
Takamori Natsumi, Sendai Eri, Asakawa Yuu, Tanezaki Atsumi -

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 18 December 2017 at 05:35:18

Artist: Takamori Natsumi, Sendai Eri, Asakawa Yuu, Tanezaki Atsumi
Title: Ne! Ko!
Source: ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート
Tags: nora to oujo noraneko heart princess and stray cat パトリシア・オブ・エンド patricia of end 黒木未知 kuroki michi 夕莉シャチ yuuri sachi 明日原ユウキ asuhara yuuki
BPM: 182
Filesize: 1952kb
Play Time: 00:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.07 stars, 136 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (5 stars, 364 notes)
  3. Kantan (1.32 stars, 76 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (3.06 stars, 205 notes)
  5. Oni (3.9 stars, 286 notes)
Download: Takamori Natsumi, Sendai Eri, Asakawa Yuu, Tanezaki Atsumi - Ne! Ko!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
ojo neko neko

i dont see harem cat in the bg
00:26:758 - delete, rasanya terlalu padat di part ini
00:06:978 (22,23) - invert, biar mirror pattern nya sama 00:05:000 -
00:20:164 - mending taruh 00:20:329 - biar konsisten sama note yang lu isi di 00:18:022 -
00:41:263 - change kat ?
00:29:230 - delete, biar suara finisher dibelakang lebih clear
00:34:011 - change kat, high pitch disini
00:42:582 - change kat
00:01:126 - change don, agak sedikit susah hit dibagian ini
00:08:131 - coba isi note, dari futsuu~inner ga ada gapnya disini
00:10:109 - kkk ?
00:12:582 - change kat, rasanya agak monoton
00:18:186 - add note? buat ngisi vokalnya
00:34:011 (142,143) - invert, suaranya jadi lebih baik

itu aja dari gw
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[R] wrote:


i dont see harem cat in the bg
00:26:758 - delete, rasanya terlalu padat di part ini di semua diffs padet juga kok di melody bridge ini. keep.
00:06:978 (22,23) - invert, biar mirror pattern nya sama 00:05:000 - fixed
00:20:164 - mending taruh 00:20:329 - biar konsisten sama note yang lu isi di 00:18:022 - rasanya begini lebih simpel buat pemain baru. 00:18:022 itu spesial karena nadanya kuat sendiri dan musti diemphasis.
00:41:263 - change kat ? removed instead
00:29:230 - delete, biar suara finisher dibelakang lebih clear keep biar konsisten sama 00:29:890 -
00:34:011 - change kat, high pitch disini menurutku kalo d disini bisa lebih menekankan vocal di 00:34:340 -
00:42:582 - change kat nggak biar konsisten sama Oni dan Inner
00:01:126 - change don, agak sedikit susah hit dibagian ini kayaknya sama aja susahnya. keep.
00:08:131 - coba isi note, dari futsuu~inner ga ada gapnya disini sengaja biar NYA NYA NYA NYANYA NYANYA NYA nya bisa dinikmati setiap pemain
00:10:109 - kkk ? rasanya ddk lebih pas mengingat pitchnya meningkat disini
00:12:582 - change kat, rasanya agak monoton yha drumnya juga monoton mau gimana lagi
00:18:186 - add note? buat ngisi vokalnya hmm nggak deh biar menekankan simbal di 00:18:022 - aja
00:34:011 (142,143) - invert, suaranya jadi lebih baik made some changes

itu aja dari gw
ty for the mod!
From my modding queue~
Remember that these are suggestions. Feel free to ignore them.

00:00:384 (2) - Change to d?

00:33:186 - Add a k here + delete the note at 00:33:516? It matches the structure at 00:38:296.

00:17:197 (69,70) - K D? You used K in Futsuu 00:17:197 (51), so I think this is a good follow-up.
(If you disagree, then I'd recommend changing the note in Futsuu to a D. It's the only diff that uses K in this spot.)

00:12:087 to 00:13:241 - This section is all dons (except for one kat). I'd suggest changing some things:
00:12:087 (64) - Change this to k.
00:12:582 (67) - ^
00:13:076 (3) - ^

[Inner Oni]
00:12:087 (84) - k? (if you agreed with my suggestion in Oni)
00:12:582 (87) - ^
00:25:274 - I think this stream is too long, especially compared to Oni. I'd suggest:
00:26:346 (2) - deleting this note at least.

Suggestion for the end of long stream:
00:27:912 (19,20) - Swap these?
00:28:324 (24) - Switch to d?
00:28:489 (26) - Use k?
I think it fits the song + it's easier to play.

I didn't expect someone to make a taiko set, but this is fun.
Good luck with ranking! :)
Topic Starter

Protonori wrote:

From my modding queue~
Remember that these are suggestions. Feel free to ignore them.

00:00:384 (2) - Change to d? sure

00:33:186 - Add a k here + delete the note at 00:33:516? It matches the structure at 00:38:296. retained to highlight the vocal at 00:33:516 -

00:17:197 (69,70) - K D? You used K in Futsuu 00:17:197 (51), so I think this is a good follow-up. changed futsuu to D
(If you disagree, then I'd recommend changing the note in Futsuu to a D. It's the only diff that uses K in this spot.)

