add a circle here and add a slider without return with new combo on the white big tick where the "finish" starts 00:30:082 ( I think it's more consistent and it fits better the song
  2. 00:51:679 (3) - Use new combo here. 'cause in this part you used comboing 1-2-3 (In all the map too). Also because it fits better the music but especially it's simmetric with the last part (01:03:678 (1,2) - ) that has got combo 1-2 :)
  3. 01:26:176 (2) - O: Fix the last waypoint xD
  4. 01:49:273 (3) - The same^ New combo
  1. AR+1? It could be easier
  2. 00:29:182 (5) - new combo
  3. 00:29:482 (1) - remove nc
  4. 00:30:082 (3) - new combo
  5. 01:18:677 (3) - Move it to x404 y292?
  1. ok
Life Winner:
  1. 03:24:064 (6) - I should add a stream here, just this :P
If you have question, contact me in game :)

Good luck ^^

  1. Are you sure that you're using all of these custom hitsounds?
  2. What about add a taiko difficulty?

  1. 00:10:284 (4) Move the inherited section to the next white tick, this fit better with the song. (Same like the Hard difficulty)
  2. 00:39:531 (1) This part feels really weird when you're playing, changing between white and red ticks, very hard for beginners in my opinion, by the way the spacing is good, but feels better if you increase a little the spacing. Consider this for the other equally parts.
  3. 01:37:125 (1) Same as above ^
  4. 02:06:072 (1) Not sure about this slider, is very close to the spinner.
  5. 02:50:168 (2) A soft sound is better here, you're just following the voice.
  1. The slider velocity feels very fast here, to be a normal difficulty, but this plays very good, I like it.
  2. 00:10:284 (1) Same like the easy difficulty, move the inherited section please.
  3. 00:22:882 (4) Needs a new combo here, to be consistent.
  4. 00:26:782 (1) Remove new combo here and add here 00:27:982 (3), then remove the new combo in the next (1) and add a new combo here 00:30:082 (3). This should fix the new combo problem here.
  5. 00:47:480 - Should be better if you delete the spinner and add a slider instead. Like this.
  6. 01:06:678 - Use soft sounds here, there are only the voice.
  7. 02:04:272 - Same as above ^
  8. 02:08:472 (1) The rhythm that you are following here feels really weird, you should remove a repeat and add a note in the red tick. Like this.
  9. 02:12:671 (1) Same as above ^
  10. 02:50:168 - Same like the easy difficulty, use a soft sound here please.

  1. Where is the kiai time here? seems a bit empty.
  2. 01:08:028 - Not sure about those triplets, seems very hard to be just a hard, maybe you can change it by two sliders?.

  1. The HP Drain Rate is very low, this should be 8.
  2. 00:10:584 - The stream start here, also move the inherited section like the other difficulties.
  3. 01:30:376 (1) Remove new combo.
  4. 02:50:168 - Use a soft sound here, like the other difficulties please.

Please try to respond to this mod post. I always want to know what you change, and what not.

Map is longer than 3 mins, modding only 2 diffs.

Life Winner

So much copy-paste orz

00:39:081 (1,2,3) - why are they in soft default claps? forgot to re-insert the custom clap?
01:36:675 (1,2,3) - ^
01:55:273 (1,2,3,4,5) - I notice that this pattern appears really often. I suggest you'd change some of them a bit to create a bit of creativity?
02:41:169 (1) - note seems to not needed, absolutely no beat in the music. remove it?

01:58:723 (7) - create a better flow by placing the note directly between the 2 sliders, like dat
03:11:166 (1) - remove New combo
03:12:665 (4) - add new combo. feels better like this.
03:20:015 (7) - same as 01:58:723 (7)
Star Stream
from my queue

01:42:974 (2) - 1grid up
03:10:866 (2,3) - 2grid down
03:11:765 (4) - 1grid down,left

00:31:282 (5) - 1grid down
00:46:730 (1) - 2grid up and 1grid left

wcx's Hard
01:49:274 (9) - NC
01:49:874 (1) - remove NC

Life Winner
00:33:981 (3) -
00:59:329 (3) - ^
02:51:367 ~ 03:24:964 - i think you can make this kiai part harder than now

that's all
nice song~ nice map!
Hi There.


