
Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年12月4日 at 1:47:18

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Rubik's Cube
Source: HujuniseikouyuuP
Tags: vocaloid wring nanahoshikangengakudan
BPM: 174
Filesize: 4831kb
Play Time: 02:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. 2x2x2 (2.81 stars, 203 notes)
  2. 3x3x3 (4.28 stars, 271 notes)
  3. 5x5x5 (4.91 stars, 475 notes)
  4. 6x6x6 (5 stars, 633 notes)
  5. 7x7x7 (5 stars, 717 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 3rd beatmap


[6x6x6] mapped by wring
All Finished
K o h a k u
nice to meet you~ hatsune miku !! so fast song?? good map~ star 8-)
m i z u k i
iine :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Topic Starter
> K o h a k u , m i z u k i

Thank you star! :oops:
7*7(...if it means a cube,the name shuold be 7*7*7)

00:01:358 (1) - no sound?(and i fail just after it ends....
00:36:875 (2) - i prefer circle
00:47:564 (5,6) - how about two half beat slider
00:49:978 (3) - remove?
01:06:530 (6) - should move 1/4 beat early
01:06:185 (5,6,7) -
01:11:702 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -to follow the sound of the piano?
02:39:806 (4,5,6,7) - follow miku?or...

Topic Starter
> qihanzhang

qihanzhang wrote:

7*7(...if it means a cube,the name shuold be 7*7*7) You're right! Fixed

00:01:358 (1) - no sound?(and i fail just after it ends.... play very small music sound
00:36:875 (2) - i prefer circle no fixed
00:47:564 (5,6) - how about two half beat slider good idea! adopted
00:49:978 (3) - remove? no fixed
01:06:530 (6) - should move 1/4 beat early fixed
01:06:185 (5,6,7) - ?
01:11:702 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -to follow the sound of the piano? no fixed
02:39:806 (4,5,6,7) - follow miku?or... adopted
Thank you mod ;)

> armina

armina wrote:


ありがとう、 これからも頑張って作っていくので楽しみにしててね

Thank you star :)
Red = Fix it
Black = Just suggestions

[1],[2] is image



01:28:685 - Remove useless green line



00:07:392 (1) - No new combo
00:09:116 (1) - No new combo
00:09:461 (1,2) - How about something like this [1]
└00:10:495 (1) - No new combo
00:11:961 (1) - I think this shape is not good
00:28:082 (2) - Too far from center. How about modifying sliders shape? (00:27:564 (1), 00:28:254 (3))
00:42:047 (3) - Move slider's 3rd point 2 tiny grids to right
00:42:909 (2) - How about this [2]
00:45:495 (1,2) - Make it more like circle and copy (1) and Use Ctrl + H for (2)
00:47:220 (5) - Make it more like circle (5) (Move slider's 3rd point 1 tiny grid to right)
00:51:013 (1,2,3) - How about modifying slider because distance spacing is low
01:29:806 ~ 01:37:565 - Diffrent rhythm (Modified)
02:06:702 (5) - Make it more like circle
02:12:047 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make it prettier

01:12:306 (5), 01:23:340 (5), 02:10:237 (5), 02:21:357 (5), 02:32:219 (5), 02:43:426 (5) -
Too close to 4, I think it's come from 7x7x7, but this is little hard.
How about decrease one reverse and move to backside using 'K'




00:12:047 (5) - Make it prettier
00:34:461 (1,2) - Make it smoothly
00:43:082 (2) - Make it smoothly
01:26:702 (1) - Delete New combo
01:27:047 (1) - Move New combo to 01:26:875
02:26:875 (7) - I think that Miku's voice changed at 02:26:875 (7), not 02:26:961 (8).
       How about changing slider's start point to 02:26:875 and rearrange circles?


