
Nervousness and shakiness

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i was wondering, is it me or when you are about to pass a beatmap that has taken over 100 tries to just pass the song and you are getting closer to the end you start getting nervous, heart beats gets faster and hand starts shaking?

just like when u have hundreds of retries to get an S and you are like 10s away from it but you get so nervous out of excitement that your hand starts shaking and your timing gets messed up and then you miss ):

does it happen to everybody else or is it just me? any way to stop that from happening? D:
It's really normal, and the only way to not get nervous is to understand that if you were able to do something, then you'll probably be able to do it again, and maybe even better.
Take a deep breath, rest for a few minutes and retry.
Happens to everyone, even the best.
I actually start to twitch, but yeah, normal. The heart beating at least.
i am shivering of nervousness sometimes.
and so my hand lost control and miss :|
that happens to me, but try to not be so err.. "too many spirit"? i don't understand how to describe this..just rest yeah!
More than once i have gotten very close to FCing maps that i set for myself as challenges many months ago, and as i reached the end I can definitely feel myself starting to hyperventilate.

Like Go Beyond. Fuck that map. =(

Shiirn wrote:

More than once i have gotten very close to FCing maps that i set for myself as challenges many months ago, and as i reached the end I can definitely feel myself starting to hyperventilate.
Solution: Alcohol or something to chew - keeps you occupied or not caring...
What works for me is that I say I'm the best and this shit's easy. Then my mind goes through it not caring.

Coincidentally, I AM the best and everything IS easy ;DDDDD
Sometimes when I pass a really complex pattern or sightread something absurd, I pause for a second and ask myself how the fuck did I do that? and proceed to miss the next note cause I lose focus
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

What works for me is that I say I'm the best and this shit's easy. Then my mind goes through it not caring.

Coincidentally, I AM the best and everything IS easy ;DDDDD

i'll work on that ;DD

Well i'm very glad is not only me, i've gotten really mad at that fact sometimes lol
Get nervous after you get your FC \:D/

Hardly worked. Albeit the anxiety is lowered, you might get worse on playing unless you're zun or something a.k.a getting drunk.

Happened to me few times, I wouldn't recommend doing that tbh.

Hikaros wrote:

i was wondering, is it me or when you are about to pass a beatmap that has taken over 100 tries to just pass the song and you are getting closer to the end you start getting nervous, heart beats gets faster and hand starts shaking?

just like when u have hundreds of retries to get an S and you are like 10s away from it but you get so nervous out of excitement that your hand starts shaking and your timing gets messed up and then you miss ):

does it happen to everybody else or is it just me? any way to stop that from happening? D:

Almost FC'd this map, 1200x combo, then "OH SHIT I'M ALMOST THERE ASFGASHJAHSGSA" and random miss.

I can't really beat that ;_;
This happens to me almost every time I try to FC something, Sapphire has witnessed this many times.

Gonzvlo wrote:

This happens to me almost every time I try to FC something, Sapphire has witnessed this many times.
XD See, this is why I don't bother trying to FC most Insanes; any time it looks like I might FC one of them for once, I look at the combo counter, get excited, and then get a bunch of X's plastered all over my screen.
Again you just need to know if you did something once you can do it again, so in the worst possible scenario you just gonna have to spend a few more plays.
S o r c e r y
just relax! try to enjoy the music and think that you can do it many times, do not focus on notes too much, every time i almost FC a map,then,my hand will shake.., because i focus on notes and combo.Thus , i think we should relax and focus on music
Relaxing is hard to do considering the fact that you might not pass or not.

Especially when I 50 a note & think I won't reach the next but actually I DO get the note, I tend to get really shakey & wonder if I actually might FC the song or not.
always happen to me whenever i play with DT mod :oops:
Oh yea the self suggestion thingy works too.
"This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy" just repeat that in your head while you play and you actually manage to hit the notes.
Almost FC stream for my first time, than boom "X" sign came off my screen. 717/757 Q.Q

JesusYamato wrote:

Oh yea the self suggestion thingy works too.
"This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy" just repeat that in your head while you play and you actually manage to hit the notes.
Wow , this thing really works. Thanks.
>on my way to 500 combo milestone: missed at 498 because of this
>on my way to 750 I managed to control it but had hand pains from shaking
>on my way to 1000 I missed at 959 because my hand locked up

next is 2000 :(
I can't count how many times i've come really close to securing an SS ranking when i get really nervous, just like you and either get a 100 or just miss a note. It's quite normal to feel the pressure when you have a goal that you're working towards.
oh good, at least it doesnt only happen to me -_-
its true, i would of been playing a song that i have been playing for ages..
then i finally get near to passing it, and my heart was beating like crazy and my hand was twitching, and then i missed a note :(
so i think it pretty normal....


