
Hanazawa Kana - Masquerade

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General : I think this song is pretty simple of the rhythm, so I suggest you to increase the slider ticks to 2 to fully decorate the map
-Baby Strawberry-
:) Here is my mod~!

Only Hard diff
00:13:614 (4,5) -this kind of pattern appears a lot in the map, i don't feel good at it since the shape actually... change if u like, but not a big deal.
00:45:169 (8) - probably a NC?
00:56:725 (1,2,3,4) - actually u can rotate them, i think it will give u a better effect.
03:13:169 (5) - NC?
thas all i think, go rank it~!~!
Topic Starter

Sumisola wrote:

General : I think this song is pretty simple of the rhythm, so I suggest you to increase the slider ticks to 2 to fully decorate the map
:arrow: set SliderTickRate to 2 in hard diff

-Baby Strawberry- wrote:

:) Here is my mod~!

Only Hard diff
00:13:614 (4,5) -this kind of pattern appears a lot in the map, i don't feel good at it since the shape actually... change if u like, but not a big deal. :arrow: err... they're really designed...
00:45:169 (8) - probably a NC? :arrow: ok
00:56:725 (1,2,3,4) - actually u can rotate them, i think it will give u a better effect. :arrow: nice
03:13:169 (5) - NC? :arrow: ok
thas all i think, go rank it~!~!
thank you for modding >.<
from wmf's super lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy mod ;_; ((我是被逼的 不要打我阿!!!


  • Settings
  1. Kiai建議一致


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 01:28:725 (2,3) -
  2. 01:51:836 (5,1) -
  3. 01:59:836 (1,2) -
  4. 03:41:169 (1,2) -
  5. 03:45:614 (2,3) -
  1. 00:39:836 (3,4,1) - 間距變小了... 改回一樣的吧
  2. 01:31:836 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:46:947 (4,5) - ^
  4. 01:54:058 (4,5) - ^
  5. 02:11:836 (4,5) - ^
  6. 02:14:502 (6,7,8) - 8combo對于Easy來說太長了... 改短些吧
  7. 02:42:503 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不均勻的間距
  8. 03:17:614 (4,5) - 讓這個弧度和note的一樣吧 [nazi]
  9. 03:20:725 (2,3,4) - 不均勻的間距


  • mapping
  1. none...


  • Settings
  1. 建議:Break從這開始02:51:836 -
  1. 03:38:280 (3,4) - 這個...額 注意一下了 這個部分應該是error...

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

from wmf's super lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy mod ;_; ((我是被逼的 不要打我阿!!!


  • Settings
  1. Kiai建議一致


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 01:28:725 (2,3) -
  2. 01:51:836 (5,1) -
  3. 01:59:836 (1,2) -
  4. 03:41:169 (1,2) -
  5. 03:45:614 (2,3) -
:arrow: 尽量都修改了~有些间距实在是不好弄了就没弄……

  1. 00:39:836 (3,4,1) - 間距變小了... 改回一樣的吧
  2. 01:31:836 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:46:947 (4,5) - ^
  4. 01:54:058 (4,5) - ^
  5. 02:11:836 (4,5) - ^ :arrow: 这几个也是尽量的调整了
  6. 02:14:502 (6,7,8) - 8combo對于Easy來說太長了... 改短些吧 :arrow:
  7. 02:42:503 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不均勻的間距 :arrow: fixed~
  8. 03:17:614 (4,5) - 讓這個弧度和note的一樣吧 [nazi] :arrow: 很努力的调整了形状
  9. 03:20:725 (2,3,4) - 不均勻的間距 :arrow: fixed~


  • mapping
  1. none...


  • Settings
  1. 建議:Break從這開始02:51:836 - :arrow: NICE~
  1. 03:38:280 (3,4) - 這個...額 注意一下了 這個部分應該是error... :arrow: 啊忘记AI mod了……fixed!

