
Old player but new to forum

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Hello everyone, I've been wanting to meet more people lately so here I am :3

I like anime (Fate/Zero is a currently airing favourate), visual novels (Love little busters and Umineko) and fighters (Blazblue, SSF4, UMvC3)

22 years old from London, england, hopefully I can fit in well here~


RosaUshiromiya wrote:

I approve.

'lo, and have fun!

RosaUshiromiya wrote:

and fighters (Blazblue, SSF4, UMvC3)
Inb4 ps3
Umineko, welcome. ROSA MUSOU
Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
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Yeah I play on the 360 :3
Nice avatar UnderminE, and thanks guys~
I already know you will fit in great here~
Of course, what do you think Rooosa

RosaUshiromiya wrote:

Yeah I play on the 360 :3
Nice avatar UnderminE, and thanks guys~
You may add Backfire and I if you so wish, we play on there together constantly, as well as orgies.

Vext The hext

I don't remember Backfire's his is complicated.
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UnderminE wrote:

Of course, what do you think Rooosa
Well yeah, everyone seems nice~

Vext wrote:

RosaUshiromiya wrote:

Yeah I play on the 360 :3
Nice avatar UnderminE, and thanks guys~
You may add Backfire and I if you so wish, we play on there together constantly, as well as orgies.

Vext The hext

I don't remember Backfire's his is complicated.
I wouldn't mind~ but being in the UK games with americans may lag a bit

RosaUshiromiya wrote:

I wouldn't mind~ but being in the UK games with americans may lag a bit
Any lag will surely be caused by Backfire's terrible internet.
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Nyaha, mine's pretty bad too but I've managed to play some people before

RosaUshiromiya wrote:

Nyaha, mine's pretty bad too but I've managed to play some people before
Mmh, it really depends on the game, we've played a few that are really not high-end graphically that lag like a mother. But then some super fast paced amazing looking game will run without any sort of lag at all, baffling us. I'm up for just about anything on my list that you see excluding halo, I don't like halo.
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I only ever play fighters now, it is funny cause MvC3 is a faster more intense game than SSF4 but that lags less, I know what you mean
Yeah, Soul Calibur 4 tends to lag a lot less than Blazblue for me, but doa4 is just plain terrible on lag.
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Ahh, I like Blazblue, Soul Calibur 3 kinda killed my interest in it but I may get 5
I enjoy Blazblue even though I am terrible, same with all fighters though. They seem to be getting better, I have high hopes for 5, if they remove character creation or don't expand on it a lot I will be sad though, that was my favorite part.
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RosaUshiromiya they seem to be improving the design but original move sets may be gone, you might only be able to use the cast's movesets
Oh~ It appears quite expanded but at the same time a bit more limited in some aspects. I am excited.
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It's certainly interesting but it'll all depend on my money situation, won't be out until..january I think? But christmas might leave me poor for a bit
ITT: Vext and Rosa have a conversation.

Ah, I'm poor now, but I will have money around Christmas. I had to get all of my stuff a month early because of shipping speed this time of year. But thankfully for that I'll have ample funds when stuff hits close to Christmas.
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Aha...I guess this isn't the place for constant conversation but I kinda got wrapped in it

Mmmhm I need to order stuff, two 3DS games coming out this week I want, getting a second monitor for christmas
Eh, look at the taiko one, I don't think anybody cares on this subforum tbh. It's technically your thread, so do as you wish with it lol at least that's how it seems.

I wanted to get a 3DS but it didn't wow me so I passed for now, possibly will when they drop to 100$ from 160$ I think is where they are at now here, or until some amazing games come out, I'm not about to buy a new dealy for some ports of old games. Plus it kinda hurts my eyes and the battery is a tad low for my taste.
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I didn't actually pay for the 3DS so I kinda won there, my mother was really interested in it because she's attracted to gimmicks like that, and of course it didn't take long until she got bored and it's pretty much mine now
Hah, works out for you then.
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I wouldn't blame anyone for not buying it, it really had no good games for a long time
I wish I bought my fighting games and arcade stick for not ps3... >.<
I like your taste though :D
Just checked your games list, you weren't kidding when you said you liked fighting games haha, so many.
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Ah ha~ It's true, I really don't play much else, as my interests show
Mm indeed, it would seem so lol
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Have too much anime and VNs to read
I keep trying to watch some anime, but I always get distracted by realizing I have something to do.
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Mmm, I have nothing better to do~
Lucky, I was just sitting down to watch Baccano! the other day because of Firo, but then I realized I had to study for my final in Oral Communications and practice my Spanish. If only I had more time each day~.
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Ara, poor Firo~
Yes, poor Fir- wah? No, poor ME! Wait, I have some spare time and she's not online uhuhuhuhu *runs to xbox*
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I have gone nowhere! I am amazing, and apparently in 2 places at once.
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Sugoi sugoi~
I have almost every fighting game on 360 so yeah.

also backfire num001
Im always up to meet osu! players who play sexbox. :3
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Ara ara, nice avatar too~
Such an amazing conversation here
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I'm a friendly person~
it seems you like conversations, drop by the forum games section if you'd like.

welcome btw
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I am trying to branch out a bit yes, Hello~
the forum games will be good to get to know some people, I once made my first post on there, soon I had posted on every single topic, and it worked out fine :3, for friends/connections I'd suggest that.
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I see, I'll keep that in mind thanks~
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