
Vremya i Steklo - Navernopotomuchto [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28 July 2024 at 12:07:47

Artist: Vremya i Steklo
Title: Navernopotomuchto
Tags: Time and Glass Probably because наверно наверное потому что naverno navernoye potomu chto ukraine russian pop duo 2016 Надежда Дорофеева Надія Дорофєєва Nadezhda Nadiiya Dorofeeva Алексей Завгородний Олексій Завгородній Aleksey Zavgorodniy Oleksiy Zavhorodniy Потапенко Potapenko Позитив Pozitiv Positiff Moзgi Mozgi Entertainment
BPM: 110
Filesize: 5019kb
Play Time: 03:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. EZ - 4Key (1,36 stars, 604 notes)
  2. HD - 4Key (2,32 stars, 1164 notes)
  3. MX - 4Key (3,1 stars, 1560 notes)
  4. NM - 4Key (1,91 stars, 936 notes)
Download: Vremya i Steklo - Navernopotomuchto
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Почему не могу избавиться от мысли о тебе?
Почему мне так понравилось, ударила любовь по голове
Ну почему не могу расслабиться и просто танцевать?

Почему так получается, я так люблю, хочу тебе сказать

Наверно потому что, всё это мои чувства
Одновременно радостно и почему-то грустно
Наверно потому что, всё это мои чувства
Одновременно радостно и почему-то грустно

Вопрос: почему мне стало не хватать тебя?
Я думал это не всерьёз
А теперь, я не могу прожить и дня
Это перегруз, это передоз

Ну почему, переключиться совсем не могу
Просто тону, иду я ко дну
Хочу лишь тебя я одну
Ну почему?

Наверно потому что, всё это мои чувства
Одновременно радостно и почему-то грустно
Наверно потому что, всё это мои чувства
Одновременно радостно и почему-то грустно

Почему не могу избавиться от мысли о тебе?
Почему мне так понравилось, ударила любовь по голове
Ну почему не могу расслабиться и просто танцевать?
Почему так получается, я так люблю, хочу тебе сказать

Наверно потому что, всё это мои чувства
Одновременно радостно и почему-то грустно
Наверно потому что, всё это мои чувства
Одновременно радостно и почему-то грустно

[Can't read cyrillic alphabets? don't worry, here]
Pochemu ne mogu izbavit'sya ot mysli o tebe?
Pochemu mne tak ponravilos', udarila lyubov' po golove
Nu pochemu ne mogu rasslabit'sya i prosto tantsevat'?

Pochemu tak poluchayetsya, ya tak lyublyu, khochu tebe skazat'

Naverno potomu chto, vso eto moi chuvstva
Odnovremenno radostno i pochemu-to grustno
Naverno potomu chto, vso eto moi chuvstva
Odnovremenno radostno i pochemu-to grustno

Vopros: pochemu mne stalo ne khvatat' tebya?
YA dumal eto ne vser'yoz
A teper', ya ne mogu prozhit' i dnya
Eto peregruz, eto peredoz

Nu pochemu, pereklyuchit'sya sovsem ne mogu
Prosto tonu, idu ya ko dnu
Khochu lish' tebya ya odnu
Nu pochemu?

Naverno potomu chto, vso eto moi chuvstva
Odnovremenno radostno i pochemu-to grustno
Naverno potomu chto, vso eto moi chuvstva
Odnovremenno radostno i pochemu-to grustno

Pochemu ne mogu izbavit'sya ot mysli o tebe?
Pochemu mne tak ponravilos', udarila lyubov' po golove
Nu pochemu ne mogu rasslabit'sya i prosto tantsevat'?
Pochemu tak poluchayetsya, ya tak lyublyu, khochu tebe skazat'

Naverno potomu chto, vso eto moi chuvstva
Odnovremenno radostno i pochemu-to grustno
Naverno potomu chto, vso eto moi chuvstva
Odnovremenno radostno i pochemu-to grustno

[Translation : English]
Why can not I get rid of the thought of you?
Why I liked it so much, I hit love on the head
Why can not I just relax and just dance?

