23:38 MrDorian: Hi Bakari! I don't know where to ask, so I'll ask you here. Could you take a look at my map? I mean mod, not bn check
23:38 Bakari: I guess I could, why not
23:39 *MrDorian is listening to [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1359984 Dunderpatrullen - Interlude (Fantasy Friendship Forever)]
23:44 Bakari: oh, I quite liked the feel of this hard difficulty
23:44 Bakari: intersting usage of those reverse-sliders
23:44 MrDorian: thanks :3
23:45 Bakari: I don't think I've seen them being used this way a lot, that's kind of a new thing to me
23:45 Bakari: at times it was a bit hard to read the number of repeats sliders had
23:45 MrDorian: this was my first idea after hearing this song
23:46 Bakari: but i guess that's still readable as they all follow the same logic
23:46 Bakari: I'd probably use circles instead of 00:40:168 (1,2) - these things though
23:46 MrDorian: oh yeah
23:47 Bakari: let me get an example
23:47 Bakari:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/868845323:47 Bakari: basically, that'd still be a pattern similar to those sliders
23:47 Bakari: as in the cursor movement would still be back and forth
23:48 MrDorian: I'd rather change them to something other
23:48 MrDorian: to express pitch as well
23:48 MrDorian: and back and forth movement
23:49 Bakari: that is entirely up to you, whatever you feel to suit your style best is good enough
23:49 MrDorian: and to be more correct I wouldn't stack the notes
23:49 MrDorian: yeah
23:51 Bakari: as for normal
23:52 Bakari: i'd probably mute the whole sliderbody for things like 00:38:312 (3) -
23:52 MrDorian: okay
23:52 Bakari: you'd have to take a 5% volume green line and snap it ~10ms after the sliderhead
23:53 Bakari: so, practically everything but the sliderhead is very quiet
23:53 MrDorian: okay
23:54 Bakari: other than that, i don't really feel like there's anything wrong about the set
23:55 Bakari: it's pretty simplistic and reflects the song
23:55 MrDorian: oh okay
23:56 MrDorian: will you post irc or nah?
23:56 Bakari: if you want me to, i will
23:57 MrDorian: It would be nice, I need to get SP somehow
23:57 MrDorian: it's hard to get mods
23:57 MrDorian: and I don't want to spam maps with kudosu