
Aoi Yuuki - Gyutto Shite Hoshiinda

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Topic Starter

Philippines wrote:

Thy mod is here. Hope it helps.

  1. peppy wrote:

    Do not use kiai time just for fountains unless you are doing this extremely rarely.
I think this is fine.
  1. Approach Rate +1 No.

  2. 00:26:767 - This spinner should start at 00:26:988. No No.

  3. 00:45:959 - This slider doesn't go with the song well. Try this kind of pattern: Ok, plays fine.
  4. 00:55:003 - This spinner is ends too late for an Easy Diff. Try to replace this spinner by 1/1 slider instead. No.

  5. 01:00:959 - Ugly slider. Move the 2nd point of the slider at x:380 y:136. If you do, it will look like this: Ok.
  6. 01:25:444 - This slider should end at 01:28:753. Also, change volume to 5% 01:28:753.
No sorry

  1. 00:12:870 - This spinner should end at 00:14:856. No.

  2. 00:26:767 - This spinner should start at 00:26:988. No.

  3. 01:12:870 - Move the second point of this slider one grid down. Ok.

  4. 01:19:929 - This slider is already at the corner. Try to avoid this. Really? This is fine for me.

  5. 01:26:988 - I think increasing the hit sound volume at the spinner's end is not bad. Maybe add 10-20%. No.

  6. I'm not quite sure about the ending. I prefer you use a spinner instead.
Why? Is fine this.
  1. 00:24:782 - (1,2,3) Maintain the consistency of the spacing of the previous slider. This improves better gameplay. No.

  2. 00:46:400 - Move the 3rd point of the slider at x:24 y:208. No.

  3. Overall Difficulty -2 / -1 Fixed -1.

  4. I'm not quite sure about the ending. I prefer you use a spinner instead.
[/list]No, this is fine.
Nice mapset. Hope this gets ranked soon! 8D

Thx for mod.
Topic Starter

winber1 wrote:


sorry. nine days late D: aushash no problem ^^


00:05:591 (1,2,3) - i'd rather just stack this, so that it's more clear that these are 1/4 tick notes. The notes at 00:07:356 (1,2,3) are in a different phrase and i feel it makes a lot more sense to change the spacing here rather then the previous measure I see, good idea! I hope I've done right.
00:08:900 (7) - new combo? No.
00:09:120 (8) - don't overlap with combo 1? looks a little weird imo. Ok.
00:12:429 (3,4) - this looks better imo since it's symmetric about hte y-axis I have done it otherwise.
00:16:841 (4,5) - something like this works bettter imo. This is because you set a rhythm in the previous measure (00:15:297 (1,2,3) - ) and so I am expecting the same rhythm to happen here, except it doesn't, and it feels awkward. No.
00:48:165 (6) - you can consider adding a new combo here No.
00:55:003 (4,5) - a little awkward. I would follow the vocals here
01:01:620 - add note to follow previous pattern at 00:57:429 (1,2,3) - ? Ok.
01:05:150 - ^? ^
01:12:209 - ^? ^
01:15:738 - ^? ^
01:23:459 (8) - new combo Ok
01:23:459 (1,2) - it's a little off from the vocals. THis would be better imo Ok.


00:44:415 (4,5) - spacing Used Dsnap.
00:45:959 (6,7,1) - these stacks can be a little confusing to beginners. Deleted 7.
00:49:709 (4) - i'd unstack this Unstacked.
01:24:341 (1) - follows vocals better if it started 1/2 tick earlier Yeah, feels better. Fixed.

--you have quite a few stacks of varying rhythm (1/2 or 1/1 tick spaced), and well it could potentially be a little confusing. It's not a big deal, but I would still just take a look at them, because if the stacks are not necessary, then it may be better to just unstack them. No no i want to stay this.


00:11:106 (1) - i like it better if this slider ended at 00:12:650, but that's just me No no feels weird.
00:18:165 (3,4) - you may consider turning this into one repeat slider so that it's easier to read. Beginners can't read spacing very well so even if it's spaced correctly it's still gonna be hard to read if you keep changingn the rhythm :/ Fixed
00:19:929 (5,1,2,3) - keep the same spacing This no longer exists.
00:53:017 (4,5) - this is a small spacing error but still it just looks neater if it was spaced correctly ? I see no problem with spacing here.
00:55:003 (1) - this spinner is too short for an Easy and the next note comes too soon. Either you get rid of the spinner or you delete a few notes after the spinner so that the player has time to recover. Obviously i would just delete the spinner cuz it sounds better that way (and then add a note in replacement of the spinner) Deleted spinner and add a note in replacement of the spinner.
01:10:223 (4) - new combo? Ok
01:11:547 (1) - remove combo? Ok.

Good luck ~~
Thx so much for this mod, it helped me a lot. :D
Hai kds.
Request from queue.

- Work on your symmetery.
- Make use of the Edit menu on the osu editor.
- Work on your spacing.
-Use break time where appropriate.

[Easy] Decent (See General)

[Normal] Decent (See General)

00:00:518 (1,2,3,4) - Move 1 grid up. Insert a break time after this.
00:04:047 (1,2,3,4) - Move 3 grids left.
00:05:591 (1,2,3) - Move 1 grid right.