Why is it so, I love so much, I want to tell you

Probably because, all this is my feelings
Simultaneously joyful and somehow sad
Probably because, all this is my feelings
Simultaneously joyful and somehow sad

Question: why did I miss you?
I thought it was not serious.
And now, I can not live a day
This is an overload, this is an overdose

Why, I can not switch at all
Just drowning, I'm going to the bottom
I want only you I'm one
But why?

Probably because, all this is my feelings
Simultaneously joyful and somehow sad
Probably because, all this is my feelings
Simultaneously joyful and somehow sad

Why can not I get rid of the thought of you?
Why I liked it so much, I hit love on the head
Why can not I just relax and just dance?
Why is it so, I love so much, I want to tell you

Probably because, all this is my feelings
Simultaneously joyful and somehow sad
Probably because, all this is my feelings
Simultaneously joyful and somehow sad
*format : d/m/y*
  1. 06/09/2017 - Uploaded!, *HD & MX*
  2. 11/09/2017 - ADDED NEW DIFFICULTIES "EZ & NM" & RE-ARR "HD & MX"
  3. 13/09/2017 - Updated MX Diff
  4. 24/09/2017 - Deleted MX Diff because unranked able issue by some my friends
  5. 01/10/2017 - Updated EZ & NM Diffs
  6. 26/10/2017 - Updated EZ, NM, & HD Diffs, some metadata, & MP3 changes! *better quality*
  7. 17/12/2018 - Updated HD Diff
  8. 18/12/2018 - Updated HD Diff
  9. 03/06/2019 - Updated HD Diff
  10. 08/05/2024 - Added hitsound, remapped;HD into MX, NM into HD, new NM added for gap between old EZ-NM.
  11. 08/05/2024 - offset changed to -5 2239->2234
  12. 02/06/2024 - Added "Надежда Дорофеева nadezhda dorofeeva Алексей Завгородний aleksey zavgorodniy Потапенко potapenko Позитив pozitiv" tags
  13. 06/06/2024 - Fixing some SV on MX
  14. 16/06/2024 - Added translation for rus->ukr->latin localization name on tags
  15. 19/06/2024 - SV SV fixing .-.
  16. 07/07/2024 - Huge updated; note, SV (MX), metadata, BG changed
  17. 28/07/2024 - DQ for Readjust offset and add some tags for searchability. timing offset 2234->2224.
  18. 04/08/2024 - RANKED!
Rivals_7 💙 & Ihram 💙
[ Blaze ]

hi,NM req on Illusionary Border Queue
feel free to reject,I still need learn about modding


HD ubah jdi NM,trus MX ubah jdi HD buat menyesuaikan sma icon + star ratenya
terus kyanya ini butuh diff easy klo mau ranked deh,soalnya diff terendah map ini lebih dari 2 star ratenya,tpi kalo gamau buat diff easy coba diff yang terendah di nerf pokoknya harus dibawah 2 star(1,99 maxnya) kalau diacuhkan percuma bakal unrankable jdinya
last,map ranked lebih baik kalo pakai,add hitsound dulu mending sebelum minta modding buat selanjutnya,supaya ntar gak capek 2x pas re-cek pattern

00:12:875 (12875|2) - ke col 4 deh,biar ga quadra anchor
00:19:284 (19284|1) - ke col 1 agak kosong melompong
00:21:329 (21329|1,21875|1,22420|1,22966|1,23511|1,24057|1,24602|1,25148|1,25693|1,26239|1,26784|1,27329|1,27875|1,28420|1,28966|1) - lel banyak banget di col 2 ini :lol: , rapihin a.k.a seimbangin sih saran saya
00:35:511 (35511|3) - oii disini kok gak ditambah noto?add dunk misal kek gini
00:47:511 (47511|2,48057|2,48602|2,49148|2,49693|2,50239|2,50784|2) - h3h3h3,rearrange yo,buat selanjutnya saya gaakan ksih tau klo nemu yg kek gitu lgi lel (anchor max 3 buat normal)
01:13:148 (73148|3) - LN ini hrusnya mulai dri garis merah ini 01:13:420 (73420|3) -