However, It's very nice song and the Heart shape in beatmap is very beautiful!
Topic Starter

Yukoyuko wrote:

Red = Fix it
Black = Just suggestions

[1],[2] is image



01:28:685 - Remove useless green line Fixed



00:07:392 (1) - No new combo Fixed
00:09:116 (1) - No new combo Fixed
00:09:461 (1,2) - How about something like this [1] そのまま使わせてもらいます
└00:10:495 (1) - No new combo
00:11:961 (1) - I think this shape is not good Fixed ある程度はスマートにつもりですが荒ぶるようにしたいのでこれ以上は厳しいです
00:28:082 (2) - Too far from center. How about modifying sliders shape? (00:27:564 (1), 00:28:254 (3)) fixed
00:42:047 (3) - Move slider's 3rd point 2 tiny grids to right Fixed
00:42:909 (2) - How about this [2] no Fixed ここは、でれっとしたスライダーにわざとしています
00:45:495 (1,2) - Make it more like circle and copy (1) and Use Ctrl + H for (2) Fixed
00:47:220 (5) - Make it more like circle (5) (Move slider's 3rd point 1 tiny grid to right) Fixed
00:51:013 (1,2,3) - How about modifying slider because distance spacing is low no Fixed
01:29:806 ~ 01:37:565 - Diffrent rhythm (Modified) Fixed
02:06:702 (5) - Make it more like circle all right
02:12:047 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make it prettier no Fixed このままで

01:12:306 (5), 01:23:340 (5), 02:10:237 (5), 02:21:357 (5), 02:32:219 (5), 02:43:426 (5) -
Too close to 4, I think it's come from 7x7x7, but this is little hard.
How about decrease one reverse and move to backside using 'K' all right Adopted




00:12:047 (5) - Make it prettier Fixed
00:34:461 (1,2) - Make it smoothly Fixed
00:43:082 (2) - Make it smoothly no Fixed ここは、でれっとしたスライダーにわざとしています
01:26:702 (1) - Delete New combo Fixed
01:27:047 (1) - Move New combo to 01:26:875 Fixed
02:26:875 (7) - I think that Miku's voice changed at 02:26:875 (7), not 02:26:961 (8).
       How about changing slider's start point to 02:26:875 and rearrange circles? Fixed その通りだね正しいと思います、02:26:875スタートに変えました。ずれた部分は後ろのスライダーで微調整です。


However, It's very nice song and the Heart shape in beatmap is very beautiful!
Yukoyuko's irc mod
16:58 <Yukoyuko> : RUIさん
16:58 <rui> : はい?
16:58 <Yukoyuko> : ちょっと聞きたいものがありますけど
16:58 <Yukoyuko> : いいですか
16:58 <rui> : いいよ
16:59 <Yukoyuko> : RUBIK'S CUBE 5x5x5で
16:59 <Yukoyuko> : 01:29:806 (1) -
16:59 <Yukoyuko> : このへんから
16:59 <rui> : うん
17:00 <Yukoyuko> : なんかへんです
17:00 <Yukoyuko> : 01:32:220 (3) - このあとCIRCLEが一つあるのがいいと思いますけど
17:01 <Yukoyuko> : リズムがかわります
17:02 <Yukoyuko> : 意図的にそうしたんですか
17:03 <rui> : いや違うね Hardでstreamぽいことしたいなと思って配置した結果ずれてるね
17:03 <rui> : 01:34:978に単発とか必要だね 聞きなおすと
17:04 <Yukoyuko> : 一つずつ遅くなる気がして
17:05 <Yukoyuko> : 01:32:392 にも
17:05 <Yukoyuko> : 一つ必要だと思います
17:07 <rui> : 3つで切り替えてるからおかしいくなってるのだな
17:07 <Yukoyuko> : はい
17:07 <Yukoyuko> : そこで
17:07 <Yukoyuko> : 一つずつ入れば
17:07 <Yukoyuko> : いいと思いますけど
17:08 <Yukoyuko> : 形とか変わってしまいますので
17:08 <rui> : そこは4つの単発の位置調整でどうにかするしかないね

Thank you mod & star! :)
Can you use sliderborder ?

