
How to make your own "rough" tablet cover in NA

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Few months ago I really wanted a tablet cover and it was really messy. This is what is looks like:
I basically printed on a shipping label and sprayed with matte finish and cut it out with an xacto knife. Taking it off was the most tedious thing as well.

So I searched online and found this website called online labels:
You can choose through various sizes and materials and the thing is that you can order some free labels (up to 3 sheets, possibly more). The shipping fee is free in US and Canada but not internationally (hence the "in NA" in thread title). You can still order "free" labels out of the continent but you'd have to pay the shipping fee.

So here is the procedure:
1) this is a rough way. Since the labels aren't customized to fit a certain size, you have to look for the size that's closest to your tablet. So you must measure your active tablet space in inches and look through the label sizes accordingly

2) choose your material (I've only tried removable matte, clear matte, and polyester; I recommend removable matte)
Clear matte is really good quality so if you want clear matte, I suggest you order a sample of removable matte separately and paste the clear matte label onto the removable matte label. Clear matte looks terrible on your black tablet since it's transparent. If it's not black, then it might be ok. I don't know how it looks on a silver colored tablet. Polyester is just bad.

This is how I made mine:

fresh sheets

printed desired pictures

stick them onto your tablet

closer look
Cinia Arctica
Wow thats super cool might try this myself
same. though, if you use it to drag, doesn't it wear your tip off faster?
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kai99 wrote:

same. though, if you use it to drag, doesn't it wear your tip off faster?
If you're wearing off your tip then you're probably dragging too hard. I haven't even used up my first pen nib yet and I still have lots left.
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