00:06:875 (6875|1) - saran turunin ke garis merah
00:15:602 (15602|0) - ini juga
00:41:784 (41784|3) - sama ini 00:46:148 (46148|0) - terus ini 00:50:511 (50511|1) - dst,saya tau ini LN mungkin ngikut vocal,but klo dimainin jdi aneh rsanya,mending jdi normal note aja saran saya
00:43:284 (43284|0) - missing noto??
00:52:625 (52625|1) - missing noto again??
00:55:420 (55420|3,55489|2,55557|1,55625|0) - ini ngikut suara apa ya?saran saya ubah jdi ngikut flute aja,pattern selanjutnya juga hrus ngikutin klo ini diapply smpai kiai beres

rapihin kebanyakan anchor lel
good luck ya! :oops:
Topic Starter

[ Blaze ] wrote:

hi,NM req on Illusionary Border Queue
feel free to reject,I still need learn about modding


HD ubah jdi NM,trus MX ubah jdi HD buat menyesuaikan sma icon + star ratenya
terus kyanya ini butuh diff easy klo mau ranked deh,soalnya diff terendah map ini lebih dari 2 star ratenya,tpi kalo gamau buat diff easy coba diff yang terendah di nerf pokoknya harus dibawah 2 star(1,99 maxnya) kalau diacuhkan percuma bakal unrankable jdinya
last,map ranked lebih baik kalo pakai,add hitsound dulu mending sebelum minta modding buat selanjutnya,supaya ntar gak capek 2x pas re-cek patternokay.. dah w ganti, nanti hitsoundnya belakangan dikerjakan

00:12:875 (12875|2) - ke col 4 deh,biar ga quadra anchor oke
00:19:284 (19284|1) - ke col 1 agak kosong melompong oke
00:21:329 (21329|1,21875|1,22420|1,22966|1,23511|1,24057|1,24602|1,25148|1,25693|1,26239|1,26784|1,27329|1,27875|1,28420|1,28966|1) - lel banyak banget di col 2 ini :lol: , rapihin a.k.a seimbangin sih saran saya fixed
00:35:511 (35511|3) - oii disini kok gak ditambah noto?add dunk misal kek gini fixed
00:47:511 (47511|2,48057|2,48602|2,49148|2,49693|2,50239|2,50784|2) - h3h3h3,rearrange yo,buat selanjutnya saya gaakan ksih tau klo nemu yg kek gitu lgi lel (anchor max 3 buat normal) fixed
01:13:148 (73148|3) - LN ini hrusnya mulai dri garis merah ini 01:13:420 (73420|3) - fixed

00:06:875 (6875|1) - saran turunin ke garis merah
00:15:602 (15602|0) - ini juga
00:41:784 (41784|3) - sama ini 00:46:148 (46148|0) - terus ini 00:50:511 (50511|1) - dst,saya tau ini LN mungkin ngikut vocal,but klo dimainin jdi aneh rsanya,mending jdi normal note aja saran saya
00:43:284 (43284|0) - missing noto??
00:52:625 (52625|1) - missing noto again??
00:55:420 (55420|3,55489|2,55557|1,55625|0) - ini ngikut suara apa ya?saran saya ubah jdi ngikut flute aja,pattern selanjutnya juga hrus ngikutin klo ini diapply smpai kiai beres

rapihin kebanyakan anchor lel
good luck ya! :oops:
overall.. saya sudah remap semua, jadi banyak yang diapplied kok,
terima kasih atas feedbacknya :D
From my queue


 MX :