This map is definely new mapper quality.
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

Request from queue.

- Work on your symmetery.
- Make use of the Edit menu on the osu editor.
- Work on your spacing.
-Use break time where appropriate.

[Easy] Decent (See General)

[Normal] Decent (See General)

00:00:518 (1,2,3,4) - Move 1 grid up. Insert a break time after this.
00:04:047 (1,2,3,4) - Move 3 grids left.
00:05:591 (1,2,3) - Move 1 grid right.

This map is definely new mapper quality.
Too tired to say what has changed and what has not changed. thx for mod: D
Is the Mp3 of this song technical modified or it was originally made fading out in the end? if there be a verson that last to the end it could be better, well, merely suggestion.

to make a better diff spread, make this diff Hp Drain, approaching rate and overall diffculty +1
00:20:812 (1) - cancel the newcombo here(like what you did here 00:24:341 (2) - ) because pattern in Easy should be clear


00:55:665 (5,6,1) - antijump, plz spacing closer then the jump looks more professional
01:04:488 (1,2,3) - keep consitent spacing

NICE SONG! no really errors, good luck on ranking~
Topic Starter

Neptunus wrote:

Is the Mp3 of this song technical modified or it was originally made fading out in the end? if there be a verson that last to the end it could be better, well, merely suggestion. Technical modified. but i think the mp3 is fine.

to make a better diff spread, make this diff Hp Drain, approaching rate and overall diffculty +1 Ok fixed.
00:20:812 (1) - cancel the newcombo here(like what you did here 00:24:341 (2) - ) because pattern in Easy should be clear Fixed


00:55:665 (5,6,1) - antijump, plz spacing closer then the jump looks more professional Ok
01:04:488 (1,2,3) - keep consitent spacing Ok

NICE SONG! no really errors, good luck on ranking~
Thx for useful mod ^^ kds
nice map!!

nothing problem~
Audio lead-in like 1500/2000 would be enough.

Timing and settings
Duplicated timeline: 35812, 56106
Hitsound and arrangement
00:05:812 (3) - a whistle may fit the music here
00:08:900 (7,8) - how about placing (7,8) symmetrical to (5,6)?, i.e., (7) (200,56), (8) (128,80)
00:18:826 (5) - NC here instead of the coming (1), though this slider sounds a bit odd concerning the misfit with vocals (at the middle of slider)
00:26:106 (2,3,4) - avoid overlapping with neighbouring notes, try 00:39:341 (3) - right 1 grid to fit the spacing
00:48:606 (7,9) - just a small thought to add whistle there, echo with previous (4)
00:55:665 (5,6,1) - uneven spacing
01:02:723 (6) - down 1 grid so (4,5,6) forms a straight line
01:16:841 (1,2,3) - I prefer putting them in triangle rather than (1,2) on the same position <_<
01:19:929 (7,8) - 1beat slider then a single note may fit the vocal
01:22:135 (5,1) - stack properly

00:01:179 (2) - why whistles are gone...
00:07:356 (1) - whistle at the end
00:10:444 (6,1) - left a bit so that it fits 1.0 spacing
00:10:885 (1) - whistle at the end
00:11:988 (2) - whistle
00:25:665 (2,4) - place over (96,112)
01:34:488 - make it graduually softer since here

sounds like some hitsound is missing, but sounds fine in later part

AR+1 maybe
Two issues:
1) Try to avoid notes that are 1/2 beat apart, this is a 1star diff so I think better make in easy in every aspect.
2) Try to make NC every sentence as the current combo sounds too long
No major problem there

Quite good mapset for a slow song and get some potential there, maybe we can hv a try on this map... find more mods and ask me to recheck this a bit later.
Hello there

* This overall spacing are inconsistent. Some pattern using distance spacing 1,0x but others are over 1,0x. Use 1,0x distance spacing and fix all spacing

00:45:959 (3) - New combo for preventing of long combo
00:53:017 (4) - ^
00:54:782 (6,7) - This 1/2 clicks makes beginners confusing. Replace this two into a slider

00:21:032 (x) - Add note here for following vocal?
01:19:929 (6) - The tail is almost offscreen
01:27:429 (1) - I think this note are too far from spinner for normal diff

00:11:988 (2) - Move 2 grid right for make a triangle pattern
00:23:459 (3) - Move to 00:23:238 for following vocal?
01:18:385 (2,3) - End at 01:18:606 for (2), remove (3) and make a slider at 01:18:826. This for following vocal
01:21:032 (1) - This anti-jump looks awkward

Nice job, sent me a forum PM for recheck
Hi there~~mod from queue
sorry for late >.<

  1. Audio Lead-in: 2s ... i suppose that's enough~
  2. add a slient sliderslide.wav?
  1. actually with slidertickrate 2, some short sliders looked weird...
  2. 00:12:870 (1) - i suppose the volumn 30% for finish is better
  3. 00:54:782 (6,7) - stack?
  4. 00:57:098 - volumn increase to 65% from here?
  1. 00:14:635 - same suggestion to Easy
  2. 01:08:017 (2) - reduce 1 repeat and add a note at 01:09:341 - ?
  3. 01:15:297 - add a note here? and no stack of 01:15:517 (2,3) - ?

