
Thread about Battlefield 3, apparently

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How about you buy that game for me, so I can help you in every situation?
What game is this, BF3?
yup yup
Im gonna get it this christmas with my new pc
New pc you say, Backfire?
Yes new pc
i3 .-.

Backfire wrote:

Im gonna get it this christmas with my new pc
New pc you say, Backfire?
Yes new pc
>620w PSU

1kw or get the fuck out.
Mad :c

Corin wrote:

get the fuck out.
I picked the 620 so I could have a better upgrade path.
So you gtfo.
I dont have the money atm :l

Rena-chan wrote:

A lot of people actually use the laser sights on their snipers. Nobody ever said that you won't be running around in a couple of rooms while you're using recon, so it could help if you had a little bit of extra accuracy from the hip. Except it actually gives people away more times than it benefits them in the way I mentioned, so I think using it is pretty stupid nonetheless. But it's there, because people use it.

Rena-chan wrote:

And this one's for DICE employees so why do you even care <_<. And the reason why this is here is pretty obvious... at least I would think.

....Be a fucking boss and run around shotgun sniping people with a 12x Ballistic scope.
I believe you've missed the point entirely.

Much like BF3 has.
You're doing it wrong.

The only item you should worry about is c4. Delicious c4.
Worrying because it's delicious.

Yep, that's just like you Rantai. ^_^

Corin wrote:

Backfire wrote:

Im gonna get it this christmas with my new pc
New pc you say, Backfire?
Yes new pc
>620w PSU

1kw or get the fuck out.
Crossfire 6850s would not even draw a 1/3rd from the 12V rails on a 1kw, if not a 1/4th, the 600w powersupply is by far more then sufficient.

UnderminE wrote:

i3 .-.
i3 2100 outperforms a phenom 980 with ease, despite lacking two physical cores

p67 1155 motherboard for future upgradability, unlike AM3 that has a stop at 955, once he can afford it he can throw in an i5 2500k or a future 1155 socket cpu.
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Kitsunemimi wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

A lot of people actually use the laser sights on their snipers. Nobody ever said that you won't be running around in a couple of rooms while you're using recon, so it could help if you had a little bit of extra accuracy from the hip. Except it actually gives people away more times than it benefits them in the way I mentioned, so I think using it is pretty stupid nonetheless. But it's there, because people use it.

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

And this one's for DICE employees so why do you even care <_<. And the reason why this is here is pretty obvious... at least I would think.

....Be a fucking boss and run around shotgun sniping people with a 12x Ballistic scope.
Well, if you take a slightly closer look, there are more scopes on that shotgun as well. That being said, I dare say you took this thread a little too seriously.
Usas + Frag rounds + 6X scope + Support(for ammo) = way OP.
Auto shotguns make me sad.
*I not longer hold such vehement opinion against BF3. Drugs.*
I'll stick to c4. Noob or not, it's just straight fun :D

That or ramming people with a heli.

Shellghost wrote:

I believe you've missed the point entirely.

Much like BF3 has.
do ho ho ho ho ho
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Zelmarked wrote:

Rantai wrote:

Auto shotguns make me sad.
Game is so terribly unbalanced it's not worth trying to be fair.

As I was saying in that "skill" thread a mod accidentally deleted, I b*ed at everyone that would do noob things for the last 2 FPS's I played. When I started playing BF3, it's like I hit the royal s* pool of noobatry. You got fire and forget claymores, OP weapons, huge advantage to camping, camping where you can clip your body into rocks, frag rounds for auto shotguns, IRNV easy mode view, MAV no-risk roadkilling, mortar spam, etc etc etc.
I went 75-1 recently using only the MAV. Got a ton of points and 1st place. No skill.

Game is so noob that my best advice would be to forget about skill or not being noob. You'll only stress yourself out from the majority of other players being noob. As I say on the EA forums, noob or be noobed.

Add me if y'all want:
Fuck no, you sound like all that is wrong with having fun in games.

Also, u mad at recons 'cause we're campin' on ya ?

failboat wrote:

Crossfire 6850s would not even draw a 1/3rd from the 12V rails on a 1kw, if not a 1/4th, the 600w powersupply is by far more then sufficient.
I don't give a shit, it needs to be OP regardless of wether it needs it or not, like mine, I have a 750 when all my PC needs is about 500w \:D/
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Corin wrote:

failboat wrote:

Crossfire 6850s would not even draw a 1/3rd from the 12V rails on a 1kw, if not a 1/4th, the 600w powersupply is by far more then sufficient.

Rena-chan wrote:

I thought the future was supposed to be green?
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Zelmarked wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

Fuck no, you sound like all that is wrong with having fun in games.

Also, u mad at recons 'cause we're campin' on ya ?
Nope. Do whatever you want. You want to play clip in the rocks, don't help the team bush wookie? Be my guest. I give up.
So madden. 8)

We might not be on the frontlines with people like you, taking flags and such. However, that's not a recon's role in Battlefield at all.

But who is it that spots enemies from afar, allowing others to know where they are ?
Who takes out enemy snipers from across the map where your assault rifles can't reach ?
Who is it, again, that's able to defend posts before it's too late because you're all too busy capturing other posts ?
Oh oh, who's taking enemies down before they flock on all you sillies while you're trying to take their posts ?
Recons would be the answer to all of those.

Oh, and before you bring out the whole "baww you don't bring the opposing team's overall score down" argument, each spawn brings that score down by one point, both in conquest and rush.