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
hi, m4m request via QQ



  1. Unused Image Files default-comma.png default-dot.png default-percent.png default-x.png, 这些貌似没用 score-x要这些才有用 可以删
  2. 一大堆.jpg格式的SB图片 虽然是BG用 但我不知道有没有人较真

00:16:725 (1) - 背景音乐都有finish了你怎么没加 加个clap就行
00:45:169 (1) - clap
01:12:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - whistle加的无可厚非 但没凸显出歌曲的冲击力 换成34和78加whistle
02:03:391 (1) - 这里也不clap?
03:12:280 (4) - ^

排版和节奏方面中规中矩 没什么太有价值可说的

原本歌曲有高音质版吗 在foobar里听也觉得低频太模糊了 中高频太大了 加上你基本只用whistle后这种感觉更强烈了 几乎听不到打击乐
另外自定义的clap完全没听到 不知道是我漏听了还是加在其他难度 总之很有必要利用起来

good luck
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

hi, m4m request via QQ



  1. Unused Image Files default-comma.png default-dot.png default-percent.png default-x.png, 这些貌似没用 score-x要这些才有用 可以删 :arrow: okay
  2. 一大堆.jpg格式的SB图片 虽然是BG用 但我不知道有没有人较真 :arrow: SB要用到。。因为懒的改代码了对图本身又没有影响所以就都放在一起了……

00:16:725 (1) - 背景音乐都有finish了你怎么没加 加个clap就行 :arrow: 试了下还是加的finish
00:45:169 (1) - clap :arrow:
01:12:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - whistle加的无可厚非 但没凸显出歌曲的冲击力 换成34和78加whistle :arrow: 果然听起好多了~
02:03:391 (1) - 这里也不clap? :arrow: fixed~
03:12:280 (4) - ^ :arrow: fixed~

排版和节奏方面中规中矩 没什么太有价值可说的

原本歌曲有高音质版吗 在foobar里听也觉得低频太模糊了 中高频太大了 加上你基本只用whistle后这种感觉更强烈了 几乎听不到打击乐
另外自定义的clap完全没听到 不知道是我漏听了还是加在其他难度 总之很有必要利用起来
:arrow: 音质是我能找到最好的版本了……
good luck

KayeSara wrote:


14:48 <cmn_891127> : Hi, 现在有时间么?IRC-mod?
14:48 <Scorpiour> : 啊,好,稍等我更新一下
14:48 <cmn_891127> : 嗯~
14:49 <Scorpiour> : 更新好了~
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 那开始啦~
14:50 <Scorpiour> : ok, let's start XD
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 我先看看啊……
14:51 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。
14:53 <cmn_891127> : hard
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 00:32:947 (1,2) -
14:53 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 这里感觉分前面那句风格不一刚
14:54 <cmn_891127> : 样
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 把节奏拆开做了……
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 因为歌词稍微有点变化……
14:55 <cmn_891127> : 要不要加闪光的警告呢
14:56 <Scorpiour> : 闪光警告。。这个可以有XD
14:56 <Scorpiour> : fixed XD
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:20:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个很诡异
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:21:391 (3) -
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 这个应该是前面的蓝线上
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:58 <Scorpiour> : (3)这里做成slider会好点吧,蓝线到红线
14:58 <cmn_891127> : 跟下一句一样么
14:58 <Scorpiour> : 差不多的感觉吧
14:59 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯
14:59 <Scorpiour> : ok
15:02 <cmn_891127> : 03:00:280 (3) - 我感觉这个换个方向比较好
15:02 <Scorpiour> : 换个方向么……这样的话后面整个要重排版了………………
15:03 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。。你觉得把(2)放到下面然后把(3)放到上面如何?不过我又担心会出界…………
15:03 <cmn_891127> : 你把前三个挪一下就好
15:05 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。把这个combo的形状调整了
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 03:23:391 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 每两个加一个NC
15:08 <Scorpiour> : nice
15:08 <cmn_891127> : 03:41:725 (2,3) - 好难……
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 不过貌似还得调下combo颜色要不会被头发挡住。。
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 诶。。这里很难……么。。
15:09 <cmn_891127> : 主要是我不爱这种……
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 唔。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 我觉得听着还挺好听的。。。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 这里其实按照stream的节奏按就肯定不会miss XD
15:10 <cmn_891127> : 只是个建议……(个人喜好)我这样的会做一个蓝线开始的折返slider
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 恩。
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 我比较喜欢这种把节奏拉开了的样式什么的。。
15:11 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯~~
Topic Starter

cmn_891127 wrote:

KayeSara wrote:


14:48 <cmn_891127> : Hi, 现在有时间么?IRC-mod?
14:48 <Scorpiour> : 啊,好,稍等我更新一下
14:48 <cmn_891127> : 嗯~
14:49 <Scorpiour> : 更新好了~
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 那开始啦~
14:50 <Scorpiour> : ok, let's start XD
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 我先看看啊……
14:51 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。
14:53 <cmn_891127> : hard
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 00:32:947 (1,2) -
14:53 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 这里感觉分前面那句风格不一刚
14:54 <cmn_891127> : 样
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 把节奏拆开做了……
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 因为歌词稍微有点变化……
14:55 <cmn_891127> : 要不要加闪光的警告呢
14:56 <Scorpiour> : 闪光警告。。这个可以有XD
14:56 <Scorpiour> : fixed XD
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:20:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个很诡异
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:21:391 (3) -
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 这个应该是前面的蓝线上
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:58 <Scorpiour> : (3)这里做成slider会好点吧,蓝线到红线
14:58 <cmn_891127> : 跟下一句一样么
14:58 <Scorpiour> : 差不多的感觉吧
14:59 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯
14:59 <Scorpiour> : ok
15:02 <cmn_891127> : 03:00:280 (3) - 我感觉这个换个方向比较好
15:02 <Scorpiour> : 换个方向么……这样的话后面整个要重排版了………………
15:03 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。。你觉得把(2)放到下面然后把(3)放到上面如何?不过我又担心会出界…………
15:03 <cmn_891127> : 你把前三个挪一下就好
15:05 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。把这个combo的形状调整了
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 03:23:391 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 每两个加一个NC
15:08 <Scorpiour> : nice
15:08 <cmn_891127> : 03:41:725 (2,3) - 好难……
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 不过貌似还得调下combo颜色要不会被头发挡住。。
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 诶。。这里很难……么。。
15:09 <cmn_891127> : 主要是我不爱这种……
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 唔。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 我觉得听着还挺好听的。。。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 这里其实按照stream的节奏按就肯定不会miss XD
15:10 <cmn_891127> : 只是个建议……(个人喜好)我这样的会做一个蓝线开始的折返slider
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 恩。
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 我比较喜欢这种把节奏拉开了的样式什么的。。
15:11 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯~~
from my queue

#3 kiai time end at 02:03:391 in tutuhaha's Normal , it is different with other diffs
#4 kiai time end at 03:41:058 in tutuhaha's Normal , it is different with other diffs
and #5 kiai time start and end both different with other diffs , it's better to make kiai al the same in all diffs
plz change code "Sliderborder : 180,180,180" to "SliderBorder : 180,180,180" , in .osu files

I strongly suggest you to change bg5.jpg file , it looks really odd to me o.o

00:44:725 - I think this tick should use S2 hitsound
04:11:725 - spinner end at here? same with other diffs
nothing to point out , but this diff's rhyme is really toooooo boring.. only 1/1 and 1/1 and 1/1 ..

[tutuhaha's Normal]
difficulty setting is kinda low imo , HD+1 at least?
00:22:058 (3) - ctrl+> , then fix the spacing , flow better imo
01:40:502 (2) - try this rhyme?
01:55:614 - here shouldn't has notes imo , remove (3) and move (2) to 01:55:836 - ?
04:11:725 - silence spinner end?

