
T-ara - Apple Is A

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 5 лютого 2018 р. at 21:48:12

Artist: T-ara
Title: Apple Is A
Tags: 1집 1jib ABSOLUTE FIRST ALBUM Tiara K-Pop kpop Girl band Girlband 전보람 이큐리 박소연 함은정 박효민 박지연 Core Contents Media Komore
BPM: 136
Filesize: 3669kb
Play Time: 01:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab Hard (2,73 stars, 214 notes)
  2. Normal (1,82 stars, 151 notes)
  3. So sweet ~ (3,92 stars, 307 notes)
Download: T-ara - Apple Is A
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Normal - me
Hard - me and komore
So sweet~ - me

I like the Kpop
Thank you!
DeRandom Otaku
чёт киаи не по-русски стоят


00:04:067 (1,2,3,4) - неровный паттерн
00:08:259 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - ооочень странно замапано, сначала слайдеры под вокал, потом ноты под более слабые биты, это чередование вызывает желание немедленно удалить эту карту и дискомфорт при игре, когда не понимаешь чему следует песня. можно было 00:09:803 (5,1) - ctrl+g, 00:10:465 - сюда слайдер. уверен, ты меня нахуй пошлёшь только потому что это мой мод
00:15:097 (4,1) , 00:56:789 (1,2,3,4) - - вот на первом слайдере начинается дроп (тоесть начинается киаи), а тут тупо джамп без какого-то угла, мб сделаешь типа такого , а еще у тебя на 00:15:097 (4) - спейсинг маленький, когда тон вокала постепенно увеличивается, классно мапаешь
00:20:171 (2,1,2) - хороший консистенстный спейсинг, и да я вижу что там ты вокал выделяла, но расстояние на 1\4 больше чем на 1\2 джампе, ору
00:30:098 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - для ровной звезды существуют полезные инструменты, (ctrl + shift + d) , а ещё у тебя 00:29:877 (1,6) - тут оверлап
01:00:318 (3,4,5,6) - в чём прикол единственных стакоджампов в этой карте? ы
01:25:686 - - ну хотя бы его кликабельным сделала......
01:40:024 (5) - где нк
01:49:950 (1,2,3) - ебать заорал в голос с этих юзлес киков, ты бы их хотя бы 1\6 сделала, а то слышится как один стрим 1\4
01:50:943 (2) - а че этот слайдер не 1\2? ты же в предыдущих паттернах его выделяла


00:44:877 (3) - предлагаю сделать более даунский паттерн (х 170 у 70)
01:14:436 (2) - мб нк а то я его прожал сразу же

нормал норм, ну хоть хард получше, на этом спасибо. будь бы хостом этого сета я бы удалил этот инс нахуй подальше

  1. Порежь бг, он сейчас больше чем максимально возможно.
  2. Не заметил где указаны авторы коллаба.
  1. подумай насчет цс, 3.5 для такого стиля смотрелось бы лучше
  2. 01:24:142 (1) - сделала бы слайдер арту тут вместо брейка, пару-тройку слайдеров
  3. 01:53:039 - тут можно добавить круг, имо отлично подходит
  4. а вообще довольно интересно замапано, мне понравилось
Collab Hard
  1. 00:07:377 (1) - ускорили бы этот слайдер под 1\6 который там, имо лучше подходит под основную линию музыки тут
  2. 01:32:083 (3) - ^
  3. 00:14:877 (5,1) - спйсинг\джамп тут будет лучше подходить музыке да и более вписываться в стиль "харда с какими-то джампами" + добавит немного системности в джампах
  4. 00:21:936 (4,1) - ^ да и тут \\ 00:29:436 (1) начало новых частей в музыке, тут скорее всего это будет каждый 4й даунбит \\ итд
  5. 01:24:142 (1) - см. Нормал
  6. 01:40:024 - круг бы
  7. 01:47:083 (1) - 01:52:377 (3) - эта часть просто сама просится быть замапаной под лирику и более интенсивно, бтв это сделано в инсе и отчасти в нормале
  8. 01:53:039 - см. Нормал
So very very sweet ~
  1. 00:01:201 (5,1) - я бы сказал более корректно сделать конец слайдера на 00:01:862 , а круги начать с 00:02:083
  2. 00:02:965 (4) - ^
  3. 00:04:730 (4) - 2 рипит в инсе\харде, закрывающий треть интро? оч. лениво, в моем стиле, но лучше напрячься и намапать играбельных объектов
  4. 00:09:803 (5,1) - попробуй ритм имо, гораздо лучше т.к. следует основной линии тут - вокалу
  5. 00:13:553 (1) - алсо не советовал бы ее выбрасывать тут
  6. 00:20:612 (1,2) - а что тут случилось со спейсингом? хотя-бы до 1.8 растянуть, а то совсем как 00:25:906 (1,2) - 1\4 будет прожиматься на рандоме
  7. 01:02:965 (1,2) - ^ \\ 01:10:024 (1,2) -
  8. 00:50:612 (1) - свапнуть с 00:51:274 (2) - будет лучше подходить под ритм\лирику
  9. 01:24:142 (1) - см. Нормал
  10. 01:53:039 - ^
мило, чуть-чуть внимания к деталям и сет вполне себе готов
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:


  1. Порежь бг, он сейчас больше чем максимально возможно.
  2. Не заметил где указаны авторы коллаба.
  1. подумай насчет цс, 3.5 для такого стиля смотрелось бы лучше
  2. 01:24:142 (1) - сделала бы слайдер арту тут вместо брейка, пару-тройку слайдеров
  3. 01:53:039 - тут можно добавить круг, имо отлично подходит
  4. а вообще довольно интересно замапано, мне понравилось
Collab Hard
  1. 00:07:377 (1) - ускорили бы этот слайдер под 1\6 который там, имо лучше подходит под основную линию музыки тут
  2. 01:32:083 (3) - ^
  3. 00:14:877 (5,1) - спйсинг\джамп тут будет лучше подходить музыке да и более вписываться в стиль "харда с какими-то джампами" + добавит немного системности в джампах
  4. 00:21:936 (4,1) - ^ да и тут \\ 00:29:436 (1) начало новых частей в музыке, тут скорее всего это будет каждый 4й даунбит \\ итд
  5. 01:24:142 (1) - см. Нормал
  6. 01:40:024 - круг бы
  7. 01:47:083 (1) - 01:52:377 (3) - эта часть просто сама просится быть замапаной под лирику и более интенсивно, бтв это сделано в инсе и отчасти в нормале
  8. 01:53:039 - см. Нормал
So very very sweet ~
  1. 00:01:201 (5,1) - я бы сказал более корректно сделать конец слайдера на 00:01:862 , а круги начать с 00:02:083
  2. 00:02:965 (4) - ^
  3. 00:04:730 (4) - 2 рипит в инсе\харде, закрывающий треть интро? оч. лениво, в моем стиле, но лучше напрячься и намапать играбельных объектов
  4. 00:09:803 (5,1) - попробуй ритм имо, гораздо лучше т.к. следует основной линии тут - вокалу понимаю что по вокалу лучше, но лучше хочется подчеркнуть 00:10:024 (1) - этот звук на финише
  5. 00:13:553 (1) - алсо не советовал бы ее выбрасывать тут
  6. 00:20:612 (1,2) - а что тут случилось со спейсингом? хотя-бы до 1.8 растянуть, а то совсем как 00:25:906 (1,2) - 1\4 будет прожиматься на рандоме
  7. 01:02:965 (1,2) - ^ \\ 01:10:024 (1,2) -
  8. 00:50:612 (1) - свапнуть с 00:51:274 (2) - будет лучше подходить под ритм\лирику
  9. 01:24:142 (1) - см. Нормал
  10. 01:53:039 - ^
мило, чуть-чуть внимания к деталям и сет вполне себе готов
А так все пофиксено. Спасибо!
Topic Starter

vanucik wrote:

чёт киаи не по-русски стоят


00:04:067 (1,2,3,4) - неровный паттерн ровный
00:08:259 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - ооочень странно замапано, сначала слайдеры под вокал, потом ноты под более слабые биты, это чередование вызывает желание немедленно удалить эту карту и дискомфорт при игре, когда не понимаешь чему следует песня. можно было 00:09:803 (5,1) - ctrl+g, 00:10:465 - сюда слайдер. уверен, ты меня нахуй пошлёшь только потому что это мой мод нет, только в этом моменте
00:15:097 (4,1) , 00:56:789 (1,2,3,4) - - вот на первом слайдере начинается дроп (тоесть начинается киаи), а тут тупо джамп без какого-то угла, мб сделаешь типа такого , а еще у тебя на 00:15:097 (4) - спейсинг маленький, когда тон вокала постепенно увеличивается, классно мапаешь спасибо
00:20:171 (2,1,2) - хороший консистенстный спейсинг, и да я вижу что там ты вокал выделяла, но расстояние на 1\4 больше чем на 1\2 джампе, ору все
00:30:098 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - для ровной звезды существуют полезные инструменты, (ctrl + shift + d) , а ещё у тебя 00:29:877 (1,6) - тут оверлап уже нету
01:00:318 (3,4,5,6) - в чём прикол единственных стакоджампов в этой карте? ы они не единственные
01:25:686 - - ну хотя бы его кликабельным сделала...... ок
01:40:024 (5) - где нк есть
01:49:950 (1,2,3) - ебать заорал в голос с этих юзлес киков, ты бы их хотя бы 1\6 сделала, а то слышится как один стрим 1\4 хорошая идея
01:50:943 (2) - а че этот слайдер не 1\2? ты же в предыдущих паттернах его выделяла сделано


00:44:877 (3) - предлагаю сделать более даунский паттерн (х 170 у 70)
01:14:436 (2) - мб нк а то я его прожал сразу же

нормал норм, ну хоть хард получше, на этом спасибо. будь бы хостом этого сета я бы удалил этот инс нахуй подальше
Неожидала что ты поможешь!
Red = Not allowed/potentionaly causing DQ
Bold = Mostly important, partially subjective, address this properly
Regular = Subjective opinion, try it out but don't obey my opinion if yours is essentially different