  1. drains too fast in first section, or add more combos..
  2. 00:14:635 - same as other diffs
  3. 00:20:812 (3) - remove it?
  4. 00:23:238 - add a note here?
  5. 00:39:341 (3) - move to 176:180
that's all, and good luck~
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

Audio lead-in like 1500/2000 would be enough. Fixed to 1500.

Timing and settings
Duplicated timeline: 35812, 56106 Ok.
Hitsound and arrangement
00:05:812 (3) - a whistle may fit the music here Fixed.
00:08:900 (7,8) - how about placing (7,8) symmetrical to (5,6)?, i.e., (7) (200,56), (8) (128,80) Fixed.
00:18:826 (5) - NC here instead of the coming (1), though this slider sounds a bit odd concerning the misfit with vocals (at the middle of slider) NC added in (5) and removed NC in (1).
00:26:106 (2,3,4) - avoid overlapping with neighbouring notes, try Ok.
00:39:341 (3) - right 1 grid to fit the spacing Ok
00:48:606 (7,9) - just a small thought to add whistle there, echo with previous (4) No.
00:55:665 (5,6,1) - uneven spacing Oh, now i see. Fixed.
01:02:723 (6) - down 1 grid so (4,5,6) forms a straight line Fixed
01:16:841 (1,2,3) - I prefer putting them in triangle rather than (1,2) on the same position <_< Formed a triangle here
01:19:929 (7,8) - 1beat slider then a single note may fit the vocal Made something better
01:22:135 (5,1) - stack properly Ok

00:01:179 (2) - why whistles are gone...Added whistle here.
00:07:356 (1) - whistle at the end Ok desu~
00:10:444 (6,1) - left a bit so that it fits 1.0 spacing Well, fixed.
00:10:885 (1) - whistle at the end Fixed.
00:11:988 (2) - whistle Fixed.
00:25:665 (2,4) - place over (96,112) No.
01:34:488 - make it graduually softer since here

sounds like some hitsound is missing, but sounds fine in later part

AR+1 maybe Fixed
Two issues:
1) Try to avoid notes that are 1/2 beat apart, this is a 1star diff so I think better make in easy in every aspect.
2) Try to make NC every sentence as the current combo sounds too long
No fix in these two for now. Like this 1/2 beats.
No major problem there

Quite good mapset for a slow song and get some potential there, maybe we can hv a try on this map... find more mods and ask me to recheck this a bit later.

Leorda wrote:

Hello there

* This overall spacing are inconsistent. Some pattern using distance spacing 1,0x but others are over 1,0x. Use 1,0x distance spacing and fix all spacing Fixed some spacings...

00:45:959 (3) - New combo for preventing of long combo Ok desu~
00:53:017 (4) - ^ ^
00:54:782 (6,7) - This 1/2 clicks makes beginners confusing. Replace this two into a slider Fixed.

00:21:032 (x) - Add note here for following vocal? No. But I made something similar to this.
01:19:929 (6) - The tail is almost offscreen Fixed this.
01:27:429 (1) - I think this note are too far from spinner for normal diff Deleted this slider.

00:11:988 (2) - Move 2 grid right for make a triangle pattern Ok.
00:23:459 (3) - Move to 00:23:238 for following vocal? No no, looks weird for me.
01:18:385 (2,3) - End at 01:18:606 for (2), remove (3) and make a slider at 01:18:826. This for following vocal Ok desu~
01:21:032 (1) - This anti-jump looks awkward Made another thing for this...

Nice job, sent me a forum PM for recheck Ok will send.

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod from queue
sorry for late >.<

  1. Audio Lead-in: 2s ... i suppose that's enough~
  2. add a slient sliderslide.wav? Will provide one.
  1. actually with slidertickrate 2, some short sliders looked weird... No is fine.
  2. 00:12:870 (1) - i suppose the volumn 30% for finish is better No.
  3. 00:54:782 (6,7) - stack? Changed to a slider.
  4. 00:57:098 - volumn increase to 65% from here?No.
  1. 00:14:635 - same suggestion to Easy No.
  2. 01:08:017 (2) - reduce 1 repeat and add a note at 01:09:341 - ? No, like this.
  3. 01:15:297 - add a note here? and no stack of 01:15:517 (2,3) - ? No, for me this is Hard.
  1. drains too fast in first section, or add more combos.. Fixed.
  2. 00:14:635 - same as other diffs No.
  3. 00:20:812 (3) - remove it? No.
  4. 00:23:238 - add a note here? No no.
  5. 00:39:341 (3) - move to 176:180 Fixed.
that's all, and good luck~
Thx to mod all.
IRC Modding
  1. (Easy) - Snap the repeating slider at red tick at 00:07:576 (1)
  2. (Easy) - Add note at 00:49:488
  3. (Easy) - Rearrange the slider at 00:56:988 (2)
  4. (Easy) - Rearrange the pattern at 01:00:959
  5. (Easy) - Change the pattern at 00:49:929
  6. (Normal) - Add whistle at 00:10:003 (5,6)
  7. (Normal) - New combo at 01:28:312 (1) to preventing of spinner bug

Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

IRC Modding
  1. (Easy) - Snap the repeating slider at red tick at 00:07:576 (1)
  2. (Easy) - Add note at 00:49:488
  3. (Easy) - Rearrange the slider at 00:56:988 (2)
  4. (Easy) - Rearrange the pattern at 01:00:959
  5. (Easy) - Change the pattern at 00:49:929
  6. (Normal) - Add whistle at 00:10:003 (5,6)
  7. (Normal) - New combo at 01:28:312 (1) to preventing of spinner bug

thx for bubble!
wow old map
request taken from #modreqs

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. You need to raise the volume during kiai. I can hardly hear the hitsounds.
  2. Correct offset is 505 (that's -13 from your current timing). Remember to resnap all notes and kiai sections.
  1. 01:17:282 (3,1) - That jump might throw off players... The notes are spaced like there's a 2/1 gap between them. Move (1) closer to (3) ?
  2. 01:17:723 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue: use distance snapping for (1,2)
  3. 01:21:253 (3,1) - Same as 01:17:282 -
  1. Lower OD and AR by 1 so that the difficulty settings have a better spread ?
  2. 00:19:929 (5,1) - Very surprising jump. The spacing makes them look like they're 2/1 apart.
  3. 00:45:959 (6,1) - Spacing error here again: these look like they're 1/2 apart. Despite the new combo, this will be confusing for new players.
  4. 01:08:017 (2) - This slider's second repeat is hidden under 01:07:576 (1) - this circle's hitburst.
  5. 01:15:959 (4) - This slider's second repeat is hidden under 01:15:517 (2,3) - these circles' hitbursts.
  6. 01:22:135 (2,3,4,1) - I don't really like how there are two consecutive stacks that have different timings, that might prove confusing for new players. Unstack ?
  • Mapping-wise, seems okay.
Have to pop for the timing issue and the weird spacing in Normal and Easy. Call me back when you've fixed.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

wow old map
request taken from #modreqs

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. You need to raise the volume during kiai. I can hardly hear the hitsounds.
  2. Correct offset is 505 (that's -13 from your current timing). Remember to resnap all notes and kiai sections.
  1. 01:17:282 (3,1) - That jump might throw off players... The notes are spaced like there's a 2/1 gap between them. Move (1) closer to (3) ?
  2. 01:17:723 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue: use distance snapping for (1,2)
  3. 01:21:253 (3,1) - Same as 01:17:282 -
  1. Lower OD and AR by 1 so that the difficulty settings have a better spread ?
  2. 00:19:929 (5,1) - Very surprising jump. The spacing makes them look like they're 2/1 apart.
  3. 00:45:959 (6,1) - Spacing error here again: these look like they're 1/2 apart. Despite the new combo, this will be confusing for new players.
  4. 01:08:017 (2) - This slider's second repeat is hidden under 01:07:576 (1) - this circle's hitburst.
  5. 01:15:959 (4) - This slider's second repeat is hidden under 01:15:517 (2,3) - these circles' hitbursts.
  6. 01:22:135 (2,3,4,1) - I don't really like how there are two consecutive stacks that have different timings, that might prove confusing for new players. Unstack ?
  • Mapping-wise, seems okay.
Have to pop for the timing issue and the weird spacing in Normal and Easy. Call me back when you've fixed.
Fixed most things, and can't remember why i don't fix some things...but in kiai, raise volume in some parts, but i can hear cleary the hitsounds.
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ suzutsukikanade ~ :) (Sorry for the later mod)

M4M here ~


  1. Don't forgot Remove OSB file ><.
  2. Your Mp3 is 453 kbps,this is unrankble,Recode for 128 or 192 pls.
  3. You need change Source,like this (A Channel).


  1. 00:18:813 (1) - Move to 00:19:034 will be better.
  2. 01:00:725 - Add a note to here,have vocal to here.
  3. 01:23:446 (1,2) - Sudden slow for this slider,try change 0.75?


  1. OD-1.
  2. 00:07:343 (1) - This slider a bit Hard for now,Try like this.
  3. 00:08:666 (3,4,5,6,7) - I think this rhythm it's off,Try like this.
  4. 00:16:828 (4) - This note should to here 00:17:049.
  5. 01:07:563 (1,2,3) - Spacing error.
  6. 01:14:622 (1,2) - ^


  1. 00:56:093 - Add a note to here,have vocal to here.
  2. 01:19:475 (2,3,1) - Spacing error.

That's all ~ moe song ~

Good luck ~ ;)
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ suzutsukikanade ~ :) (Sorry for the later mod) No problem :D

M4M here ~


  1. Don't forgot Remove OSB file ><. Well, this is not necessary for me...
  2. Your Mp3 is 453 kbps,this is unrankble,Recode for 128 or 192 pls. Is already 192kbps.
  3. You need change Source,like this (A Channel). Ok


  1. 00:18:813 (1) - Move to 00:19:034 will be better. Hai, fixed.
  2. 01:00:725 - Add a note to here,have vocal to here. Fixed.
  3. 01:23:446 (1,2) - Sudden slow for this slider,try change 0.75? No, is fine.