00:33:280 (2,3) - slider first and circle later , rhyme much better
00:38:280 (1,2,3) - try this rhyme?
02:11:169 (4) - remove and add note at 02:11:169 - , add slider from 02:11:280 - to 02:11:614 - ?
02:49:836 (2,3) - this jump is too huge imo , nearly Insane diff now
04:02:058 (1) - this sldier's reverse arrow is kinda invisible , change direction of the sldier plz

hitsound really boring imo , try to add more finish at least?
good luck
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my queue

#3 kiai time end at 02:03:391 in tutuhaha's Normal , it is different with other diffs
#4 kiai time end at 03:41:058 in tutuhaha's Normal , it is different with other diffs
and #5 kiai time start and end both different with other diffs , it's better to make kiai al the same in all diffs
:arrow: waiting for tutuhaha's opinion

plz change code "Sliderborder : 180,180,180" to "SliderBorder : 180,180,180" , in .osu files
:arrow: fixed

I strongly suggest you to change bg5.jpg file , it looks really odd to me o.o :arrow: changed and remake the effect here, i think it's much better now :)

00:44:725 - I think this tick should use S2 hitsound :arrow: fixed
04:11:725 - spinner end at here? same with other diffs :arrow: fixed
nothing to point out , but this diff's rhyme is really toooooo boring.. only 1/1 and 1/1 and 1/1 .. :arrow: Yes because it is a EASY diff that i don't wanna make it seems hard to find rhythm..there's a normal isn't it ?

[tutuhaha's Normal]
difficulty setting is kinda low imo , HD+1 at least?
00:22:058 (3) - ctrl+> , then fix the spacing , flow better imo
01:40:502 (2) - try this rhyme?
01:55:614 - here shouldn't has notes imo , remove (3) and move (2) to 01:55:836 - ?
04:11:725 - silence spinner end?

00:33:280 (2,3) - slider first and circle later , rhyme much better :arrow: okay
00:38:280 (1,2,3) - try this rhyme? :arrow: i'd like to follow the vocal here and i use such a pattern in many places so i think it's okay :)
02:11:169 (4) - remove and add note at 02:11:169 - , add slider from 02:11:280 - to 02:11:614 - ? :arrow: nice~
02:49:836 (2,3) - this jump is too huge imo , nearly Insane diff now :arrow: try to make them closer
04:02:058 (1) - this sldier's reverse arrow is kinda invisible , change direction of the sldier plz :arrow: triplet or reverse slider ...emm.. i pick later so i rotate it by 90 degree XD

hitsound really boring imo , try to add more finish at least? :arrow: all right...u asked me to remove a lot of finishes ask me to add some again.... okay, let me see where i can add them lol
good luck
thanks very much for modding
Try to change combo colors.Cuz its really hard to play with this skin.With skin i can't get A.Without skin i can get S.

00:13:391 (2,3,4,5) - i REALLY don't like moments like this cuz its really wierd for play.Change moments like this please.Icebeam said that too
00:17:836 - Maybe add note
02:26:502 (1,2,3) - Maybe make like this?
03:15:502 (5) - Change to slider with 1 repeat to 03:16:058 - ?then delete 03:16:058 (6) -
Pretty good diff
Its all.Easy and Normal looks fine
Gl with rank.
Barney Stinson
Hey! Sorry for delay

Could not find nothing.

