
Function Phantom - Algebra [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 21 août 2017 at 18:01:38 午後

Artist: Function Phantom
Title: Algebra
Source: osu!
Tags: 2017 osu taiko beatmapping contest intense muskrat
BPM: 177
Filesize: 12198kb
Play Time: 04:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aspire (6,57 stars, 1576 notes)
Download: Function Phantom - Algebra
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Function Phantom | Algebra
osu!taiko Aspire 2017 winner
Wow... Didn't expect that... Thanks everyone for your votes!

This secret is gonna become obsolete once the new website rolls in... An arrow is more noticeable than a bar.

You can already tell by the storyboard that this beatmap has been inspired by some of mojiro-'s, though i spiced it up by adding some new things, like the Project DIVA mode. I also gave equal time to each mode to balance things out. I used some external programs to make some of the repeated stuff, like the SB taiko notes (that I coded myself) and Project DIVA (base code thanks to IamBaum through the deceased osu!DIVA thread, had to manually change some elements via .osb). I had fun moments while making the SB, and other less fun (looking at you .osb). I hope you all enjoy this map!

Modes included:
Normal: The classic osu!taiko mode. Lasts shortly before I spice everything up. Make use of that break to turn on the SB if you didn't do it!
Dual-lane: Dons and Kats are on different lanes! Watch out for double notes! (Press Don before Kat if you're having trouble with these.)
Repeat: I'll give you a pattern, and you'll have to repeat it! My turn lasts 2 measures, and yours too.
Donkama 2000: If you know this chart from Taiko no Tatsujin, you know what to expect: impossible to read patterns with VERY varying SVs!
Spinner Trial: Finish the Spinner before the notes comes by, or you may have trouble with one of these!
Reversed Colors: Let's reverse the colors, shall we? Dons become Kats, and Kats become Dons!
Multi-mode Relax time: Let's calm down a little with very few notes... Across 3 of osu!'s gamemodes (4th is mania which would be the Dual-lane mode).
Project DIVA: Welp, it's apparently the highlight of my map (and maybe why I got votes). Notes fly towards targets, hit them when the note reaches the target! (...I hope you can read behind the default lane.)
Speed: SV is gradually increasing. What can I say more?
Dual-lane Reversed Colors: Dual-lane comes back, and Reversed Colors is thrown in halfway through!
Firetruck the RC: I DIDN'T HAVE ANY OTHER IDEAS LEFT, OKAY?! I had to fill it up, so I broke the last few rules I didn't break yet. Spinner Trial also makes another appearance, though it's not your priority here...
Normal: ...I completely ran out of ideas here, so everything turns back to normal here.

Now, one last thing. Did you guys played it before voting for it?

... That's what I thought.
STORYBOARD REQUIRED! / Background dim: 0% / Resolution: 4:3 (16:9 compatible)
we got the exschwasion of taiko yall
bravo !
Congratulations, well deserved :D
Fantastic beatmap. Only thing I was wondering is the SV boost in the Dual-lane stages: Did you want to avoid BPM boosting? Because it'd be otherwise possible to make the notes at this part completely invisible. On the other hand, if that'd be the way for people who disable the SB - for whatever reasons - then I guess it can stay like that.
Good job ^^ I wish I knew how to storyboard so I could make cool things too.
Congrats! Nice (and really impossible taiko aspire) map! :) :D
very very cool

i'd also consider adding a second difficulty with just the normal map, due to the requirement of storyboards that might leave some people with laggy gameplay
Topic Starter
Whoa, didn't expect that much comments... Especially before it's officially announced as a ranked map.

Unmei Muma wrote:

we got the exschwasion of taiko yall
... I don't get it.

Arrival wrote:

bravo !
... Bonjour la France.

Raiden wrote:

Congratulations, well deserved :D

Stefan wrote:

Fantastic beatmap. Only thing I was wondering is the SV boost in the Dual-lane stages: Did you want to avoid BPM boosting? Because it'd be otherwise possible to make the notes at this part completely invisible. On the other hand, if that'd be the way for people who disable the SB - for whatever reasons - then I guess it can stay like that.
I wanted to avoid tampering with the BPM. I didn't take into account people who would disable the SB (which would be harder to play because of the speed).

Nifty wrote:

Good job ^^ I wish I knew how to storyboard so I could make cool things too.
Just try playing in the editor first with some of the options you have. You can search for more advanced tips in the Wiki and the Storyboarding subforum.

Taro-chan wrote:

Congrats! Nice (and really impossible taiko aspire) map! :) :D
It's not impossible! Just... Hard to perfect.

