
Handling Cheating/Foul Play in osu! (FAQ)

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With a recent surge in bans and publicly visible cheating, it's about time I clear up some things so everybody can have the knowledge to stay safe and to help keep osu! a fair game, where fun can be had without worrying about who is playing "legit" or not. I highly recommend (and hope) everyone reads this post and takes note.

I have been banned for cheating. I didn't cheat!
We ban using automated metrics combined with manual confirmation. We have not yet placed an incorrect ban for cheating. As with everything I do in life, I am absolutely meticulous about being 100% before any actions are taken. I am not out to stop legit people playing my game (what would be the point in that?).

My friend has been banned for cheating! They definitely wouldn't cheat! You are wrong!
It may be hard to come to terms with, but you will have to trust me on this. I know what I am doing and (unfortunately have to) spend a lot of time making sure my actions are warranted. If you still don't believe me, I would suggest reconsidering how much you trust other people. I am not trying to tear apart friendships here, but throughout running osu! I myself have learnt that nearly no one can be trusted. Even those you hold the closest and would never suspect could be acting behind closed curtains.

Prove that I/they were cheating! Tell us how you know!
Sorry but we can't do that. Giving away the countermeasures would make them useless in further detecting cheaters.

I'll make a video to prove my innocence!
Sorry but if you have been banned, we are already 100% sure you are cheating. A video will not help.

Okay, I give in and want to come clean.
Send an email to and it will be considered depending on the seriousness of your offences, and your good standing history. Please understand these queries can take up to a week to reply to, as incoming support emails are high in volume and cheating responses are lower priority.

I found someone who is definitely cheating. I can tell by their replay/score! What should I do?
Stay calm. DON'T discuss their play in public chat. Don't give them undue attention or ask others to spectate them. Report their score on the beatmap info page (website) or use !report in in-game chat to send a message to moderators. Your help in spotting foul play is much appreciated. You can also send an email directly to for a relatively fast response.

Is using specialised hardware counted as cheating?
Peripherals such as tablets and touchscreens are fine. Anything which decreases the skill required to play is not. This means that using multiple PCs, input splitters or anything of that kind is considered a no-no. Obviously, this is hard to monitor unless we are standing next to you, but if you have been accused of such practices, making a video (using a camera) of your play on a map may help clear the air.

If you have any other questions regarding cheating that are not listed above, please post them in this thread and I will add them to the list. Any other replies may be deleted.
Louis Cyphre
We have not yet had placed an incorrect ban for cheating.
What about Bikko? :/

Louis Cyphre wrote:

We have not yet had placed an incorrect ban for cheating.
What about Bikko? :/
I guess that doesn't count since the ban was undone as soon as possible

EDIT: Bikko was banned after his replays showed that the cursor was teleporting to each note's location, which made people suspect him of bot play. However, it was later comfirmed (a week, I think) that he was using a touchscreen (I remember Bikko saying that he contacted peppy directly and showed him how he played), and the ban was lifted.
Its nice to show the people how things work here :)
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I don't recall the Bikko situation exactly, but that was a very special case.

Edit after KRZY's info: Since then I have been a lot more careful with bans and in such cases I will first make sure they are not, for instance, using a touchscreen. I did regret that call, but did everything I could to restore Bikko's account to the previous state.
Um, i just wanna know, many people think that you can't detect some certain measures of cheating, like using two computers and one tablet and keyboard to control them.
Is that true? And if it is, are we just going to leave them doing whatever they want?
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There are obviously some methods of foul play which cannot be detected (without sitting next to the player and watching them play). In these cases, I do suggest you nicely request a video of their play to be uploaded to youtube for your own peace-of-mind. I unfortunately do not have the time to follow-up such cases, so will only act if they are confirmed beyond doubt to be cheating the system.
It's pretty bad when you have to make an announcement about this kinda stuff...
Are you looking at all scores or just the ones in the top 40?
Archangel Tirael
I am dont understand o English. If I try cheat, I have been baned
Thanks to ingame AC?

