
What am I doing wrong in trying to get my maps ranked?

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A recap: I got a song ranked a week or two ago after continually updating, bumping, and promoting it for a year and a half. At the moment, I have two other maps that are a year old that I've kept alive, and another that will be a year old in two weeks.

I post them in modding queues, bump them with the kudosu I earn, and post requests in the modding IRC channel. MATs and BATs still ignore them. The only reason I was able to get the last one ranked is because I just got fed up and directly PMed some moderators.

Meanwhile, I'm seeing maps getting ranked within a month of their initial posting, with mods flocking to them and barely any kudosu involved. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Just checked some of the latest ranked maps, and the oldest ones are no more than 5 months old. I can't figure it out.
You'll have to yell at MATs and BATs directly until they either decide you're right or hate you.

Good luck during these days though.
easiest way to get maps ranked is : be friends with all MAT/BAT's

sounds bad but is reality
map more anime and map more dedications to other people be a BAT and accept mod4mods = instarank

never forget to hang out in #modhelp

pretty much sad but true

EDIT: By the way, just keep posting in modding queues. It is the fastest way. Look for MATs that don'tseem to be veeeeery busy. Then contact a seemingly active BAT which has a queue. They may take a long time to get to your map, but they usually don't forget about it.

EDIT2: This might help if you didn't try it already.

EDIT3: By the way, I'm sorry for Shout vs. Pjano. I have pretty much lost my inspiration on finishing any guest difficulties (or even my own maps) I had to do.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

You'll have to yell at MATs and BATs directly until they either decide you're right or hate you.

Good luck during these days though.
Oh please, it's much better now than it was a few months ago. Still not optimal, but a significant improvement.

Anyways, Behonkiss, the problem is that you didn't PM any MAT/BAT until you got fed up. Nowadays, the expectation is that you directly PM MAT/BAT in-game; advertising in #modreqs is about as useful as the points in "Whose Line Is It Anyways".

It'll still take a while, but it'll take a lot less time (half a year max, I think) than if you try to do it without PMing.
"MATs and BATs only mod friends' maps" is a myth; it's rare that they actually will favour one request over another based on anything but priority and previous modders. I'm not trying to stick up for myself here or insult anyone, but the majority of bubbles and ranks that I see are a result of determination (as well as mapping talent, needless to say).

I'm sorry if you don't have time to ask every single MAT and BAT every day, if that's what it requires, to get your maps ranked quickly, but sad as it is, it's the best system we've got now. Admittedly some speed ranks are a result of relationships inside the teams, but try not to let these frustrate you, you'll get there eventually if you do things right.

Good luck with your maps, Behonkiss, and anyone else who feels like they are unable to get their maps ranked. Don't give up if you don't want to.

Ekaru wrote:

the expectation is that you directly PM MAT/BAT in-game
oh please... 90% of BATs/MATs specifically says they don't take PM requests on their signature or userpage

and if they do, they're never online or they politely tell you to gtfo and that you're a stalker *cough* ODARIL *cough*

i don't have any experience with the new MATs but looking at the pending section, they're doing a good job (or a bad job, however you interpret it)
yes i ask it too but most of the time is on my fault :P

qilliam wrote:

Ekaru wrote:

the expectation is that you directly PM MAT/BAT in-game
oh please... 90% of BATs/MATs specifically says they don't take PM requests on their signature or userpage

and if they do, they're never online or they politely tell you to gtfo and that you're a stalker *cough* ODARIL *cough*

i don't have any experience with the new MATs but looking at the pending section, they're doing a good job (or a bad job, however you interpret it)
I never said it had a high success rate. I merely said that it's the expectation, which is true. If you don't PM any MAT/BAT, which is, judging by Behonkiss's post, exactly what he was doing until he got his map ranked, then you typically won't get anywhere.

Until we get that ranking system overhaul that peppy has mentioned before, you'll have to deal with it. ;P The newMAT do help significantly, though.
Ask MATs/BATs whose maps you like. This makes it more likely they'll like your style and be interested enough to mod your maps.
BATs are people too and they won't be enthusiastic about modding a map they think will be boring.
Constantly trying is the right way to go. I think PM'ing MATs is the best thing to do, honestly, although they might not accept to mod your map.

Whining about how your maps don't get ranked in the forums or in chat is the worst way to go.
I feel for you Behonkiss. I currently have a map that has been pending for 10 months now, and 4 finished mapsets that are even older but graveyarded becouse ajskdhaskfjhakfh8923hmkg.

So far MAT refusal rate out of around 8-11 PMs is 100%. Gonna PM some more.
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Is there a list of MATs available anywhere, much like the BAT rankings under the Rankings tab?
Uh, I'm pretty new to all this, but I only decline requests when the map count reaches a mountain size (which is kinda near that atm, "only" 20 maps I have to mod now D:). I am not saying that you should ask me to mod your map (which is probably what you could do), but waiting for a MAT to come into your thread without asking is as good as trying to win on a lottery.

Odaril posted a link with all the MATs, check their userpages first and see if there is any modding info there, then check their signatures if there isn't, and then either just ask in game or ask in game.
As far as I know, carpets don't bite, if you know what I mean.
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