
Lemon Demon - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Spaces mess up the HTML coding, and peppy's uploader automatically puts spaces in the file. Use the more complex coding of putting the URL with a = and then naming the hyperlink your song. Works for me.

Anyway, checking it out.
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Thx, I got it. Though I think the problem may actually have been that I forgot the http://, but either way, it works now.
You should add video to it.
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Gilrad wrote:

You should add video to it.
Yes, I really really wanted to do that, but didn't know how. I downloaded one video, but it wasn't in the right format aparently. Can you or someone else tell me how to get one in the right format?
Well it's convenient that I recently made a tutorial on that exact subject!

every beatmap neets a video
Attached is a fixed version:

1. BPM set to a whole number (rather than 0.02) - you can feel it going off at the end of the song.
2. Offset set slightly later.. should feel a bit better.
3. Fixed some broken sliders that had ticks overlapping the last circle.

I think this definitely needs video then its ready for ranking.

Download: Lemon Demon - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (RatherDashing42) [Normal].osu
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Hey, thanks for the fixes. The timing definitely feels better. Did you cut it off in the middle on purpose? Because I'd really rather have the entire song. Or is it just too long? If it is that's fine, but if possible I'd like to keep the entire song beatmapped.

I'll see if I can get the video downloaded (for some reason I can't get vixy or youtubex to work, but I'll figure something out as soon as I can) and once I get the video up I'll re-post it. Thanks again.

Edit- Sorry, I forgot to mention, but how did I get those sliders to have a tick overlapping like that? Just so I can not do it in the future. I saw where you changed some sliders, but by fixing them I think it kinda changed a little of what I wanted, particularly because it made it very syncopated where previously it was very on beat. I'd like to keep those sliders the same as the beginning, but without having the tick overlap. How can I do that? If I have to keep it the way it is that's ok, but I'd rather it not be so syncopated. Thanks

RatherDashing42 wrote:

Hey, thanks for the fixes. The timing definitely feels better. Did you cut it off in the middle on purpose? Because I'd really rather have the entire song. Or is it just too long? If it is that's fine, but if possible I'd like to keep the entire song beatmapped.

I'll see if I can get the video downloaded (for some reason I can't get vixy or youtubex to work, but I'll figure something out as soon as I can) and once I get the video up I'll re-post it. Thanks again.
Uhhhhhh.... ACTUALLY I was wondering where the rest of the song was.. I thought you didn't map it. I think I had an older version of it :( :( :(. Let me do this again
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peppy wrote:

Uhhhhhh.... ACTUALLY I was wondering where the rest of the song was.. I thought you didn't map it. I think I had an older version of it :( :( :(. Let me do this again
Ok, that's what I thought. You had the version from when I posted the partially complete one in the Beatmap Help section. Thanks.
I like this song so much I'll look at the video for you now. Give me 30mins!

(btw - at the moment osu does not playback files with an flv extension. they can be renamed to avi or reencoded. i think reencoding is the best option for compatibility so i'll try that)


Download: Lemon Demon - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (RatherDashing42) [Normal].osu
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Hey, guess what? I got the video to work! I just downloaded a free flv to avi converter and that did it. So, here's the finalized version! I'll also replace the one on the front page.
OK I've uploaded a version with video (same as your old filename). I was lazy and just extracted the flv to an avi... but didn't reencode because my vdub is playing up and wants a reboot (which I can't do atm). Feel free to encode it to xvid or whatever if you want, otherwise just hope everyone has their ffdshow configured to play flv ;)

Tell me when you're happy and i'll rank.


I wonder who's upload won :P
Did you set the video offset? It should be 500ms
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RatherDashing42, I did not. How do you set the offset?

Edit- Sorry, I don't know how to get into the code or what that even means (your previous post)
ahah my upload won! can you reupload your version after fixing the offset? :).

locate the video line in the .osu file (notepad it) and change the second number to 500
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OK, here's the new one, with the fixed video offset. I like it a lot, feel free to rank it. Thanks :D
This is being picky, but I'm going to upload my version (using the flv1 codec). The picture quality is about 2x as good and filesize is -4mb. Hopefully you'll understand :D.
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peppy wrote:

This is being picky, but I'm going to upload my version (using the flv1 codec). The picture quality is about 2x as good and filesize is -4mb. Hopefully you'll understand :D.
NO! You have to use the version with a worse quality video and bigger filesize :evil: ... lol, just kidding, of course I understand. I'd much rather the quality be better, and the filesize smaller. It's still my beatmap, which is what counts. Thanks a lot.
Grats on your first beatmap and first ranked beatmap! Hope to see more out of you in the future :).
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Yay! My very first beatmap is ranked... :D

Hope you guys like it.
Sakura Igarashi
A bit late, but would it be far too much to ask for the mp3 uncensored? I always think osu is skipping or freezing up on me at the 'kicked chuck norris in his cowboy ass' part.

If the entire AVGN theme song is on here, I don't really understand this.
I think the censorship is more a joke rather than genuine censorship, just a clever use of the whistle sound. Still, if you want the uncensored mp3, I'm pretty sure you can get it from anywhere, then simply replace the one in your Osu songs folder with the uncensored version.
Sakura Igarashi
Oh, I have the sound effects turned off cause they're kinda distracting, so the part in the song just sounds like a random skip when I play it. I didn't know you could just swap files like that though. I have the original mp3 so I will do that. Thanks ^^
You might need to rename the mp3 so osu thinks it's the same file, but assuming that the censored version and your version have the same timing, it should work.
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LuigiHann wrote:

I think the censorship is more a joke rather than genuine censorship, just a clever use of the whistle sound. Still, if you want the uncensored mp3, I'm pretty sure you can get it from anywhere, then simply replace the one in your Osu songs folder with the uncensored version.
THANK YOU! Somebody gets it. I thought it would be amusing to make use of the whistle sound, but my friends and people keep getting mad at me for censoring it cause it's annoying or whatever. Glad someone understands the joke.
Ace of Trades
2 things out of this perfect beatmap:
-Is the vid still broken or something? It doesn't seem to work. But that's just me.
-I want to see other difficulties. Thanks to the help of the auto beat spacing, that shouldn't be to hard.
just 2 nitpicks of mine.
If you rly don't feel to pushed to make the other difficulties, and if you don't mind, I could make them!
Check mah mad, but still pending, beatmapping skillz --->
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