This is a collab skin made by Fatal3ty and atturbo555!
Credit: Fatal3ty and atturbo555
Version 1.0 - 20.12.2017
This Skin is for Standard, CTB and Taiko
This is a themed skin based Aoba Suzukaze and one Skin based Flower Style. This Skin is optimized for16:9 resolution.
Aoba Suzukaze is a anime girl from "New Game!". This skin made by Fatal3ty (85%) and atturbo555 (15%) (Ranking Letters and Score/Default Numbers, sliderb/followcircle, hitsburst and Pause-Buttons). The 2nd Skin "Flower Style" is a request from me, made by atturbo555 (70%) and myself (30%). Not really an easy task. For weak PC's: please delete @2x.png, or else your performance might suffer from it. There are several adjustments for the approach circle, menu design as well as alternate sliderballs and reversearrow that can be found in the extra folder.