  1. OD-1. Hm...fine, fixed.
  2. 00:07:343 (1) - This slider a bit Hard for now,Try like this. No.
  3. 00:08:666 (3,4,5,6,7) - I think this rhythm it's off,Try like this. I make something different
  4. 00:16:828 (4) - This note should to here 00:17:049. No.
  5. 01:07:563 (1,2,3) - Spacing error. No, spacing is good here.
  6. 01:14:622 (1,2) - ^


  1. 00:56:093 - Add a note to here,have vocal to here. No.
  2. 01:19:475 (2,3,1) - Spacing error.

That's all ~ moe song ~

Good luck ~ ;)
Fixed some

Thx for mod Rika

00:00:505 to 00:12:416 - try useing soft hitsounds in this section, I don't think the normal hits fit in this calm part of the song.
00:53:004 (1) - consider making this 2 notes instead of the 2 beat slider, haveing the end of the slider start off the new stanza messes up new combos. You can do something like this: instead, and add new combo to 6.
01:10:210 (1) - same as before, you don't want the end of a slider to start of a new stanza, so maybe put some notes there, it would fit.
01:13:740 (1) - ^


AR and OD -1

Same as the easy, in that opening section try useing soft hitsounds.

You did a lot of the same as you did in the easy, with the sliders ending on new stanzas. You should watch out for that in furture mapping.


Same as the easy, in that opening section try useing soft hitsounds.

Fun map :3
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:


00:00:505 to 00:12:416 - try useing soft hitsounds in this section, I don't think the normal hits fit in this calm part of the song. E-eto...this part have soft normal hitsounds :?
00:53:004 (1) - consider making this 2 notes instead of the 2 beat slider, haveing the end of the slider start off the new stanza messes up new combos. You can do something like this: instead, and add new combo to 6. No, this way is fine for me.
01:10:210 (1) - same as before, you don't want the end of a slider to start of a new stanza, so maybe put some notes there, it would fit. ^
01:13:740 (1) - ^ ^


AR and OD -1 Ok fixed.

Same as the easy, in that opening section try useing soft hitsounds. The same as i say in easy. This part no have normal hitsounds...

You did a lot of the same as you did in the easy, with the sliders ending on new stanzas. You should watch out for that in furture mapping. Hm...will be careful in this.


Same as the easy, in that opening section try useing soft hitsounds.

Fun map :3
Fixed one thing in normal, but in easy no changes for now sorry. But thx for mod :D
Kazenari Tsubasa
From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue

I like this song, because it has nice melody and soft but wonderful percussion.


  1. move the 4# kiai time ends to 01:25:321. It's now set at 01:25:334
    offest is a bit off, I'd like to make it 515.
  2. 00:26:985 (1) - this spinner should be end at 00:28:727, which can not access with only beat snap divisor. You may consider make it ends at the "unsnapped" point instead.

sliderslide sounds really bad before the vocal comes, use silent one please

00:04:034 (1) - no need to whistle on the end
00:07:563 (1) - whistle on the beginning
00:11:093 (1) - remove whistle from the end
00:56:975 (2) - from this point on, the volume is a bit too low and the sound of objects is foggy. maybe increase the volume to 65%


00:04:696 (2) - no whistle
00:08:887 (2) - ^
00:10:431 (4) - this kind of spacing may mislead some new joiners


01:00:725 (4) - spacing

  1. hitsounds has not a perfect consistency. sometimes you use a couple of whistle, then you use nothing for 10 sec.
  2. I don't think only 1 red section is enough for the whole part from the beginning to the kiai part. it needs 2~3 green lines to adjust the volume.
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue

I like this song, because it has nice melody and soft but wonderful percussion. Same reasons here :)


  1. move the 4# kiai time ends to 01:25:321. It's now set at 01:25:334
    offest is a bit off, I'd like to make it 515. Odaril say me told me that the offset is correct then this will not change
  2. 00:26:985 (1) - this spinner should be end at 00:28:727, which can not access with only beat snap divisor. You may consider make it ends at the "unsnapped" point instead. No changes

sliderslide sounds really bad before the vocal comes, use silent one please Added one.

00:04:034 (1) - no need to whistle on the end Ok
00:07:563 (1) - whistle on the beginning Ok
00:11:093 (1) - remove whistle from the end Ok
00:56:975 (2) - from this point on, the volume is a bit too low and the sound of objects is foggy. maybe increase the volume to 65% Ok.


00:04:696 (2) - no whistle Ok
00:08:887 (2) - ^ ^
00:10:431 (4) - this kind of spacing may mislead some new joiners I think is fine.


01:00:725 (4) - spacing Think is fine. But fixed

  1. hitsounds has not a perfect consistency. sometimes you use a couple of whistle, then you use nothing for 10 sec.
  2. I don't think only 1 red section is enough for the whole part from the beginning to the kiai part. it needs 2~3 green lines to adjust the volume.
Fixed some, thx for mod.
01:00:946 - What's this green line :3? [Same option as previous green line]
01:07:563 - ^
01:24:769 - ^

00:00:505 (1,2) - Just make it as 1 slider :3?
00:04:034 (1,2) - ^
01:12:637 (4) - Stacking on midterm of train might be hard on this diff imo orz
01:24:769 - What's this green line :3? [Same option as previous green line]

meow :3
Topic Starter

arien666 wrote:

01:00:946 - What's this green line :3? [Same option as previous green line]Fixed
01:07:563 - ^ No.
01:24:769 - ^ Fixed

00:00:505 (1,2) - Just make it as 1 slider :3? Nope, this is fine.
00:04:034 (1,2) - ^ ^
01:12:637 (4) - Stacking on midterm of train might be hard on this diff imo orz I unstacked this.
01:24:769 - What's this green line :3? [Same option as previous green line] Fixed

meow :3 >w<
Fixed some things.