I'll star it when I'll get other kds for other maps.
Sorry ^^"
Timing Points
  1. 04:02:502 (tutuhaha's Normal)-Kind of odd ending the kiai time here really. Try to end the kiai time on 04:09:614 like on Hard and Easy.
  1. Perhaps this difficulty would play better if you decrease the Approach Rate by one.
  2. 00:41:614 (1)-It sure does sound like there should be a finish here.
  3. 00:44:280 (5)-Well, a finish on the end sure sounds fitting in my opinion.
  4. 00:48:725 (4)-A finish here sounds alright here.
  5. 01:22:502 (1, 1)-Both finishes here don't sound right. Consider removing them.
  6. 01:27:836 (1)-A finish on the beginning would sound alright.
  7. 01:42:058 (1)-^
  8. 01:54:502 (5)-Don't mean to sound picky but can you make this slider going into a proper curve?
  9. 02:13:169 (4)-A finish on the end sure sounds fitting.
  10. 02:15:836 (1)-Adding a whistle would sound nice really. Consider doing that.
  11. 02:28:280 (1)-A finish here sounds fitting on the beginning perhaps?
  12. 02:31:836 (1)-Consider adding a finish here.
  13. 02:58:502 (1)-A finish on the beginning would sound alright.
  14. 03:02:058 (1)-Care to explain on why you didn't add a finish here? ):
  15. 03:04:725 (5)-Consider adding a finish on the end.
  16. 03:06:502 (1)-Looks sort of like an anti-jump really. Its not really a good idea to do that on an Easy difficulty. ): So, use the distance snap on it so the spacing on that can be fixed.
  17. 03:09:169 (1)-A finish here sounds fitting really.
  18. 03:16:280 (1)-^
  19. 04:02:058 (1)-A finish on the reverse arrow would sound alright.
tutuhaha's Normal
  1. 00:09:614 (1)-Forgot to add a finish on the beginning? o:
  2. 00:30:947 (1)-A finish on the beginning would sound alright.
  3. 01:50:058 (1)-A whistle here sure sounds nice here. In fact, I like how you used that on the second kiai time section. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't put a whistle here on the third kiai time section. o.o
  4. 01:52:725 (1)-A custom hit-clap would sound pleasing here? o:
  5. 02:28:280 (1)-Forgot to add a finish on the beginning here too?
  6. 02:31:836 (1)-^
  7. 02:35:391 (1)-A finish here sounds fitting perhaps?
  8. 03:00:280 (1)-Forgot to add a custom hit-clap on the end?
  9. 03:09:169 (1)-Forgot to add a custom hit-clap on the beginning?
  10. 03:16:280 (1)-^
  11. 03:27:836 (1)-Pretty much the same thing I talked about on 01:50:058.
  12. 03:51:836 (1)-Consider adding a custom hit-clap here.
  1. 00:18:725 (2, 3, 4)-A note triple here isn't really fitting. Turn it into a note double. You know, like this?
  2. 00:48:725 (1)-A finish here would sound fitting.
  3. 01:06:725 (2, 3, 4)-Pretty much the same thing on 00:18:725.
  4. 01:38:502 (4)-A finish on the beginning sounds fitting. Consider adding one in
  5. 01:42:058 (1)-Forgot to add a finish on the beginning?
  6. 01:58:280 (2, 3, 4)-Pretty much the same thing on 00:18:725.
  7. 02:03:614 (2, 3, 4)-^
  8. 02:17:614 (1)-Adding a whistle would sound nice really. Consider on doing that.
  9. 03:44:947 (2, 3, 4)-Pretty much the same thing on 00:18:725.
  10. 03:51:836 (1)-Forgot to add a custom hit-clap on the beginning?
And that's about it. Nothing too serious really.

Give me a call when you two are done looking through my mod.
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:

Timing Points
  1. 04:02:502 (tutuhaha's Normal)-Kind of odd ending the kiai time here really. Try to end the kiai time on 04:09:614 like on Hard and Easy.
:arrow: Asked tutuhaha and fixed it for she agreed,