  1. Are you sure that you want to use countdown? It doesn't look like it has any use in this map but do w/e you want.
  2. Widescreen support is inconsistent, it doesn't make much sense but if you want to make your map really perfect better to make it consistent between all difficulties.
  3. Kiai time is inconsistent between diffs that were created by the same mapper. Make them consistent.
  1. 00:17:524 (2) - 00:34:730 (1) - 00:38:259 (1) - 01:18:627 (2) - You should avoid GUI overlaps according to Ranking Criteria guidelines.
  2. Wouldn't be better placing whistles only on piano sounds in the first part of the map? Right now it sounds kinda illogical because strong piano sounds like 00:00:319 (1,2,3,4) - are emphasized with whistles, while similar sounds 00:04:730 - 00:05:171 - 00:05:612 - 00:06:053 - at the same part aren't and while actually nothing is emphasized with whistles too 00:01:642 - 00:03:406 - . My conclusion is removing whistles from these sliderends 00:01:201 (5,5) - and place them on head and end of these sliders 00:04:730 (1,2) - and also, seems that you actually missed a whistle here 00:03:848 (1) -
    This my own opinion but since it mostly goes to follow your hitsounding logic I'm marking this as something really important.
  3. Also, let's come back to the 00:04:730 (1) - . Seems you didn't really want to emphasis it with NC because according to all others objects in the part you used NCing with an actually different logic, I might be wrong tho because the music gets changed here and since I am not sure if it's a mistake marking it as smth not really important but still try it out.
  4. 00:23:700 (4) - Consider replacing this slider with two 1/2 circles to emphasis the vocals on both beats because all vocals are clickable here. An idea for the pattern:
    The same thing happens to 01:06:053 (4) -
    If you don't want to make such thing then replace 01:20:171 (4,5) - 01:34:289 (4,5) - with 1/2 sliders
  5. I really disagree with how you place NC in the first kiai. The similar patterns 00:16:200 (3,4,5,6) - 00:17:965 (3,4,5,6) - 00:21:495 (1,2,1,2) - 00:26:348 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1) - 00:14:436 (1,2,3,4) - have different ways of placing new combos. That's pretty weird because the patterns and the music is mostly "the same" (not the same but very similar) and it confuses a lot so consider following smth one.
    Actually, in my point of view having these jump patterns unNCed is better than having them NCed but it absolutely ups to you, just make it consistent or try to explain why you decided to use such NCing.
    I noticed that this thing repeats in every kiai, so consider fixing it everywhere to the same NCing logic as you did.
  6. 00:31:200 (1) - this is the only 1/1 slider in this part and it doesn't sound like smth really suitable. In my opinion, 1/2 slider+2 1/4 circles ( would fit the rythm of this part much better especially because the vocals actually end on 00:31:421 - not on 00:31:642 -
  7. 00:34:068 (1) - this NC seems to be useless because the same things weren't NCed at this part ever: 00:30:539 (5) - 00:35:392 (3) -
    If you actually wanted to such NCing then why not putting NC here 00:30:539 (5) - and here 00:35:392 (3) - ? Consider making them consistent or explain why you did such thing like this.
  8. 00:36:495 (1,2,3,4) - this tact feels really undermapped and in comparison with the other part the rhythm of the part is actually too weak and needs replacing with smth more complex and more suitable because you actually ignore all strong vocal lines and sounds that you emphasized everywhere else. My conclusion of fixing this problem is such rhythm: (you can also replace (2) with an 1/1 slider if you wanted to make this part a bit simpler than the whole song part)
  9. 00:46:200 (3,4) - this sounds very similar to 00:44:436 (3,4,5,6) - so I suggest to replace these sliders with 1/2 jumps, it would fit vocals and music better.
  10. 00:50:612 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part is just empty, you have no hitsounds here. According to how complex you placed hitsounds in the whole map this part sounds stupid and not suitable. Consider adding hitsounds for this part.
    The same thing happens here 01:10:024 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
  11. 01:05:171 (2) - all such sliders had spacing around 2.1~2.2 but this one apparently has 2.4. Is there any use of such spacing? I guess no, if you guess that too then place it closer to (1)
  12. 01:00:318 (3,4,5,6) - these are the only 1/2 stacks that you used in kiai parts that may make some readability problems for not very experienced players, so consider replacing it with a jump pattern. You might tell me that this thing is also stacked 01:10:906 (1,2,1,2) - but as we may see the music is totally different in these parts so consider doing what I suggested.
  13. 01:02:524 (2) - ctrl+g would be better for playablity, but it's just my own opinion, don't obey it if yours is totally different.
  14. 01:14:436 (3,4) - consider replacing these sliders with 1/2 jumps to emphasis all vocal lines but it's up to you.
[Collab Hard]
  1. 00:43:553 (1) - according to how you emphasized combos in all other similar patterns (00:45:318 (5) - 00:47:083 (4) - 00:48:848 (4) - ) you should remove NC from this object.
  2. 00:57:671 (1) - in my point of view, the top side of the slider is too lush, consider moving the top point a bit to the left and down so it looks less lush and sexier.
  3. 01:18:848 (1,1) - no objects overlap each others like these ones so I highly recommend to avoid this overlap.
  4. 01:11:789 (1) - as we hear, there's a noticeable strong sound that may deserve a spacing emphasizing, but you just ignored it and used the same spacing as for usual objects, while the sound, that doesn't really deserve it, 01:13:553 (1) - was emphasized with a spacing that is bigger in 2 times (1.3*2=2.6). My conclusion is moving 01:11:789 (1) - further or moving 01:13:553 (1) - closer, but rather doing both things.
  5. 01:25:906 (1) - 01:40:024 (5) - consider having consistent NC logic for both of them. Place NC on both of them or do not place on both.
  1. AR 5 is too high for the lowest diff, consider lowering it.
  2. 01:10:906 (2) - apparently, there is no reasons why gameplay objects should overlap GUI elements.
  3. 00:56:789 (1,2) - I don't really understand why you decided to undermap this part while the same part at the start part of the map was emphasized perfectly with two 1/2 sliders 00:14:436 (1,2) - so consider replacing these 2 circles with two 1/2 sliders.
  4. Both kiai times have every new tact NCing logic and according to this these two objects should be NCed 01:06:495 (3) - 01:24:142 (4) -
The mapset and the song are really beautiful but it needs some more polishing. Best of luck~
random mod for my sis <3


