
odaxelagnia - #sawg (Wan Bushi Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2 grudnia 2017 at 02:58:57

Artist: odaxelagnia
Title: #sawg (Wan Bushi Remix)
Tags: skrd skrd!!! dancecorps shitmusic strong remixes breakcore lolicore shakira dare taylor swift shake it off andy milonakis
BPM: 205
Filesize: 9260kb
Play Time: 06:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. #extra (6,27 stars, 1867 notes)
Download: odaxelagnia - #sawg (Wan Bushi Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

^ Thanks for the banner Hydria ^

'cause it's my show, you can't tell me what to do

when life hands me lemons, I make beef stew

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masz sudoku bo to moje sudoku nie możesz mi mówić co mam robić
gdy życie daje mi cytryny robię gulasz wołowy
Siema Young Bożen here
00:22:813 (5,6) - przesuń 6 bardziej pod 5
00:55:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - właściwie to dlaczego ten stream zmniejsza spacing gdy powinien zwiększyć, bo się zwiększa także intensywność?
01:19:008 (7,8) - jakoś pusto tu jest
01:29:105 (1) - IMO niepotrzebne NC, tak samo jak tutaj 01:32:179 (1) - ALE TO TYLKO MOJA OPINIA, ale ważna opinia bo sie robi inconsistent z partem 01:58:374 (1) -
02:06:423 (1) - tutaj możesz wyprostować by follow pointy też były takie idealnie proste do 02:06:569 (2) -
02:36:569 (1) - możesz ściszyć
02:44:471 (3,4,1) - tu jak dwa punkty wyżej
02:56:618 (1,1) - zmniejssz spacing
03:28:813 (2,2,2) - właściwie to wyrównaj odstępy między nimi
04:34:813 (4,5) - blankecik ;]
dalej mi sie nie chce pozdro z andym
Topic Starter

XVoIR wrote:

Siema Young Bożen here hey hey hey
00:22:813 (5,6) - przesuń 6 bardziej pod 5 okej
00:55:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - właściwie to dlaczego ten stream zmniejsza spacing gdy powinien zwiększyć, bo się zwiększa także intensywność? bo gdy życie daje mi intensywność to zmniejszam spejcing
01:19:008 (7,8) - jakoś pusto tu jest noise w tle za cicho to zmapiłem sam wokal :/
01:29:105 (1) - IMO niepotrzebne NC, tak samo jak tutaj 01:32:179 (1) - ALE TO TYLKO MOJA OPINIA, ale ważna opinia bo sie robi inconsistent z partem 01:58:374 (1) - dobra usunąłem :/
02:06:423 (1) - tutaj możesz wyprostować by follow pointy też były takie idealnie proste do 02:06:569 (2) - lekko na oko poprawiłem!
02:36:569 (1) - możesz ściszyć oki
02:44:471 (3,4,1) - tu jak dwa punkty wyżej też na oko poprawione :^)
02:56:618 (1,1) - zmniejssz spacing oki
03:28:813 (2,2,2) - właściwie to wyrównaj odstępy między nimi wyrównałem na oko bo nie mam linijki
04:34:813 (4,5) - blankecik ;] nie no overlapnie się wtedy z innym sliderem tym na górze, odsunę jeszcze bardziej blankety są dla shitmapperów :oo
dalej mi sie nie chce pozdro z andym
Dziękóweczka admin ale w sumie to mówiłeś mi co mam robić a nie możesz bo to moje szoł :/
Siemka dziś osemka

  1. Cosik się z bg chyba ci cię pojebało się. Poprawne bg powinno mieć 1920x1080 rozdziałkę >.<.
  2. Ten teges co zawsze zapominam jak się nazywa jest wyższy niż 192 kbps czy jakoś takoś. Powinieneś dać albo 192 kbit albo 128 kbit, aby mieć święty spokój.

  1. 01:08:911 (1,2,3) - To się gra strasznie dziwnie dla mnie (może ja jestem ułomem), ale dej no te trókje troszke szersza, zwieksz DSy, bo dla mnie to tak meh wylada.
  2. 02:21:203 (3) - W każdym combo dawałeś trójkę jedną, więc czemu tutaj masz slider? Wiem, że to trochę nazi, no ale chuj. Dałbym tutaj trójkę dla lepszej konsystencji.
  3. 02:24:715 (3) - To samo tutaj c:
  4. 03:30:130 (1,2,3) - Ten trzy jumpy, a właściwie 03:30:276 (2,3) wyskakuja tu jak Filip z konopii. bo wszedzie tam masz jakie takie trujkonty, a tutaj masz jump, w którym wracasz tam gdzie jest (1), co jest z leksza nie do przewidzenia. Może trochę to pogmatwane, ale ja bym dał tak samo trójkąt jak w poprzednich jumpach. (BTW. W 03:39:496 (1,2,3) na tym samym parcie też zrobiłeś trójkąt)

Ja jestem chujowym modderem, a w szczególności mapek streamowych/burstowych, bo nie umiem takich mapek robić.
Rankuj z tym!
Z fartem!
Topic Starter

Chalwa wrote:

Siemka dziś osemka

  1. Cosik się z bg chyba ci cię pojebało się. Poprawne bg powinno mieć 1920x1080 rozdziałkę >.<.
  2. Ten teges co zawsze zapominam jak się nazywa jest wyższy niż 192 kbps czy jakoś takoś. Powinieneś dać albo 192 kbit albo 128 kbit, aby mieć święty spokój.

bg naprawione ale mp3 nie ruszam bo mi się offset psuje i wolałbym żeby ktoś inny to zrobił tbh xd

  1. 01:08:911 (1,2,3) - To się gra strasznie dziwnie dla mnie (może ja jestem ułomem), ale dej no te trókje troszke szersza, zwieksz DSy, bo dla mnie to tak meh wylada. trochu zeskalowałem
  2. 02:21:203 (3) - W każdym combo dawałeś trójkę jedną, więc czemu tutaj masz slider? Wiem, że to trochę nazi, no ale chuj. Dałbym tutaj trójkę dla lepszej konsystencji. meh tak się fajniej gra, part w którym są cały czas te same drumy będzie nudny bez takich sztuczek
  3. 02:24:715 (3) - To samo tutaj c: :c
  4. 03:30:130 (1,2,3) - Ten trzy jumpy, a właściwie 03:30:276 (2,3) wyskakuja tu jak Filip z konopii. bo wszedzie tam masz jakie takie trujkonty, a tutaj masz jump, w którym wracasz tam gdzie jest (1), co jest z leksza nie do przewidzenia. Może trochę to pogmatwane, ale ja bym dał tak samo trójkąt jak w poprzednich jumpach. (BTW. W 03:39:496 (1,2,3) na tym samym parcie też zrobiłeś trójkąt) zrobiłem jeszcze trudniejsze ^0^

Ja jestem chujowym modderem, a w szczególności mapek streamowych/burstowych, bo nie umiem takich mapek robić.
Rankuj z tym!
Z fartem!
Ładna mapka, ładny bg, dobre odwzorowanie rytmu, dobra robota.

Audio bitrate is higher than 192kbps. Consider recompressing to CBR 192kbps or VBR ~1.0.

00:25:740 (1,1) - ;_; stack albo przesuń wyżej

00:37:447 (1,1) - popraw blanket
04:46:081 (2,3) -

00:43:301 (1,1) - takie randomowe położenie trochę

01:52:374 (1) - przesuń wyżej bo się je z 01:51:496 (3) -

03:08:325 (2,1) - stack

05:00:861 (1,1) - snap

05:35:544 (4,5,6,4,1) - takie trochę zmieszane to, ja bym przesunął 05:36:496 (4,1) - w lewo albo jakoś inaczej skontruował bo trochę się gryzie

05:55:154 (3) - ?

No fajna mapka, są elementy że czuć trochę klaustrofobię względem niektórych, bardzo otwartych momentów ale ogólnie propsik
Topic Starter

MrKosiej wrote:

Ładna mapka, ładny bg, dobre odwzorowanie rytmu, dobra robota. ^-^

Audio bitrate is higher than 192kbps. Consider recompressing to CBR 192kbps or VBR ~1.0.