• wcx's Hard could go as an Insane lol.
• I guess u could get some problems with your diff spread. The jump between Normal and Hard is just insane lol.


• 00:44:330 (1,2,3,4) - This could be a litte too confusing for an easy. Don't you think? You could delete (4) and let the (3) reverse. Also fix the spacing after changing this.
• 01:45:374 (2,1) - The spacing goes up to 1.13. Not in easy diff plz
• 02:06:072 (1) - This is just boring. You just need something to fill the break cuz without the break is too long. :(


• 00:27:982 (3) - This one gets pretty much hidden by the hitburst from the previous circle.
• 00:29:182 (5) - ^
• 00:30:982 (4) - ^
• 00:32:181 (6) - ^
• 00:47:480 (1) - Really short don't you think?
• 00:47:480 (1,1) - At first the short spinner and after them the high jump to the next slider? Try to change this pls :/
• 01:04:578 (2) - Same as above
• 01:22:876 (1) - I would remove the New combo here.
• 01:24:076 (7) - And add here a new combo ( only if you change the combo suggestion above)
• 01:25:876 (1) - Remove new combo
• 01:27:076 (7) - Add New combo
• 01:27:976 (1) - Remove New combo.
• 01:36:075 (1) - Sooo short .___.
• 02:02:172 (2) - Same as above
• 02:39:369 (2,3,4) - THIS works better imo.

wcx's Hard:

• No KIAI Time here?

• 00:05:784 (8) - This in a HARD diff? Pls no.
• 01:08:028 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - Works better with reverse sliders imo.

Life Winner:

• Nothing.

Good Luck!
Yo! Here for AL2's queue :D Welcome again ~~~

--------------------- Life Winner -------------------------- YAY I won
00:39:006 (X) - Add a timing section for HARD and that is better :D
01:00:829 (2) - Clap also
01:36:675 (1,2,3) - Also, make a timing section for hard.
02:56:167 (5) - New combo (Change the distance)

WOW Nice :~~~~~~~ I love it

[wcx's Hard]
00:48:680 (7) - New combo ~~~
01:03:678 (3,4) - Spacing or maybe the problem is 01:04:128 (4,5)
02:03:072 (8,1) - Distance X3.01 !! WOW Crazy... Can you change it? (Coz thats too diff for Hard)

Crazy Mad , And Lovely :D
STAR and good luck
Here we go

00:45:391 (2) - delete this Note and delete Note 4. Then end the sliider at 00:46:280 (like this I think it's better for Easy
01:03:378 (3) - delets this note
01:58:573 (3) - ^
02:00:973 (3) - ^
03:05:466 (3) - ^
03:11:465 (3) - ^ and end slider there
03:20:465 (2) - ^
03:23:464 (2) - delete this note

[wcx's Hard]
First it isn't Hard ._. it's more Insane
00:25:443 (4-8) - spacing
Only this ;)

Another diffs seems okay ;)

Good luck~
你好~From my modding queue

*BPM真的是200.02 ?你都知道,有map 高了0點幾BPM給unrank了~
*如果你確認這是正確BPM 請無視
*所有diff(including guest diff)的combo colour 一定要是一樣的(特別reason外)

[Life Winner]
00:31:881 (8) - 這樣放好嗎

[wcx's Hard]
01:08:028 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - 大哥~這個是Hard來的 2個3連打太...轉為slider吧

00:36:081 (3) - 如果是平衡會好點~
01:18:677 (3) - x404,y288

Sorry , I can't find any problem

good map at all~我有kd時會回來shoot星~
加油+好運for bubble and rank~

* The 3rd Break Time in all diff is pretty long, try map that part


* Use AR +2. It's kinda slow approach rate for me

00:46:730 (1) - Move 2 grid right to make alligned with previous notes (Nazi)
00:51:679 (3) - Rotate 180" clockwise (x2 of Ctrl+>) and reverse it (Ctrl+R). This suggestion is just for a good flow
01:49:273 (3) - Rotate 180" anticlockwise (x2 of Ctrl+<) and reverse it (Ctrl+R). This suggestion is also just for a good flow
02:06:072 (1) - This long slider with repeating slider are just boring. Try making an interesting pattern
03:17:765 (1) - Make a same shape of slider as 03:08:166 (1) (Nazi)


* Try use AR +1 or +2? It feels slow for me

00:22:882 (4) - New combo for new pattern?
00:52:279 (1,2) - I think it's better if this 2 notes is combine into one slider for a good flow
01:49:873 (1,2) - ^


wcx's Hard
* 4th Combo color should like this "Combo4 : 113,0,56". Fix this using a notepad

00:23:782 (x) - Add note here with clap?


