
Xi-Style G2 1.1 — (Taiko & osu!mania Supported)

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Xi-Style G2 v1.1 [11/04/12]
- Added mod icons for Perfect, Nightcore and osu!mania 4k through 8k.
- Added a small tab on top of all mod icons to read when multiple mod icons are stacked.
- Taiko is now bundled in the skin download.
- osu!mania has been skinned and is also bundled in the download. (Also available for download separately).
- Special game mode pictures have been skinned.

Download it here (v1.1): (.OSK)

Previous Versions
v1.0: (.ZIP)

NEW! osu!mania Add-on:

Taiko Add-on:
(ADDITIONAL) Robo-don Mascot:

Enlarged Score Stars:
For those who like it big.

Reverse Arrows



I am sick and tired of seeing Xi-Style being used. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. That concept I had in my head prior to Nexus finally came to fruition.

So yes, I virtually re-made Xi-Style.

The problem with this was not technical at all — but rather, how I would go about remaking this without losing the "Xi-Style" feel. This is a little closer to what I had envisioned when I first started skinning. I don't know if I succeeded, but I am slightly more pleased with this than the original skin. I don't know what else to say. I'm starting to hate this skin already.

Angst angst angst.
Awesome theme. One of my favorite ones and always will be :D
I love this skin; it fixes all of my problems with the original Xi-Style! Pretty dang good. <3 I'm going to use this skin for a loooooong time.
Wait...So why do you have Xi-Style so much?
Oh god, I used Xi-Style for years.
Well this is simply amazing. Good job.
Xiao = God

Xiao > God
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YuiiMugii wrote:

Wait...So why do you hate Xi-Style so much?
XS is so gaudy. No consistent design, poor typeface choice, blatant overuse of tacky effects (scanlines); the list goes on. G2 still suffers from this, because after all, it's still XS. Every time I saw a video using it all I could think of was everything I could have done better. I'm still not pleased with G2 because the original direction -- well, there wasn't really a direction -- sucked. Ultimately I just wanted to make something slightly less shitty so I don't feel as bad.

I'm never happy with anything I make. Isn't everybody like that?

tyrael6192 wrote:

Xiao = God

Xiao > God
Nah. Accuracy is on par with this, if not better for gameplay.
Cookiezi - the god of the Tablet.
Doomsday - the god of the Mouse.
Bikko - the god of the Touchscreen.
Xaio - the god of Skinning. <3

I love the "Performance gauge" text effect, small and shiny!
Great job as always. It does look alot better than the first Xi-style. So once again nice work. 8-)

Xiao wrote:

Nah. Accuracy is on par with this...
But you say you hate this skin, so by applying that logic...

*goes to cry in the corner*

Still, Xi is the most awesome skin i've played with to date. =D
Stop making awesome skins Xiao... You're making more and more other people's skinworks look like garbage...
Nah, just've done it again :)
I was a Xi-style user for 2 years, and yeah I do prefer this skin over the original :3
I'll admit that I've always thought that Xi-Style was a bit gaudy. This update looks like sex. Never stop making skins.
this skin makes me easier to play osu! is simple and elegant, thanks!
/me bows down to his master.

Xiao. Amazing again. I have all your original skins and I love each and every single one of them. Well done again!
Hawt. After working with osu!stream I'm sick of seeing the current osu! default skin. Need to replace it with something like this :P.

Disclaimer: only seen screenshots.
This skin is awesome, but for some reason, I don't quite like this as much as the original skin.

I suppose my main complaint would be size, the size of the hitbursts is really small and I don't really like the look and makes it so I can't use this skin for modding as I might miss finding hidden notes.

And then the combo burst feels really intrusive, like it just has to make its presence known, the combo burst from the old one didn't really do that, it just appeared.

I don't know, you probably won't care about the ramblings of an old Xi skin user but those two things just make the skin unusable for me. Other than that though, I think the rest of the skin looks pretty clean and polished, in fact, I love the spinner.

EDIT: I actually forgot to mention the reverse slider, I don't think it looks that great colored the way it.
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rust45 wrote:

This skin is awesome, but for some reason, I don't quite like this as much as the original skin.

I suppose my main complaint would be size, the size of the hitbursts is really small and I don't really like the look and makes it so I can't use this skin for modding as I might miss finding hidden notes.
There's always the option of taking the original score stars and replacing them. I'm a fan of small score stars; I need to maximize readability in-game or I can't read anything. I've received far more positive reception about this change than I have negative responses.

Unfortunately, I can't give you a high quality set of larger score stars because I forgot to keep a non-rasterized version of the document. The best I can do is upscale slightly if you so desire.

And then the combo burst feels really intrusive, like it just has to make its presence known, the combo burst from the old one didn't really do that, it just appeared.

EDIT: I actually forgot to mention the reverse slider, I don't think it looks that great colored the way it.
Any suggestions?

peppy wrote:

Hawt. After working with osu!stream I'm sick of seeing the current osu! default skin. Need to replace it with something like this :P.