Battlefield is a shooter based on warfare, and I'll be damned if they don't have snipers out in the real world too. But if you want a game where they're entirely useless, you should go play Call of Duty. :>

mm201 wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

I thought the future was supposed to be green?
Sure is, but it's an argument that was used before manufacturers were really trying to bring power consumption down, and the general assumption was that each generation would require a good deal more power than the previous. It's obviously not the main focus, but I dare say they're getting better at it.
So while a, let's say 800W PSU, does make sense in some systems, it's really not necessary at all until you go 3-way SLI or CrossfireX.
A simple 500W PSU gets you pretty far !
This thread is kawaii
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Zelmarked wrote:

Hiding in a bush far from combat or clipping in a rock to where you are unfeasible to go after and kill because of your camping advantage, is not skill.
Okay !

One-shot a moving target from 400-500 meters away and tell me how that goes.
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Zelmarked wrote:

Technically, anything in game takes skill. However comparing it to that of a rusher means we have to go into what defines "skill". My point is that it takes so little that it's negligible. Not very comfortable with this post because we are arguing semantics.
Not really. Let's take a look at what it takes to shoot another player at a short distance; you need to aim directly at a fairly large portion of your screen, and shoot before they do. Sure, it requires a good reaction time, but if you're going to say that sniping doesn't require "skill", then I'm going to turn your argument right around and throw it back in your face.

So let's say you're in a recon's position, sniping from a convenient vantage point somewhere on the map, just casually eating cookies while waiting for the next enemy soldier to appear in your field of view. You're obviously safe from any harm coming from this opponent, but your totally oblivious teammate on the roof of the building he's running towards isn't.
So in order to hit this moving target that doesn't necessarily take up more than 10 pixels height on a 1920x1080 monitor, not only do you need to take bullet drop into consideration, you're also not aiming at where he is; You're aiming at where he's going to be. On top of that, there's not an awful lot of time to figure those two out, and it takes longer than just clicking the button for the bullet to travel that distance.
You may as well be done reloading before it hits, even !

Did I make myself clear enough for you to understand that sniping isn't a complete no-brainer ?

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Zelmarked wrote:

It doesn't have to be that complicated. Yes that situation absolutely happens. And yes, if you can take only one shot to accomplish that, that is skill. However, you might miss.

If you're rushing, that means assured death. If you're camping a quarter mile away, that means:

Rena-chan wrote:

across the map where your assault rifles can't reach

Rena-chan wrote:

I'm going to turn your argument right around and throw it back in your face.
Enemy snipers that have the same range and accuracy as yourself.

Rena-chan wrote:

why not?

Zelmarked wrote:

breaking news report: sometimes a learning curve isn't a vertical line
if everybody is using all the things you mentioned then it's not being noob then it's just playing the game, and I guess if you don't like anything of it then you just don't like battlefield 3

can't blame you
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Zelmarked wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

Enemy snipers that have the same range as yourself.
Ughh. I can put bed of for one more post. Snipers don't play on the front lines. They can, but they severely drop their advantage.

[{ -. . . . . > . <. . . . .- }]

[ ]=edges of map.
{ } = spawns
. . . . . = extra space
.= middle
><= frontline troops
- = snipers.

The point being, while snipers can shoot at each other, it is not feasible/efficient. They have closer units to them, the enemy frontline soldiers.
Feasible/efficient ? Maybe not, but someone's gotta take them out, and if you can see them, they can see you. More often than not, snipers are lying around in those areas where the enemy team can't go because BF3 has that anti-base-rape thing where a certain amount of the map in front of/around the spawns counts as being "outside the battlefield" for the opposing team.
TL;DR: a sniper sees another sniper doing their job, it's only a matter of time before one of them goes down.

Wojjan wrote:

Zelmarked wrote:

breaking news report: sometimes a learning curve isn't a vertical line
if everybody is using all the things you mentioned then it's not being noob then it's just playing the game, and I guess if you don't like anything of it then you just don't like battlefield 3

can't blame you
Shhh ! Look at his signature, he clearly likes both Toohoo and Battlefield 3 !
if you would inflict that kind of resizing on an image I can only deduce you want its very essence rid.
moved to video games and changed the post title, since according to the first part of the thread this is apparently a thread about Battlefield 3, which is a video game!

Zelmarked wrote:

Call of Duty thread?

Call of Duty thread.
I play it on the Xbox, it's fun~

Rena-chan wrote:

*walls of text*
And you said I was being serious. Silly Rena~. Oh wait this isn't OT anymore is it. Oh well I guess.

BF3 is an amazing game with amazingly resource intensive graphics. \o/ there

EDIT: Also, Zelmark, I thought your original point was that people use all the unbalanced op weapons because people would just rather get kills. So how did it turn into fighting at the front lines is totally proer than sniping? If sniping requires no skill, then how come I don't see entire teams of people just camping at the back sniping? That's what people'd rather do right, noob or be noobed right? Plus, according to your profile, you're recon more than half the time. Okay so you don't use the sniper rifles. Would you be able to get a much better score more easily if you just camped and sniped?
Know what takes the most skill?


Conquest is ruined by the lack of a commander or someone that makes tactical decisions. You can put 64 players on a map, but without coordination, people will just run from the flag they just captured to the next uncapped until tickets run out. I don't get why they removed it.
I still enjoy Rush though.

Rantai wrote:

Know what takes the most skill?


C4 is fun. But it ain't easy approaching tanks on foot. Ever Jihad a light vehicle? Now that's fun.
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Remco32 wrote:

Conquest is ruined by the lack of a commander or someone that makes tactical decisions. You can put 64 players on a map, but without coordination, people will just run from the flag they just captured to the next uncapped until tickets run out. I don't get why they removed it.
I still enjoy Rush though.
Yeah, I miss commanders too. :C
They were nice to have around, but I still enjoy Conquest regardless.
I remember being one of those bad commanders that would drop artillery on the enemy that killed me.

Or play spec ops and drop supplies on myself.
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