That's all I can find
Topic Starter
from mod queue



good luck
General:hit sound 太过太过硬了,果然是硬汉啊


00:03:084 (5,6,7) - 改成一个0.5 velocity 的slider
哇 我才看你的F6发现你完全没有换slider velocity 叻
00:07:884 (5,6) - 同上
00:04:284 (4,5) - 怎么不用slider?不然也跳远一点?
00:10:284 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这里觉得不美,也不好打,建议参考NTR 的 senbonzakura的
00:48:830 (8,9,10) - 这三个可以做antijump
01:23:626 (1) - 个人很讨厌这种slider,不如就note吧。。。
01:36:675 (1,2,3) - wooho antijump
01:39:075 (5,6,7) - 同上
01:45:674 (8) - 最后一个note换成slow slider,用一个silence slider slide 的 hitsound,通完整个空白

00:27:232 (4,5,6,7,8) - 梯形,然后note7跟下个combo的1stack
00:38:781 (7) - 三个note的。。。上次用了slider了
00:39:081 (1,2,3,4) - 你不是很喜欢antijump吗?现在不用太可惜了。。。
00:43:880 (3,4,5,6) - 这里更需要。。
01:36:675 (1,2,3,4) - 恩
01:38:475 (1,2,3,4,5) - 整天星星我bored了换梗吧
01:45:674 (5) - 换成slow slider,用一个silence slider slide 的 hitsound,通完整个空白

Hi~ o/
From my modding queue
All Suggestions

Life Winner
02:39:969 (5) - NC

00:27:232 (4,5,6,7,8) - awkward spacing
00:29:632 (7,8,1) - Use 0.8x spacing?
01:24:826 (4,5,6,7,8) - spacing?
02:05:472 (6) - This slider threw me off... I think a zig-zag slider fits better

AR+1? AR4 feels slow for this fast song

02:06:072 (1) - I know this part is hard to map for easy, but this is lol

ah, can't find much stuff to point out orz
Can I make a Taiko diff?? Please!!

00:24:082 : Delete new combo
00:25:282 : New combo
00:51:679 : ^
01:58:873 : Delete new combo


02:04:272 : New combo

[wcx's HARD]

00:47:780 : New combo
00:48:680 : ^
01:45:374 : ^
03:17:465 : Delete new combo
03:17:765 : New combo


02:41:768 : New combo


So cool map, i love the song <3

02:06:072 - add red timing section with 7/4 timing
02:31:569 - add red timing section so that main beat is on time. 4/4
02:41:766 - ^

Life Winner

00:06:909 - I'd like it much better if you added a note here. Obviously, this will require some rearranging of spacing.
00:41:630 - sounds and flows better to me if you added a note with clap here (if you do add new combo to this note and remove combo from next note). If you do, it also matches with 00:44:030 (1) -
00:47:180 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - you could consider remapping this part to follow the snare drum in the background. If I was mapping this, I would definitely incorporate that drum, but I'm not mapping it, so it's up to you.
02:07:271 (3) - move this note to 02:07:122 - and rearrange spacing
02:08:921 (2) - move this slider to 02:08:772 - and rearrange spacing
02:39:969 (5,1,2,3,1) - surprisingly, i read this perfectly, no idea how or why. lol. perhaps it has something to do with me being a metal head.
03:25:039 (1) - i kinda like it better if you used normal hitsounds for this spinner


02:12:071 (1) - speaking rhythmically, the mainbeat should not be here but actually at 02:12:671 (3). you can switch combos if you'd like,.

--doesn't really seem like a true "hard" difficulty, but everything looks fine and readable to a more advanced player.


--You really shouldn't be using a custom slider tick that sounds just like the other notes

00:39:081 (5) - i would add new combo to emphasize those four notes in the music
03:21:065 - add note?


