
Season reset on release of osz2 [Denied]

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I'm proposing a season reset when osz2 gets released.
What I mean by this is that all the current scoreboards, user profiles etc get saved as "Season 1" stats and can be viewed by everyone (so they aren't "lost" or anything), but playing does not actually affect these stats anymore. Instead there is a complete reboot of every scoreboard/ranking and everyone starts back at 0.
Why such an extreme step? Top players will just be pissed that they "lose" all their hard-earned scores, right?
Well, there's a few reasons why I think this would make sense:
1) Customizable Approach Rate. This is a very popular request and could be implemented without breaking the scoreboards.
2) Mod balance. Let's face it, the mods are incredibly inbalanced. The simple fact that Hidden gives the same bonus as Hard Rock is ridiculous, as is the current Version of the "Easy" mod. If Hard Rock didn't increase AR like it does now (customizable AR) it might be reasonable, though I still think it deserves a higher bonus. Or we could leave HR as it is (using the map-suggested AR for calculations) and give it a significantly higher bonus though that might cause imbalance on easy maps that are hardly affected by the mod. The Easy mod pretty much needs a complete redesign since it's absolutely unreadable on fast Insanes. DT score bonus might also need a tweak.
3) Removing BGs is gone. A lot of the crazy HR/DT scores we see nowadays are incredibly much more difficult with the actual BGs, so after osz2 comes out people will be disadvantaged when compared to those who achieved their scores with black BGs.
4) Taiko Remake. Taiko players have expressed their wishes to have a more authentic Taiko, with more notes being shown on screen at a time and the Katakana indicators below the scrollbar. Mods might also need some balancing but I'm not a Taiko expert or anything, so that might be wrong. All of this could be implemented without disturbing highscore balance.
5) CtB Remake. As far as I know, almost all CtB players agree that their game needs a complete overhaul. Uncatchable fruit because of Hyperdash-glitches, multiple pixel jumps in a row, I've even seen a fruit that can't be caught because it was too far to the right of the screen (on a ranked map). And the mods are pretty ridiculous, especially how HR makes almost anything AR7+ too hard to feasibly FC without learning every jump by heart.
6) New ranking system. Discussed over and over again. Our current system of Ranked Score is completely useless.

So yeah, that's why I'd like a complete reset. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree and I don't even know if this could be implemented properly, but I'd really like some thoughts and opinions on this.
Although i highly doubt this will happen, if a complete system and scoring rehaul does happen, might as well also make it more accuracy based rather than how many circles you can hit without missing, since a rythm game is based off how accurate you are.
I remember talk of this in 2008. It was called Project Renewal.

1. Eventually, the Easy mod will allow for customizable settings. Yes. there will be a score penalty. I guess we could look at making Easy's score more than 30%.
2. HardRock's high AR is cool. I guess it could top out at AR8, and then go with whatever the map uses. If anything, mod score multipliers need to be made smaller.
3. You're jumping to conclusions about how osz2 works again.
4. The text can be added easily, and I planned on doing this. The worst side-effect would be breaking backdrops but I think this can be avoided. Other than that, I think roll scoring is mean. Hidden has a bug with BPM changes which needs to be fixed.
5. The mods could use some work. Those uncatchable fruits are a bug and the fruit guy should be allowed slightly closer to the screen's edge.
6. Planned. Ranking charts and/or some sort of rolling ranking are likely.

A full score reset would be silly at this time, since overall scores are kind of broken anyway. Phasing them out would be a better approach.
I agree with all of this except the third point. I wonder how then playing with dt + hd for example will be able with bg if you won't be able to see almost anything on the screen (I mean maps with very fast ar, which becomes so fast with hr\dt and less visible with hd)
Most points doing even require a score reset. Resetting scores would actually piss people off, unlike introducing osz2, and I don't really plan on doing this ever. I do plan on making a more relevant ranking metric, but it will be on top of what we already have; not replacing.
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