
Mod post or not [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I'm suggesting adding two options next to the "Post a reply" when replying in beatmap threads.
These two options are Mod post and Normal post. The most post are the only posts which can receive kudosu and the normal posts cannot receive any kudosu but can instead be shorter than the mod post. You must select one of these before making a post.

So only other users but the mapper can chose between these options when making a reply in the beatmaps thread.

I think it's a good idea, but what do you think?

I think it should be located between "Post a reply" and "Subject":

(I just took a random beatmap as an example.

So you must be restricted not to post if you haven't selected what the post is about.

Please select one of these options:
[ ] mod post [x] something else
[x] mod post [ ] something else

in order for you to proceed sending it.

Should not be used in any other part of the forums.
If you've got any suggestions or so, please leave a reply telling me about it.

The "randomly giving kudosu to people problem" will somewhat disappear if this gets implemented.

Should not be added to another forum obviously.

Please come up with suggestions and criticism for this feature request.
Shohei Ohtani
The only thing I find bad about this is that sometimes, people think that "this map is relly coll" is a mod post.
Person: "I think you should make more spinners ;)" [MOD POST]
Nice idea, but 2 issues:
1. It's not all that helpful, just stops noobs from giving out kudosu to everyone
2. On the flipside, noobs and system-abusers would mark their normal posts as mod posts in hopes of kudosu
Is kudos abuse really that big of an issue? I've never seen it be a problem before. This just sounds like an inconvenience that will make me have to edit my post just to check the box saying it was a mod post.
if someone is abusing kudosu system, they'll get their kudosu denied, remember MATs can do that as well now too
Ideally, every post in a map's thread should be a mod post or a mapper's response.
This request also doesn't resolve the problem which the post limit was trying to resolve: unproductive spam in map threads.

RandomJibberish wrote:

Ideally, every post in a map's thread should be a mod post or a mapper's response.
I enjoy getting "nice map"-type posts (not to be confused with "star"). But I know better than to kudosu them.
Topic Starter

rust45 wrote:

Is kudos abuse really that big of an issue? I've never seen it be a problem before. This just sounds like an inconvenience that will make me have to edit my post just to check the box saying it was a mod post.
No, ok.

Sakura Hana wrote:

if someone is abusing kudosu system, they'll get their kudosu denied, remember MATs can do that as well now too
True, but too many posts aren't denied.

RandomJibberish wrote:

Ideally, every post in a map's thread should be a mod post or a mapper's response.
This request also doesn't resolve the problem which the post limit was trying to resolve: unproductive spam in map threads.
Very true, but a lot isn't mod related.

Soaprman wrote:

I enjoy getting "nice map"-type posts (not to be confused with "star"). But I know better than to kudosu them.

I'm not sure what to make of all this. A bit more response would be nice.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Person: "I think you should make more spinners ;)" [MOD POST]
Mod posts should never be that short. Those shouldn't recieve kudosu.

Only posts longer than 300 characters are eligible for kudosu

There is a checkbox unchecked by default which enables kudosu for that post. No more "no kd" posts.

You can't get more than 1 kudosu for posts made within a week of each other.

*ATs can override this.
It probably doesn't take 300 characters to rattle off some timing section fixes. I really don't like any idea involving tying a post's worth to its length.

The checkbox thing might work. Possibly the cleanest way to fulfill the original request. I hope too many people wouldn't make mod posts and overlook the checkbox though. I'd hate to be unable to kudosu somebody's helpful post because they forgot to check a checkbox.

The one week thing... don't like that either. If you find things, the map changes, maybe a few other mods happen, and you come back, all within a week, you just might find new things or notice old things that warrant an extra kudosu. Some beatmap threads move fast.
I want to know why we have a topic addressing a non-existent problem. No, really. While random stars were everywhere, misgiven kudosu is relatively rare.

Really, the cases where kudosu is wrongly given out are so few that a MAT/BAT can address it; if you see it, tell a MAT/BAT and they'll fix it. If they aren't fixing it, it's because you aren't telling them about it. IMO, this feature would really just be confusing to newer modders, and it isn't even necessary.

Soaprman wrote:

It probably doesn't take 300 characters to rattle off some timing section fixes. I really don't like any idea involving tying a post's worth to its length.

The checkbox thing might work. Possibly the cleanest way to fulfill the original request. I hope too many people wouldn't make mod posts and overlook the checkbox though. I'd hate to be unable to kudosu somebody's helpful post because they forgot to check a checkbox.