Disclaimer: only seen screenshots.
I really think that you should make the default osu! skin more stylish. Make Xiao the official skinner and pack his skins. :P

That's not to brown-nose by any means. I'm sure that Xiao has the chops for such a thing.

Xiao wrote:

I've received far more positive reception about this change than I have negative responses.
Yeah I can see that, I'm just in a small minority that likes them big for some reason. I may just take the old hitbursts and use them if they look good enough with the skin.

Xiao wrote:
That is actually a lot better, thank you.

Xiao wrote:

Any suggestions?
I'm not sure, I would just say make it white like most reverse arrows are. But it's your skin not mine.

Yeah, I like the skin and all, and I think I may actually import the stuff I don't like in this skin from the old one and see if it looks good.
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Enlarged score stars:

I haven't tested them myself because I can't read them. It's not super crisp, but it shouldn't be too bothersome in-game.
I changed the reverse arrow to white, as well as black. Give either a try and see if it's any better.

Hope it helps.

D33d wrote:

I really think that you should make the default osu! skin more stylish. Make Xiao the official skinner and pack his skins. :P

That's not to brown-nose by any means. I'm sure that Xiao has the chops for such a thing.
Haha, I don't know about that. osu! default has captured the heart of most people; I don't think I can top it by any means.
Oh wow, I can't believe how awesome you are. This skin is now my default over the first one.
I have all of your skins Xiao I love them all~
cool skin!


there's a joke \:D/
Good job.
07 Ghost
Instead of SS or SSH, why not make it an X or XH like you did for me?
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07 Ghost wrote:

Put the X for the option instead of XH. Unless you want me to put it up for you.
,ax I use this awesome one for mixing???
I just now noticed that the slider ball does not reverse direction when it hits a reverse arrow. I don't think this in intentional.

Xiao wrote:

Angst angst angst.
are you from, germany, or why are you using the german word for fear 3 times in a row???
Firo Prochainezo

My1 wrote:

Xiao wrote:

Angst angst angst.
are you from, germany, or why are you using the german word for fear 3 times in a row???
Angst is also an English word, which means dreadful feeling.
oh, I am 1337 in english but I never heard that...
Firo Prochainezo
Really? I am pretty sure it's a really common word in the English vocabulary, but oh well.
maybe for US people, but I hadnt this In my 9 and 1/2 years of scool

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Really? I am pretty sure it's a really common word in the English vocabulary, but oh well.
Yeah, I hear it pretty often, never looked up what it actually meant though xD
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Taiko players need some love, too.

NEW! Taiko Add-on:

I'm starting to get interested in Taiko. Catch the Beat can still blow my ass, though.
nice bump feget (downloaded, woop woop for less kiai flash)
Taiko...Xi style.. love ♥

Xiao wrote:

I'm starting to get interested in Taiko. Catch the Beat can still blow my ass, though.
I love you for this.

Is their anyway to make the numbers go below the blue lines?

I'm not sure how that works with skining, but if you could do that it would look a lot better in my opinion.

Also, a Don to match the skin. Like a metal looking Don with blue lights around the rims or something. xD
Wow hate on CtB more pls ):

Nice taiko skin !!
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Sander-Don wrote:

Is their anyway to make the numbers go below the blue lines?

I'm not sure how that works with skining, but if you could do that it would look a lot better in my opinion.

Also, a Don to match the skin. Like a metal looking Don with blue lights around the rims or something. xD
I would have shifted them if I could, but I don't believe I can. It's stuck that way.

I might get around to making a Don. I'll leave that for another day though.
Xiao I love you, this is awesome!

Verdisphena wrote:

Xiao I love you, this is awesome!
Exactly what I was about to say. Taiko addon looks just awesome.
Keep up the good work!
The taiko add-on is just...*sigh* I can't even describe in words how awesome this is

Thank you so much for making this; it adds a refreshing new way to play osu!Taiko :D

Sander-Don wrote:

Is their anyway to make the numbers go below the blue lines?
As aforementioned by Xiao, it can't, unfortunately. I tried shifting the score numbers myself, and I get this happening.

The score-numbers do shift down accordingly, but they still end up centered on the drum-area. Don't know why >:

No matter, this is a minor issue that really doesn't change my opinion on how great this add-on is, thanks again!

Edit: @sander (post below this one): lol nah I just reset the score numbers back to original state and everything was okay :3
(lol too lazy to make a new post)
IT'S SO....SO....IIDX-Y <3

Though I briefly went WTF with the keys (current headcanon:white keys=Don black keys=Katsu)
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Sander-Don wrote:

Also, a Don to match the skin. Like a metal looking Don with blue lights around the rims or something. xD

(yo i know it's shit but i took 45 minutes cuz i'm a lazy fuck ok)
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