Atmey wrote:

Are you looking at all scores or just the ones in the top 40?
quite curious with this. But I think all scores regardless of top 40 or not.
Archangel Tirael
I am dont understand o English. If I try cheat, I have been baned
Thanks to ingame AC? To the point, I often failed on last hitcircle, when my computer, or network laging, when I played song. AC dont ban me? Sorry, for my bad english. :)
You won't get banned due to things like network lag and timing inconsistencies where you miss the last note due to lag. It's quite a bit more in depth than that, I'd wager. Mainly because these things have NEVER affected me, and my system and internet connection were quite terrible.
Keep in note that before you report any replays, there is a Replay Glitch where the replay might miss a circle but the scores and records still show that it's a Full Combo.
Thanks for this peppy. Now maybe we wont have to see a huge wave of bullshit when someone is cheating again.
I love peppy's sense of humor when he edits posts, but 'ey pepster, out of curiosity what is currently the more notorious problem with this? I remember when flashlight exploit was big, is that still the case or is it more of a bot type thing now?
I still don't get why people have to cheat?
what's the point?
:D I hope this Announcement helps ^^

bomber34 wrote:

I still don't get why people have to cheat?
what's the point?
:D I hope this Announcement helps ^^
me too. What's the point in cheating? I found this game competitive. In a way of clear and legit play.
It's not interesting to beat weak or pro's with some programs or in'game bugg just to have a first place and show the world you've bet cookiezi or kanopu (or any other top player in their mods)

P.S. as for me, i'm to lame to be a cheater here :D And i can't record a "live" video of my play, because i play OSU on a stone. :(
Noob Man

totoco wrote:

What's the point in cheating?
e-p**** ^^
Is Using a tablet cheating?
Because im getting new laptop for christmas, and was thinking of getting tablet but if they are considered cheating then Nevermind

GantzWaBerserk wrote:

Is Using a tablet cheating?
Because im getting new laptop for christmas, and was thinking of getting tablet but if they are considered cheating then Nevermind
No, a large majority of the community uses tablets, touch screens are also not cheating.
I wonder why people cheat on playing this game anyway?
They want to get some attention.
"False reports will be punished."
I hope you contact us before we get punished or something. I honestly think my reports are legit, though.
what's the point of cheating? is that so funny to play?
Dr Loliberg
so you admit that not EVERY ban was justified?

Dr Loliberg wrote:

so you admit that not EVERY ban was justified?
Everyone can make mistakes or forget something :D
don't get mad ^^
People cheat because people like making bots.
I don't see the point in cheating/hacking osu!, I mean, people should respect this game due to it was only created by one person (peppy) and obviously, he got some help from others. Give peppy a break, stop cheating and play fair. Go hack on Modern Warfare 2 or something xD.

Bass-chan wrote:

They want to get some attention.
Yeah, that could be a reason. They want everyone to see how "pro" they are.

_-B l i n K-_ wrote:

I don't see the point in cheating/hacking osu!, I mean, people should respect this game due to it was only created by one person (peppy) and obviously, he got some help from others. Give peppy a break, stop cheating and play fair. Go hack on Modern Warfare 2 or something xD.
Cheating is lame no matter which game you are trying it in :|
But anyways yeah, it's lack of respect towards developers and players.
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I think a lot of people use cheating as their own little game, where they get enjoyment out of thinking they can live with different rules to everyone else. At the end of the day I only find it sad that they can't focus that kind of energy on a more positive goal.
Um, I have a really importand question. Yeah this has been allready discussed before, but because of this it got into my mind again:

peppy wrote:

There are obviously some methods of foul play which cannot be detected (without sitting next to the player and watching them play). In these cases, I do suggest you nicely request a video of their play to be uploaded to youtube for your own peace-of-mind. I unfortunately do not have the time to follow-up such cases, so will only act if they are confirmed beyond doubt to be cheating the system.
First of all, this dose count also for Taiko and ctb, right? It may be a stupid question in some way, but beeing sure is better as not.
If yes, this would mean that I could ask some one in the Taiko community who is probably 'cheating', to show me how he is playing HD+FL without having a secon monitor, right?
But what if he dosen't want to show it? I mean, who would do it if he is really using a secon monitor?

Also, is it enough to show you a screen/Log about, how he is admit it light-minded? There are enough of this guys who do that.
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Admitting to cheating isn't enough alone to take action; some people have done this in the past even when not cheating, so it's not too useful. If they refuse the video idea, you could try petitioning with a group of people who would like to see the said video. If it is a case where you are 100% sure beyond doubt, you could send me a PM, but I can't guarantee I will have to time/resources to look into it.
Mh, I understand. Yeah that's true.
Okay, I know now more about it. Thank you for response.

Heatherfield wrote:

using two computers and one tablet and keyboard to control them.
Is this cheating?

Can I use 2 computers, to FL taiko maps?
As in, use two computers starting a beatmap at the same time, one with FL, one without?

Yeah. That's frowned upon. Technically cheating, but impossible to prove unless you log into both at the same time or something.

Azure_Kyte wrote:

As in, use two computers starting a beatmap at the same time, one with FL, one without?