--this is going over my 10 min limit, but the diff looks pretty much fine

02:06:072 (1) - umm.. idk but ok.

Awesome song and map! :3
awesome song genre <3
Topic Starter
If I come up with a taiko, may I get it added?
Topic Starter
sorry but I am wait for mancusojuanmattos's Taiko > <....
oh god, expect rage if it's bad
Taiko Map finished!! :D, sorry for little delay
Hope you like it (If you add the diff, don't forget to add me in tags)

Download: Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button (tutuhaha) [Mancuso's Taiko Oni].osu
Yup, really bad...

Edit: My Version, overmappuu, fun, makes sense.


Forgot, so much laggggg

Download: Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button (tutuhaha) [Love's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Taiko Map finished!! :D, sorry for little delay
Hope you like it (If you add the diff, don't forget to add me in tags)

[attachment=0:c0f82]Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button (tutuhaha) [Mancuso's Taiko Oni].osu[/attachment:c0f82]
Thank you for you post but.....sorry I want love's Taiko.......
I find Taiko modder go to try to play you guys Taiko diff and he said Love's diff has more fun....

Very sorry > <......

map is awesome
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

map is awesome
Thank you to try XD
Timing check

1st Timeline
BPM: 200,020
Offset: 1290 (+5 on current)

2nd Timeline
BPM: 200,020
Offset: 171375 (-5 on current)
ok then

  1. I give up checking the combo on your diffs. Here's some advice
    Wise man advice

    ziin wrote:

    New combos usually go best on the long white tick. There are exceptions, but often times people slide over or onto the downbeat, and they put the new combo on the next note (beat 2).... When you omit a hard beat on the downbeat, it feels strange, at least to me, and ruins the flow of the music. Sometimes the important downbeat is every measure, or every two, or every four. It depends a lot on the song.
  2. It seems that you're only using 2 combo colors on kiai time. That said, starting from 02:06:372 (1) until the break, shouldn't you change back to using 4 combo colors
  1. 00:59:779 - add a circle here, feel awkward with nothing here when there's clearly a beat on the music
[wcx's Hard]
  1. 00:34:281 (3,4,5) - This stack feels rather straining, play better if you change it into a slider repeat
  2. 00:58:579 (8) - NC this then remove NC from 00:58:879 (1)
  3. 03:07:278 (7) - This is feels like trap, consider how the previous similar pattern only have 2 repeats. It's better if you make them similar with them previous patterns. And also change the so the slider repeat is the first combo just like on 01:56:173 (1,2)

[Life Winner]

  1. 01:23:626 (1) - this kick slider kinda disrupt the pace from the previous triple. Better change it into 2 circles
  2. 02:41:169 (1) - remove NC then add NC on 02:41:768 (2)
  3. 02:07:122 - add a circle here, feel awkward with nothing here when there's clearly a beat on the music
Not bad for now the only problem I can find is the random combo. Try making them more consistent
Good Luck

Sallad4ever wrote:

[wcx's Hard]
  1. 00:34:281 (3,4,5) - This stack feels rather straining, play better if you change it into a slider repeat
    changed to 2 circles
  2. 00:58:579 (8) - NC this then remove NC from 00:58:879 (1)
    sorry , this NC add at the heavy beat is better imo
  3. 03:07:278 (7) - This is feels like trap, consider how the previous similar pattern only have 2 repeats. It's better if you make them similar with them previous patterns. And also change the so the slider repeat is the first combo just like on 01:56:173 (1,2)
    I think most of people will hold it till the 03:08:178 (1)'s approachcircle is coming.. so here is clearly readble
Download: Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button (tutuhaha) [wcx's Hard].osu
Taiko BG

Breeze wrote:

Taiko BG
The artist isn't really supposed to be in the background, so yeah XD

maybe you can cut the lower part of BG (into black) so that filesize can be reduced.

late taiko mod:

00:16:733 - use d k like the pattern perviously sounds better because both music and drum sounds like that.
01:23:176 - k here sounds better
01:27:076 - d
02:03:222 - make an inverse, i.e. kkddddk to fit the vocal tone.
02:40:194 - emphasize there 5 notes by putting finish, this makes a large contrast with the coming slower part.

that's all I see and it's done quite well.

wmfchris wrote:

maybe you can cut the lower part of BG (into black) so that filesize can be reduced.

late taiko mod:

00:16:733 - use d k like the pattern perviously sounds better because both music and drum sounds like that. left this for the flow, so noty
01:23:176 - k here sounds better using the bass note
01:27:076 - d snare
02:03:222 - make an inverse, i.e. kkddddk to fit the vocal tone. the vocal right at the end, lower pitch
02:40:194 - emphasize there 5 notes by putting finish, this makes a large contrast with the coming slower part. left these alone

that's all I see and it's done quite well.
Instead, I added a slowdown.