And ofcourse Slider tick rate must be similar !
Kiai section : 01:07:564 , 02:05:495

02:19:978- Please fix the last slider can u see ?

02:31:013- ^
02:31:013- RNC

02:44:116- 1 grid down

Looks good
Star <3
No Megaminx diff D:
I was there is no place for me here right?
02:05:495 ~ 02:49:633 ここの気合タイムが長いので区切りましょう。↓
02:16:185 - kiai終わり
02:16:530 - kiai始め
02:24:806 - kiai終わり
02:27:564 - kiai始め
02:38:254 - kiai終わり
02:38:599 - kiai始め
02:49:633 - kiai終わり
01:29:633 - kiaitime終わり
02:05:495 - kiaitime始め
00:27:563 (9) - nc?
00:35:840 (5) - こんな感じで綺麗に置いてみては?code:208,112,35840,2,0,B|232:56|308:48|356:112|336:196|256:196|256:196|256:252,1,315,8|0
00:39:978 (1,2) - スペーシング狭い
00:42:392 (5,6) - 5のところでスライダー持ってきてください、
00:45:151 - 連打入れるのもあり。
01:04:806 (1,2,3,4) - ここのドラムのたたき方が こうなってるのでこっちのほうがいいかと。
01:07:564 - kiaitimeはここからが良いと思います。
01:07:564 (5) - スライダーの終わりを1/2。これを変えたら01:07:823 - にノート追加してください。(赤線)
01:23:426 (5,6,7,8,9) - このように赤線から5連打置いたほうがたたきやすいです。ドラムも。
01:26:702 (1) - renew combo
02:10:323 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ここもさっき言ったように こんな感じで置けるといいですね。
02:21:186 (4,5,6,7) - ^
02:32:219 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
02:43:426 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^
02:15:668 (5) - スライダー終わりを赤線に。02:16:013 -
02:26:358 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - こんな感じで置けると左右対称で綺麗です。若干難易度上がりますが・・・。
02:28:771 (4) - 02:29:116 - ここの赤線でスライダー終わり
02:37:564 (4) - ノートを一個追加してその後にスライダーを持ってきてください。
02:01:358 (1) - スピンの最後はsofthitsoundsでボリューム低くしてみてください。hitfinishも無しで。
02:49:633 - add note
00:44:806 (3) - 7の判定表示で切り替えしが見えないのでアウトかなー・・グレーかな・・・ってとこです。切り替えしの方向変えてください。
00:59:289 (7) - nc
01:20:323 (4,5) - 単発とスライダーのタイミングを交換するかんじで
02:18:254 (4,5) - ^
02:01:358 (1) - スピンの最後はsofthitsoundsでボリューム低くしてみてください。
02:30:323 (1) - renew combo
00:11:530 (7) - ドラムの音と合わせてください。 こんなかんじで置くとおk。
00:14:116 (2) - 1grid down
00:17:564 (5) - 切り替えしを上に向けたほうがいいです。
00:31:702 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - 全部左右対称で置きましょう。
00:35:840 (1) - 7x7でMODしたはてなマークを参考にしてください。
00:42:909 (2) - こんな感じで置けるとgood.
00:54:978 - add note
01:04:806 (1,2,3,4) - 7x7と同様
01:12:392 (5) - 01:12:564 - ここの赤線に移動。配置は任せます
01:23:426 (5) - これも一緒で赤線移動
02:10:323 (5) - ^
02:21:530 (5) - ^ 切り返しは三回
02:32:219 (5) - ^
02:43:426 (5) - ^
01:37:909 - add note add finish
02:01:358 (1) - remove finish
02:26:358 (1) - このように置けるといいです。
02:35:150 (5) - スライダー終わりを02:33:082 (1) - の始点に重なるように。
02:49:633 - add note
00:01:358 (1) - finish外してください
00:11:185 (4) - 真っ直ぐ上に向くように配置
00:13:771 (1) - renew combo
00:33:771 (3) - これも00:31:702 (1) - の300表示で見えるか見えないか微妙なラインです。重ねないように置くのをおすすめします
00:55:668 (6) -
00:59:633 (4) - 1/1置きしてください。
01:01:832 - 緑線削除
01:01:918 - ^
01:12:047 (4) - 全部ホイッスル入ると耳が痛いです。softsoundにするかホイッスル消してください
01:23:082 (4) - ^
02:09:978 (4) - ^
02:21:013 (4) - ^
02:26:875 (2) - ^
02:32:047 (4) - ^
02:43:081 (4) - ^
01:12:047 (4) - こっちのほうがいいと思います。
01:18:599 (2) - 何回もの切り替えしはとても混乱します。
02:16:530 (2) - ^
01:21:358 (1) - renew combo
01:24:116 (1) - 曲と合ってないです。変えてください
02:22:047 (1) - ^
02:44:116 (1) - ^
01:28:771 (1) - 押すタイミングなど難しいのでこれに変更をおすすめします。
02:01:358 (1) - remove finish
02:49:633 - add note
01:02:564 (2) - スライダ-終わり01:03:082 -
01:03:426 - 上を変えたなら、ここにノート追加
01:03:944 (3) - スライダー終わり01:04:461 -
01:05:151 (1,2,3,4) -
01:08:254 (2) - スライダー終わり01:09:289 -
01:11:013 (1) - こっちのほうはどうでしょう?
01:22:047 (1,2) - ^と同じ要領で。
02:08:944 (1,2) - ^
02:19:978 (1,2) - ^
02:31:013 (1,2) - ^
02:42:047 (1,2) - ^
01:13:082 (1) - 01:11:013 (1) - のスライダーと重なってて見た目悪いので、ctl+hしてから このように置いてください
01:47:564 (3,5) - 何回もの切り返しは混乱します。
02:01:358 (1) - remove finish
02:06:185 (2) - スライダー終わり02:07:220 -
02:24:806 (3,1) - 何か違うのに変えられませんか?
02:46:875 (1) - ホイッスルうるさいので消しましょう
02:49:116 (2) - 上下反転させて、1の下に動かしましょう
02:49:633 - add note

