
osu! Opening Animation

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2D or nothing. 3D is almost the opposite as Osu!
I mean, Osu! will never have anything in relation with 3D, so why should we use 3D ?

Also, our beloved pippi's 100x cutter in 2D :)
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Roga-don wrote:

2D or nothing. 3D is almost the opposite as Osu!
I mean, Osu! will never have anything in relation with 3D, so why should we use 3D ?

Also, our beloved pippi's 100x cutter in 2D :)
There is a (very old) project going on for a 3D dancer, DDR style, that featured Pippi.
I always thought an opening for osu would just be a bunch of random eye candy scenes with no actual plot like most rhythm games have. Heres a nice one like that

Its an idea to possibly aim for, Alot faster in production time XD

BTW was there any estimate you came up with on its run time?
Topic Starter

RBRat3 wrote:

I always thought an opening for osu would just be a bunch of random eye candy scenes with no actual plot like most rhythm games have. Heres a nice one like that

Its an idea to possibly aim for, Alot faster in production time XD

BTW was there any estimate you came up with on its run time?
I was actually thinking about the Project Diva or DJMAX Portable openings originally, so yeah. :P
Still needs some kind of coherent "There's stuff happening", even if it's not a proper "plot", per se.

As far as runtime, anywhere from 45 seconds to around a minute and a half - basically an anime OP size.
What's really needed though is the song to start from, composed with the storyboard in the first post in mind.
This really seems to be an interesting project. I can't wait for it to be done.
Also, using other rhythm game's opening as a reference can help. Just not take the whole idea...
I'm gonna try to do something for the music, but I'm not sure... What kind of music should we do ?
Hm, maybe we could make it showing a gameplay with a storyboard, showing both the goods (300) and bads (100 and worse).
Or using the similar idea with failure at the start and as the movie progresses it gets better.

Maybe we can use this beatmap as an example:
Maybe you could use the song behind the tutorial scene xD Well, it's the start of osu! anyway.
If someone knows there way around FL studio or garage band tear that tutorial BGM up for a remix.
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Aoko wrote:

Maybe you could use the song behind the tutorial scene xD Well, it's the start of osu! anyway.
The thing is, the tutorial music was... well, it sounds like tutorial music, not an opening theme. I'm no music theory expert, so I don't know how to describe it, but I feel as though it just wouldn't fit.

Remixing it sounds like a place to start, I suppose, but I'd prefer an entirely new composition.

Daru wrote:

Aoko wrote:

Maybe you could use the song behind the tutorial scene xD Well, it's the start of osu! anyway.
The thing is, the tutorial music was... well, it sounds like tutorial music, not an opening theme. I'm no music theory expert, so I don't know how to describe it, but I feel as though it just wouldn't fit.

Remixing it sounds like a place to start, I suppose, but I'd prefer an entirely new composition.
I know what you mean, I never intended the word remixing as modifying it but bringing elements from that song into a new composistion XD
Somewhat... agree lol. Suggestions then?
Topic Starter

Aoko wrote:

Somewhat... agree lol. Suggestions then?
Like I said, we need someone to actually make a song, which can be tweaked from there. As far what kind of song, I think it was generally agreed upon earlier in the thread to have a "dance-able" song that roughly followed the generic anime OP structure.

I also need to get on making more storyboards, but that's independent of the song at this stage.
Maybe put a message in the thread title, a call out to the musically-minded, like "Recruiting Composer(s) for osu! OP". And pm anyone who's known to be able to compose pieces (Natteke?).

Idk. I just feel like this project isn't getting very much love, and I really want to see it successfully executed.

Daru wrote:

Aoko wrote:

Somewhat... agree lol. Suggestions then?
Like I said, we need someone to actually make a song, which can be tweaked from there. As far what kind of song, I think it was generally agreed upon earlier in the thread to have a "dance-able" song that roughly followed the generic anime OP structure.

I also need to get on making more storyboards, but that's independent of the song at this stage.
Dance-able song yes, it's a rhythm game after all ^^
pippi is part of the anime OP structure?
I know a thing or two about music production, depending on what kind of tune you want, I can give it a shot.
Mitten in the house.

I'd love to see this done too, I don't really have anything I contribute since I'm not that great at anything you guys need, but I'm rooting for you all. :3
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ScarletSky wrote:

Mitten in the house.

I'd love to see this done too, I don't really have anything I contribute since I'm not that great at anything you guys need, but I'm rooting for you all. :3
You can help even if you don't consider yourself skilled at art. :)
Right now, you can give your thoughts on what you think the OP should contain or sound like, and later on there will be things like filling in cels - they aren't particularly hard to do.
a j-pop remix of gameplay basics ofc
gonna stalk this forum :D
Oops, that was my mistake - the box in her left hand in the fourth panel is also something I randomly put in to vary the pose a bit.

As for the 3D modelling, I was hoping to do something similar to rotoscoping, except instead of directly tracing over them, they would be used as reference. For example, if you or anyone else could animate certain actions that require difficult camera angles, it would be easier, I believe, to do it in 3D instead of trying to film reference in real life. They wouldn't be used for every last scene, just ones that involve difficult camera angles that would be annoying to make stock reference for, like aerial or panning/rotating shots.
You mean like using a biped model for referencing animation sequences?

Well while its easier to do that kind of thing in theroy its kinda not, the thing is that it's NOT real life and it takes a skilled person to do life like motion tweens. I know my way around max but I haven't been able to do any sort of realistic human like movement through it. you can see this effect by looking at MMD videos how some things move like a stiff board... Not saying it cant be done I just think its just gonna take more improvisation without the aid of mocap equipment than it would filming a sequence.

But hell I could always give it a go XD
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