00:25:740 (1,1) - ;_; stack albo przesuń wyżej przesunąłem wyżej

00:37:447 (1,1) - popraw blanket okk
04:46:081 (2,3) -

00:43:301 (1,1) - takie randomowe położenie trochę nie no w sumie to 00:42:130 (1,1) - i 00:44:471 (1,1) - są równe tylko obrócone o ileś tam stopni

01:52:374 (1) - przesuń wyżej bo się je z 01:51:496 (3) - oki

03:08:325 (2,1) - stack nope

05:00:861 (1,1) - snap restacked

05:35:544 (4,5,6,4,1) - takie trochę zmieszane to, ja bym przesunął 05:36:496 (4,1) - w lewo albo jakoś inaczej skontruował bo trochę się gryzie nie overlappuje się dzięki AR i tak się najlepiej gra więc zostawiam

05:55:154 (3) - ? nieee

No fajna mapka, są elementy że czuć trochę klaustrofobię względem niektórych, bardzo otwartych momentów ale ogólnie propsik
dziena za moda dude
Siema siema

00:22:666 (4) - nie pasuje mi tu ta notka, usuń

01:20:764 (1,1) - przesuń trochę ten pięciobok 01:21:935 (1,2,1,2,3) by kółko 01:21:935 (1) było nad sliderem 01:20:764 (1)

01:22:959 (3) - jeżeli zmienisz to ^ to popraw tą trójkę o daj na tą na paternie| 01:22:520 (3)

01:28:520 (4) - Zamiast tego kółka 1/2 beatu slider | do 01:28:666

02:08:033 (4) - to co ^ tylko | do 02:08L179

02:11:983 (3,1) - nałożyć (3) na (1) lub na odwrót

05:13:301 (1,2,3) - ładny ten trójkącik :3

05:14:471 (1,2,3,4,5) - ja bym to troche zmniejszył, by przypominało bardziej to 00:34:520 (2,3,4,5,6)
Fajne BG, brałbym ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Topic Starter

MyAngelMeinter wrote:

Siema siema sieeeeeema pozdrowienia z podziemia

00:22:666 (4) - nie pasuje mi tu ta notka, usuń nie no dude jak to pod wokal leci "am" "dżast" "go" "na" "

01:20:764 (1,1) - przesuń trochę ten pięciobok 01:21:935 (1,2,1,2,3) by kółko 01:21:935 (1) było nad sliderem 01:20:764 (1) racja, nie wiem czemu się przesunęło :/

01:22:959 (3) - jeżeli zmienisz to ^ to popraw tą trójkę o daj na tą na paternie| 01:22:520 (3) coo

01:28:520 (4) - Zamiast tego kółka 1/2 beatu slider | do 01:28:666 break się przyda jednak nie ma co :/ poza tym tak się dobrze czyta a background noise nie jest aż tak ważny

02:08:033 (4) - to co ^ tylko | do 02:08L179 nie pasuje sorry

02:11:983 (3,1) - nałożyć (3) na (1) lub na odwrót to tak specjalnie jest dla readingu, nie można wszystkiego stackować

05:13:301 (1,2,3) - ładny ten trójkącik :3 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

05:14:471 (1,2,3,4,5) - ja bym to troche zmniejszył, by przypominało bardziej to 00:34:520 (2,3,4,5,6) troszkę znerfię
Fajne BG, brałbym ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jak to z naruto chyba jest

dziena za mod!!1
21:29 deadpon3: ej Polack modujesz mapki? bo mam requesta 6 min 6.34*
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: znaczy sie
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: potrafie dobrze dosyc
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: ale zalezy
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: jaki typ
21:29 deadpon3: burstowa mapa
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: w sensie
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: jakby to po PL
21:29 *deadpon3 is listening to [ odaxelagnia - #sawg (Wan Bushi Remix)]
21:29 deadpon3: jak chcesz to zerknij
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: umiesz angl ta?
21:30 deadpon3: czemu miałbym nie umieć :/
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: if it's too generic and has fitting patterns to trudno jest zobaczyc what's wrong
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: bo ten
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: takto juz nie jest objective tylko subjective
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: no czekaj sprawdze
21:31 WORSTPOLACKEU: tylko mam skaby net teraz to mi sciagnie za
21:31 WORSTPOLACKEU: 10 min? x
21:31 deadpon3: I need to nerf the mp3 file!1
21:31 deadpon3: 15mb piosenka
21:33 deadpon3: w sumie taki goreshit prawie, cuś jak burn this moment into the retina of my eye
21:42 deadpon3: i jak
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: dalej sie sciaga xd
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: to ja sie nie znam dobrze
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: na takich
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: ale no zobacze
21:43 deadpon3: jeju 15mb tyle czasu ;w;
21:43 WORSTPOLACKEU: low dl tu jest
21:43 WORSTPOLACKEU: wieczorami
21:43 WORSTPOLACKEU: bo caly dormitory uzywa neta
21:44 deadpon3: ale jaki progress już %?
21:44 deadpon3: owo
21:45 WORSTPOLACKEU: 00:26:618 (5,6) - to
21:45 WORSTPOLACKEU: dziwne miejsce
21:45 WORSTPOLACKEU: nie pasuej do reszty patternu
21:45 deadpon3: gdzie powinno być?
21:46 WORSTPOLACKEU: jakos
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: cos takiego
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: tylko equal distance
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: zeby tam sie trojkat zrobil ladniej wyglada imo
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: nie jest duza roznica ale ladniej wyglada lepsza struktura
21:48 deadpon3: pogodzę ze sobą równy odstęp, blanket i triangle? :o
21:48 deadpon3: można spróbować
21:48 WORSTPOLACKEU: 01:08:911 (1,2,3,4,5) -
21:48 WORSTPOLACKEU: to to bardzo niekomfortowo bedzie sie gralo bo jest antijump taki ja to nazywam linear antijump
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: specyficznie jeszcze jest po intense parcie jak jest triple
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: jak juz antijump to 01:09:349 (5) - CTRL-G poprostu
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: i bedzie spoko
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: 01:12:569 (1,2,1,2) - bardzo randomowe te overlapy bo nie sa identyczne tak dziwnie wyglada
21:50 deadpon3: tu to raczej copy paste starczy
21:53 WORSTPOLACKEU: no jak myslalm
21:53 WORSTPOLACKEU: ja na takich piosenkach to gowno xD
21:54 deadpon3: wiesz co sprawdź ostatnie kiai
21:54 deadpon3: bo tam są takie przerwy między notkami
21:54 WORSTPOLACKEU: wlasnie patrze
21:54 deadpon3: i trochę się ciężko czyta
21:54 deadpon3: 05:17:691 (1,2,1,2) -
21:54 deadpon3: np to
21:55 WORSTPOLACKEU: no wlasnie
21:55 WORSTPOLACKEU: ja nie wiem bo nie zagram
21:55 WORSTPOLACKEU: bo nie mam jak
Topic Starter