  1. Perhaps this difficulty would play better if you decrease the Approach Rate by one. :arrow: tested and fixed :)
  2. 00:41:614 (1)-It sure does sound like there should be a finish here. :arrow: fixed
  3. 00:44:280 (5)-Well, a finish on the end sure sounds fitting in my opinion. :arrow: finish maybe heavy here...i try lower volumn and C:S1-clap, and choose clap :)
  4. 00:48:725 (4)-A finish here sounds alright here. :arrow: nice
  5. 01:22:502 (1, 1)-Both finishes here don't sound right. Consider removing them. :arrow: removed~~ and change the later one to clap
  6. 01:27:836 (1)-A finish on the beginning would sound alright. :arrow: fixed
  7. 01:42:058 (1)-^ :arrow: fixed
  8. 01:54:502 (5)-Don't mean to sound picky but can you make this slider going into a proper curve? :arrow: okay ~~fixed
  9. 02:13:169 (4)-A finish on the end sure sounds fitting. :arrow: fixed
  10. 02:15:836 (1)-Adding a whistle would sound nice really. Consider doing that. :arrow: okay
  11. 02:28:280 (1)-A finish here sounds fitting on the beginning perhaps? :arrow: should be a finish >.<
  12. 02:31:836 (1)-Consider adding a finish here. :arrow: added
  13. 02:58:502 (1)-A finish on the beginning would sound alright. :arrow: yes~
  14. 03:02:058 (1)-Care to explain on why you didn't add a finish here? ): :arrow: fixed....that....for wcx said i add too many finishes, so I remove a lot...and then he said I need more finishes...i add some back...and that confuse myself...>.<...
  15. 03:04:725 (5)-Consider adding a finish on the end. :arrow: fixed T.T
  16. 03:06:502 (1)-Looks sort of like an anti-jump really. Its not really a good idea to do that on an Easy difficulty. ): So, use the distance snap on it so the spacing on that can be fixed. :arrow: spacing fixed....
  17. 03:09:169 (1)-A finish here sounds fitting really.
  18. 03:16:280 (1)-^
  19. 04:02:058 (1)-A finish on the reverse arrow would sound alright. :arrow: fixed >.<
tutuhaha's Normal :arrow: tutuhaha asked me to fix fixed all QAQ
  1. 00:09:614 (1)-Forgot to add a finish on the beginning? o:
  2. 00:30:947 (1)-A finish on the beginning would sound alright.
  3. 01:50:058 (1)-A whistle here sure sounds nice here. In fact, I like how you used that on the second kiai time section. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't put a whistle here on the third kiai time section. o.o
  4. 01:52:725 (1)-A custom hit-clap would sound pleasing here? o:
  5. 02:28:280 (1)-Forgot to add a finish on the beginning here too?
  6. 02:31:836 (1)-^
  7. 02:35:391 (1)-A finish here sounds fitting perhaps?
  8. 03:00:280 (1)-Forgot to add a custom hit-clap on the end?
  9. 03:09:169 (1)-Forgot to add a custom hit-clap on the beginning?
  10. 03:16:280 (1)-^
  11. 03:27:836 (1)-Pretty much the same thing I talked about on 01:50:058.
  12. 03:51:836 (1)-Consider adding a custom hit-clap here.
  1. 00:18:725 (2, 3, 4)-A note triple here isn't really fitting. Turn it into a note double. You know, like this? :arrow: cool~~
  2. 00:48:725 (1)-A finish here would sound fitting. :arrow: fixed~
  3. 01:06:725 (2, 3, 4)-Pretty much the same thing on 00:18:725. :arrow: fixed~
  4. 01:38:502 (4)-A finish on the beginning sounds fitting. Consider adding one in :arrow: fixed~
  5. 01:42:058 (1)-Forgot to add a finish on the beginning? :arrow: fixed QAQ
  6. 01:58:280 (2, 3, 4)-Pretty much the same thing on 00:18:725.
  7. 02:03:614 (2, 3, 4)-^fixed both~/color]
  8. 02:17:614 (1)-Adding a whistle would sound nice really. Consider on doing that. :arrow:
  9. 03:44:947 (2, 3, 4)-Pretty much the same thing on 00:18:725. :arrow: fixed~~i overuse triplet....X.X
  10. 03:51:836 (1)-Forgot to add a custom hit-clap on the beginning?
And that's about it. Nothing too serious really.

Give me a call when you two are done looking through my mod.
thank you very much for modding....
Discussed with Scorpiour about minor fixing on Easy and a bit of a major fixing on the Storyboard. He also removed the cursor and cursortail png files, which is fine.

Everything seems fine from what I am seeing.

So... Rebubbled!
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:

Discussed with Scorpiour about minor fixing on Easy and a bit of a major fixing on the Storyboard. He also removed the cursor and cursortail png files, which is fine.

Everything seems fine from what I am seeing.

So... Rebubbled!
thank you very much Roddie >.<
Ok let's take a look.

