
PyP Video Game Mafia [MAFIA+SURVIVOR] - Dr. Hitter Escapes!

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Hi guys, what the fuck is going on here? tldr plz
tl;dr we generally find that -- you just opened skyrim as i was typing this --

we generally believe that you and bmin are town because of both of your abilities checking out. we're generally unsure about Luna.

akro and pieguy both seem scummy and are fighting each other over who is more scum.

i'm a generally useless person in the game at this point, more or less waiting for it to end.
i said generally a lot.

I am betting on pieguy, but it's just a bet, 100% guess. What if they are both scum, having a really stupid plan?

akrolsmir wrote:

"There are different ways to interpret voting patterns. All of these appear valid.
this statement is wrong


Not all of them are valid. The ones I used, however, were. Your voting patterns fit in with the valid ones. You voted late for mafia and voted early for town, and halfway on the person who was halfway between mafia and town. I never said any other pattern was suspicious. You, on the other hand, tried to make it seem like I did (in other words, tried to mislead people)

You brought up the idea in the first place. I just pointed out that it was hypocritical of you, and now you're trying to frame it so that somehow it's my fault? Not to mention you completely glossed over the second half of my arguments.
Yours is worse than mine in the first place though. Also, I never said that it was your fault. Again with you trying to make it seem like I said something I didn't really say (misleading people)? Also, mine is provable by having a vigilante kill me.

At this point I'm not going to bother addressing your statements
read: "whenever I try to convince people you're mafia you tear through all my invalid arguments and thus make it even more obvious I'm mafia, so I'll just stop here~"
If anyone thinks one of pieguy's above points is worth addressing, quote it and I'll respond.

akrolsmir- voting pieguy
pieguy- voting akrolsmir
bmin- gut says pieguy?
LunaticMara- gut says pieguy?
foulcoon- doesn't care...
Luna- ???

Luna, it's been a couple days since you last weighed in, what do you think?
Or anyone else- there's been a general lack of activity in here.

To anyone who votes: please read the whole thread again before picking who to vote, especially this last part where akrolsmir blatantly tried to mislead everyone, and now is just trying to discredit me entirely now that I've reduced the issue in such a way that it's impossible for him to argue against it anymore.
cross mine by the way. I'm neutral at the moment. I might as well look into pieguy's posts as well. Why don't you do this too, akro?
Topic Starter
pieguy1372 (1) - akrolsmir
akrolsmir (1) - pieguy1372

Not Voting (4) - Luna, bmin11, foulcoon, LunaticMara
To anyone who votes: please understand that I'm not particularly interested in continuing to debate with scum, because it's not really getting us anywhere as you can see. Again, if you believe one of his points merits a response, than say so. But hopefully it's already obvious how they're all misguided or incorrect.

@bmin- Looking through his history, what stands out most was day 1, where he distanced himself from adam and wojjan by Fossing them, but then voted for DxS based on "gut". I know he uses his gut every game, but that just seems like a cop out from taking responsibility and a way to lynch without adequate explanation. And it's common for mafia to attack each other verbally with FoS/HoS, but refrain from actually voting each other.
vote: pieguy
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pieguy1372 (2) - akrolsmir, foulcoon
akrolsmir (1) - pieguy1372

Not Voting (3) - Luna, bmin11, LunaticMara

Dr. Hitter
had a bad feeling in the gut of his stomach.
When pieguy1372 was selected to be lynched, Dr. Hitter was very uneasy.
The night would tell if his uneasiness was right...

pieguy1372 has been lynched.

(Happy now foulcoon?)
Topic Starter
Dr. Hitter knew all was lost.
He had checked pieguy1372's records and he knew that pieguy1372 was a Bulletproof Townie.
It was all lost now.
pieguy1372 - Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Danmaku Dodger - One-Shot Bulletproof - Lynched Day 6

He grabbed his machine, took aim at the wall, and fired.
A small wormhole emerged, and Dr. Hitter entered it...

On the other side on the facility, what was once the room of bmin11 was now a giant crater.
akrolsmir smiled as he finished his job. The nuke he brought was small enough to not blow up the entire countryside, but big enough for a room.
Of course, he had known from before that bmin11 could manipulate time.
bmin11 - Braid - Time Manipulator - Time Reverser - Killed Night 6

foulcoon woke up in a mysterious place.
It was very dark and foggy. He had trouble recalling what had happened.
He sat down and meditated. Then suddenly he remembered.