21:29 deadpon3: ej Polack modujesz mapki? bo mam requesta 6 min 6.34*
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: znaczy sie
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: potrafie dobrze dosyc
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: ale zalezy
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: jaki typ
21:29 deadpon3: burstowa mapa
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: w sensie
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: jakby to po PL
21:29 *deadpon3 is listening to [ odaxelagnia - #sawg (Wan Bushi Remix)]
21:29 deadpon3: jak chcesz to zerknij
21:29 WORSTPOLACKEU: umiesz angl ta?
21:30 deadpon3: czemu miałbym nie umieć :/
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: if it's too generic and has fitting patterns to trudno jest zobaczyc what's wrong
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: bo ten
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: takto juz nie jest objective tylko subjective
21:30 WORSTPOLACKEU: no czekaj sprawdze
21:31 WORSTPOLACKEU: tylko mam skaby net teraz to mi sciagnie za
21:31 WORSTPOLACKEU: 10 min? x
21:31 deadpon3: I need to nerf the mp3 file!1
21:31 deadpon3: 15mb piosenka
21:33 deadpon3: w sumie taki goreshit prawie, cuś jak burn this moment into the retina of my eye
21:42 deadpon3: i jak
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: dalej sie sciaga xd
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: to ja sie nie znam dobrze
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: na takich
21:42 WORSTPOLACKEU: ale no zobacze
21:43 deadpon3: jeju 15mb tyle czasu ;w;
21:43 WORSTPOLACKEU: low dl tu jest
21:43 WORSTPOLACKEU: wieczorami
21:43 WORSTPOLACKEU: bo caly dormitory uzywa neta
21:44 deadpon3: ale jaki progress już %?
21:44 deadpon3: owo
21:45 WORSTPOLACKEU: 00:26:618 (5,6) - to
21:45 WORSTPOLACKEU: dziwne miejsce
21:45 WORSTPOLACKEU: nie pasuej do reszty patternu
21:45 deadpon3: gdzie powinno być?
21:46 WORSTPOLACKEU: jakos
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: cos takiego
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: tylko equal distance
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: zeby tam sie trojkat zrobil ladniej wyglada imo
21:47 WORSTPOLACKEU: nie jest duza roznica ale ladniej wyglada lepsza struktura
21:48 deadpon3: pogodzę ze sobą równy odstęp, blanket i triangle? :o
21:48 deadpon3: można spróbować
21:48 WORSTPOLACKEU: 01:08:911 (1,2,3,4,5) -
21:48 WORSTPOLACKEU: to to bardzo niekomfortowo bedzie sie gralo bo jest antijump taki ja to nazywam linear antijump
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: specyficznie jeszcze jest po intense parcie jak jest triple
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: jak juz antijump to 01:09:349 (5) - CTRL-G poprostu
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: i bedzie spoko
21:49 WORSTPOLACKEU: 01:12:569 (1,2,1,2) - bardzo randomowe te overlapy bo nie sa identyczne tak dziwnie wyglada
21:50 deadpon3: tu to raczej copy paste starczy
21:53 WORSTPOLACKEU: no jak myslalm
21:53 WORSTPOLACKEU: ja na takich piosenkach to gowno xD
21:54 deadpon3: wiesz co sprawdź ostatnie kiai
21:54 deadpon3: bo tam są takie przerwy między notkami
21:54 WORSTPOLACKEU: wlasnie patrze
21:54 deadpon3: i trochę się ciężko czyta
21:54 deadpon3: 05:17:691 (1,2,1,2) -
21:54 deadpon3: np to
21:55 WORSTPOLACKEU: no wlasnie
21:55 WORSTPOLACKEU: ja nie wiem bo nie zagram
21:55 WORSTPOLACKEU: bo nie mam jak
dziena all fixed
  1. 00:37:447 (1) - wątpie, że ta strzałka ma sens
  2. 00:42:130 (1) - tu daj slidera jak wcześniej
  3. 01:12:569 (1) - 01:13:154 (1) - // 01:12:862 (2) - 01:13:447 (2) - powinno mieć takie same odstępy
  4. 01:19:008 (7,8) - raczej wiekszy spacing bo mało readable
  5. 01:21:057 (2,4) - ej no ale ten stack nie ma sensu :////
  6. 02:08:325 (5) - ctrl+g daj, żeby było mniej randomowo
dobra dalej mi sie nie chce xd

gud lak !!!
Topic Starter

Venix wrote:

  1. 00:37:447 (1) - wątpie, że ta strzałka ma sens remapnąłem
  2. 00:42:130 (1) - tu daj slidera jak wcześniej k
  3. 01:12:569 (1) - 01:13:154 (1) - // 01:12:862 (2) - 01:13:447 (2) - powinno mieć takie same odstępy doobra copied pasted roasted
  4. 01:19:008 (7,8) - raczej wiekszy spacing bo mało readable ok!
  5. 01:21:057 (2,4) - ej no ale ten stack nie ma sensu ://// odstackowałem ale (anty)koncepcja zostaje
  6. 02:08:325 (5) - ctrl+g daj, żeby było mniej randomowo
trochę przerobiłem dudeeee

dobra dalej mi sie nie chce xd leniuch a na bi ena chce iść rzal

gud lak !!!
Saw this on modreqs. I can't find any issues and the map looks pretty good, but it's too hard for me to safely judge. Good luck on finding a nominator!
It's playable so also rankable then rank this thanks
DeRandom Otaku
This song is actually wonderfully sick
  2. Is shitmusic in tags on purpose or just for the memes
  1. 00:19:740 (3,1) - 00:23:837 (2,3) - You may wanna make these spaced instead of anti jumps to emphasize kicks
  2. 00:33:349 (2,3,4,6) - 00:34:520 (2,3,4,5,6) - The song intensity happens to be the same and the patterns come right next to each other but the second one has smaller spacing, i dont really get why you did that but i would prefer you make them consistent
  3. 00:35:691 (2,3) - These being sliders only feel really underemphasized because earlier, you had circles for these sounds.
    I am fine with 00:36:862 (2,3) - these being sliders though because the song is fainting but in case of 00:35:691 (2,3) - atleast change 00:35:837 (3) - to circles
  4. 00:55:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Since the song is gaining intensity it would make more sense to have 00:55:301 (1,2,3,4) - these with higher spacing than 00:55:008 (1,2,3,4) - but you did it oppositely lol
  5. 01:19:008 - The drum intensity is actually the same here as 01:17:252 - but its mapped with one two 1/1 circles. well because you started following drums from 01:17:252 - it would be cooler to fill these spots 01:19:081 - with some objects too
  6. 01:22:227 (1) - dont know why this is NC'd lol. Removing would make sense also it will make structure cuter
  7. 01:43:008 - To be honest, The NC patterning from here onwards feels like over-NC'ing, A lot of combos have one note only which is unnecessary because it doesnt suit them. for example you can safely remove 01:43:154 (1) - 01:44:764 (1) - 01:49:008 (1) - etc
  8. 03:08:325 (2) - 03:09:496 (1) - 03:12:423 (1) - I am really confused with your 1/8 usage. For some sliders you have two repeats while for others you have 3 repeats. They could all be consistent
  9. 03:07:886 (2,2,2,2,1) - Out of all these you only have 03:08:325 (2) - this followed by a 1/4 gap circle which can be confusing, it actually caught me while playing so yeah. An easy fix would be to just reduce spacing between 03:08:325 (2,1) - something like so that its more easily readable as 1/4
  10. 03:13:593 (2) - The fact that the beat at 03:13:740 - is executed by a slider end is really bad for emphasis because the sound is really strong here. A triple would work fine here instead of that slider. Same goes for 03:15:935 (1) - and to be honest something like 03:18:862 (2,1) - would work much better
  11. 03:21:203 (2,1,5,6,7) - Kinda unsure why you suddenly went for messy structure while the music is pretty much the same for a whole minute by now
  12. 03:54:569 (1,2,3) - 03:55:740 (1,2,3) - The sound that those triple are following are not even as strong as 03:56:471 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - yet they have extra spacing and even a jump, which is just weird
  13. 04:18:276 - The song is actually emphasizing these sounds while you are emphasizing these sounds
  14. 04:31:374 - Did you accidentally delete a slider here or something because i dont see a reason why all these 1/4 sounds are just totally ignored
  15. 05:08:398 (1) - The rhythm here is pretty wrong, i would totally like to see 05:08:471 - 05:08:544 - clickable just like 05:08:691 (2,3) -
  16. 05:11:837 (5) - Change to kickslider (?) to cover that sound on 05:11:910 -
  17. 05:17:837 (2) - Same as 05:08:398 (1) - You should really change 05:17:837 (2) - to circles for godly emphasis!
  18. 05:33:057 (3) - I was expecting a wubby slider or a slow slider for the held sound here but oh well. I still do suggest you make one because the song calls for it
  19. 05:36:496 (4,1) - Can you not make this land on top of 05:35:691 (6) - because that way it looks really messy
The NC usage is just a bit too overused which i am not a fan of at all. See if you can fix that
You can call me back but i wont guarantee a bubble now, i will decide from your response
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

