
How much time per day should one play to master the game?

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It is absolutely not true, but suppose one is ready to give up every other aspect of life, how much time per day is optimal for becoming a pro?
As with anything, ultimately it just takes time. I think it's pretty impossible to play this game 24/7 to rush getting better because your fingers will need downtime to recuperate.

Experience in other rhythm games can some what help speed up the process of learning Osu, but really what it comes down to is learning patterns and the ability to read maps, which just comes in time. If I HAD to put a number on it, I'd say at the least a couple of months playing a few hours a day for the ability to play insane maps (more or less depending on your background in gaming) and even more to become a "pro". There's so many variables that its something you can't really put a timeline on.

Just play Osu and have fun. You'll be a pro by just doing that :) (no seriously)
I've been playing 3-4h of DT/day for the past 2months.
You should be like me. 2 months playing standard 24/7. LOLJK. Don't be like me.
The easy answer:

Look up Cookiezi, go to his Historical Statistics, repeat for Rucker, Doomsday, Lesjuh, KRZY, etc.

That much.
S o r c e r y
for me, i play 2~3 hours per day,but i think that's not enough, so, i am not good at osu XD , i think we should play 4~5 hours/day,that's enough, but i think the most essential thing is your genius in this game
I don't care how much hours I play a day, I just have fun, and that's all :)
Anyways.. It's better if you play the maps you can do to an S rang, and just play. After a short or long time, depends on you, You will definitely be able to gain reflexes on maps. So, you can play a map without even caring about the beatmap, and just looking at the background as I am doing on most of the map ^__^

Just have fun, that's all :)
24/7 don't stop, bro
Doesn't matter, just play challenging stuff.
Iunno man, but if you want to become even more godlike than Cookiezi, I suggest u train like bw pros, aka 14 hours a day for years.

Of course those guys get payed to play but if you are really serious, play as much as you can. Minimize other tasks in your life such as sleep etc to grind longer on osu.

Ya I am serious.

Be like me.
1337 times.
over 9000 times.
at least 9000s/day
starting from scratch, it would take me approx 1500 hours to get to where I'm at right now. from here, it would take me 3-4000 hours to be the best, like no one ever was.

I'd need a tablet though.
The instant you can accurately answer that question, you've become a pro.
5 hours is fine.
diffrent from person to person
its important to practice every day. or at least on a regular basis. that way you dont have to re-learn things

in my oppinion it doesnt matter if you play one or five hours a day....
but play regularly and at least an hour or more.

i dont like to talk in hours play, but in map plays/tries ( your personal play counter)

you should be able to do hard maps after about 500 to 1500 plays ( of course only if you dont retry after 10 seconds all the time :-) )

you can rush insane maps as soon as you have understanding of the following:

bpm and what it means in osu ,
fluent reading of maps -> no more "looking" where you need to go next.. if you flow with the map, you most likely can do it on insane difficulty too. -> if you play hardmaps S on first try you have completed the most frustrating step of the learning curve ;)

that took me about 5000 plays

the rest ist learning to aim, jump and stream.
-> you can allways get better at that, even after 100000 plays.
example: whereas i can read the jaketey sax without problems (~250 bpm if i remember) my mousehand cant really keep up, but thats hopefully to change:)

those wrote:

The instant you can accurately answer that question, you've become a pro.
I'mma go with this guy
From my experience, when I quitted osu! because I started playing L2 (again...) I used to play just an hour or two tops every 3 or 4 days, it was quite amazing how I improved by not playing... if you want to become a pro FAST then you gonna have to play A LOT like 5 or 6 hours a day of challenging stuff, but you can get good by playing like 1 hour per day. All you got to do is avoid playing shit or rankwhoring, with this I mean DON'T GO RANKING EASY SONGS WITH EVERY MOD or keep playing maps you can easily FC to get a higher overall rank by getting easy ranked score, that's useless because:

Some people says (got friends saying this) that playing normal maps with many mods makes them Insane, that's wrong, low diff. maps don't have complicated patterns or streams, even with every mod they are still easy maps. And then by playing maps you can easily FC you are not challenging yourself, and since that's all you need to do...
07 Ghost
It's a difficult question to answer, because it differs between people. Generally playing 5 days in a row for around 1-4 hours will help. But after that, it's not a bad idea to take a break, I mean you're on the computer for a very long period of time. For me, taking a day or two of no Osu! has actually helped me gotten better. But like I said, it differs between people.
Play first, think later. You'll be pro in no time.
Just keep challenging yourself more and more. One day you may notice a bunch of people calling you pro and there you go.
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Thanks, everyone. It was a very warm response: 23 replies in 1 day! I'll try harder!
25/7 is the correct answer :p
where you get that extra hour? i need that!

