
You know what, fuck it (drama thread)

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DJ Enetro
I'm done with you all, i'm just going to dump my rage here
Get under your desks kids

Come on Enetro, hurry up with the drama
Seems like this thread gonna have a lot of pages
I'd say the same, if Enetro would actually post some meaningless bs

Hwa Yang wrote:

Get under your desks kids

Come on Enetro, hurry up with the drama
Y-Yes senpai. slowly crawls under a desk and curls up in a ball
um tss
it's been 25 mins and still nothing ):
he did swear, u think he got punished for it or smth
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
I'm still in school thank you very much.
So why post it if you're not gonna do anything
Green Platinum
Anyone else find DJ and Tae equally obnoxious?
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DJ Enetro
The space between anything and attention in that sentence is very unlike you unless you're being edgily sarcastic.
Also, who knows? I might necropost just because I like it.
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DJ Enetro

Green Platinum wrote:

Anyone else find DJ and Tae equally obnoxious?
That actually made me laugh a bit. Normally I don't see you in OT tho.

Green Platinum wrote:

Anyone else find DJ and Tae equally obnoxious?
I get that a lot, oh well.

DJ Enetro wrote:

The space between anything and attention in that sentence is very unlike you unless you're being edgily sarcastic.
Also, who knows? I might necropost just because I like it.
Very unlike me?
What are you even on about
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DJ Enetro
Completely shit logic and unconnectedness. Fuck off with it man.
In this thread I'm going to use zero logic.
Zero logic? Have fun with that Enetro.
Do that and you'll just be spouting more nonsense than usual. Probably.
Baby shark doo doo, doo doo doo
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
Such obviousness... coming from a girl wanting to reveal everything i do wrong on OT...
Mummy Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Reveal everything you do wrong... huh, isn't that just everything?
And yeah, I need to be obvious when I'm dealing with some1 like you.
Daddy Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro

Hwa Yang wrote:

Reveal everything you do wrong... huh, isn't that just everything?
Nah. For one thing I don't spam the fuck out of the forums with useless threads as much as Blitz did - three times.

Hwa Yang wrote:

And yeah, I need to be obvious when I'm dealing with some1 like you.
Stay like that man, otherwise shitposters won't start living up to your ideals...

but why would you and your dipshit demeanor even care...?
You can do some things wrong and yet have other things you haven't done wrong, yeah? Though if you're using "zero logic", you're bound to make more.
You really think I give a fuck about what the shitposters do here anymore?

Dipshit demeanor, damn that hits hard :(
Grandma Shark doo doo, doo doo doo
Green Platinum
We need a professional thread derailer to make it about T H I C C women or something.
Grandpa Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Silent Siren ♥
Why so many sharks?

Cause she's pretty
Green Platinum
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DJ Enetro
At least this shiny guy is staying on topic.
You should vent way more in this thread. There's basically 0 content
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DJ Enetro
Sometimes I wonder if you are being sarcastic or not. Though I'll have to admit this is the first time in a while I've seen you out of ITT but still in OT
-Makishima S-
Expecting from enetro actual this 10% of actual OT quality = never happen


Lets see what drama he make, maybe there he puts some effort, some bullshit arguments, some rant, some rage, some..... wank wank wank dicks dicks dicks?

Meah wrote:

Silent Siren ♥
this music is catchy too yea?
Green Platinum
I guess random music thread now

I want to do a Fake Type collab sometime but I have no idea how to get people to collab with me :/
whatis going on
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro

[Taiga] wrote:

Expecting from enetro actual this 10% of actual OT quality = never happen
I cannot respond to this except to please improve your grammar, because I cannot understand this sentence right now.
You think this is 10% quality? Face it, ------- Taiga: although I am in awe of mods patience with locking I will not submit to making quality threads right now.
If anything I should say fuck off with your common sense - I prefer to have ethics, thanks.

[Taiga] wrote:


[Taiga] wrote:

Lets see what drama he make, maybe there he puts some effort, some bullshit arguments, some rant, some rage, some..... wank wank wank dicks dicks dicks?
Well definitely rage and some BS arguments for sure, but what can I say except that any topic can be improved to quality even if it starts out as shit? Who knows...
Though your last few threads weren't quite what you were striving for I think - never got past 3 pages.

Kondou-Shinichi wrote:

whatis going on
My rage is what's going on. It packs a bigger bite than your bats or fangs.
fucking god CT, the fucking fuck

ColdTooth wrote:

Sexy as hell

New fashion set.

-Makishima S-
I cannot respond to this except to please improve your grammar, because I cannot understand this sentence right now.
Soz bruh, I not speak englando, pls no coperino pasterino.

If anything I should say fuck off with your common sense - I prefer to have ethics, thanks.
You ain't have shit bruh, that's the problem. Ethics? You are far from first important one - respecting that this subforum is not only yours and pissing people off.

Though your last few threads weren't quite what you were striving for I think - never got past 3 pages.
I can easiely find, even in OT - 1 page quality topics. If for you amount of pages = quality then....


I don't even wait till you change your behavior.

Stay bad, mad and sad kid, nobody have time for your bullshit, you aint worth wasting time.
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro

[Taiga] wrote:

Soz bruh, I not speak englando, pls no coperino pasterino.
Isn't replying to every aspect of your post a sign of politeness though? That's why I included it with the rest of what I quoted.

[Taiga] wrote:

You ain't have shit bruh, that's the problem. Ethics? You are far from first important one - respecting that this subforum is not only yours and pissing people off.
I was far from everything already, but you were clear enough to see it long before I did. Anyways I'm not going to fucking respect that. You don't like it? Ask your buddy Flanster to restrict me.

