
Mafia Game [Town Win]

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icantthinkofaname Mafia Game

Hi, this is my first time hosting a mafia game. Roles will function fairly traditionally, with slightly more emphasis on playing well. In the setup, I hope to have successfully incorporated all of the things that I've learned from playing games from Ace of Hearts, LadySuburu, etc. I'm also hoping we can get 15 players total, but will rearrange things if we don't. I am going to mostly copy the rules of LadySuburu since I'm lazy and I don't want to miss something either.

If you are new to something like this, mafia is a psychological game where the uninformed majority is pitted against the informed minority (thx wiki). The majority, town, does not know who is a part of their team. The minority, mafia, knows exactly who they are teamed with. Every day both factions must, together, vote a player out of the game through lynching. At night, the mafia will kill a member of the town. This continues until one faction remains.

Link to Day 1: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62154&p=1029470#p1029470
Link to Day 2: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62154&p=1036090#p1036090
Link to Day 3: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62154&p=1038169#p1038169
Link to Day 4: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62154&p=1039198#p1039198
Link to Day 5: mia
Link to Day 6: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62154&p=1045691#p1045691
Link to Day 7: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62154&p=1048801#p1048801

Living Players:

1. 0_o
2. Chris
3. pieguy1372

Dead Players:
1. Mashley - Pure Soul (town)
2. akrolsmir - Paranoid Cat Lady (town lie detector)
3. NoHItter - Mafia Graverobber
4. Rolled - Townsperson
5. Wojjan - Mafia Leader
6. Swiftwolf Yellowtail - Fanatic Worshipper (Cop/Psychic)
7. DeathxShinigami - Townsperson (modkilled)
8. Rantai - Know-it-all (Seer)
9. Lybydose - Townsperson
10. animask - Innocuous Townsperson
11. foulcoon
12. LadySuburu
13. pieguy1372 - Mafia Detective


1. No talking out of thread unless allowed by your role PM. This includes PMs, irc, and messengers.

2. Don't quote anything in your role PM or show anyone your role PM.

3. Votes must be cast and uncast in bold font to be counted. vote: Two, unvote: Two

4. Days last exactly 72 real-world hours from when I announce the start of the day. Any votes or actions performed after that point, whether I have started the night phase or not, will not be counted. Nights last 24 real-world hours.

5. The day will end prematurely if any player has a majority of votes on them. Reaching vote majority will also make all actions after that point ineffective, as the day is over.

6. Night actions resolve in this fashion: roleblock > nightkill > everything else. If you are killed, you will not perform your action (unless it was a roleblock).

7. A tied vote will go to the player who reached the tie first. Example:
Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu

:arrow: Two dies

Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu
LadySuburu: vote Two
Chris: vote LadySuburu
Lilac: unvote Two
Lilac: vote Two

:arrow: LadySuburu dies

8. If the mafia fails to choose a night kill target, I will choose the least advantageous target possible for them. If for some reason you don't want to night kill anyone that night, state that in a PM.

9. Do not post in the thread during the night phase or while dead.

10. don't try to exploit things pls


If you violate the rules I am probably going to kill you :(. If a player dies because of this, the day will end without a lynch.

Please read every post in the thread, it's very important for the health of the game. I will try to be as prompt as possible with phase shifting and vote counts. Roles will be chosen with a random number generator, in a random order.

Anyone want to join? :D
Closed setup?


gl hosting ^___^
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yeah it's closed
Sure, I'll play.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Two wrote:

7. A tied vote will go to the player who reached the tie first. Example: vote:Two, vote:LadySuburu, vote:Two, vote:LadySuburu, vote:Two, unvote:Two would result in LadySuburu being lynched.
Your example seems to be a bit misleading to me. In this example, Two was the first to get lynched, not LadySuburu. Unless you meant to say that person 1 was the one to unvote, making LadySuburu the first to start the tie.
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2(two) 2 (ls)
3(two) 2 (ls)
2(ls) 2 (two)

it's not set in stone though so if people don't want it to be that way before the game starts I don't care
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and I just changed it
I don't allow roleblocks to stop the mafia team's kill. If you choose to allow it to do so that's up to you though.

I might /in, put me in for now I guess.


8. If the mafia fails to choose a night kill target, I will choose the least advantageous target possible for them.

Also up to choice, but generally mafia's difference from WW other than lynches at majority is that mafia can choose not to kill.
Sure why not


that means I'm in
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LadySuburu wrote:

I don't allow roleblocks to stop the mafia team's kill. If you choose to allow it to do so that's up to you though.
I didn't mean it that way but I can see why it's confusing. I just meant that if someone who can roleblock gets night killed, their action will still go through.
Also up to choice, but generally mafia's difference from WW other than lynches at majority is that mafia can choose not to kill.
I meant that as a punishment for inactivity, so I don't have a problem adding that

Two wrote:

I didn't mean it that way but I can see why it's confusing. I just meant that if someone who can roleblock gets night killed, their action will still go through.
Normally all night actions go through even if killed. Roleblock is all that stops them. (Though, I usually choose not to give cop results or anything if someone dies.) Actions like a doctor protection (in the event of multiple killers) still go through if the doc is killed.

Edit: Just making sure I know what the rules are. As of now a kill basically acts as a roleblock.
I wish someone would host a WWG, jeez.