JesusYamato wrote:

Oh yea the self suggestion thingy works too.
"This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy" just repeat that in your head while you play and you actually manage to hit the notes.
For me, this leads to:
"This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy OH WTF NO Why did I miss on an easy map like that @_@ Ack, again Noooooo *insta-fail*"
Yeah, nervousness is basically the only reason I still don't have a FL-FC on Maromi no Theme :<

JesusYamato wrote:

Happens to everyone, even the best.
But not to the God ~ Cookiezi xDDDDD Having approx 250 specs and playing on a map with 99% of slider miss possibility and fc it...

Chuggles wrote:

Solution: Alcohol or something to chew - keeps you occupied or not caring...
Alchohol will make it worse in any way. When you get drunk you lose the sense of rhythm which will automaticly lead into fail on "most" "good" maps.

Using some "drugs" / medicine to better concentrate for hyperactive people will make you play like a god though.

Neruell wrote:

JesusYamato wrote:

Happens to everyone, even the best.
But not to the God ~ Cookiezi xDDDDD Having approx 250 specs and playing on a map with 99% of slider miss possibility and fc it...

Chuggles wrote:

Solution: Alcohol or something to chew - keeps you occupied or not caring...
Alchohol will make it worse in any way. When you get drunk you lose the sense of rhythm which will automaticly lead into fail on "most" "good" maps.

Using some "drugs" / medicine to better concentrate for hyperactive people will make you play like a god though.
actually ive watched cookiez cursor go crazy unsteady and shaky on a few songs he tried to dt that were just a little too fast
Happens every single time someone spectates me too, 'cept Beuchi-chan... Iunno why not her.

emidank wrote:

actually ive watched cookiez cursor go crazy unsteady and shaky on a few songs he tried to dt that were just a little too fast
Haha, if not I would be the first to start a thread to ban a bot user. If you do move your cursor while playing over 300 bpm songs and it doesn't really hit the circle in the center doesn't mean you are nervous rather it's just a bit too fast to really aim so perfectly xD
I used to do this during my early days of osu, but i eventually got over it.
I don't know how many times I've gotten a miss on the very last note.
tl;dr play osu! high
smoke some weed <3

emidank wrote:

actually ive watched cookiez cursor go crazy unsteady and shaky on a few songs he tried to dt that were just a little too fast
Thats called playing with a tablet, my cursor shakes to when playing fast DTs or AR 10 since I got to snap every hit carefully.
Everytime I get 500+ combo i begin getting nervous, heh.

That's why I try my best to not look at my combo counter.
That happens to me very often when I'm about to SS a map.
This is why you should play osu! when drunk.
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JesusYamato wrote:

Oh yea the self suggestion thingy works too.
"This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy This map is easy" just repeat that in your head while you play and you actually manage to hit the notes.
this works a lot of times :D
but in some cases it goes like this:

*repeats to self: "this is easy! i won't miss 8-) "*
-massive superfast deathstream-
*THIS IS NOT EAS-fails-*


What happens is when your playing better than usual and FC'ing that hard song your probably in the 115-145bpm sweet spot zone, but as your heart rate creeps up your motor skill start deteriorating until you cant do anything.

I try not to think about how far I am in the song/how high my combo is, my best passes are when I'm in the zone and owning a map without even realizing it.

LunaticMara wrote:

This is why you should play osu! when drunk.
07 Ghost
I suppose, this happens everytime u're FCin map, that's really ur limit(or so). So I'll suggest playing maps like that one(and that one as well), or even harder until u'll be sure that u can FC it without real troubles.
As for me I can't FC maps that are even close to my limit cuz of being very nervous in the end like "wow, i can do tha...damn it, fail again", even if I can pass all of map's elements like 9 of 10 times =\ I wish there were any other solution exept improving skill to next "point" or some drugs=\
Playing Ellie Goulding songs is good for relaxing. It helped to FC and, actually.
Hmmm I have this problem all the time and especially when I try to fc something extreme I can clear, but that's difficult for me. My hand shaked and aim was painful so much that I was thinking at the end of the map "OH WTF JUMPS I CLEARED THEM OH SHI STREAM I'LL FAIL IT NOOO OH MY I CLEARED IT TOO OH MY GOD FC I CAN'T BELIEVE IT OH WOW O_O", for example, on this map
I can't find any solution of this problem, but maybe, thinking, that map is easy, as JesusYamato has written, can help a bit.
I also get nervous when someone, whom I don't know starts spectating me ;_;

awful english, I know ._.
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LOL i get nervous when someone spectates me too! hahaha that's why i decided to deactivate the option that lets me see spectators so that i never know hahaha.
I disabled this function too, but then it became uncomfortable not to know who and when spectated me D:
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