01:11:534 (2,2) - These sliders are different from all the others. Change them?

00:04:034 (1,2) - Move to the other side of the map
00:47:710 (2) - Align under (3) better

00:11:093 (1,2,3,4) - Move to the middle of map (Have 2 in the center line)
01:04:475 (1,3) - Match the sliders (shape)
01:06:460 (4) - Move out of (2)'s shadow

All suggestions, no need to do them if you don't think it'll help~
Topic Starter

Aeonnen wrote:


01:11:534 (2,2) - These sliders are different from all the others. Change them? No

00:04:034 (1,2) - Move to the other side of the map All right, fixed.
00:47:710 (2) - Align under (3) better Fixed

00:11:093 (1,2,3,4) - Move to the middle of map (Have 2 in the center line) No. but, i made a change here.
01:04:475 (1,3) - Match the sliders (shape) Fine.
01:06:460 (4) - Move out of (2)'s shadow No.

All suggestions, no need to do them if you don't think it'll help~

Fixed some
Hi. From my Modding Queue ~

megusta Finishes.

00:18:152 : Finish
00:21:681 : ^
00:25:210 : ^
00:46:387 : ^
00:49:916 : ^
01:14:622 : ^
01:28:740 : ^

00:02:269 : Circle
00:42:857 : Finish
00:46:387 : ^
00:49:916 : ^
01:28:740 : ^


00:02:269 : Maybe a Circle?
00:42:857 : Finish
00:46:387 : Finish
00:49:916 : ^
*nazi* 01:14:181 : to
01:24:107 : Can you change this slider and make it more curve? Like, put the Grid Level to 3 and try to make it like this :
01:28:740 : Finish
01:33:813 : Circle
Topic Starter

Gabex3 wrote:

Hi. From my Modding Queue ~

megusta Finishes.

00:18:152 : Finish
00:21:681 : ^
00:25:210 : ^
00:46:387 : ^
00:49:916 : ^
01:14:622 : ^
01:28:740 : ^

00:02:269 : Circle
00:42:857 : Finish
00:46:387 : ^
00:49:916 : ^
01:28:740 : ^


00:02:269 : Maybe a Circle?
00:42:857 : Finish
00:46:387 : Finish
00:49:916 : ^
*nazi* 01:14:181 : to
01:24:107 : Can you change this slider and make it more curve? Like, put the Grid Level to 3 and try to make it like this :
01:28:740 : Finish
01:33:813 : Circle

I fixed the most, only I did not notice one or two things. Thanks for useful mod.
Your welcome and good luck ! :D
Topic Starter

Gabex3 wrote:

Your welcome and good luck ! :D
yay \o/ thx Gabe!
Yo, modding time~


- Seems Kiai time differs from each diff, to me... -


00:20:799(4) - remove whistle here?
00:54:769(3) - add whistle to the slider's head.
01:23:887 - add a note here?
01:30:063(4) - replace finish with whistle here.
01:30:946 - why don't add a circle here?


why don't reduce the vol. (normal) to 45%-55%?

00:49:916(1) - add whistle at slider's head only.
00:55:652(2) - add whistle here


Okay to me...

Sorry for a short mod. I hope it will be useful.
Now, I'll take my leave...
Kirino Kousaka
Ola!~ Here's my mod (a request from my queue)

Delete that .osb file in your folder. You don't need it because you're not using any SB's.
Use this as your BG? meh just suggesting.

00:00:505 (1) - Remove "whistle" on start.
00:04:034 (1) - ^
00:05:578 (2) - ^
00:07:563 (1) - ^
00:11:093 (1) - ^
00:18:152 (3) - Remove "whistle" on end.
00:21:681 (1) - ^
Follow these and it sounds better imo.

00:57:416 up to end - Use Normal sounds, except for finishes.
00:08:887 (2,3) - Fix Spacing.
01:12:857 (5,6) - ^
01:22:563 (3,4) - ^
01:29:181 (2,3) - ^

01:02:269 (8) - Add NC

That's all!~ :3
Topic Starter
Changed some, thanks for mods.
Your beatmap is easy to mod ^^
I love it

00:16:166 (1 , 2) - like this ?

00:22:784 (1) - remove new combo
00:59:622 (1) - remove new combo
01:00:946 (2) - add new combo
01:09:549 (2 , 3 , 4) - like this ?
01:23:887 (4) - add new combo
01:24:107 (1) - remove new combo

00:22:122 (1) - remove new combo
00:24:990 (1 , 2 , 3) - like this ?
00:40:872 (1) - remove new combo
01:34:034 (1) - remove new combo

ˊ • ᵜ •ˋ ) ~
Can I do the Taiko diff :3 ?
It's complete you can add this to your beatmap if you want <3
vaca's Taiko

Download: Aoi Yuuki - Gyutto Shite Hoshiinda (suzutsukikanade) [vaca's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter

vacalia wrote:

Can I do the Taiko diff :3 ?
It's complete you can add this to your beatmap if you want <3
vaca's Taiko
Ok, but i don't like so much you taiko diff so i don't add this, sorry.
Topic Starter

bestz2541 wrote:

[spoilerbox]Your beatmap is easy to mod ^^
I love it <3

00:16:166 (1 , 2) - like this ? No.