00:12:087 to 00:13:241 - This section is all dons (except for one kat). I'd suggest changing some things: the drum is also all don sound,
so no change

00:12:087 (64) - Change this to k.
00:12:582 (67) - ^
00:13:076 (3) - ^

[Inner Oni]
00:12:087 (84) - k? (if you agreed with my suggestion in Oni)
00:12:582 (87) - ^
same as Oni

00:25:274 - I think this stream is too long, especially compared to Oni. I'd suggest:
00:26:346 (2) - deleting this note at least. well i want to go all out and i think it's not a problem for highest diff

Suggestion for the end of long stream:
00:27:912 (19,20) - Swap these?
00:28:324 (24) - Switch to d?
00:28:489 (26) - Use k?
I think it fits the song + it's easier to play.hmm your sugestion is good, but i think current pattern is more challenging and fits the increasing pace of the melody

I didn't expect someone to make a taiko set, but this is fun.
Good luck with ranking! :)
thanks for your mod~

Just metadata+minor things. The set is pretty good already and your spread seems fine.

Here's an official source and a screencap from the OP. Unless you have a different official source you're getting the metadata from, the artist should be listed as 'パトリシア・オブ・エンド(CV:高森奈津美)・黒木未知(CV:仙台エリ)・夕莉シャチ(CV:浅川悠)・明日原ユウキ(CV:種﨑敦美)' and 'Patricia of End (CV: Takamori Natsumi) Kuroki Michi (CV: Sendai Eri) Yuuri Shachi (CV: Asakawa Yuu) Asuhara Yuuki (CV: Tanesaki Atsumi)' Romanised.

You have 'to' in the tags twice.

Similar to what I'll say for the Futsuu here, instead of having the gap between 00:02:692 and 00:04:011 - right at the start of a phrase, I think it's a lot more fitting to have it at the end of one, like between 00:06:648 - 00:07:967 - . You'll have to shuffle notes around a little to get it to work, but try it out - I find it way nicer to play.

Add a note at 00:08:626 - ? The vocals here really stand out, so giving them some more emphasis with your mapping here would be really nice.

Small suggestion, but starting the spinner at 00:44:725 - rather than 00:44:890 - feels better to me.

Try filling the gap at 00:03:022 - and instead leaving the gap at 00:05:000 - . Having the gap right at the start of the section feels pretty awkward. This alternative is a lot more intuitive to play and puts more emphasis on the important sounds here. There are a few other places where you've used similar rhythms that could have a similar change applied. See:
00:05:659 - Just add a note
00:25:439 - Add a note and remove 00:26:098 (74) -
00:29:395 - Add a note. Maybe remove 00:28:736 (84) - to keep a break

00:14:890 (44) - Move this to 00:15:055 - ? I guess you're trying to avoid using 3/2 here, but really it feels really weird to play it as you've mapped it - it's a lot more intuitive as 3/2. Besides, you've used 3/2 elsewhere in the map already. The same applies to 00:20:164 (59) -

00:22:967 (89,90,91,92,93,94) - This might be too hard for a muzu. Try removing 00:23:296 (91) - and 00:23:626 (93) - I found this really fun to play and much more fitting for the difficulty.

The structure around 00:31:703 - is kind of awkward imo. It's just the way the notes line up with the vocals makes it feel kind of weird. The best I could do here was moving 00:32:197 (140) - to 00:31:868 .

Tiny suggestion, but imo having a ddk triplet at 00:29:890 - instead of a triplet at 00:29:560 - makes a nice parallel with the repeated vocals here and plays a little more nicely.

[Inner Oni]
Nice diff. The streams are surprisingly intuitive to play, I enjoyed it.

Overall really nice set. Let me know when you get 12sp ;)
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You'll encounter this error when the Artist or Title field contain too many characters. Thus, it was approved to only use the voice actor/actress's names only in the Artist field due to this issue. So, current artist format is fine. This map is an example of similar case.

Removed a 'to' and added the character names to tag.

Gonna check diff specific mod soon!
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@Kantan: fixed all

@Futsuu: almost fixed all, except 00:14:890 - and 00:20:164 - i want to keep comfortable 2/1 rest there and avoid too long pattern chain.
00:28:736 - i think the sound here is more important to map than 00:29:395 -

@Muzukashii: fixed all

@Oni: no change, it feels kinda monotone to me for this level so i'd rather keep it for variety

@Inner: I'm glad you enjoyed it!

thanks for the mod Aloda!
also for the star, yuzu!
Looking good :D
Just a suggest before QFing \o


  1. 00:32:362 (130) - how about changing this note into a k? vocal follow
should be good to go!
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sounds good
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Thanks \o/

I think the character name is more appropriate for artist notation.

Since Character Voice (voice actor name) is enclosed in parentheses, priority is regarded as a character name.

Ignore if there is no problem.

yuzu__rinrin wrote:


I think the character name is more appropriate for artist notation.

Since Character Voice (voice actor name) is enclosed in parentheses, priority is regarded as a character name.

Ignore if there is no problem.
If the artist name is too long, better only use the voice actors' names as they are the actual artist and add the characters' names as tags.

Anyway, KwaN has already confirmed the metadata for this song, so you don't have to worry:
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