  1. according to their official YouTube channel and to their official websites and, isn't the artist supposed to be in caps?
  2. the normal diff ends more earlier than hard and insane, on 01:52:377 - how about ending on 01:52:377 - as you did for hard and insane by replacing the 1/1 hitcircle with a 3/4 slider?
  3. disable countdown as there's no enough time for inverse counting (actually it does not even appear lol)
  4. disable widescreen support as the black corners does not have something to support like a video or storyboard for instance
  1. 00:00:319 (1) - isn't supposed to have the volume set around 40-45%? sounds pretty noisy for volume set to 100% in comparison with other sections
  2. 00:01:201 (1) - NC to distinguish that there's a new offset?
  3. 00:13:112 (3,4) - watch out at spacing
  4. 00:13:553 (4,1) - for the sake of newbie players, i would suggest to unstack both of them as they might confuse it with a regular 1/2 stack which is,in reality, a 2/1 gap between them which results in a 2/1 stack
  5. 00:15:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - using here constant hitclaps doesn't suit very well with the music background as the snares aren't everywhere and instead makes it sound more noisy and unpleasant tbh. i would recommend to tune down a bit the hitclaps like using hitclaps on every 2nd and 4th tick (reffering at 1/1 ticks only) where the snares are present obviously // same applies for the rest of the difficulty starting from 00:36:495 (1) -
  6. 00:47:083 (1,2,3) - how about breaking the 1/2 chain here by replacing the 1/2 sliders with 2 hitcircles? there's too much 1/2 for this part by counting 00:41:789 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:43:553 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - parts and that might be too overwhelming for target players
  1. the difficulty is NOT hitsounded. only 01:52:377 (1) - got hitsounded
  2. 01:00:318 (3,4) - i don't quite understand your spacing usage like the vocal and also the instruments are getting more intensity here if i'm not wrong and the build-up is missing here because of antijump usage you used here. spacing them more would actually give some build-up as you did for 00:58:553 (3,4) -
  3. 01:40:024 - seems like something's missing here, as you added an hitcircle on this spot in normal and insane, but you likely forgot to do it here
  4. 01:36:936 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is the only hitcircle-patterns based you used in this section how about using something like this instead to avoid any potential difficulty spike here? ok i'm out of ideas rn lol

  1. 00:15:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - same problem as i said in normal with using constant hitclaps
  2. 00:03:848 (1) - i think you missed an hitwhistle here
  3. 00:04:730 (1,2) - these aren't hitsounded that's kinda weird and same goes for 00:49:950 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 01:10:024 (1,1,2) -
  4. 00:35:833 (5,6,7,8) - consider spacing them more as 00:36:274 (8) - got more impact here and the build-up is missing here
  5. 00:40:686 (2,3) - what do you think of applying ctrl+G here? switching the rhythm here would work more better than before as on 00:40:906 - the sliderhead would give more emphasis for the drum than the sliderend // 00:49:730 (3,4,5) - same applies here, the hitcircle would give more emphasis to 00:50:170 -, which has got more impact, then the sliderend // 00:51:495 (3,4,5) - same
  6. 01:02:524 (2) - by applying ctrl+G here, the flow would be more smoothly and fun to play
  7. 01:49:950 (1,2,3) - if you listen carefully on 25% speed, these are actually on 1/4 and not on 1/6 because the vocals are most likely on 1/4
cool map
Topic Starter

ByBy wrote:

random mod for my sis <3


  1. according to their official YouTube channel and to their official websites and, isn't the artist supposed to be in caps? I must ask an qat about this
  2. the normal diff ends more earlier than hard and insane, on 01:52:377 - how about ending on 01:52:377 - as you did for hard and insane by replacing the 1/1 hitcircle with a 3/4 slider?All is correct, all the diffs ends 01:53:039 -
  3. disable countdown as there's no enough time for inverse counting (actually it does not even appear lol) fixed lol
  4. disable widescreen support as the black corners does not have something to support like a video or storyboard for instance ^
  1. 00:00:319 (1) - isn't supposed to have the volume set around 40-45%? sounds pretty noisy for volume set to 100% in comparison with other sections
  2. 00:01:201 (1) - NC to distinguish that there's a new offset?
  3. 00:13:112 (3,4) - watch out at spacing
  4. 00:13:553 (4,1) - for the sake of newbie players, i would suggest to unstack both of them as they might confuse it with a regular 1/2 stack which is,in reality, a 2/1 gap between them which results in a 2/1 stack
  5. 00:15:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - using here constant hitclaps doesn't suit very well with the music background as the snares aren't everywhere and instead makes it sound more noisy and unpleasant tbh. i would recommend to tune down a bit the hitclaps like using hitclaps on every 2nd and 4th tick (reffering at 1/1 ticks only) where the snares are present obviously // same applies for the rest of the difficulty starting from 00:36:495 (1) -
  6. 00:47:083 (1,2,3) - how about breaking the 1/2 chain here by replacing the 1/2 sliders with 2 hitcircles? there's too much 1/2 for this part by counting 00:41:789 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:43:553 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - parts and that might be too overwhelming for target players Do not really understand
    other fixed
  1. the difficulty is NOT hitsounded. only 01:52:377 (1) - got hitsounded
  2. 01:00:318 (3,4) - i don't quite understand your spacing usage like the vocal and also the instruments are getting more intensity here if i'm not wrong and the build-up is missing here because of antijump usage you used here. spacing them more would actually give some build-up as you did for 00:58:553 (3,4) - Hello Ctrl+G
  3. 01:40:024 - seems like something's missing here, as you added an hitcircle on this spot in normal and insane, but you likely forgot to do it here puting
  4. 01:36:936 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is the only hitcircle-patterns based you used in this section how about using something like this instead to avoid any potential difficulty spike here? ok i'm out of ideas rn lol interesting fixed

  1. 00:15:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - same problem as i said in normal with using constant hitclaps
  2. 00:03:848 (1) - i think you missed an hitwhistle here
  3. 00:04:730 (1,2) - these aren't hitsounded that's kinda weird and same goes for 00:49:950 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 01:10:024 (1,1,2) -
  4. 00:35:833 (5,6,7,8) - consider spacing them more as 00:36:274 (8) - got more impact here and the build-up is missing here
  5. 00:40:686 (2,3) - what do you think of applying ctrl+G here? switching the rhythm here would work more better than before as on 00:40:906 - the sliderhead would give more emphasis for the drum than the sliderend It's better to accent on vocals here than on the sound the vocals are stronger here // 00:49:730 (3,4,5) - same applies here, the hitcircle would give more emphasis to 00:50:170 -, which has got more impact, then the sliderend // 00:51:495 (3,4,5) - same
  6. 01:02:524 (2) - by applying ctrl+G here, the flow would be more smoothly and fun to play If I apply ctrl+G here I must be reconstruct 01:16:642 (2) -
    here jumps too
  7. 01:49:950 (1,2,3) - if you listen carefully on 25% speed, these are actually on 1/4 and not on 1/6 because the vocals are most likely on 1/4 yea 1/4
cool map thanks
Thank you sis chu <3!

wajinshu wrote:

ByBy wrote:

  1. 00:47:083 (1,2,3) - how about breaking the 1/2 chain here by replacing the 1/2 sliders with 2 hitcircles? there's too much 1/2 for this part by counting 00:41:789 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:43:553 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - parts and that might be too overwhelming for target players Do not really understand
    other fixed
i was reffering at 1/2 sliders from 00:41:789 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:43:553 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - when i said about 1/2. "there's too much 1/2" was meant to be "there are too much 1/2 sliders and that might be too overwhelming for target players"

target players = newbie players, beginner players

when i said "how about using _____ for breaking the 1/2 chain" was meant to reduce the 1/2 usage as in that way it would be less overwhelming for newbie players
Topic Starter

ByBy wrote:

i was reffering at 1/2 sliders from 00:41:789 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:43:553 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - when i said about 1/2. "there's too much 1/2" was meant to be "there are too much 1/2 sliders and that might be too overwhelming for target players"