It was LunaticMara. LunaticMara shoved him through a television, and he ended up here.
But how did he do it? Only LadySuburuhad that power...
As foulcoonrealized this, the fog cleared.
foulcoon - EarthBound - PSI Healer - Limited Doctor - Killed Night 6

Luna was quiet. He had wished that he hadn't throw away his gun.
Now that he thought about it, it wasn't even him who threw away the gun. It was some other "self".

From his room, he heard a large explosion coming from the hallway.
He didn't want to go outside, but he had to.

He opened the door and glanced left and right.
akrolsmir was heading towards him from his right, carrying multiple futuristic weapons.
LunaticMara was heading towards him from his left, carrying a shotgun.

Lunafinally realized that the Mafia had won.
He opened his window and jumped.
Luna - 50 Cent: Bulletproof - Avenging Gunman - Vigilante - Endgamed

"So... How do we split up this world?"
"Well originally we were going to split it in five, but I guess we could half it as we're the only two left."

"So I'll drain my half of its resources, and you turn the other half into a nuclear wasteland?"
"Pretty much."

Both LunaticMara and akrolsmir laughed as they exited the facility.
LunaticMara - MDK - Mineral Harvester - Mafia Absorber - Survived
akrolsmir - Fallout - Post-Apocalyptic Nuclear Bomber - Mafia One-Shot Strongman - Survived

Lybydose watched from above as all of this happened.
He had been promoted to an Angel, but he still left the need to check on his old home.

He shifted his view to aparallel universe.
He found Dr. Hitter in a world where everyone plays a PC game where one has to click objects matching to a certain music.

At least Dr. Hitter was enjoying himself.
(Oh and the Night actually ended early! Less than 24 hours!)

Topic Starter
Roles, Role PMs, and Actions:
Roles & Actions
Role PMs

Recruitment 1 (LunaticMara + bmin11)
Recruitment 2 (Lunaticmara + LadySuburu)
Oh well.

It was so goddamn lucky for us when fishie chose not to hide behind me- though Mara might have been able to win on his own anyways.

I wanted to apologize to LS for backstabbing him, but you know...
foulcoon is the new kiddo
Well the most anti-town town players were certainly Rolled and fishie. foulcoon just sealed it at the end
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
I saw this coming a mile away. :U

Not acting to lynch LS instantly D2 was probably the most cowardly move I could have done...

...Still hate myself for it.

Chris wrote:

foulcoon is the new kiddo


if it wasn't for rolled .. i tracked LunaticMara N1 and got he targeted LS :( .. damn u rolled
And yes, I forgot this.

We just won a game where a jester faked a guilty on a mafia, along with an actual cop guilty.

fuckin wow.
Conditional Saulus will be protown if all Mafia alive will vote for him.
Well I'm glad I know that, thanks for telling me my role clearly in my role PM.
lmfao why shit talk me guys? this game had been going on for MONTHS and I was bored with it.

-- stop reading here if you don't want to read me bitching --

This game was so obviously mafia stacked its not even funny. First of all having the lynched peoples roles flip fucked me (the doctor) hardcore. I could have easily kept a few people alive had I known what the fuck was going on. Second: really? You made a role that was Janitor, SK, and coroner? Was he really also one shot bulletproof? So we have lynched persons not flipping until next day, mafia kill, and one kill that turns up as ????????. Last but not least, there were 8 non town roles in a game of 19. Typically there is a ratio of 4 town : 1 scum. This game had a ratio of 11 town : 5 scum, with a bunch of other assholes doing their own thing.

tl;dr - this game was stacked in favor of the mafia from the beginning, and I was already bored after 2 months of inactive play and the longest day and night phases of all time.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Foulcoon: Actually, that role was janitor, SK, coroner, 1-shot BP, AND lynchee.

..I agree with you on that statement, though. That's just bullshit.---------------
🎵🎶 I'm a Shotgun With An Angel 🎶🎵

Hard by BirbSMB
Nightcore AMV by Patrick Cake
Pull the trigger by ItzAtric
Cracked IPod 2nd Gen by Resty
Shotgun by Binninja
Broken Hand by GreatBanter
Pee Powered P4in by Getti

Taiko Angel by Bathym-

Shot a Gun with an Angel by OsuMagic360

I need more GD's please send me ur GD's NOW

I only came in with the intention of giving you guys the tools you needed to win, then leaving~
seems like i was right of 100% of the things after all, hm okay.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Eh, you didn't really help. Plus the fact that I was already dead when you popped up. I already knew we lost when that happened.
you're right, I didn't help at all
By lynching me.

