
TOP 10 CTB Players #spanish!

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Cool <3

Nice montage ^_^, get's the things done :_>. Too bad Lunah resigned from World CtB players 2010 Compilation cos my e-pen could get bigger cos of that ;_; x-D.

Didn't realize we have so many hardcore CtB amigos out there.

So... I was watching and it was like that:
#10 - revengexsoyah... yup, I remember he was a very good player, but now he's telling he's not that great anymore mkay let's see... WTF how do you manage to have that solid of a move distance o_o? But yeah yeah it was a short map so it's doable x-D.
#9 - skyguard39... we were playing one of those Dragonforce maps once and 39 really had nice control. We rarely #multiplayer ;_;.
#8 - SalWINjack... appaerently not that much of a win in #mutliplayer lolol x-D. However this map play is impressive as these kind of tip-top walking is very tiring and hard to handle (1 little mistake and you're out :_<). Yeah at this point I was like "mkay... I wonder when will we go into really hardcore players" (no offence guys, but we're evenly matched ^_^).
#7 - Deif
OK so there's that guy that's manhandling me on #multiplayer. So... he's SEVENTH?! Oh and it's the map Deif was happy about FCing quite recently. Gotta say that Deif improved a lot in short amount of time ^_^. Funny thing is that his control looks horrible yet he makes so good scores. Mkay, so #7 is a killer, maybe he was put here for mistake just to make me prematurely... wtv :_>.
#6 - eldnl... *scratches head* AFAIR we #multiplayer once or twice. Srsly dunno why I dunno you. You played that hard map excellent but I simply can't measure your skill. We should play more often! So the tension keeps building as #6 is a total unknown to me lol x-D.
#5 - DaxMaster... player infested with love for ridiculously fast fruit, DTing (almost :_>) like a Velp. Dang ur so good on dt, but on regular hidd? I dunno. #5 is a good place considering you're into those ultra-hard mods.
#4 - Dark_Diego... yeah you're damn solid player with a great skills. Doing well on hidden mods and being able to do that awesome spinners. BTW why have you shown this map instead of Gensou no Satellite? That one is much better IMO ^_^. I like to win over you because I hate to lose to you x-D.

So... looks like Deif was the one that made a surprise at #7. Time for Top3.

#3 - VelperK
I DISAGREE. Not only as a VELPERAGE team member but as a regular CtB player. This is the only player in this chart that can be considered to have godly skills. If there's a person who could say whether something is doable - it can be only VelperK. First spinner madness on Utage TAG4 -> done, jumps on TAG4 U.N.Owen -> done, survive that map you actually shown him fail -> done. #1s in dominant fashion on TAG4s (where all other top players struggle to have that 96% acc, he does "S" -_-'). There's so much examples of where he's the only player far superior to all the others it's kinda sad to see him here, especially because of #2.

#2 - AleZer0
Excellent hidden sense but man... that doesn't even come close to what VelperK can do. You're the only one from top3 who can't do something extraordinary that puts everyone else speechless. Yeah that's pretty much everything to say lol x-D.

#1 - mikhe
Really dunno, in the end I'll probably place you higher than VelperK because you do more maps with impossible diffs than him. While it's pretty unbelievable to see how VelperK does this stuff, he doesn't do it that often like you used to do. So in the end you're coming back to CtB at full speed? I remember last time you did like 1000pc/day that was sick lol ^_^.
Cool Video <3

Krzysiek wrote:

#3 - VelperK
Indeed. I can't believe why VelperK is #3?

AleZer0 is also great player, but I think velper is better..

CLSW wrote:

Krzysiek wrote:

#3 - VelperK
Indeed. I can't believe why VelperK is #3?

AleZer0 is also great player, but I think velper is better..
Same :O
Very nice Vid :3 I liked it!
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I disagree with velperk too, but the #spanish comunity voted for those players, I'm sorry.


Krzysiek wrote:

#6 - eldnl... *scratches head* AFAIR we #multiplayer once or twice. Srsly dunno why I dunno you. You played that hard map excellent but I simply can't measure your skill. We should play more often! So the tension keeps building as #6 is a total unknown to me lol x-D.
I not play too much ctb now, I was better before, I don't like to play multiplayer without dax, deif or diego, It's really boring for me.

Krzysiek wrote:

Mkay, so #7 is a killer.
Also Salwin.. XD
nice vid i hope #malay would like to make it too >_<
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