target players = newbie players, beginner players

when i said "how about using _____ for breaking the 1/2 chain" was meant to reduce the 1/2 usage as in that way it would be less overwhelming for newbie players
It should work fine in my opinion because the BPM isn't really high :<
Topic Starter
@Shmiklak fixed all :3
DeRandom Otaku
[So very very sweet ~]
  1. 00:00:319 - Decrease volume to like 40, its 100 right now
  2. 00:06:495 (1) - This is what you have in hard and doing a spinner in this difficulty isn't too cool for the spread
  3. 00:10:024 (1) - Since you are following vocals it would be more natural to have 00:10:245 - this clickable instead of 00:10:024 -
  4. 00:15:318 - The entire kiai plays kinda weird since the movement between the sliders is extremely slow compared to the movement between circles. Buffing up the sv a bit more and re sorting everything a bit would work. Also increasing the SV by just 0.1x doesn't really feel that drastic here considering the song gets a lot more intense in kiai
  5. 00:29:436 - This is something i complained abotu your difficulty on shmik's christmas set aswell. So the thing is that this part of the song is a lot weaker than the kiai YET the spacing between your object and playability stays the same which is really bad for the kiai because its getting poor emphasis this way
  6. 00:57:671 - Same thing for the rest of the kiais as 00:15:318 -
  7. 01:00:318 (3,4,5,6) - The momentum breaker here played really awkwardly since you never had a movement like 01:00:318 (3,4,5) - this in the difficulty before. Also having 01:00:318 (3,4) - 01:00:759 (5,6) - as antijumps doesn't emphasize the vocals that well
  8. 01:10:906 (1,2,1,2) - The usage of stacks here is what i really disagree with too as the lalala vocals are a lot stronger than any other vocals in the song having them stacked is also a poor way of emphasizing them
  9. 01:14:877 (4,1) - Whats with this sudden decrease in spacing lol
  10. 01:49:509 (3,4,1,2,3) - The whole pattern plays badly because the almost linear movement between them. Replacing 01:49:730 (4) - so that the angle between 01:49:509 (3,4,1) - these is less wider would work
  11. 01:52:377 (1) - You should really do something like instead as the vocal at 01:53:039 - is equally emphasized as the as the vocal at sliderhead
  1. 00:07:377 (1) - Kinda Unnecessary NC here
  2. 00:44:436 (1) - 00:46:200 (1) - the usage of NC on these feels kinda overdone lol. You don't really need these ,you didn't nc these in other difficulties too so yea
  3. 00:53:480 (2,3,4) - Instead of 3 ,isn't 4 supposed to have the highest spacing here like 00:50:612 (1) - 00:52:377 (1) -
  4. 00:56:789 - feels really empty without object here. Having something like 00:14:436 (1,2) - would be cool for consistency as well
Fix your HS volume and stuff because you have same volumes across the whole difficulties

interested in nominating this so star for now but get like 2-3 mods for whole set ,Especially insane
Topic Starter
aaaa fixed all ren and new hs with volumee)0

00:00:319 (1,2,3,4) - 00:02:083 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - звуки идентичны к 00:07:377 (1,2,3,4) - лучше добавь вистлов к звукам что сначала идут
01:21:495 (3,2,5) - оверлап
00:27:671 (1) - x:284 y:44 будет лучше смотреться
00:27:781 (1) - да и спиннер здесь как-то не заходит лучше мапни эту часть полностью
01:12:450 (2) - можно было и подальше его поставить
01:50:943 (2) - лучше бы было сделать 01:53:039 (2) - уменьшить конец слайдера до 10% будет круче слышно вокал
клевая мапа! удачи
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