This song is actually wonderfully sick ^w^
  1. working on it, it's gonna get fixed I promise!
  2. Is shitmusic in tags on purpose or just for the memes the album name is "Shitmusic Strong Remixes" ... ng-remixes
  1. 00:19:740 (3,1) - 00:23:837 (2,3) - You may wanna make these spaced instead of anti jumps to emphasize kicks added some distance to the first one and remapped the second one
  2. 00:33:349 (2,3,4,6) - 00:34:520 (2,3,4,5,6) - The song intensity happens to be the same and the patterns come right next to each other but the second one has smaller spacing, i dont really get why you did that but i would prefer you make them consistent done
  3. 00:35:691 (2,3) - These being sliders only feel really underemphasized because earlier, you had circles for these sounds.
    I am fine with 00:36:862 (2,3) - these being sliders though because the song is fainting but in case of 00:35:691 (2,3) - atleast change 00:35:837 (3) - to circles
  4. 00:55:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Since the song is gaining intensity it would make more sense to have 00:55:301 (1,2,3,4) - these with higher spacing than 00:55:008 (1,2,3,4) - but you did it oppositely lol I liked it that way but you're right it makes no sense xD remapped
  5. 01:19:008 - The drum intensity is actually the same here as 01:17:252 - but its mapped with one two 1/1 circles. well because you started following drums from 01:17:252 - it would be cooler to fill these spots 01:19:081 - with some objects too okay I remade it to follow the drums but I don't think the triple deserves to be 3 circles, I made a repeat slider because it's not that important to click
  6. 01:22:227 (1) - dont know why this is NC'd lol. Removing would make sense also it will make structure cuter I can't NC :( fixed
  7. 01:43:008 - To be honest, The NC patterning from here onwards feels like over-NC'ing, A lot of combos have one note only which is unnecessary because it doesnt suit them. for example you can safely remove 01:43:154 (1) - 01:44:764 (1) - 01:49:008 (1) - etc deleted the 1-object combos,
    still not sure if it's consistent tho
  8. 03:08:325 (2) - 03:09:496 (1) - 03:12:423 (1) - I am really confused with your 1/8 usage. For some sliders you have two repeats while for others you have 3 repeats. They could all be consistent fixed
  9. 03:07:886 (2,2,2,2,1) - Out of all these you only have 03:08:325 (2) - this followed by a 1/4 gap circle which can be confusing, it actually caught me while playing so yeah. An easy fix would be to just reduce spacing between 03:08:325 (2,1) - something like so that its more easily readable as 1/4 done
  10. 03:13:593 (2) - The fact that the beat at 03:13:740 - is executed by a slider end is really bad for emphasis because the sound is really strong here. A triple would work fine here instead of that slider. Same goes for 03:15:935 (1) - and to be honest something like 03:18:862 (2,1) - would work much better I tried to make something like this, but still this part could be counted as a "calm part" so not every beat would be clickable, you can clearly notice the intensity differences between this and 03:18:715 (1,2,1) -
  11. 03:21:203 (2,1,5,6,7) - Kinda unsure why you suddenly went for messy structure while the music is pretty much the same for a whole minute by now what do you mean by messy scructure here? I don't really see much difference between the previous section
  12. 03:54:569 (1,2,3) - 03:55:740 (1,2,3) - The sound that those triple are following are not even as strong as 03:56:471 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - yet they have extra spacing and even a jump, which is just weird honestly making these 2 like totally distance snapped or even stacked would be boooring,
    I wanted a little gimmick here and the current state seems good enough
  13. 04:18:276 - The song is actually emphasizing these sounds while you are emphasizing these sounds noo just replayed it few times on 50% and it's mapped properly, though one line of kicks emphasise the rhythm you've mentioned, there is a hi-hat on the white tick that should not be ignored
  14. 04:31:374 - Did you accidentally delete a slider here or something because i dont see a reason why all these 1/4 sounds are just totally ignored yeah I probably wanted to make it better than it should be ;w;
  15. 05:08:398 (1) - The rhythm here is pretty wrong, i would totally like to see 05:08:471 - 05:08:544 - clickable just like 05:08:691 (2,3) - fixed
  16. 05:11:837 (5) - Change to kickslider (?) to cover that sound on 05:11:910 - umm, made a triple :3
  17. 05:17:837 (2) - Same as 05:08:398 (1) - You should really change 05:17:837 (2) - to circles for godly emphasis! okay
  18. 05:33:057 (3) - I was expecting a wubby slider or a slow slider for the held sound here but oh well. I still do suggest you make one because the song calls for it I can't, not enough space here, I'm out sry ;w;
  19. 05:36:496 (4,1) - Can you not make this land on top of 05:35:691 (6) - because that way it looks really messy sure thing!
The NC usage is just a bit too overused which i am not a fan of at all. See if you can fix that Can't really judge it myself because I can either make a strict NC consistency with white lines or a little chaotic gimmicky NC consistency as it is right now, if you'd give me a good example where NC's really have to be relocated that'd be great :3
You can call me back but i wont guarantee a bubble now, i will decide from your response waait gotta change the mp3 first ;w;
Thanks for modding 8-)
pre-qualification mod
04:01:006 (1,1) - spacing tutaj jest dosyć brzydki :(
01:45:055 (1,2,3,4,5) - zrób idealne odbicie lustrzane
02:09:933 (1) - x:392 y:193
02:24:567 (2,3) - jak na moje to bym wyrównał spacing
02:49:738 (3,4,5) - tutaj tak samo
02:57:348 (3) - lekko w prawo daj końcowy tick, coby była równa linia
03:32:103 (1,2) - ze dwa razy ctrl + strzałka w dół
03:38:616 (1,2,1,2) - IMO za ostry kąt, ale to moja opinia, gdybym ja to mapował to bym lekko wygładził zrobiłbym tak (moje na niebiesko)

Topic Starter

XVoIR wrote:

pre-qualification mod
04:01:006 (1,1) - spacing tutaj jest dosyć brzydki :( ma być readable xd
01:45:055 (1,2,3,4,5) - zrób idealne odbicie lustrzane oke
02:09:933 (1) - x:392 y:193 high effort :^)
02:24:567 (2,3) - jak na moje to bym wyrównał spacing nieee jest zajebiście
02:49:738 (3,4,5) - tutaj tak samo ok tutaj wyrównane
02:57:348 (3) - lekko w prawo daj końcowy tick, coby była równa linia oke
03:32:103 (1,2) - ze dwa razy ctrl + strzałka w dół i m a f r a i d t o d o i t
03:38:616 (1,2,1,2) - IMO za ostry kąt, ale to moja opinia, gdybym ja to mapował to bym lekko wygładził zrobiłbym tak (moje na niebiesko) ogólnie zremapiłem to wszystko teraz jest bardziej geometrycznie xD

jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
I love this so much xD
DeRandom Otaku
Ok rechecked, Fixed a big amount of NC's and some other stuff.
16:59 deadpon3: hey
17:00 DeRandom Otaku: hi hi
17:00 deadpon3: have some time?
17:00 deadpon3: or am I too early
17:00 DeRandom Otaku: i can recheck in 20 minutes
17:01 deadpon3: alright I'll stay online then
17:01 DeRandom Otaku: ye just poke me in 20-30 minutes cuz i m p sure i will forget lol
17:01 deadpon3: k owo
17:27 *deadpon3 pokes
17:30 DeRandom Otaku: a
17:30 DeRandom Otaku: let me re dl it quick just in case xd
17:30 deadpon3: yeah the mp3 is different that's a good idea xd
17:31 DeRandom Otaku: max bg res is 1920x1200 btw
17:31 DeRandom Otaku: yours is much bigger than that
17:32 deadpon3: wait I think I changed it already, did I not upload it or what :o
17:32 deadpon3: it should be on my hard drive
17:32 deadpon3: sec
17:33 DeRandom Otaku: it was fine when i modded it yesterday lol
17:33 DeRandom Otaku: now i redl'd it and its different
17:34 deadpon3: oh I know why
17:34 deadpon3: XVoIR sent me mapset with different offset
17:34 deadpon3: so I won't need to fix it myself xd
17:34 deadpon3: probably had old bg
17:34 deadpon3: before I fixed it
17:35 DeRandom Otaku: can u fix this and update just to make sure
17:36 deadpon3: yes give me a second pls
17:37 deadpon3: yo it looks weird
17:37 deadpon3: xD
17:37 DeRandom Otaku: wheres the bg that i saw yesterday lol
17:37 deadpon3: looking for it
17:38 deadpon3: ok got it
17:39 deadpon3: uploading
17:39 deadpon3: it's good now
17:41 DeRandom Otaku: alright guess we can move on
17:42 deadpon3: yep
17:43 DeRandom Otaku: 00:33:350 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:34:521 (2,3,4,5,6) -
17:43 DeRandom Otaku: They are still different lol
17:43 DeRandom Otaku: just a tiny bit
17:44 DeRandom Otaku: you can just copy paste the first one and paste it on the second spot
17:44 deadpon3: hmm I wouldn't even notice they're different honestly
17:44 deadpon3: but okay gonna copy and check hs
17:45 DeRandom Otaku: ye it doesnt hurt to fix when the fix is easily do able
17:45 deadpon3:
17:46 DeRandom Otaku: 03:21:204 (2,1,5,6,7) - what i meant by messy is that you suddenly started to make your patterns with silly overlaps that are easily noticeable
17:46 DeRandom Otaku: like 03:21:204 (2,1,6) - and its kinda messy
17:47 deadpon3: 03:21:789 (5,7) - ah this overlap, well imo it's deeply overlapped and looks nice, though the forth 'n' back really emphasizes the song nicely :3
17:47 deadpon3: it's pretty much same as 03:18:570 (2,1,2,1) - but closer to each other
17:47 DeRandom Otaku: i wouldnt call this nice lol
17:48 DeRandom Otaku: well w/e it doesnt much anyway
17:49 DeRandom Otaku: 00:18:131 (2) - the finish is p loud tho
17:49 deadpon3: and do you agree with me about 03:15:789 (1,2) - ?
17:49 DeRandom Otaku: could do whistle instead
17:49 DeRandom Otaku: i will get to that soon
17:49 deadpon3: could be whistle but it's really massive kick
17:49 deadpon3: why not finish?
17:50 DeRandom Otaku: e wait
17:50 DeRandom Otaku: nvm lol
17:50 DeRandom Otaku: i am deaf sometime
17:50 deadpon3: xd
17:52 deadpon3: also can I put username of a friend that gave me the mp3 file into tags?
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: its totally unnecessar
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: y
17:52 deadpon3: ok :/
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: 01:19:594 - the song pitch is continuously decreasin so it would be cooler to decrease hs volume as the song goes on
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: until 01:24:131 -
17:53 DeRandom Otaku: also u can have higher Hs volume than 69% because the song is louder
17:53 deadpon3: from 69% to 80% maybe?
17:53 deadpon3: cause 81 is too much imo
17:54 DeRandom Otaku: what
17:54 DeRandom Otaku: 01:19:594 - for this, i actually am talking about decreasing volume not increasin lol
17:54 deadpon3: oh shit I missread that
17:54 deadpon3: sry
17:54 deadpon3: >.<
17:56 DeRandom Otaku: 02:43:887 - decrease volume here
17:56 DeRandom Otaku: you have the same volume throughout the whole set lol
17:56 DeRandom Otaku: you can adjust it from part to part yourself
17:57 deadpon3:
17:57 DeRandom Otaku: cool
17:58 deadpon3: changed to 50%
17:58 DeRandom Otaku: 02:46:814 (2,3) - this rhythm sounds kinda random for some reason lol The vocals land on 02:47:106 - 02:47:253 - so can just do this
17:58 DeRandom Otaku:
17:58 DeRandom Otaku: or u can just silence the end of 02:46:814 (2) -
17:59 DeRandom Otaku: 03:02:911 (1) - you can remove this nc
18:00 DeRandom Otaku: 03:05:838 (1) - and this
18:00 deadpon3: yeah I'll silence the slider end, don't want a regular circle
18:00 deadpon3: and 03:09:497 (1) - this too
18:00 DeRandom Otaku: ye that
18:01 DeRandom Otaku: 03:11:399 (4,5,6,7) - the bassline faints, almost totally so the spacing between 03:11:399 (4,5) - feels too high
18:01 deadpon3: I wanted every 1/8 repeater to have nc to be readable more, turned out to be bad idea xd
18:01 deadpon3: hmm I'd need to break the triange pattern here
18:02 DeRandom Otaku: emphasiz > traingle
18:02 deadpon3:
18:02 DeRandom Otaku: 03:13:082 (1) - 03:14:033 (1) - 03:14:033 (1) - 03:15:424 (1) - 03:18:058 (1) - NCsssss
18:03 DeRandom Otaku: Ye thats cool
18:03 DeRandom Otaku: 03:14:765 (1) - NC thing
18:04 DeRandom Otaku: 03:24:790 (1) - aa this could totally be read as 1/2 because of spacing between 03:24:570 (6,1) - these
18:04 DeRandom Otaku: 03:24:790 (1) - remove the nc would make it more easier to read
18:05 deadpon3: 03:25:741 (1) - can I keep this one? it's a really hard read part without nc
18:05 DeRandom Otaku: ye that ones fine thats why i didnt point it lol
18:06 DeRandom Otaku: 03:52:375 (1,1) - The slider heads really need some HS for the kicks
18:06 DeRandom Otaku: 03:57:643 (1,1,1) - Also remove that nc spam
18:07 deadpon3: added whistle there
18:07 DeRandom Otaku: 04:01:155 (1) - 04:02:180 (1) - 04:04:521 (1) - 04:05:838 (1) - 04:06:863 (1) - 04:08:033 (1) - 04:09:350 (1,1) - 04:11:692 (1) - 04:12:131 (1) - 04:12:570 (1) -
18:07 DeRandom Otaku: You know what to do
18:08 deadpon3: ;w; ye
18:08 DeRandom Otaku: 04:17:838 (1) - 04:19:887 (1) - 04:21:058 (1) - 04:24:424 (1) - 04:29:253 (1,1) - 04:30:424 (1,1) - same
18:09 DeRandom Otaku: 05:04:375 - And ye same in the whole kiai here
18:10 DeRandom Otaku: 05:23:399 (3) - This could be 2 circles because the sound on slider end is really emphasized in the song too
18:11 deadpon3: sec I'm thinking about the nc's in the last kiai
18:11 deadpon3: xd
18:11 DeRandom Otaku: tell me if u cant figure it out]\
18:11 deadpon3: should it be 2/1?
18:11 deadpon3: like 05:04:960 (4) -
18:11 deadpon3: and then 05:05:545 (2) -
18:12 DeRandom Otaku: what do u mean
18:12 deadpon3: I mean if the nc's should be on 2/1 white beats
18:12 deadpon3: and remove every others
18:12 deadpon3: each 2 white tick u know what I mean
18:14 deadpon3: ok I'm just gonna make NC on every big 1/1
18:14 DeRandom Otaku: in that case
18:14 DeRandom Otaku: do it through the whole difficulty
18:15 deadpon3: I don't think that would work, too long combos
18:15 deadpon3: okay tell me how to locate them here pls
18:17 DeRandom Otaku: 05:05:106 (1) - 05:04:814 (1) - 05:06:277 (1,1) - 05:07:155 (1) - 05:07:448 (1) - 05:08:033 (1) - 05:09:204 (1,1) - 05:09:789 (1) - 05:10:960 (1) - 05:11:253 (1) - 05:12:131 (1) - 05:12:424 (1) - 05:12:716 (1) - 05:13:887 (1) -
18:18 deadpon3: that's where nc has to be, not which to remove right? just to make it clear xd
18:18 DeRandom Otaku: 05:16:228 (1) - 05:18:058 (1) - 05:20:399 (1) - 05:20:911 (1) - 05:21:204 (1) -
18:18 DeRandom Otaku: Remove from these
18:21 deadpon3: ok done, though I broke some stuff by the way here, but you'll tell me if it's good after I'll submit right
18:22 DeRandom Otaku: ya
18:22 DeRandom Otaku: 05:23:399 (3) - did u change this to circles
18:22 deadpon3: 2 triples I guess?
18:22 DeRandom Otaku: exactly
18:23 DeRandom Otaku: 05:32:326 (1) - 05:32:911 (1) - 05:37:082 (1) - d
18:23 deadpon3: good or too sharp?
18:24 DeRandom Otaku: good
18:24 deadpon3: done
18:24 DeRandom Otaku: update
18:25 DeRandom Otaku: 05:39:058 (1) - remove this nc before that
18:25 deadpon3: ok here comes update
18:26 deadpon3: done, check the last kiai for nc's especially pls, I know I screwed it up
18:26 deadpon3: :D
18:29 DeRandom Otaku: 02:08:911 (2,3) - the spacing here shouldnt be too big lol
18:29 DeRandom Otaku: atleast not bigger than the spacing between 02:08:765 (1,2) -
18:30 deadpon3:
18:30 deadpon3: thought
18:30 deadpon3: thoughts*
18:30 DeRandom Otaku: fine
18:30 DeRandom Otaku: 02:56:765 (1) - remove this nc
18:31 deadpon3: ok
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: 04:20:911 (1,2) - could make them overlap?
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: because the gap between them is only 1/8
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: 04:24:424 (4,1) - sam
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: e
18:33 deadpon3: should be enough
18:33 DeRandom Otaku: 05:21:497 (1) - ye nc remove thing
18:33 deadpon3: done same with 04:19:741 (1,2) -
18:33 DeRandom Otaku: Uh a bit move overlap would be much niver
18:33 DeRandom Otaku: nicer*
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: 05:24:277 (1) - remove nc
18:34 deadpon3: 04:24:424 (4,1) - I think this is better not overlapped because of the slider
18:34 deadpon3: in a case of circle it's hard to single tap with 1/8 gap
18:34 deadpon3: but slider is fine imo
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: nah overlap would be coolver
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: but w/e
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: ye for cirlce part its important
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: u can leavethe slider part as it is
18:35 DeRandom Otaku: 05:49:009 (1) - remove nc
18:37 deadpon3: so the kiai is fine?
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: looks like it
18:38 deadpon3: nice
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: 06:09:570 - btw i would like to see this clickable instead of 06:09:497 -
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: because the song emphasizes that sound
18:41 deadpon3: made 06:09:350 (4,5,6,7,8) - that's a whole stream now :^)
18:42 DeRandom Otaku: alright update again
18:42 deadpon3:
18:43 deadpon3: done
Nie rzucim ziemi skąd nasz ród!
Nie damy pogrześć mowy.
Polski my naród, polski lud,
Królewski szczep Piastowy.