Weber wrote:

very very cool

i'd also consider adding a second difficulty with just the normal map, due to the requirement of storyboards that might leave some people with laggy gameplay
This would defeat the ENTIRE PURPOSE of this beatmap. If you have lag, try running osu! with a lower resolution and in full screen.
how to transform a supposed boring and repetitive song for taiko into a masterpiece
Good job, your ideas were great and befitting for such a contest
Eschwasion c'est le mec tu sais pas d'où il pop mais il t'a pondu des trucs pétés dans la commu NITG (exemple)
(Je dis ça car personne s'attendait à ce qu'une personne peu connue dans la communauté gagne face à Tasuke et Sand, je suis au courant que t'as fait du skinning aussi et ça a beaucoup aidé 👀)

Bon, on va check ceci

[Mode 1]
Le conseil est un peu chaud à lire en plein gameplay si tu remarques pas t'es baisé pour la suite, essaie de le faire durer un peu plus longtemps (genre +2 secondes)

00:39:330 (133,134) - Double note pas spécialement évidente, même si ça te dit de regarder en haut

[Mode 3]
En fait c'est moins que ça donkama 👀, t'as juste des 9/4 qui restent sur une vitesse de scroll :^)
01:11:364 (45) - Si tu le sens, tu peux même monter à 8x pour ce slider (mais 4x te casse bien le crâne)

[Mode 4]
Erreur grammaticale, je te corrige ça et en un peu mieux : "You can still finish the spinner by hitting regular notes!"

[Mode 5]
J'avais utilisé mirror mode dans Marianne car j'avais pas envie de mettre "Abekobe", le terme exact devrait être Abekobe. Mais "Reversed Colors" peut fonctionner aussi

[Mode 8]
Go le faire au note-par-note (même si c'est pas trop visible quand tu joues)

[Mode 9b]
Même que 5 pour "Mirror"

Le gimmick français est pas mort les mecs
gorgeous entry didn't expect that you would win the contest congratz!!
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

how to transform a supposed boring and repetitive song for taiko into a masterpiece
Good job, your ideas were great and befitting for such a contest
This isn't that groundbreaking, but as long as people enjoy it, then I'm okay with it.

Unmei Muma wrote:

Eschwasion c'est le mec tu sais pas d'où il pop mais il t'a pondu des trucs pétés dans la commu NITG (exemple)
(Je dis ça car personne s'attendait à ce qu'une personne peu connue dans la communauté gagne face à Tasuke et Sand, je suis au courant que t'as fait du skinning aussi et ça a beaucoup aidé 👀)
... Oké. Ça a du sens- Wait, j'ai changé mon nom, comment on peut être au courant que j'ai fait du skinning auparavant?

Bon, on va check ceci

[Mode 1]
Le conseil est un peu chaud à lire en plein gameplay si tu remarques pas t'es baisé pour la suite, essaie de le faire durer un peu plus longtemps (genre +2 secondes) Rallongé la durée.

00:39:330 (133,134) - Double note pas spécialement évidente, même si ça te dit de regarder en haut Normalement, c'est visible en dessous avec les notes jaunes liées.

[Mode 3]
En fait c'est moins que ça donkama 👀, t'as juste des 9/4 qui restent sur une vitesse de scroll :^) I can't Donkama. Je sais pas si je vais changer en "Taiko Hell" tout simplement.
01:11:364 (45) - Si tu le sens, tu peux même monter à 8x pour ce slider (mais 4x te casse bien le crâne) On va rester à 4x, d'accord?

[Mode 4]
Erreur grammaticale, je te corrige ça et en un peu mieux : "You can still finish the spinner by hitting regular notes!" I can't English. Corrigé.

[Mode 5]
J'avais utilisé mirror mode dans Marianne car j'avais pas envie de mettre "Abekobe", le terme exact devrait être Abekobe. Mais "Reversed Colors" peut fonctionner aussi Changé en "Reversed Colors".

[Mode 8]
Go le faire au note-par-note (même si c'est pas trop visible quand tu joues) Je laisse tel que pour le moment.

[Mode 9b]
Même que 5 pour "Mirror" Corrigé automatiquement avec le 5ème mode.

Merci pour les corrections!

Le gimmick français est pas mort les mecs

ByBy wrote:

gorgeous entry didn't expect that you would win the contest congratz!!
Honestly, I didn't expect it either, but thanks!
Happy with this to hit approved?
Topic Starter

Ephemeral wrote:

Happy with this to hit approved?
Had one last look through this, and I can safely say this can go approved!
And she's up!
A new Taiko mapper hit up the Title, what????????

Brilliant work, well done! :D
Welcome to the club.
Holy shit I did not expect Intense Muskrat was you xD.

Congratulations, Masterful beatmap!
WOO HOO, fun map! Gratz
very unexpected

congrats on winning
welcome to the fam
Amazing Approved Beatmap!
Back then, I thought, how is Aspire even gonna be possible for other game modes. But then I see this. OMG Well done and gratz man
Félicitation, tu as fait un très bon travail! :)
grats on winning this

kind of annoyed with the fact that people vote 1 on this map while having no idea what it is.
Joe Castle
i dont know why people hates this map, do they know this is THE ASPIRE CONTEST WINNER!? (?)

congrats dude! cant play it since im still a noob, but fun map you created!
best ( k asfdfdsf )

worse for people just think if the mapper is unknown, yeah thats the problem. ( long sentence here loooool )
hating Aspire map in 2017 LUL
congrats anyway

shionelove wrote:

hating Aspire map in 2017 LUL
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyway, congrats :)
Gratz :3
This is amazing! :3
Congratulations! <3
how can make this really awesome you are best
Shadow Legend
if im honest this map is beast
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