00:22:784 (1) - remove new combo Ok
00:59:622 (1) - remove new combo No.
01:00:946 (2) - add new combo No.
01:09:549 (2 , 3 , 4) - like this ? Ok.
01:23:887 (4) - add new combo No.
01:24:107 (1) - remove new combo No.

00:22:122 (1) - remove new combo I think no.
00:24:990 (1 , 2 , 3) - like this ? No because i like this jump.
00:40:872 (1) - remove new combo Ok.
01:34:034 (1) - remove new combo Ok

ˊ • ᵜ •ˋ ) ~ [/spoilerbox]
Thx for mod



Audio Lead-In > 2 You must be Lead-In adjust to beyond 2000


00:15:284 (1) - end at 00:15:946
01:10:210 (1) - No change in distance for EZ. Check the distance pls >
01:13:740 (1) - ^


01:26:975 - Unless green line


00:22:343 (2) - Completely stack
00:46:166 (3) - Why decrease a distance here?

That all :)
Topic Starter

ertyukjh010 wrote:



Audio Lead-In > 2 You must be Lead-In adjust to beyond 2000 Fixed, changed to 2000


00:15:284 (1) - end at 00:15:946 Fixed
01:10:210 (1) - No change in distance for EZ. Check the distance pls > No
01:13:740 (1) - ^ ^


OD-1? No
01:26:975 - Unless green line Fixed


00:22:343 (2) - Completely stack Fixed, i think?
00:46:166 (3) - Why decrease a distance here? ^

That all :)
Thx for the mod, also, i love your maps :D
Surprise mod.

  1. Audio lead-in for Easy is different from Normal and Hard. Extend Easy's lead in to 2 seconds.
  2. Very nice song choice! Pretty calming.

00:11:093 (1) - (Suggestion) Shorten the sliderend to 00:11:975 (last white tick), then add a note to 00:12:416? Two pictures of the end result follow.
Here are the two exampels:
Should look like this on the timeline...
...And like this on the mapping field.
00:12:637 (1) - If you do the previous suggestion, you can also move the spinner beginning closer to the (2) in the image.


Nothing to poke at.


00:05:578 (1,2,3) - The triplet kind of ruins the flow. Might be better off as two notes.
01:09:328 (5) - (Just 'cause I'm a little anchor nazi) Adjust the sliderend's anchor to be balanced with the one in the beginning.
01:12:637 - (Suggestion) Add a note here?

Very nice mapset. Hope this mod helps you.
Topic Starter

Agnes wrote:

Surprise mod.

  1. Audio lead-in for Easy is different from Normal and Hard. Extend Easy's lead in to 2 seconds. Ok fixed
  2. Very nice song choice! Pretty calming. Thanks! :D

00:11:093 (1) - (Suggestion) Shorten the sliderend to 00:11:975 (last white tick), then add a note to 00:12:416? Two pictures of the end result follow. Oh nice suggestion! Fixed!
Here are the two exampels:
Should look like this on the timeline...
...And like this on the mapping field.
00:12:637 (1) - If you do the previous suggestion, you can also move the spinner beginning closer to the (2) in the image. Ok.


Nothing to poke at.


00:05:578 (1,2,3) - The triplet kind of ruins the flow. Might be better off as two notes. Fixed.
01:09:328 (5) - (Just 'cause I'm a little anchor nazi) Adjust the sliderend's anchor to be balanced with the one in the beginning. Fixed, i think...Don't know if it match like the picture.
01:12:637 - (Suggestion) Add a note here? Yes!

Very nice mapset. Hope this mod helps you.
Thx for the useful mod.
Modding from My Queue

Put Lucky Star into Tags?

Look at the AudioLeadIn... LoL
Looks Fine

00:09:107 (2) put whistle at the end of slider
00:26:093 (3) Whistle?
00:44:843 (5) put Whistle in the beginning and middle of slider
00:51:681 (3) put whistle at the end of slider
00:52:122 (4) ^

00:51:902 (2) Whistle?
00:52:343 (4) ^

Good Luck ~(^.^~)
Just some suggestions:

There is an useless .osb file in your folder.
Why didn't you add kiai time? Abusing kiai burst may be unrankable.

00:05:578 (2) - I'm afraid I didn't hear any rhythm from the song.
00:12:637 (1) - I suppose a note here and the move the spinner to 00:12:747.
00:26:754 (1) - Similar as above.
01:04:034 - Kiai burst abusing.
01:21:681 (4) - New combo.
01:25:210 - Kiai burst abusing.
01:25:210 (1) - Ends on 01:27:416.

By using AIMod, spacing issues on a normal diff? Fix them.
00:05:578 (1) - Same as Easy.
00:12:857 (1) - Move to 00:12:747.
00:15:505 (1,2) - Sounds weird.
00:26:755 (1) - Same as Easy.
01:25:431 (1) - Move to 01:25:321.
Also remove those abused kiais.