Nie damy, by nas gnębił wróg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Do krwi ostatniej kropli z żył
Bronić będziemy ducha,
Aż się rozpadnie w proch i w pył
Krzyżacka zawierucha.

Twierdzą nam będzie każdy próg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Nie będzie Niemiec pluł nam w twarz
Ni dzieci nam germanił,
Orężny wstanie hufiec nasz,
Duch będzie nam hetmanił.

Pójdziem, gdy zabrzmi złoty róg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Nie damy miana Polski zgnieść
Nie pójdziem żywo w trumnę
W Ojczyzny imię, na jej cześć
Podnosi czoła dumne.

Odzyska ziemi dziadów wnuk!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

Ok rechecked, Fixed a big amount of NC's and some other stuff.
16:59 deadpon3: hey
17:00 DeRandom Otaku: hi hi
17:00 deadpon3: have some time?
17:00 deadpon3: or am I too early
17:00 DeRandom Otaku: i can recheck in 20 minutes
17:01 deadpon3: alright I'll stay online then
17:01 DeRandom Otaku: ye just poke me in 20-30 minutes cuz i m p sure i will forget lol
17:01 deadpon3: k owo
17:27 *deadpon3 pokes
17:30 DeRandom Otaku: a
17:30 DeRandom Otaku: let me re dl it quick just in case xd
17:30 deadpon3: yeah the mp3 is different that's a good idea xd
17:31 DeRandom Otaku: max bg res is 1920x1200 btw
17:31 DeRandom Otaku: yours is much bigger than that
17:32 deadpon3: wait I think I changed it already, did I not upload it or what :o
17:32 deadpon3: it should be on my hard drive
17:32 deadpon3: sec
17:33 DeRandom Otaku: it was fine when i modded it yesterday lol
17:33 DeRandom Otaku: now i redl'd it and its different
17:34 deadpon3: oh I know why
17:34 deadpon3: XVoIR sent me mapset with different offset
17:34 deadpon3: so I won't need to fix it myself xd
17:34 deadpon3: probably had old bg
17:34 deadpon3: before I fixed it
17:35 DeRandom Otaku: can u fix this and update just to make sure
17:36 deadpon3: yes give me a second pls
17:37 deadpon3: yo it looks weird
17:37 deadpon3: xD
17:37 DeRandom Otaku: wheres the bg that i saw yesterday lol
17:37 deadpon3: looking for it
17:38 deadpon3: ok got it
17:39 deadpon3: uploading
17:39 deadpon3: it's good now
17:41 DeRandom Otaku: alright guess we can move on
17:42 deadpon3: yep
17:43 DeRandom Otaku: 00:33:350 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:34:521 (2,3,4,5,6) -
17:43 DeRandom Otaku: They are still different lol
17:43 DeRandom Otaku: just a tiny bit
17:44 DeRandom Otaku: you can just copy paste the first one and paste it on the second spot
17:44 deadpon3: hmm I wouldn't even notice they're different honestly
17:44 deadpon3: but okay gonna copy and check hs
17:45 DeRandom Otaku: ye it doesnt hurt to fix when the fix is easily do able
17:45 deadpon3:
17:46 DeRandom Otaku: 03:21:204 (2,1,5,6,7) - what i meant by messy is that you suddenly started to make your patterns with silly overlaps that are easily noticeable
17:46 DeRandom Otaku: like 03:21:204 (2,1,6) - and its kinda messy
17:47 deadpon3: 03:21:789 (5,7) - ah this overlap, well imo it's deeply overlapped and looks nice, though the forth 'n' back really emphasizes the song nicely :3
17:47 deadpon3: it's pretty much same as 03:18:570 (2,1,2,1) - but closer to each other
17:47 DeRandom Otaku: i wouldnt call this nice lol
17:48 DeRandom Otaku: well w/e it doesnt much anyway
17:49 DeRandom Otaku: 00:18:131 (2) - the finish is p loud tho
17:49 deadpon3: and do you agree with me about 03:15:789 (1,2) - ?
17:49 DeRandom Otaku: could do whistle instead
17:49 DeRandom Otaku: i will get to that soon
17:49 deadpon3: could be whistle but it's really massive kick
17:49 deadpon3: why not finish?
17:50 DeRandom Otaku: e wait
17:50 DeRandom Otaku: nvm lol
17:50 DeRandom Otaku: i am deaf sometime
17:50 deadpon3: xd
17:52 deadpon3: also can I put username of a friend that gave me the mp3 file into tags?
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: its totally unnecessar
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: y
17:52 deadpon3: ok :/
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: 01:19:594 - the song pitch is continuously decreasin so it would be cooler to decrease hs volume as the song goes on
17:52 DeRandom Otaku: until 01:24:131 -
17:53 DeRandom Otaku: also u can have higher Hs volume than 69% because the song is louder
17:53 deadpon3: from 69% to 80% maybe?
17:53 deadpon3: cause 81 is too much imo
17:54 DeRandom Otaku: what
17:54 DeRandom Otaku: 01:19:594 - for this, i actually am talking about decreasing volume not increasin lol
17:54 deadpon3: oh shit I missread that
17:54 deadpon3: sry
17:54 deadpon3: >.<
17:56 DeRandom Otaku: 02:43:887 - decrease volume here
17:56 DeRandom Otaku: you have the same volume throughout the whole set lol
17:56 DeRandom Otaku: you can adjust it from part to part yourself
17:57 deadpon3:
17:57 DeRandom Otaku: cool
17:58 deadpon3: changed to 50%
17:58 DeRandom Otaku: 02:46:814 (2,3) - this rhythm sounds kinda random for some reason lol The vocals land on 02:47:106 - 02:47:253 - so can just do this
17:58 DeRandom Otaku:
17:58 DeRandom Otaku: or u can just silence the end of 02:46:814 (2) -
17:59 DeRandom Otaku: 03:02:911 (1) - you can remove this nc
18:00 DeRandom Otaku: 03:05:838 (1) - and this
18:00 deadpon3: yeah I'll silence the slider end, don't want a regular circle
18:00 deadpon3: and 03:09:497 (1) - this too
18:00 DeRandom Otaku: ye that
18:01 DeRandom Otaku: 03:11:399 (4,5,6,7) - the bassline faints, almost totally so the spacing between 03:11:399 (4,5) - feels too high
18:01 deadpon3: I wanted every 1/8 repeater to have nc to be readable more, turned out to be bad idea xd
18:01 deadpon3: hmm I'd need to break the triange pattern here
18:02 DeRandom Otaku: emphasiz > traingle
18:02 deadpon3:
18:02 DeRandom Otaku: 03:13:082 (1) - 03:14:033 (1) - 03:14:033 (1) - 03:15:424 (1) - 03:18:058 (1) - NCsssss
18:03 DeRandom Otaku: Ye thats cool
18:03 DeRandom Otaku: 03:14:765 (1) - NC thing
18:04 DeRandom Otaku: 03:24:790 (1) - aa this could totally be read as 1/2 because of spacing between 03:24:570 (6,1) - these
18:04 DeRandom Otaku: 03:24:790 (1) - remove the nc would make it more easier to read
18:05 deadpon3: 03:25:741 (1) - can I keep this one? it's a really hard read part without nc
18:05 DeRandom Otaku: ye that ones fine thats why i didnt point it lol
18:06 DeRandom Otaku: 03:52:375 (1,1) - The slider heads really need some HS for the kicks
18:06 DeRandom Otaku: 03:57:643 (1,1,1) - Also remove that nc spam
18:07 deadpon3: added whistle there
18:07 DeRandom Otaku: 04:01:155 (1) - 04:02:180 (1) - 04:04:521 (1) - 04:05:838 (1) - 04:06:863 (1) - 04:08:033 (1) - 04:09:350 (1,1) - 04:11:692 (1) - 04:12:131 (1) - 04:12:570 (1) -
18:07 DeRandom Otaku: You know what to do
18:08 deadpon3: ;w; ye
18:08 DeRandom Otaku: 04:17:838 (1) - 04:19:887 (1) - 04:21:058 (1) - 04:24:424 (1) - 04:29:253 (1,1) - 04:30:424 (1,1) - same
18:09 DeRandom Otaku: 05:04:375 - And ye same in the whole kiai here
18:10 DeRandom Otaku: 05:23:399 (3) - This could be 2 circles because the sound on slider end is really emphasized in the song too
18:11 deadpon3: sec I'm thinking about the nc's in the last kiai
18:11 deadpon3: xd
18:11 DeRandom Otaku: tell me if u cant figure it out]\
18:11 deadpon3: should it be 2/1?
18:11 deadpon3: like 05:04:960 (4) -
18:11 deadpon3: and then 05:05:545 (2) -
18:12 DeRandom Otaku: what do u mean
18:12 deadpon3: I mean if the nc's should be on 2/1 white beats
18:12 deadpon3: and remove every others
18:12 deadpon3: each 2 white tick u know what I mean
18:14 deadpon3: ok I'm just gonna make NC on every big 1/1
18:14 DeRandom Otaku: in that case
18:14 DeRandom Otaku: do it through the whole difficulty
18:15 deadpon3: I don't think that would work, too long combos
18:15 deadpon3: okay tell me how to locate them here pls
18:17 DeRandom Otaku: 05:05:106 (1) - 05:04:814 (1) - 05:06:277 (1,1) - 05:07:155 (1) - 05:07:448 (1) - 05:08:033 (1) - 05:09:204 (1,1) - 05:09:789 (1) - 05:10:960 (1) - 05:11:253 (1) - 05:12:131 (1) - 05:12:424 (1) - 05:12:716 (1) - 05:13:887 (1) -
18:18 deadpon3: that's where nc has to be, not which to remove right? just to make it clear xd
18:18 DeRandom Otaku: 05:16:228 (1) - 05:18:058 (1) - 05:20:399 (1) - 05:20:911 (1) - 05:21:204 (1) -
18:18 DeRandom Otaku: Remove from these
18:21 deadpon3: ok done, though I broke some stuff by the way here, but you'll tell me if it's good after I'll submit right
18:22 DeRandom Otaku: ya
18:22 DeRandom Otaku: 05:23:399 (3) - did u change this to circles
18:22 deadpon3: 2 triples I guess?
18:22 DeRandom Otaku: exactly
18:23 DeRandom Otaku: 05:32:326 (1) - 05:32:911 (1) - 05:37:082 (1) - d
18:23 deadpon3: good or too sharp?
18:24 DeRandom Otaku: good
18:24 deadpon3: done
18:24 DeRandom Otaku: update
18:25 DeRandom Otaku: 05:39:058 (1) - remove this nc before that
18:25 deadpon3: ok here comes update
18:26 deadpon3: done, check the last kiai for nc's especially pls, I know I screwed it up
18:26 deadpon3: :D
18:29 DeRandom Otaku: 02:08:911 (2,3) - the spacing here shouldnt be too big lol
18:29 DeRandom Otaku: atleast not bigger than the spacing between 02:08:765 (1,2) -
18:30 deadpon3:
18:30 deadpon3: thought
18:30 deadpon3: thoughts*
18:30 DeRandom Otaku: fine
18:30 DeRandom Otaku: 02:56:765 (1) - remove this nc
18:31 deadpon3: ok
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: 04:20:911 (1,2) - could make them overlap?
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: because the gap between them is only 1/8
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: 04:24:424 (4,1) - sam
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: e
18:33 deadpon3: should be enough
18:33 DeRandom Otaku: 05:21:497 (1) - ye nc remove thing
18:33 deadpon3: done same with 04:19:741 (1,2) -
18:33 DeRandom Otaku: Uh a bit move overlap would be much niver
18:33 DeRandom Otaku: nicer*
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: 05:24:277 (1) - remove nc
18:34 deadpon3: 04:24:424 (4,1) - I think this is better not overlapped because of the slider
18:34 deadpon3: in a case of circle it's hard to single tap with 1/8 gap
18:34 deadpon3: but slider is fine imo
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: nah overlap would be coolver
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: but w/e
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: ye for cirlce part its important
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: u can leavethe slider part as it is
18:35 DeRandom Otaku: 05:49:009 (1) - remove nc
18:37 deadpon3: so the kiai is fine?
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: looks like it
18:38 deadpon3: nice
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: 06:09:570 - btw i would like to see this clickable instead of 06:09:497 -
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: because the song emphasizes that sound
18:41 deadpon3: made 06:09:350 (4,5,6,7,8) - that's a whole stream now :^)
18:42 DeRandom Otaku: alright update again
18:42 deadpon3:
18:43 deadpon3: done

