Let it End :noose:
could add kiai 01:00:677 -
background looks cool but the quality is kinda.. idunno
Ok wtf every version online is not crisp. Maybe you could do some magic on it
What i give ya:
https://puu.sh/wKnVz/ffb4ad3b12.pngi havent eaten cereal in like 5 years lol
00:16:939 (3) - this isnt in the playfield by like 1 pixel
https://puu.sh/wKnWE/9fc6bc0b0e.png lol
00:54:789 (2,3,4) - 01:26:472 (3,4,1) - some people might get ofended
01:01:518 (2,3) - maybe move up 3 a bit cause horizontal movement is kinda weak imo
01:00:677 (1) - 01:05:864 - idunno if it sintended but you did an on/off thing with the slider slide. Sounds kinda wierd tbh :<
00:12:733 (4,5) - custom stack this to avoid wierd backward stacking
https://puu.sh/wKnYv/9ee5389f58.png00:57:032 (3) - because of auto-stackign this is out of the playfield by 4 units :gun:
00:58:434 (1,2) - are advanced players smart enough for this lol
01:27:453 - this might be a bit too much of a slowdown. Its nearly half the speed, i mean... it caught me off-guard :s
Ar8.5 is kinda much for a Hard :X
The rythm here felt kinda awkward with the speed up and the 1/6th thing kinda fucking me over. You could ignore the 1/6 and focus on a simpler rythm or something
https://puu.sh/wKmc5/3ba259edb9.png00:56:191 (5,1) - this pause was wierd aswell. You have continuous 1/2 movement throughout this section and only put stops after the longer sliders, but suddenly you do a 1/1 break after a 1/2 which felt really annatural to play. I see you wanted to hit that 00:56:331 - but imo having something here 00:56:472 - would make the this part of the section a lot cooler to play (or time/distance thing between 00:56:191 (5,1) - is an option aswell.)
01:08:528 (1,2,3) - ugh idunno if 3/4 are a good idea on hards. was kinda unexpected, but maybe it was just the higher than usual ar on 214 BPM lol
01:16:659 (2) - I feel like this should be a slider aswell. The "LET IT END" screams are intense so a constant 1/2 rythm would represent the power of those lyrics (while making the transition between 01:16:939 (3,4,5) - a lot smoother, cause atm it was like: hit 01:16:659 (2) - w8 out the screams for 1/1, hold 01:16:939 (3) - while not moving for another 1/1, oh 01:17:359 (4,5,1) - hello there 1/2 spaced triplet)
01:27:453 (5) - increase SV to 1.10 or something cause this needs moar power imo lol
01:27:733 (1) - you didnt slow it down this time :thinkingthinking:
00:13:574 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - cool shit lol
00:40:911 (1) - maybe space this out so that the movement 00:40:911 (1,2) - has more of a build-up. Off-stackign it makes it seem super uninteresting
https://puu.sh/wKn2J/9cebbfd4de.png (its ona strong vocal aswell )
00:41:425 (1,2) - wow fuck this 00:41:425 (1) - fkn rythm holy shit. I would prolly go with something like this
https://puu.sh/wKn9n/fb1287636b.png with the right object placement should represent the music well. Holding those sliders down just wasn't really rewarding to play (and i dont think it represent the music well) ugh :c
00:56:051 (1,1,2,1,2) - This linear downwards movement was kinda lame. Some more angles would emphasise the drums bettwe imo but that would need to reshape a lot of stuff :I
01:27:383 - just notced some obsolete greens... Would be a real pain to delete all of them you dont need xD
I cant say much cause i couldn't play it very well either. The gimmicky sliders need some getting used to but are pretty cool once you got it down!
00:16:518 (1,2,1,2) - this was very wierd to read since 00:16:869 (2,2) - are exactly ont he same spot (even though its ar9.6 the BPM is so high it makes it unclear). Better move 00:16:869 (2) - down or 00:16:939 (1,2,1) - up so 00:16:869 (2,2) - have a natural custom stack look.
00:56:331 (2,1,2,1,2) - Just like in Insane i felt like the type of movement you used here doesnt make this parts intensity justice :/ but understandable if you like it
01:09:509 (1,2,3) - 01:10:210 (4,5,1) - Dunno if you got a lot of feedback from testplays but from my experience this kind of stuff is kinda meh. For such an intense part you create a pretty neglectable type of movement with those.
Sorry if i wasnt really helpful on Extra especially :C
do what you gotta do fam
stay healthy