Hello. I'm Bubbler, a Korean osu!mania player currently ranked at around #30.
As a university graduation project, I have been doing a research to fix the star rating system in osu!mania.
I'm happy to share the results of this project.
The idea is to completely ignore each beatmap's internal structure (notes, OD, HP and such), and assign SR values to each beatmap based on the players' scores achieved on that map.
A little bit more precisely, if player A got a score of X on one map and Y on another, the former map has a higher chance to be assigned higher SR than the latter if X is lower than Y.
Please note that the difficulty of passing is ignored in the calculation due to the limitations of osu! API.
Also, the research is far from complete; there are still lots of work to do before you (possibly) see this system in-game.
The dataset consists of scores achieved by top-1000 players on 208 maps with >4 in-game SR until April 1, 2017.
Doubletime scores and scores below 500k were removed, so only scores with nomod and its variations (HD/FL, SD/PF) are included.
The link below is a spreadsheet that shows the new SR values for the selected beatmaps.
You can also freely sort the table by each column using the filter button.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... E2sq_jlhxA
Osu! Difficulty = Current SR values based on osu!web
Estimated Difficulty = New SR values computed using my proposed method
Difficulty Change = Estimated Difficulty - Osu! Difficulty
Here is the survey for the research, and anyone with valid osu!mania ranking can submit a response.
Also, two random players with quality responses will earn 1-month supporter each!
The survey will be open until June 7 midnight KST (June 7 15:00 GMT).
As a university graduation project, I have been doing a research to fix the star rating system in osu!mania.
I'm happy to share the results of this project.
The idea is to completely ignore each beatmap's internal structure (notes, OD, HP and such), and assign SR values to each beatmap based on the players' scores achieved on that map.
A little bit more precisely, if player A got a score of X on one map and Y on another, the former map has a higher chance to be assigned higher SR than the latter if X is lower than Y.
Please note that the difficulty of passing is ignored in the calculation due to the limitations of osu! API.
Also, the research is far from complete; there are still lots of work to do before you (possibly) see this system in-game.
The dataset consists of scores achieved by top-1000 players on 208 maps with >4 in-game SR until April 1, 2017.
Doubletime scores and scores below 500k were removed, so only scores with nomod and its variations (HD/FL, SD/PF) are included.
The link below is a spreadsheet that shows the new SR values for the selected beatmaps.
You can also freely sort the table by each column using the filter button.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... E2sq_jlhxA
Osu! Difficulty = Current SR values based on osu!web
Estimated Difficulty = New SR values computed using my proposed method
Difficulty Change = Estimated Difficulty - Osu! Difficulty
Here is the survey for the research, and anyone with valid osu!mania ranking can submit a response.
Also, two random players with quality responses will earn 1-month supporter each!
The survey will be open until June 7 midnight KST (June 7 15:00 GMT).