aww ye thank you very much :3
hi im really happy to see an odax map going for ranked for std tho you might want to add DANCE CORPS to tags when you get your quali check

good luck~
Topic Starter

Lenfried- wrote:

hi im really happy to see an odax map going for ranked for std tho you might want to add DANCE CORPS to tags when you get your quali check

good luck~
I wanna add beef stew to tags :(

deadpon3 wrote:

Lenfried- wrote:

hi im really happy to see an odax map going for ranked for std tho you might want to add DANCE CORPS to tags when you get your quali check

good luck~
I wanna add beef stew to tags :(
actually quite happy you mapped a song from odax, finally get to see artists from dance corps on osu. wish it was for mania though :(
Topic Starter
inb4 odax becomes osu! official artist


02:43:741 - is now preview point

05:08:399 (7,8) - is no longer a dumb triple

00:55:301 (5) - removed nc

added "dancecorps" to tags

disabled Widescreen Support because of no storyboard or video

04:31:009 (1,2) - set volume to 40%

04:36:277 (1) - removed whistle

03:08:326 (2,1) - added a bit more distance

04:05:692 (1,2) - nerfed distance

02:08:326 (5) - removed nc

04:06:570 (6) - removed nc

04:06:863 (1) - added nc

05:21:789 (5) - removed nc

05:21:204 (1) - added nc

not submitting yet


Unpredictable wrote:

actually quite happy you mapped a song from odax, finally get to see artists from dance corps on osu. wish it was for mania though :(
Topic Starter

Hydria wrote:

Unpredictable wrote:

actually quite happy you mapped a song from odax, finally get to see artists from dance corps on osu. wish it was for mania though :(
somebody teach me mapping mania fellas

Hydria wrote:

Unpredictable wrote:

actually quite happy you mapped a song from odax, finally get to see artists from dance corps on osu. wish it was for mania though :(
lmfao fucking dead
somebody teach me mapping mania fellas
ok first you need to get song from sound voltex

then you just make it spammy

and then done. that's the ranked section for ya
Topic Starter

Unpredictable wrote:

somebody teach me mapping mania fellas
ok first you need to get song from sound voltex

then you just make it spammy

and then done. that's the ranked section for ya
instructions unclear, got dick stuck in a toaster
place give me a few hours not
Snapping issues:
== 00:36:863 (2) - Should end on the blue tick.
== 04:46:539 (3) - Snapped to 1/16 for some reason.

Other stuff:
- 00:59:692 (1) - This is misleading since it looks exactly the same as the 1/1 slider from 00:58:521 (1) - (the slider tick is hidden in game because it overlaps with the tail). I would've mapped this by shortening this to 1/2 so as to emphasise the silence from the vocals, and then place a circle on 01:00:131 like all of the other similar drum sounds in this diff.
- 02:35:692 (3) - I'd move the NC to start here instead so that it's a bit easier to read the timing (02:34:521 (1,2) is 1/2 apart, seperated by a 1/1 gap, then 02:35:692 (3,1,2) is 1/2 apart).

- Some of the NCing for the burst sections after the first kiai feels kind of inconsistent, some parts you're using long combos and other times they're short. I'll try to make suggestions from what seems to me fits with the NC pattern you were going for.
- 02:26:765 (5) - +NC
- 02:29:106 (5) - +NC
- 03:02:033 (3) - +NC
- 03:24:790 (7) - +NC
- 03:32:106 (1) - -NC
- 03:33:497 (1) - -NC no reason for these single circle combos imo
- 03:42:863 (1) - -NC
(then again I just checked you went through some NC stuff with DRO so idk how much this conflicts with that)

- 03:08:619 (2) - This seems to be following the same sounds as 03:08:326 (2,1) but one has a circle under it and the other doesn't. Up to you I guess.
- 03:53:546 (1) - Similar to before, I think keeping this to 1/1 is better for emphasising the silence in the song.
- 03:54:424 (2,1) - 03:55:594 (2,1) - These might as well be arranged close to each other so that the rhythm is easier to read through spacing. It doesn't feel like this sort of patterning is used beforehand, and reading approach circles isn't reasonable since your attention is moved away from the next combo due to how 2 is placed near the edge.