Yeah. That's frowned upon. Technically cheating, but impossible to prove unless you log into both at the same time or something.
Load times and lag spikes will desync them and make it incredibly hard.
How does one get banned on osu! for cheating? what is there replay almost like Osu! the bot or more efficient?

Ijah wrote:

Azure_Kyte wrote:

As in, use two computers starting a beatmap at the same time, one with FL, one without?

Yeah. That's frowned upon. Technically cheating, but impossible to prove unless you log into both at the same time or something.
Load times and lag spikes will desync them and make it incredibly hard.
I don't get it :/, how would using 2 computers be beneficial at all to anyone?
Do I have to spell it out?

It's not that hard to work out. Especially when there is Flashlight/Hidden Mod involved.

Ijah wrote:

Azure_Kyte wrote:

As in, use two computers starting a beatmap at the same time, one with FL, one without?

Yeah. That's frowned upon. Technically cheating, but impossible to prove unless you log into both at the same time or something.
Load times and lag spikes will desync them and make it incredibly hard.
Still, you can hear music, but with second monitor you can easily see patterns.

Yeah. That's frowned upon. Technically cheating, but impossible to prove unless you log into both at the same time or something.
So If I show a video to someone, and he report me, I'll be banned?

Do I have to spell it out?

It's not that hard to work out. Especially when there is Flashlight/Hidden Mod involved.
Spell out any maps Bikko has played.
Topic Starter
You should not be using two monitors. If it isn't already obvious that this kind of thing is really unfair, then something is wrong.
For everyone who asked why people cheat: I think they only like winning. They take satisfaction by beating other players' score down to the ground. That's what the cheaters mean by "fun".

The other reason is, just like others said, that people likes to get attention.

Meh, I'll just shrug this out and move on anyway. No matter what the game developer do, there will always be cheaters. It's an unavoidable fact. ---.:|.---

I personally just play this game to have fun in an enjoyable way~ 8-)

(I do still have eyes on a player who used macro for spinners. I already reported him for 2 months without changes... :?)
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@Winshley: I totally agree, and for this reason do not go out of my way to combat cheating until it gets to the point that it affects the general community. Spending any more time on cheaters would just be a waste.
To those who are wondering about FL+HD for Taiko...

I am personally TOTALLY AGAINST IT used as regular mods.

You'll ask why.

It kills the fun at getting #1s, it kills the challenge. It kills everything. I consider it as cheating if it's multimonitoring.

I am not against it used as challenge (When you think you know the chart by heart, see for example Saitama2000, the most known Taiko map ever, featuring >20 HD+FLs.

I think Didou agrees with me, but I look forward for more T.P. if they also agree.

I know like 1 case of regular HD+FLing in taiko.
And I totally hate that.

_Gezo_ wrote:

To those who are wondering about FL+HD for Taiko...

I am personally TOTALLY AGAINST IT used as regular mods.

You'll ask why.

It kills the fun at getting #1s, it kills the challenge. It kills everything. I consider it as cheating if it's multimonitoring.

I am not against it used as challenge (When you think you know the chart by heart, see for example Saitama2000, the most known Taiko map ever, featuring >20 HD+FLs.

I think Didou agrees with me, but I look forward for more T.P. if they also agree.

I know like 1 case of regular HD+FLing in taiko.
And I totally hate that.
I guess you'll hate me then... I made that record purely using my brain to memorize, no multi-monitors or whatever. :?

(Of course, it took me a while to SS this since Taiko accuracy level is rather unforgiving. Also, I only played 3 Taiko maps, and only that map alone is the one I achieved the best. I mostly play osu! mode anyway. :P)

Winshley wrote:

I guess you'll hate me then... I made that record purely using my brain to memorize, no multi-monitors or whatever. :?
Don't worry it's as challenge if you played it with your brain :)
Else I'd hate myself :V
If it's done legitimately, There are no problems. If it's done using the Multi monitor method, then it's a problem. As long as you're not comparing notes on a FL-free screen when playing the FL on another monitor, for example, it's fine.
Peppy is actually such a badass.

peppy wrote:

If you still don't believe me, I would suggest reconsidering how much you trust other people. I am not trying to tear apart friendships here, but throughout running osu! I myself have learnt that nearly no one can be trusted.
Seriously. Don't doubt him.

Azure_Kyte wrote:

If it's done legitimately, There are no problems. If it's done using the Multi monitor method, then it's a problem. As long as you're not comparing notes on a FL-free screen when playing the FL on another monitor, for example, it's fine.
I guess I'm fine then.

If you check my replay on the beatmap I mentioned, you'll see that I keep hitting the taiko drum because I'm trying to follow the beat and hitting the notes accurately. :P
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