  • You told me: "btw need more recomended pattern arr. for the MX", so:
  1. 00:02:239 - to 00:19:693 - the notes you could change them for LNs Example, bcs it feels fine with the sound of this part
  2. 00:55:489 (55489|2) - delete it, cause there isn't a sound u.u
  3. 00:56:579 (56579|2) - ^
  4. 00:57:670 (57670|2) - ^ and others
  5. 01:00:466 (60466|1) - ^ for improve the patterns, you must follow the loud sounds with double or triplet, It depends, for example:
    01:00:466 (60466|1) - this have to be a double, bcs a triplet is much for this "tick", in return, 01:00:602 (60602|0,60602|3,60602|2) - here could a triplet by this a strong beat :D
  6. 01:01:288 - loud sound detected, here must to be a double :3
  7. 01:01:829 (61829|1) - deleted it, there isn't sound, maybe will help for what this parte don't be empty 01:01:693 (61693|2) - change it to LN 1/4 :D
  8. 01:02:239 (62239|1,62239|2) - here triplet for that to be similar to 01:02:784 (62784|3,62784|2,62784|0) - and 01:01:693 (61693|2,61693|0,61693|3) -
  9. 01:03:329 - ^
  10. 01:04:216 (64216|2) - there isn't sound again u.u
    -There are many parts that they are very similars what I mentioned before, so, i will avoid to mention them now :D
  11. 01:13:148 (73148|3) - the ticks blanks is very necessary map it bcs almost always have a sound , but, here there isn't have a sound, so, you should delete it :3
  12. 01:22:557 (82557|3,82625|2) - I guess you want to follow the vocals, but here in Mania not is so necessary map them IMO
  13. 01:48:466 - there is a sound, you forgot to map it :p
  14. 01:50:511 (110511|1,110648|0,110648|2) - here ctrl + G to make it better
  15. 01:59:784 (119784|2) - maybe move to column 3?
  16. 02:26:648 - to 02:27:602 - maybe leave it blank?,

I hope that this mod help you :)
if you want, request me a mod again but after a while e.e

Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Acnos wrote:

From my queue


 MX :

  • You told me: "btw need more recomended pattern arr. for the MX", so:
  1. 00:02:239 - to 00:19:693 - the notes you could change them for LNs Example, bcs it feels fine with the sound of this part I agree, but I prefer to 1/8 LN bcoz ez accuracy when hit than 1/4
  2. 00:55:489 (55489|2) - delete it, cause there isn't a sound u.u well.. ok, I'll arr the note around it
  3. 00:56:579 (56579|2) - ^
  4. 00:57:670 (57670|2) - ^ and others
  5. 01:00:466 (60466|1) - ^ for improve the patterns, you must follow the loud sounds with double or triplet, It depends, for example:
    01:00:466 (60466|1) - this have to be a double, bcs a triplet is much for this "tick", in return, 01:00:602 (60602|0,60602|3,60602|2) - here could a triplet by this a strong beat :D ok
  6. 01:01:288 - loud sound detected, here must to be a double :3 ^
  7. 01:01:829 (61829|1) - deleted it, there isn't sound, maybe will help for what this parte don't be empty 01:01:693 (61693|2) - change it to LN 1/4 :D done
  8. 01:02:239 (62239|1,62239|2) - here triplet for that to be similar to 01:02:784 (62784|3,62784|2,62784|0) - and 01:01:693 (61693|2,61693|0,61693|3) -
  9. 01:03:329 - ^ I forgot that parts *chord
  10. 01:04:216 (64216|2) - there isn't sound again u.u
    -There are many parts that they are very similars what I mentioned before, so, i will avoid to mention them now :D already fixed it
  11. 01:13:148 (73148|3) - the ticks blanks is very necessary map it bcs almost always have a sound , but, here there isn't have a sound, so, you should delete it :3 well.. I won't deleted it but I move it to 01:13:284 - now there's a sound
  12. 01:22:557 (82557|3,82625|2) - I guess you want to follow the vocals, but here in Mania not is so necessary map them IMO I think there is a sound like Zh vowel on 01:22:625 (82625|2) -
  13. 01:48:466 - there is a sound, you forgot to map it :p lel.. how could I missed it
  14. 01:50:511 (110511|1,110648|0,110648|2) - here ctrl + G to make it better well I actually want to follow the snare sound but.. tbh you're right
  15. 01:59:784 (119784|2) - maybe move to column 3? nope, bcoz I followed tuk tuk tuk tuk sound *lel.. I forgot what kind of that sound
  16. 02:26:648 - to 02:27:602 - maybe leave it blank?,I already do it in above difficulty so I want to make it little difference by followed the vocal