00:05:578 (1,2) - Same as Easy.
00:12:857 (1) - Move to 00:12:747.
00:26:975 (1) - Move to 00:26:865.
Also remove those abused kiais.

Btw I don't know if those slienced sliders/circles in your ending are rankable. You should ask some MATs/BATs about this stuff.
Good luck.
Topic Starter

JauiPlaY wrote:

Just some suggestions:

There is an useless .osb file in your folder. O.o really? I was sure I had deleted this.
Why didn't you add kiai time? Abusing kiai burst may be unrankable. Ok ok I'll add kiai.

00:05:578 (2) - I'm afraid I didn't hear any rhythm from the song. Eh? this follow rhythm! You really didn't hear the rhythm here?
00:12:637 (1) - I suppose a note here and the move the spinner to 00:12:747.
00:26:754 (1) - Similar as above.
01:04:034 - Kiai burst abusing.
01:21:681 (4) - New combo.
01:25:210 - Kiai burst abusing.
01:25:210 (1) - Ends on 01:27:416.
Fixed all i think.

By using AIMod, spacing issues on a normal diff? Fix them. Thx for point this, fixed some.
00:05:578 (1) - Same as Easy. Same as easy
00:12:857 (1) - Move to 00:12:747. Ok
00:15:505 (1,2) - Sounds weird. No, i think is fine
00:26:755 (1) - Same as Easy. O
01:25:431 (1) - Move to 01:25:321.
Also remove those abused kiais.

00:05:578 (1,2) - Same as Easy. Same as easy
00:12:857 (1) - Move to 00:12:747. Ok
00:26:975 (1) - Move to 00:26:865. Ok
Also remove those abused kiais. Well i think the new kiai is fine now. /color]

Btw I don't know if those slienced sliders/circles in your ending are rankable.You should ask some MATs/BATs about this stuff.
I hope so because I really want to keep this.
Good luck.

Unknownable wrote:

Modding from My Queue

Put Lucky Star into Tags? ¬¬

Look at the AudioLeadIn... LoL Will fix this.
Looks Fine

00:09:107 (2) put whistle at the end of slider
00:26:093 (3) Whistle?
00:44:843 (5) put Whistle in the beginning and middle of slider
00:51:681 (3) put whistle at the end of slider
00:52:122 (4) ^

00:51:902 (2) Whistle?
00:52:343 (4) ^

Good Luck ~(^.^~)
Sorry no fix

Thx for mod all, finally a time to fix this
  1. I think this is a [Short Ver.] ( it's faded out at the end... )
  2. Map the same parts in all diffs u.u
  1. [Graphic]
    1. Same issue as Normal, the after break part is well-ordered, but the starting part not....
    2. Curvy sliders flows better than shaped in soft songs
  1. [Rhythmn]
    1. 00:08:666 (2) - Better you add the note for readabily reasons
    2. 00:09:549 (x) - Add a note here... players won't hit the next notes if you don't map this note
    3. 00:12:527 (1) - Make it start in 00:12:857 and add a note here
    4. 00:17:710 (1) - play better like two slider, with one starting the red tick before
    5. 00:24:769 (1) - ^
    6. 01:19:696 (5) - Will be more intuitive if you move it in 01:19:475 (5)
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:00:505 (1,2,1,2) - put the first two like the image there and mirror the last two
    2. 00:05:578 (1) - Put this at the center
    3. 00:07:343 (1) - Put it like this
    4. As you see, you can order notes better in the starting part.... the part after the break is better ordered too
  1. [Rhythmn]
    1. 00:05:578 (1,x,2) - make this an 1/4 stream, and move it in the center? (play better)
    2. 00:12:637 (1) - Make it start on the next white tick(00:12:857), and add a note here
    3. 00:15:946 (x) - if you're mapping to the voice, add this note
    4. 00:17:049 (5) - As you did end with the bell-like sound (00:16:387 (4)), move it in 00:17:269?
    5. 00:23:446 (3) - I do think it's better you follow voice there(the last slider and something before...)
  2. [Spacing]
    1. 00:23:887 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Flow BAD, no discernible reasons for this in music, neither in graphic.... just... why?
  3. [Graphic]
    1. Too squared... try to make it more curvy? In such a soft song, curves flow better than shapes
    2. Many avoidable antiaestethic overlaps
Hard need an handfull of improvement, Normal a little, Easy is good for me.

Not ready for my star as now...
Topic Starter
Wow, after this mod, i think will remap Hard and Normal. Moved to wip again
no remap needed actually >.<
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

no remap needed actually >.<
I want to remap with my new mapping style, this is my old style.
Oh, than good work :D

say when you end so I'll Recheck
hey friend
I'm planning to map this song recently, for I'm really loving this song^_^
I don't know if you've totally given up this map
But actually I think your mapping style is nice
and if you revive this one then may I have a GD?
I'm kinda a newbie mapper, so...I'll try my best
and fi you don't like my map you may reject it but give me a reply plz =.=

Oh if you want this one kept in graveyard then I'll try to do a mapset of my own :(
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