[Taiga] wrote:

I can easily find, even in OT - 1 page quality topics. If for you amount of pages = quality then....

ftfy lmao, take note
Anyways I fail to see how your "tabby instance" thread is quality. Elaborate on that thread's quality won't you?
ITT2 isn't true quality either, and neither is the yelling thread. As I said before those are spam bins. Spam bins in a subforum dedicated to nonsensical posts.
But I'm just supporting your point aren't I? I'm sorry.

[Taiga] wrote:

I don't even wait till you change your behavior.
Pretty pessimistic there... a bit too pessimistic for my tastes. Yes Alex might not have been respectful to you but let's just say that that thread I created helped soften things up a bit.

[Taiga] wrote:

Stay bad, mad and sad kid, nobody have time for your bullshit, you aint worth wasting time.
You're a fucking idiot for not caring about users' behavior. Even if they are 1 in about a hundred million they still need to be corrected so that they won't haunt other forums.
You think I'm not worth a second because I don't give a fuck about respecting you? How do you even find time for Blitz then?
Is it because he helped create the discord and knows how to weed out potential toxicity?

Give me ten good fucking reasons about why I should respect others' rights (to have fun while posting in OT at least) and then maybe I'll submit.
But like you said, nobody has time to even care about little things so my post has a 99% chance of being ignored >:)
Green Platinum
Add Taiga to that list of fucking obnoxious posters with DJ and Tae.
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DJ Enetro
Oh and a PS - I'm fine with being absolutely stupid but the way you berate me like that... no.
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro

Green Platinum wrote:

Add Taiga to that list of fucking obnoxious posters with DJ and Tae.
Taiga doesn't post as much, I think you'll have to remove him sooner or later ;)
To some extent, aren't ethics based off logic and common sense 🤔
I think the biggest problem with you is our mismatching sense of humor. The inability to understand sarcasm. That's a big thing here, you know.
You focus on different things than people here do.

For example, if I would say "hi im kai" the majority of people will either repeat my phrase like a retard or insult it by saying it's a stale and shitty meme.
But you will probably quote someone's old post and say, "Well, kai, I don't think that phrase is suitable for this post, you know. Please try harder." which is totally irrelevant to what I intended it to be.

If I write that phrase, "hi im kai", I probably wrote down the phrase because it's a fucking stale meme and I know it. That's the humorous point. I know it's shitty and everyone knows it's shitty and this forum's made for shits so that's what makes it funny and insulting and retarded, offending another batch of people with my shitpost along the way.

Then I also don't understand why you are still here, at the point where literally everyone hates you and we can't get our "common senses" come to an agreement.

Endaris had previously pointed out various critical things to help you out. None of them, as far as I've seen, have worked out. Everyone knows this isn't gonna work. I take everything you say as a joke because it literally carries no meaning and only more room for commotion. I don't really find any importance to dedicate any more of my time on this topic, and I don't find any other reason to keep looking at your meaningless, repetitive posts when it probably won't do anything and only make more people angry. I don't want to see people waste time on you when literally nothing is going to happen and this fucking cycle will continue again. OT isn't meant to try and convert people. There's no reason we have to convert someone, they just fit in if they do and don't if they don't- that's also how circlejerking works. And OT mainly is powered by circlejerkism.

See, if you and other people don't make such an issue out of this, I could've just taken you as a funny meme and it could've been an annoying but entertaining joke. I used to like your posts because of how different they were from other OT posts. They were dumb but not retarded, it was more of you being confused than straightout dumb and that's what made it funny. You didn't have intentionally retarded points on your posts, it was just because you weren't used to these kinds of forums/culture. But now it's ruined. I want to just end myself whenever I see a new thread on this fucking topic. Peppy thankfully deleted the foes function as well so I can't ignore it either. It's like cancer. I'm just gonna leave this post here, pretend no shits happened, go full retard, maybe get a silence or two, and play osu! enjoy game. I got better things to do than struggle with this random kid that's been here for so long but still doesn't get the overall atmosphere of this place. Hey, this is probably my last post to you as well. Because heck, I really don't want to get involved in this shit and it's killing me having to see shit arguments. You probably won't see me responding to anything else you say from now on. Hope you the best on your journey and please just go enjoy osu! or something. Thanks.
Green Platinum
hi kai


Green Platinum wrote:

hi kai


Green Platinum wrote:

hi kai

That chef got his meal

why do we even bother
responding to him only makes him spout more shit

kotnana3131 wrote:


why do we even bother
responding to him only makes him spout more shit
let's just forget he exists because 15 year olds aren't smart anyways

vaxei is pr chill tho x)

ColdTooth wrote:

let's just forget he exists
the problem is that we actually respond to him, which actually leads to him making more of his shit threads
had we never given him attention, he wouldn't have continued making shit threads ya kno
these are my 2 cents on this

ColdTooth wrote:

because 15 year olds aren't smart anyways
agree bec im 15 myself

edit: yeah vaxei knows how to meme and be funny as taiga said
edit2: formatting
-Makishima S-
Vaxei at least know how to meme and be funny.

Nana 15? Srsly? And i though you are an adult from long conversations?

This enetro guy doesn't keep any, literally any, even lowest possible standards.
enetro is self-contradicting, he claims he sides with ethics which are based off logic and common sense

yeah no we all know how he hates common sense like it was the devil
i'm trying really hard to take these kind of threads seriously, but i just can't resist the urge of posting a youtube v

How do I download a nun? Serious replies, please.
i am surprised serrai didn't post something new page related

I find a lot of pleasure in consuming the Italian dish of "Spaghetti" with the meat sauce of Bolognese. It is undoubtedly and unquestionably one of the dishes closest to my heart.

-Makishima S-
kebab eating spaghetti

-Makishima S-
Here we go xD

This thread is now about Bologna, the home of spaghetti bolognese.

I'll dump my rage here soon.
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