You ass.
i did actually help, you investigated one of the guys i said was mafia, and besides that i "didn't help" cause nobody listened to me so.. yeah.

read my list half the game gone, 100% right.

100% .. you mortals.
Oh son of a

I was thinking LunaticMara was a mafia absorber, but akrolsmir was so much more obvious. Speaking of him, you absolute morons. >_< His logic was logically fallacious and that's all there is to it. There's nothing about that that could possibly be valid. It's just logically incorrect. There was literally no reason to vote for me over him after he pulled that half-assed stunt. It's quite obvious that no one actually read it carefully, because if they did they would have figured that out.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Pieguy: That's the average thinker these days. Logic means virtually nothing on the internet.

Salvage: It doesn't matter if you're 100% right about something. What really matters is your vote.
it does matter actually, but okay.
"Mafia Absorber"
You gotta be fucking kidding me ._. They can just kill off whoever they want and absorb our ability. That's just too much I think. And no in an Earth I would have thought there would be 5 mafias when we had a SK and a Jestor with us. I'm lost for words.

akrolsmir wrote:

I wanted to apologize to LS for backstabbing him, but you know...

Well, if I was actually able to go through with the plan, and Mara hadn't lied about fishie, we could've joint won.

Unfortunately... we couldn't have joint won, since my role didn't allow for that under my win condition. I was planning on getting to the point where it would joint-win anyway, regardless.

Lybydose wrote:

there is ZERO chance adam knew who else was in the mafia, therefore, he didn't have access to scum chat. You can't conclude anything based on who he protects or who protects him. This isn't me claiming mafia and saying this because "I know it's true", this is me stating that in the interests of game balance, you CANNOT give a town player (or "converted to town later" player) the scum list.

adam2046 wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

there is ZERO chance adam knew who else was in the mafia, therefore, he didn't have access to scum chat. You can't conclude anything based on who he protects or who protects him. This isn't me claiming mafia and saying this because "I know it's true", this is me stating that in the interests of game balance, you CANNOT give a town player (or "converted to town later" player) the scum list.
Host's fault for making a dumb role then.

You converting town after having known who was in the mafia is completely stupid and game breaking, regardless of what restrictions you try to place on it.
If it makes you feel better, I wouldn't have told everyone anyway.
Topic Starter
I disagree with that heavily foulcoon.
Town had a Cop, Tracker+Watcher, Doctor that could have a 50% to protect everyone in a single Night if he wanted to, a Vig, two roles that you can avoid death and someone who could reverse the time back one day to avoid quick hammers.

Plus one of the Mafia could turn the entire game if he wanted too by getting lynched by his fellow members.
The SK had a Lyncher who could literally one vote lynch him.
Hell even the SK himself could go around and kill Mafia if he wanted too.

What ruined this game was the town's massclaim.
Basically you gave the Mafia Absorber (my anti-massclaim mechanic) a free buffet of powers to choose from.

I tested the game balance lots of times by running through what if situations.
And besides, town COULD have won it.
I mean with two investigative, three protective, one killing role?
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

NoHItter wrote:

a Vig,
That only kills mafia, which is good and bad. In this case, bad, because it was simply a town kill, causing him to get cut off and stop shooting.
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11:5:4 is a bad ratio for town, but considering that everyone was a power role, there was a SK, one mafia could turn the tables, I think it was balanced enough.

NoHItter wrote:

Plus one of the Mafia could turn the entire game if he wanted too by getting lynched by his fellow members.
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You do know adam that I was planning to give you small bits of info as the game progressed?
That "You regret joining the mafia" was only the first hint.
I did this to avoid any sudden game tempo changes.
I had forgotten I was in this game

Oh my god guys, I'm so proud of everyone!~

Well, NoHItter did the massclaim counter well, but I'm not much of a hard-working person to analyze about it. I believe town had almost done a great job. But Mara didn't even make an effort to look non-scummy. Confirmation of town just arrived to him and the game rolled through the SK/Mafia's plan.
Anyway, I think PyP is kind of a game that can become curb-stomp battle with just one careless action. But Nohitter did a pyp where everyone had a nice power, which is neat.

That said, I'm not acquainted with mass role claims. They scare me now. It made us win though, weird.

p.s. I wish this forum had a larger post per page.
Sorry for being completely useless after all, I unexpectedly lost access to my computer for slightly more than two weeks.
But it probably wouldn't have changed anything, I really didn't suspect Mara at all.

Just wanted to apologize for taking up space and doing a whole bunch of nothing >_<

/E: I didn't read through everything yet, just going by info from the start-post
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