Jalatiphra wrote:

where you get that extra hour? i need that!
I am from mars, there is the day approx 40 mins longer than here on earth :p
It is also important to play maps that test your current skill. If you are still having a tough time FCing light Insane maps, do not go back to playing Hard, just keep at it. If you are comfortable with 150 bpm, start challenging yourself and play 170-180 bpm maps. If you aren't good at streaming, look for maps with a decent amount of mini-streams (not the ones with long 5 second streams). Jumps have more to do with knowing the song's rhythm, your reflexes and the mapper's style.

When I first started playing osu, I probably played 4-6 hours every day. Nowadays I only play 1-2 hours every other day or so.
pushing yourself too much to become a pro isnt a good idea i guess
Just have fun. :)

Play as much as you like to without getting frustrated or bored, and just keep challenging yourself with harder maps.
I remember hearing that to be a champion in some sports (e-sports included) you'd need to practice overall over 10000 hours. osu! isn't that competitive so 5000 hours will do.
iono I always feel like I get a lot better after taking short breaks from osu :s
I played 12~14 hours a day 2 months ago, then te holidays ended
There's no such thing as an answer to this question. It all depends on your own pace. Some people learn faster than others and will need less time per day to become as good. Just play as much as you want and have fun, you will improve if you keep challenging yourself.
Most of the time you won't see yourself improving at all. Choose a few very hard maps which you can barely pass and play some of them regularly (like every month or so), you will reliaze that you did improve (and probably a lot) without knowing it.
Play frequently, not necessarily a lot per day, the human brain does a lot of its recovery and "internal programming" when asleep. So you will find yourself getting better over time regardless. Just make sure you are practising "correctly."

I'm still learning but mashing buttons on insanes I couldn't play was pretty detrimental to my accuracy for a long time, although I did gain some finger speed... everything in balance I guess.

RaneFire wrote:

Play frequently, not necessarily a lot per day, the human brain does a lot of its recovery and "internal programming" when asleep. So you will find yourself getting better over time regardless. Just make sure you are practising "correctly."

I'm still learning but mashing buttons on insanes I couldn't play was pretty detrimental to my accuracy for a long time, although I did gain some finger speed... everything in balance I guess.
wow... spot on there
M i l o t i c
Weak up at 1:00pm get a shower,then get something to eat. Go to osu forums for a bit. Start play osu at 3:00pm.Have dinner and rest at
7:00 pm to 8:00pm.Then start playing osu into 3:00am, then go to sleep get ready for the next day.
This give you 11hours to play osu per day.
Play, whatever you want .. you can get better playing anything, but in different ways .. if you play all insane maps and stuff you'll get a shitty accuracy but you'll be able to spam in higher bpm's and stuff, but if you start playing your difficulty cap maps, going slowwwwwwly, you'll end up with a good accuracy but not with a really high speed, but i think you can acchieve both if you do the slow part first and the other one after.
Play endlessly
just play for fun xD
at first it sucks because you can't beat anything, it gets more fun as you get better, id aim for at least 500 plays per month, preferably 2k+ if you want to improve faster.
Moriya Suwako
For me,the average play time is 1 hour per day..
I wouldn't call myself a pro, and I actually think I'm still pretty bad, but I play an average of around 4000 games a month (I have no life). I am a pretty slow learner at most things, so I feel like the amount of time I've put into this game has helped me a lot with getting good at it. I am certain that I never would have put so much time into it, if I didn't just love playing. When I first started playing I was terrible. I played the hardest difficulties that I could to get better, and I played them constantly. Some nights I would do nothing but play Osu, because I wanted to be able to pass this map, or that map. In the end, I think that I definitely improved faster because of the number of plays that I put in, but I could see how someone who was more naturally able to play might be able to improve more quickly than I did with less work. It's all a matter of how you learn, and how much you want to keep trying, in my opinion.

Still feel like I'm not learning fast enough.
Apparently you've only been playing for three months. Even with around 7500 plays, you're going to need more time, probably. You improved a hell of a lot faster than I did, though! :D Hehe.
You need more time to master the game, (also depends on the peripheral that you use)

And I guess it's not always on the time you spend playing, you also need to go further, you need to play harder beatmaps..
But don't try forcing yourself too much...
1 -2 hour

anything more than that is bad,really
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