- 04:26:911 (1) - Single circle NC thing.
- 04:29:399 (3) - +NC somewhere around here.
- 04:58:521 (1) - Misleading slider thing from before.

- 05:04:375 - This kiai section (and a little after it) feels more underwhelming compared to your others, especially given that this is leading up to the map finale. I expected a lot more active 1/4 rhythms, but you ended up replacing quite a few of them with 1/4 and 1/4 reversing sliders instead. Stuff like 05:14:911 (1,2,3) would feel a lot better as a stream given how the rest of this map went. I'd recommend just buffing this final section a bit in general by doing this.

DRO can rebubble once the snapping issues are addressed. Good luck.
Topic Starter

-Mo- wrote:

Snapping issues:
== 00:36:863 (2) - Should end on the blue tick. fixed
== 04:46:539 (3) - Snapped to 1/16 for some reason. fixed

Other stuff:
- 00:59:692 (1) - This is misleading since it looks exactly the same as the 1/1 slider from 00:58:521 (1) - (the slider tick is hidden in game because it overlaps with the tail). I would've mapped this by shortening this to 1/2 so as to emphasise the silence from the vocals, and then place a circle on 01:00:131 like all of the other similar drum sounds in this diff. Remapped this part, the slider is now 1/2 with volume set to 40% on it's end, also it's ctrl+g'd so it flows nice with circle stacked on 01:00:277 (3) - aaand also done the same on 04:58:521 (1,2) -
- 02:35:692 (3) - I'd move the NC to start here instead so that it's a bit easier to read the timing (02:34:521 (1,2) is 1/2 apart, seperated by a 1/1 gap, then 02:35:692 (3,1,2) is 1/2 apart). done

- Some of the NCing for the burst sections after the first kiai feels kind of inconsistent, some parts you're using long combos and other times they're short. I'll try to make suggestions from what seems to me fits with the NC pattern you were going for.
- 02:26:765 (5) - +NC
- 02:29:106 (5) - +NC
- 03:02:033 (3) - +NC
- 03:24:790 (7) - +NC
- 03:32:106 (1) - -NC
- 03:33:497 (1) - -NC no reason for these single circle combos imo
- 03:42:863 (1) - -NC
(then again I just checked you went through some NC stuff with DRO so idk how much this conflicts with that) Fixed all mentioned above,
also I've modified some NC's while the map was bubbled and now it's submitted, should be way better but I'll look for some more single NC notes

- 03:08:619 (2) - This seems to be following the same sounds as 03:08:326 (2,1) but one has a circle under it and the other doesn't. Up to you I guess. Big white tick, I think that the sound is important enough to be clickable, don't wanna spam 1/8 without main rhythm fundamentals
- 03:53:546 (1) - Similar to before, I think keeping this to 1/1 is better for emphasising the silence in the song. I wanted a really slow slider here exactly for the silence's emphasize, it looks cool and imo doesn't mislead to any shitmisses, testplayed by a lot of people, they didn't say a bad word about his concept :3
- 03:54:424 (2,1) - 03:55:594 (2,1) - These might as well be arranged close to each other so that the rhythm is easier to read through spacing. It doesn't feel like this sort of patterning is used beforehand, and reading approach circles isn't reasonable since your attention is moved away from the next combo due to how 2 is placed near the edge. They're triangles now, nerfed enough :p

- 04:26:911 (1) - Single circle NC thing. removed nc
- 04:29:399 (3) - +NC somewhere around here. done
- 04:58:521 (1) - Misleading slider thing from before. yup fixed

- 05:04:375 - This kiai section (and a little after it) feels more underwhelming compared to your others, especially given that this is leading up to the map finale. I expected a lot more active 1/4 rhythms, but you ended up replacing quite a few of them with 1/4 and 1/4 reversing sliders instead. Stuff like 05:14:911 (1,2,3) would feel a lot better as a stream given how the rest of this map went. I'd recommend just buffing this final section a bit in general by doing this. Personally I like the copy paste idea on this kiai, the point was to make the triples similiar to each other as the beat stays the same, also the vocals repeat the very same "lalala" for the whole time. Each of the triple is supposed to give the player feel of hitting separated patterns without smooth flow, 05:05:399 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - has a smooth flow because of the drums continuity. It is supposed to repeat untill the song changes into more difficult thing. The first part is supposed to be simple, repetitive just to grow harder in the second one. Not changing it :3

DRO can rebubble once the snapping issues are addressed. Good luck.

also 05:08:033 (1) - added nc idk if it's supposed to be there lol
DeRandom Otaku
  1. 03:01:448 (5,1) - Swap NC's because 03:01:448 (5,6,1,2) - They should all be in same combo
  2. 00:28:667 (1) - 00:29:838 (1) - Don't need NC's on these 00:31:009 (3) - 00:32:180 (3) - Didn't have any
  3. 03:08:326 (2,1,2) - Kinda agree with mo here, circle at 03:08:765 - would be better because the sounds on 03:08:765 - 03:08:472 - are similar
  4. 03:24:790 (1,2,3,4) - 03:24:570 (6) - should be parts of same combo since the stream sounds start on 03:24:716 -
  5. 03:53:838 - Add a timing point to silence that slider tick
  6. 05:20:399 (3) - Two circles just like 05:08:692 (6,7) - because same thing is going on in song
Preview point was cooler before lol
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

  1. 03:01:448 (5,1) - Swap NC's because 03:01:448 (5,6,1,2) - They should all be in same combo done
  2. 00:28:667 (1) - 00:29:838 (1) - Don't need NC's on these 00:31:009 (3) - 00:32:180 (3) - Didn't have any done
  3. 03:08:326 (2,1,2) - Kinda agree with mo here, circle at 03:08:765 - would be better because the sounds on 03:08:765 - 03:08:472 - are similar oki
  4. 03:24:790 (1,2,3,4) - 03:24:570 (6) - should be parts of same combo since the stream sounds start on 03:24:716 - alright
  5. 03:53:838 - Add a timing point to silence that slider tick done
  6. 05:20:399 (3) - Two circles just like 05:08:692 (6,7) - because same thing is going on in song aand done
Preview point was cooler before lol
but it's my show u can't tell me what to do xdd

Andy milonakis part is OP previous point was too slow
DeRandom Otaku
Lets give it another shot
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

Lets give it another shot
can you add a silent sliderslide

Buzz sliders should have appropriate delay before the next note. 1/8 and 1/16 sliders should be followed by a 1/4 gap, whereas 1/12 sliders should be followed by a 1/6 gap. This ensures that the hit-window between hit objects is playable.

03:08:326 (2,3) - 1/8 buzz slider gaps at 205 bpm is a bit iffy, should nerf them so they're all with two repeats or four repeats.
There's a lot of 1/8 gaps in the map, can you remove them since there's too many to count

01:32:911 (2) - 01:48:570 (4) - Sounds like a triple here
03:53:546 (1) - Sound stops on the white tick, slider should too
05:13:302 (1,2,3) - maybe change this for consistency, since it's the only triangle triple in the map

will need to rebub if the slider thing is applied
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

can you add a silent sliderslide

Buzz sliders should have appropriate delay before the next note. 1/8 and 1/16 sliders should be followed by a 1/4 gap, whereas 1/12 sliders should be followed by a 1/6 gap. This ensures that the hit-window between hit objects is playable.

03:08:326 (2,3) - 1/8 buzz slider gaps at 205 bpm is a bit iffy, should nerf them so they're all with two repeats or four repeats.
There's a lot of 1/8 gaps in the map, can you remove them since there's too many to count fixed

01:32:911 (2) - 01:48:570 (4) - Sounds like a triple here okay now there's 3 triples lol
03:53:546 (1) - Sound stops on the white tick, slider should too k
05:13:302 (1,2,3) - maybe change this for consistency, since it's the only triangle triple in the map No it has to be special, changes whole kiai mapstyle

will need to rebub if the slider thing is applied
When life gives you lemons you make beef stew
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

When life gives you lemons you make beef stew
hands* uwu ty for rebooble
finally some GOOD song is getting close to ranked
Topic Starter

XVoIR wrote:

finally some GOOD song is getting close to ranked
Potem mapuje despacito
o kurw
Topic Starter

XVoIR wrote:

o kurw
Albo despacito YOUNG BOZEN RMX
DeRandom Otaku
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