The one week thing... don't like that either. If you find things, the map changes, maybe a few other mods happen, and you come back, all within a week, you just might find new things or notice old things that warrant an extra kudosu. Some beatmap threads move fast.
If you can't fill out 300 characters of fixes, you don't deserve kudosu at all.

why is my 2000 character post worth the same as the guy who says "offset -5 [­color=#FFFFFF]This post is too short. Please refrain from posting things like 'star!' or 'delete osb'[/color]"? If it's dead simple to fix something, you shouldn't get kudosu.

If you find stuff within 1 week of the previous post, you clearly missed it before and don't deserve kudosu for it, as it should be considered a part of the previous mod. If "some maps move fast" then to be honest I don't really care. They shouldn't be moving that fast in the first place.

As far as forgetting to check a checkbox, it's the same as starring the map. There's a few people who did this by accident, but they almost always come back and fix it. Plus an *AT can override this.

Ekaru wrote:

I want to know why we have a topic addressing a non-existent problem. No, really. While random stars were everywhere, misgiven kudosu is relatively rare.

Really, the cases where kudosu is wrongly given out are so few that a MAT/BAT can address it. IMO, this feature would really just be confusing to newer modders, and it isn't even necessary.
random stars weren't really random. It was to give the map attention. The problem was that few *ATs actually pay attention to star rating. IMO that's still a problem.

However I agree with you. the kudosu system works fine. These were just some ideas I've had for a while.
Offset fix is worth kudosu, you know timing is a very important part of a mapset.
now delete osb, link me any post that says ONLY this line that gained kudosu and i'll kill it, as we all know that it shouldnt even be mentioned at all (I wonder why dont we bring that thread back to announcement, since seems like people have forgotten)

The ammount of kudosu gained for a post is irrelevant to the post itself, its more like "oh im helping a map that hasnt been modded for a week", in either case, if a mod post is helpful it deserves kudosu no matter how short or long it is.
Offset fix is helpful.
Delete osb is harmful since the modder is asking you to remove a small file and do a full submit and the file will just end up reappearing again so the mapper just wasted his/her time.
re: Ziin's post

Oh, I absolutely agree that posts with more in them should be worth more. I'm saying that posts that aren't long shouldn't be branded worthless by the system if the mapper finds them useful. I did a post in someone's map not terribly long ago where I listed out some red timing sections in this format:

BPM: blah
offset: blah

BPM: blah
offset: blah

The post came out to less than 300 characters. However, I wouldn't say that such a timing post doesn't deserve kudosu just because it's short. I do agree with your sentiment in general, though (especially the "example" you give, which I'm sure actually exists in many threads), but I'm not sure this thread is the proper place for that discussion.

Can't come up with any good examples on the one-week thing. I'll give you that one. And yeah, if the checkbox thing can be amended or overridden then that's not really a problem either, although I really wouldn't want to have to go bother a *AT just so I can kudosu a post. I should note that it took me until this post to catch on to what *AT meant... not sure why that didn't click the first time I read your post!

In the end, I agree with Ekaru that this feature request is unnecessary. I just think it's decent discussion is all!
Can you really measure helpfulness?

Edit: Back on-topic

If a post is worth kudosu a MAT/BAT will eventually kudosu it, if it's not worth kudosu then a MAT/BAT will eventually revoke it, there's no really a need for this checkbox at all, if you want to prevent abuse, it wont, as if it's used as a form of abuse the modder posting something that's not worth anything will eventually say "this is a mod post" even if it isnt, so it isnt solving an issue, it's just creating more annoyance for mappers that want to give kudosu to modders because it would block them to give kudosu to ppl that forget to click the checkbox.

So i think this is more like adding a problem rather than solving one
I also just realized that the new star system was in part to reduce the amount of "worthless" posts in a map topic. Since people don't have to post anymore to to star a map.
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I still think this is a good idea after all.

Mentioned in this feature request: t/77435

it's not like this isn't needed anymore
I think I'll forget to click it at 98% probability when modding maps ._.
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So you must be restricted not to post if you haven't selected what the post is about.

Please select one of these options:
[ ] mod post [x] something else
[x] mod post [ ] something else

in order for you to proceed sending it.

Should not be used in any other part of the forums.
Topic Starter

oh yes.
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