
Change ranked beatmap background video?

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I want to change some ranked beatmaps to a better quality background video (I would prefer to have them not look like they're in 240p) but I'm not really sure how to. This is in specific to ranked beatmaps because I would like to have it so that they remain ranked after the background video change. I've heard about changing background images but I'm not sure how to handle background videos and keeping the beatmaps ranked for them.

randomgamer1017 wrote:

I want to change some ranked beatmaps to a better quality background video (I would prefer to have them not look like they're in 240p) but I'm not really sure how to. This is in specific to ranked beatmaps because I would like to have it so that they remain ranked after the background video change. I've heard about changing background images but I'm not sure how to handle background videos and keeping the beatmaps ranked for them.
You are in the wrong forum thread buddy but hey...
Just go to your songs folder and change the background.png

randomgamer1017 wrote:

... and keeping the beatmaps ranked for them.
That won't work, they will be in unranked state after you changed it as far as I know. If you still want to change it: replace the video file from the beatmap's song folder with the video you want to use and save it.

Btw, FroxXyyy, not each background is named after "background" and he's also talking about the video, not about the background image itself. :3
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Damn, well thanks for the help anyway!
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