They fly now =O
:OStarrodkirby86 wrote:
I'm the marvelous Kirbito! I am a wonderful trapeze performer from the osu! Brothers Circus! Watch me as I fly from rope to rope and swoop through rings while dozens of lions try to eat me!
High Jump I guess?NoHItter wrote:
Wasn't there a flying Kirby copy ability?
I want this to exist. Now.Starrodkirby86 wrote:
osu! Brothers Circus
James2250 wrote:
I saw this and was so confused...
See what happens when I leave osu for2 hours5 seconds!!
I don't want to know what happens if you are in vacations.James2250 wrote:
I saw this and was so confused...
See what happens when I leave osu for 2 hours!!
When James goes on vacation, osu! goes back into the past and starts using old builds and Cookiezi dies.OnosakiHito wrote:
I don't want to know what happens if you are in vacations.James2250 wrote:
I saw this and was so confused...
See what happens when I leave osu for 2 hours!!