I hope that this mod help you :)
if you want, request me a mod again but after a while e.e

Good Luck!
Thanks a lot Acnos! :) :D good feedback
I'll do my best -w-
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

00:37:693 (37693|1) - move to 4
00:42:602 (42602|1) - move to 3
00:44:784 (44784|2) - move to 4
01:13:420 (73420|3) - make it LN
01:37:148 (97148|3) - this LN should be end at 01:37:693 - , than, add note here 01:37:693 -
01:41:511 - same issues
01:50:239 (110239|1,110784|1) - move to 1
02:09:329 (129329|1) - add note
02:28:966 (148966|1) - move to 1
00:36:739 - add note here, and 00:37:011 - here
01:20:375 - here too
01:29:102 - ^
02:26:239 (146239|3,146239|2) - low sound, delete one
Maap kalo cuma dikit :"v
Good luck~
Topic Starter

FadillSan wrote:

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

00:37:693 (37693|1) - move to 4 oke
00:42:602 (42602|1) - move to 3 oke
00:44:784 (44784|2) - move to 4 oke
01:13:420 (73420|3) - make it LN
01:37:148 (97148|3) - this LN should be end at 01:37:693 - , than, add note here 01:37:693 - oke, good idea
01:41:511 - same issues ^
01:50:239 (110239|1,110784|1) - move to 1 oke
02:09:329 (129329|1) - add note oke
02:28:966 (148966|1) - move to 1 oke
00:36:739 - add note here, and 00:37:011 - here for HD?? I'm not sure if NM has a pattern like this (1/4 stairs)
01:20:375 - here too nope... LN is better
01:29:102 - ^ ^
02:26:239 (146239|3,146239|2) - low sound, delete one oke
Maap kalo cuma dikit :"v daijoubu desss...
Good luck~
(y) thank you :*
mp3 audio bitrate 256->192 osu doesn't like high quality audio :?
Tags shouldn't have commas between them
00:34:557 (34557|2) - Move to 4
00:35:511 (35511|2,35920|3,36329|3,36602|2,36875|1) - This section is weird, for 00:35:511 (35511|2,35920|3,36329|3) - you map the instruments but 00:36:602 (36602|2,36875|1) - is mapping the vocals. 00:36:602 (36602|2) - Move to 00:36:739 -
02:18:057 (138057|2) - Move to 1
02:20:648 (140648|1) - Move to 1
02:23:784 (143784|3) - Move to 2
02:25:148 (145148|3) - Remove
02:23:648 (143648|1,143648|3) - Remove, add 3 ?

Topic Starter

Hestia- wrote:

mp3 audio bitrate 256->192 osu doesn't like high quality audio :? UPDATED!
Tags shouldn't have commas between them lmao I forgot it
00:34:557 (34557|2) - Move to 4 accepted
00:35:511 (35511|2,35920|3,36329|3,36602|2,36875|1) - This section is weird, for 00:35:511 (35511|2,35920|3,36329|3) - you map the instruments but 00:36:602 (36602|2,36875|1) - is mapping the vocals. 00:36:602 (36602|2) - Move to 00:36:739 - ok
02:18:057 (138057|2) - Move to 1 but it's sound same so I change it to jack pattern but since this is NM I think you're right
02:20:648 (140648|1) - Move to 1 ^
02:23:784 (143784|3) - Move to 2 ^
02:25:148 (145148|3) - Remove good idea owo
02:23:648 (143648|1,143648|3) - Remove, add 3 ?okay that's make sense for HD diff

thanks a lot Hestia-sama :D <3
I like this music) Thanks for the map)
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