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LadySuburu wrote:

Edit: Just making sure I know what the rules are. As of now a kill basically acts as a roleblock.
that's the intention yeah
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Two wrote:

2(two) 2 (ls)
3(two) 2 (ls)
2(ls) 2 (two)

it's not set in stone though so if people don't want it to be that way before the game starts I don't care
That still doesn't make sense. Two was the first to get lynched, not LS.
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I'm going to do it the opposite way at your request

unvote two
=two lynched
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Better, but it still doesn't make any general sense. Who voted then later unvoted? (I'm specifically talking about the previous posts that you made)

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

Better, but it still doesn't make any general sense. Who voted then later unvoted? (I'm specifically talking about the previous posts that you made)
I think what Two means is that the person who had the highest number of votes directly prior to the tie is lynched.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
No. Look at his second example. Only one person each has been voted.
Man I think I overcomplicated stating my rules, so no one copies them.


Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

No. Look at his second example. Only one person each has been voted.

If you mean the animask/Rolled example, that's assuming that those two are the only votes casted at the deadline.
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Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu

:arrow: Two dies

Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu
LadySuburu: vote Two
Chris: vote LadySuburu
Lilac: unvote Two
Lilac: vote Two

:arrow: LadySuburu dies

want to play Swiftwolf Yellowtail? :D

Two wrote:

Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu

:arrow: Two dies

Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu
LadySuburu: vote Two
Chris: vote LadySuburu
Lilac: unvote Two
Lilac: vote Two <---- Wait, what?

:arrow: LadySuburu dies <---- ^^

want to play Swiftwolf Yellowtail? :D
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are you confused about it or making commentary
Oh confused that's all. Just looks like a clear 3v2.
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nope only 2 votes each
Oh yes, carry on.

Yeah that's it I'm going to sleep
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Two wrote:

Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu

:arrow: Two dies

Lilac: vote Two
0_o: vote LadySuburu
LadySuburu: vote Two
Chris: vote LadySuburu
Lilac: unvote Two
Lilac: vote Two

:arrow: LadySuburu dies
...after my confusion by reading a bit too hard, yes, this is correct.

Two wrote:

want to play Swiftwolf Yellowtail? :D
Well, considering the fact that my last game was a huge screw-up, probably not. But who knows, I may join this one and find a different tactic. (Then again, the only thing that caught me off guard was someone's method of playing... >_> You know who you are.)
Can't get better if you don't get practice ;)
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
True. I have played mafia games before, though, so it's not like I have only 1 game experience. (lol, redundant)

Meh, why not? /in for the sake of getting more experience.
Sleep Powder
No replacement spots?

Oh look, SwiftwolfYellowTail...


I couldn't really keep up last time, but I think I'll just reek havoc either way.
/in :)
w/e I'll play
in as replacement? I probably shouldn't actually play any more games because I have work to do...

You know what I'm going to end up reading the entire thread anyways, might as well get /in.
Weeeeell I already joined mind game 3 but if you insist /in
Joining cause Two wants me to!

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k sending roles
I have my thing
Confirm :3
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
confirm~ >w<
Confirm :)
Confirming from a cellphone 8-)
Sleep Powder
Confirming.... Confirmed.
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It's now Day 1. You have 72 hours from this post until nightfall.

That's september 19th 12:13 am EST, september 18th 9:13 pm PST afaik correct me if I'm wrong
Yeah that's right.

vote NoHItter because it's tradition now :D
Vote: Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Show me what you got.
Vote: Chris.

He hasn't been mafia in a while.
pieguyn gives 6!


vote: Rolled for ninja'ing me and voting Chris :cry:
Vote: pieguy, FoS DxS

I see the link between your name's character count and position.
vote: Rantai because he's mafia in like every game ever
Vote 0_o
Stupid face...
Sleep Powder
Vote: Lybydose

cuz I still don't likel you from last time...
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
..okay.. everyone seems to be voting like there's no tomorrow. I'm not gonna vote right now, though, because it's a bit too soon for me to declare anyone as mafia, but I will say that DxS is a bit odd for throwing his vote on me. Why do you want me to start talking, anyway?

vote: Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Rolled wrote:


vote: Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Funny, I was going to do just that. Is this guy new or something?

akrolsmir wrote:

Funny, I was going to do just that. Is this guy new or something?
Do you recall the last Mind Mafia?

There's your answer.
Vote: Lybydose

still hasn't made a direct link to mafia sub-subforum from the main forum page
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Oh, dear. Going to past games to get me killed again. Is this your strategy? Look, I know last game was a total mess, but believe me, I'm not going to run back to that round ever again.
I'm so waiting for RVS to end.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

Oh, dear. Going to past games to get me killed again. Is this your strategy? Look, I know last game was a total mess, but believe me, I'm not going to run back to that round ever again.
Yeah... It's RVS.

Vote: Wojjan

Incidentally, you guys don't seem to want RQS anymore, so I'll stop. :(
Swiftwolf is kinda suspicious.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Explain yourself, LadySuburu.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

..okay.. everyone seems to be voting like there's no tomorrow. I'm not gonna vote right now, though, because it's a bit too soon for me to declare anyone as mafia, but I will say that DxS is a bit odd for throwing his vote on me. Why do you want me to start talking, anyway?
Major over reaction to a vote.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
How would that be a major overreaction? I just want an answer.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

How would that be a major overreaction? I just want an answer.
It should be obvious you know.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
I don't feel like I'm overreacting, LS. Please, explain.
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