  1. Skin: There is too little difference between hit300.png and hit100.png. You should definitely try to use a different color for the 100, that green is too similar to the yellow which 300 is using.
  1. 00:43:725 (2) - This is very hard to see, because of a hitburst from 00:42:725 (6). Easy fix would be to change where 00:43:391 (1) points, so you can position it properly.
  2. 01:12:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - A bit long for a [Hard], don't you think? Maybe make last few notes into a short repeating slider?
  3. 01:34:947 (1) - A soft default finish would be better than your custom clap one because you used it in the next section frequently, and it starts with this note.
  4. 01:57:169 (5) - You can make this slider look better by moving the middle point a bit left, it looks weird like it is now.
  5. 02:42:502 (1) - In my opinion a soft finish would be better than your custom clap here.
  6. 03:15:502 (5) - This slider makes no sense because both the drum and the vocal is on 03:15:614. You should start this slider there.
  1. AR+1, OD+1. Looks much more lively with AR3.
  2. 00:19:391 (5) - It would be best if this slider was more clear. The slider 00:17:614 (2) disappears when you are done clicking the circle 00:18:502 (3), and that would be too little time to notice that this was a slider. You should definitely change this, because this is not something you should be doing in [Easy].
  3. 03:04:725 (5) - I think you're missing a whistle on the arrow.
Simple stuff, I should be able to rank after the fixes.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Ok let's take a look.

  1. Skin: There is too little difference between hit300.png and hit100.png. You should definitely try to use a different color for the 100, that green is too similar to the yellow which 300 is using.
:arrow: color adjusted >.< increase Hue

  1. 00:43:725 (2) - This is very hard to see, because of a hitburst from 00:42:725 (6). Easy fix would be to change where 00:43:391 (1) points, so you can position it properly. :arrow: flip them to the left side :) i suppose it's better now~~
  2. 01:12:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - A bit long for a [Hard], don't you think? Maybe make last few notes into a short repeating slider? :arrow: okay~~ and adjust the shape of stream :)
  3. 01:34:947 (1) - A soft default finish would be better than your custom clap one because you used it in the next section frequently, and it starts with this note. :arrow: it's nice :)
  4. 01:57:169 (5) - You can make this slider look better by moving the middle point a bit left, it looks weird like it is now. :arrow: ah..fixed..>.<
  5. 02:42:502 (1) - In my opinion a soft finish would be better than your custom clap here. :arrow: yes it is~~ fixed~
  6. 03:15:502 (5) - This slider makes no sense because both the drum and the vocal is on 03:15:614. You should start this slider there. :arrow: fixed~
  1. AR+1, OD+1. Looks much more lively with AR3. :arrow: okay~
  2. 00:19:391 (5) - It would be best if this slider was more clear. The slider 00:17:614 (2) disappears when you are done clicking the circle 00:18:502 (3), and that would be too little time to notice that this was a slider. You should definitely change this, because this is not something you should be doing in [Easy]. :arrow: adjust the whole combo here, i suppose it's better now :)
  3. 03:04:725 (5) - I think you're missing a whistle on the arrow. :arrow: Yes...fixed >.<
Simple stuff, I should be able to rank after the fixes.
thank you very much for modding >.<
Looks good.

日。居然把我newest ranked顶掉了
我去vote 1
Congratz~~! ><
I love this song~!
Topic Starter
thank u very much >.<

thanks for all my friends >.<

i love u ~~~~
Love this song/map/skin *_* Amazing job!
Topic Starter
thanks >.<
asdfaskljglkfd Congrats!! :D
Kawayi Rika
恭喜第一张 ~
Been 4 months since I last saw this, great to see it finally ranked !
Glad to see that your map finally ranked.

Congrats, man. (:
S h i a
哇 恭喜 \:D/
ooo congrats, nice map!
congrats for 1st ranked scor!
Shohei Ohtani
When I see this map, all I think about is this :>.

恭喜~ XD
When I see this map, all I think about is this :>.

Topic Starter
thanks guys~~

恭喜first rank!!!!!!!!!
Colin Hou
title is 'Masquerade!'

congratz anyway

Colin Hou wrote:

title is 'Masquerade!'

congratz anyway
well isn't a big problem, but he is right.
Potato sauce Sui

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