[So very very sweet ~]
  1. 00:00:319 - Decrease volume to like 40, its 100 right now ✓
  2. 00:06:495 (1) - This is what you have in hard and doing a spinner in this difficulty isn't too cool for the spread ✓
  3. 00:10:024 (1) - Since you are following vocals it would be more natural to have 00:10:245 - this clickable instead of 00:10:024 - ✓
  4. 00:15:318 - The entire kiai plays kinda weird since the movement between the sliders is extremely slow compared to the movement between circles. Buffing up the sv a bit more and re sorting everything a bit would work. Also increasing the SV by just 0.1x doesn't really feel that drastic here considering the song gets a lot more intense in kiai
  5. 00:29:436 - This is something i complained abotu your difficulty on shmik's christmas set aswell. So the thing is that this part of the song is a lot weaker than the kiai YET the spacing between your object and playability stays the same which is really bad for the kiai because its getting poor emphasis this way
  6. 00:57:671 - Same thing for the rest of the kiais as 00:15:318 -
  7. 01:00:318 (3,4,5,6) - The momentum breaker here played really awkwardly since you never had a movement like 01:00:318 (3,4,5) - this in the difficulty before. Also having 01:00:318 (3,4) - 01:00:759 (5,6) - as antijumps doesn't emphasize the vocals that well ✓
  8. 01:10:906 (1,2,1,2) - The usage of stacks here is what i really disagree with too as the lalala vocals are a lot stronger than any other vocals in the song having them stacked is also a poor way of emphasizing them ✓
  9. 01:14:877 (4,1) - Whats with this sudden decrease in spacing lol ✓
  10. 01:49:509 (3,4,1,2,3) - The whole pattern plays badly because the almost linear movement between them. Replacing 01:49:730 (4) - so that the angle between 01:49:509 (3,4,1) - these is less wider would work 01:49:730 (4) - There is a strong sound (and I changed
  11. 01:52:377 (1) - You should really do something like instead as the vocal at 01:53:039 - is equally emphasized as the as the vocal at sliderhead ✓
[Hard] ✓
  1. 00:07:377 (1) - Kinda Unnecessary NC here
  2. 00:44:436 (1) - 00:46:200 (1) - the usage of NC on these feels kinda overdone lol. You don't really need these ,you didn't nc these in other difficulties too so yea
  3. 00:53:480 (2,3,4) - Instead of 3 ,isn't 4 supposed to have the highest spacing here like 00:50:612 (1) - 00:52:377 (1) -
  4. 00:56:789 - feels really empty without object here. Having something like 00:14:436 (1,2) - would be cool for consistency as well
Fix your HS volume and stuff because you have same volumes across the whole difficulties fixed

interested in nominating this so star for now but get like 2-3 mods for whole set ,Especially insane
DeRandom Otaku
  1. 01:32:965 - add kiai
  1. Increase hp to 6 for spread, right now its 4 lol
much better now. call me!!
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

  1. 01:32:965 - add kiai
  1. Increase hp to 6 for spread, right now its 4 lol
much better now. call me!!
few things

  1. 00:10:906 - lesser spacing does not make much sense here as vocals are pretty prominent.
  2. 01:13:553 (1) - the same as above, vocalist is giving such a big emphasis on that last continious "na".
  3. 01:22:818 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this one looks like this 00:26:348 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - so consider makin that 1-2 NCing.
  4. 01:31:200 (1,2,3,4) - why does spacing differ for 01:31:642 (2,3,4) - . Is sound here kind of special 01:31:642 - ? Equal spacing looks more logical here.
  5. 01:37:377 (4,5,6,7) - 1-2 NCing?
  1. 00:54:142 (4) - nc.
  2. 00:56:789 (1,2,1) - try avoiding sliderend overlaps. It harms overall visuality of the diff. Try this out.
  3. 01:32:083 (3) - emphasis it by rotating like you've done here 00:07:377 (3) - ?
  4. You've done these stacks twice per diff and I think it's better to get rid of them. 01:05:392 (2) - and 01:12:450 (2) -
Topic Starter

Namki wrote:

few things

  1. 00:10:906 - lesser spacing does not make much sense here as vocals are pretty prominent.
  2. 01:13:553 (1) - the same as above, vocalist is giving such a big emphasis on that last continious "na".
  3. 01:22:818 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this one looks like this 00:26:348 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - so consider makin that 1-2 NCing.
  4. 01:31:200 (1,2,3,4) - why does spacing differ for 01:31:642 (2,3,4) - . Is sound here kind of special 01:31:642 - ? Equal spacing looks more logical here.
  5. 01:37:377 (4,5,6,7) - 1-2 NCing?
  1. 00:54:142 (4) - nc.
  2. 00:56:789 (1,2,1) - try avoiding sliderend overlaps. It harms overall visuality of the diff. Try this out.
  3. 01:32:083 (3) - emphasis it by rotating like you've done here 00:07:377 (3) - ?
  4. You've done these stacks twice per diff and I think it's better to get rid of them. 01:05:392 (2) - and 01:12:450 (2) -
Yes! All fixed, thanks Namki <3
Сочное, спелое, наливное яблоко - вот кто я!

DeRandom Otaku
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