
M-SL8 [std] [funny pp skin]

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An efficient kind of pro skin.

Gameplay and design, unified.

Performance and power.

Professional, sleek, slate.

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2017-06-12: Initial Release
2017-06-13: Changed Easy Mod icon

Special Thanks
[ -Neon -] his extensive playtesting, being a much better player than I am and providing valuable feedback.
Miti for also providing extensive playtesting and feedback.
OsuMe65 for providing feedback on my second skin four years ago, and encouraging me to skin more.
Garin for creating YUGEN and paving a new way to a new skinning meta, and for helping me prevent skin issues caused by osu!'s scaling algorithm.
Incomp for being a skin reviewer and providing me extensive feedback during M-SL8's endgame development.
EmanuelAlcon for creating the skins! channel. Without it, I would not have chosen to release this skin, but the reviews made me finish it in anticipation of getting scored.
rustbell for creating boom+1025, the basis behind M-SL8's secondary palette and the hitcircle's color alternation.
Haskorion for his extensive documentation on osu!'s skinning properties.
Haskorion* oh nooo

mod icons:
that easy button geez, pretty sure we talked about this already
the inside of a clock in DT should have colors reverted IMO
That Red Is Looking Sexy. Nice Skin.
(But I have download in progress ver. lel)
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h3oCharles wrote:

Haskorion* oh nooo

mod icons:
that easy button geez, pretty sure we talked about this already
the inside of a clock in DT should have colors reverted IMO
Changed the EZ mode icon, I'm sure you'll love it :P
Also inverting the DT clock doesn't look... good. soz
…Well, I don't have much to say. Kinda got thrown off when I tried changing the hitcircle number type through copypaste though.

You customized the key typing but not the delete and send sfx?? Huh??
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dtnc21 wrote:

…Well, I don't have much to say. Kinda got thrown off when I tried changing the hitcircle number type through copypaste though.

You customized the key typing but not the delete and send sfx?? Huh??
I didn't realize they existed lmao.

I guess I could include an update that makes customization easier? Right now it's intended to be changed via the skin.ini, so I guess that can be a bit confusing.

plz giv me moar of ur skin onii-chan
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oh boi look at that futur skeen

edit: o shit it's out
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This skin gives me more pp than tv size maps
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M-SL8 just got a review!

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o KOTORI o wrote:

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. But when I set hitcircles to numbers when it hit 10's the numbers start to overlap with each other which makes my brain think that there's 2 circles. I've changed the settings accordingly with that review video, so I'm currently out of idea what setting I should tweak. Any ideas?

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DomoTheRussian wrote:

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. But when I set hitcircles to numbers when it hit 10's the numbers start to overlap with each other which makes my brain think that there's 2 circles. I've changed the settings accordingly with that review video, so I'm currently out of idea what setting I should tweak. Any ideas?

Sorry man, the skin wasn't really intended with numbers at all. It was only added since some of the playtesters asked for it and there's nothing you can really do about the number stacking right now. You're basically just going to have to ignore it for time being.

Maybe one day I'll make a version of SL8 that allows for numbers greater than 10 but that probably won't be right now, since I've been kind of busy with school starting and all. Honestly, I'd just recommend you to switch back to one of the unnumbered ones.

MatthewRobo wrote:

DomoTheRussian wrote:

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. But when I set hitcircles to numbers when it hit 10's the numbers start to overlap with each other which makes my brain think that there's 2 circles. I've changed the settings accordingly with that review video, so I'm currently out of idea what setting I should tweak. Any ideas?

Sorry man, the skin wasn't really intended with numbers at all. It was only added since some of the playtesters asked for it and there's nothing you can really do about the number stacking right now. You're basically just going to have to ignore it for time being.

Maybe one day I'll make a version of SL8 that allows for numbers greater than 10 but that probably won't be right now, since I've been kind of busy with school starting and all. Honestly, I'd just recommend you to switch back to one of the unnumbered ones.
No problemo. As a temperate solution I'll just snag numbers from other skins, if that's fine.
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That won't work either because the hitcircle is the number.

Yeah I know. This was the problem I faced when I started doing that. But with some "Mixing" I think I managed to make it work.
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nice job.
If you want to reduce the gap, just increase the
number in the skin.ini.
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