Also changed a minor issue that was bugging me which was here. 00:26:782 (112) -

Download: Megpoid GUMI - Life Reset Button (tutuhaha) [Love's Taiko].osu

Looks good~

Well, this difficulty is a bit hard because of the spacing, but I played it through fine. So, you're good~

wcx's Hard
  1. 00:11:584 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)-Okay, here's an advice I can give you. Maybe it's best to put in a 1/4 repeat slider than a 1/4 note stream. You know, to make things a bit easier on your hard difficulty? :D

Life Winner
Nothing to point out.

Nice work. Good luck getting your map ranked.

Roddie wrote:

00:11:584 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)-Okay, here's an advice I can give you. Maybe it's best to put in a 1/4 repeat slider than a 1/4 note stream. You know, to make things a bit easier on your hard difficulty? :D
I think you mean 00:10:584 (1,2,3,4,5) - , here is follow the drums , and the spacing is small , I think it is not too hard to play
so I keep for now , thanks for modding
hi =D
from my queue, thank you for request!

[Easy] and [Life Winner] are really fine, so i couldnt find anything ;_;;

wcx's Hard

02:05:472 (6) - change of slider speed is unnecessary here imo.
also, using 0.5x may confuse for player, because this slider looks like normal one.
It would be better to change to 0.75x.
03:09:228 (4) - its kinda hard to see reverse arrow. maybe, you should fix it >.<

00:21:682 (3) - Add a clap to the reverse arrow of this slider
01:01:279 (1,2) - i feel this part is lacking some hitsounds,
add a clap to ticks of these sliders? and add a note at 01:02:178 -
01:58:873 (1,2) - ^
02:08:472 (1) - Remove a reverse from this slider, and add note at 02:09:222 -
at least remove a clap from the end of this slider even if not follow
02:12:671 (1) - ^
03:00:679 - add a note?
03:03:078 - ^
03:03:378 (1,2) - add a clap to ticks of these sliders? and add a note at 03:04:278 - .

good luck >w<

Mancuso's Taiko <3 Coming soon... my replay of Love's taiko :D
Colin Hou
  1. 有点建议 就是可以考虑01:06:078关掉 然后01:08:478这一点加个 后面同
[Life Winner]:
  1. 00:09:984 (6,1,2,3,4) - 这些更像一个主体 连打现在的起点略诡异
  1. 02:05:472 (6) - new combo
  2. 03:08:178 (1) - 稍左上移一下
  1. 00:49:280 (1) - 起点离中心略远了
  2. 02:12:671 (1) - 听起来意义不明 [stress]
insane到后面有点因为分数undermmap的情况 lol
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. 有点建议 就是可以考虑01:06:078关掉 然后01:08:478这一点加个 后面同
:arrow: 好建议,后面也一并改了

[Life Winner]:
  1. 00:09:984 (6,1,2,3,4) - 这些更像一个主体 连打现在的起点略诡异
:arrow: 还行啦 :? ......

  1. 02:05:472 (6) - new combo FIX
  2. 03:08:178 (1) - 稍左上移一下
  1. 00:49:280 (1) - 起点离中心略远了 这个没什么大问题,给我新手盆友玩的时候反应的过来
  2. 02:12:671 (1) - 听起来意义不明 [stress]

insane到后面有点因为分数undermmap的情况 lol
lol 多谢mod!
THIS! :)
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
Taiko里的话 就不要搞01:08:478这种KIAI了 第二段副歌的KIAI貌似也消失了.. 最后KIAI在03:24:976结束吧

其他难度03:24:976结束KIAI 顺便03:27:376喷一次 OTL
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