val0108 wrote:

AR+1?8だとちょっと見にくいです sorry no change. AR9は2つもいらないと思います
00:44:806 (3) - 7の判定表示で切り替えしが見えないのでアウトかなー・・グレーかな・・・ってとこです。切り替えしの方向変えてください。ok
00:59:289 (7) - nc
01:20:323 (4,5) - 単発とスライダーのタイミングを交換するかんじで
02:18:254 (4,5) - ^ ok
02:01:358 (1) - スピンの最後はsofthitsoundsでボリューム低くしてみてください。change to soft
02:30:323 (1) - renew combo no
thanks mod<3

Download: Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube (rui) [6x6x6].osu
Topic Starter

val0108 wrote:

02:05:495 ~ 02:49:633 ここの気合タイムが長いので区切りましょう。↓ 了解です
02:16:185 - kiai終わり
02:16:530 - kiai始め
02:24:806 - kiai終わり
02:27:564 - kiai始め
02:38:254 - kiai終わり
02:38:599 - kiai始め
02:49:633 - kiai終わり
01:29:633 - kiaitime終わり
02:05:495 - kiaitime始め
00:27:563 (9) - nc? Fixed
00:35:840 (5) - こんな感じで綺麗に置いてみては?code:208,112,35840,2,0,B|232:56|308:48|356:112|336:196|256:196|256:196|256:252,1,315,8|0 置き直しました綺麗なハテナになりましたありがとうございます
00:39:978 (1,2) - スペーシング狭い Fiexd
00:42:392 (5,6) - 5のところでスライダー持ってきてください、 Fixed
00:45:151 - 連打入れるのもあり。スライダーで統一したかったのでこのままで
01:04:806 (1,2,3,4) - ここのドラムのたたき方が こうなってるのでこっちのほうがいいかと。そっちの音取りにあわせて配置変えました [color=#BF0000][/color]
01:07:564 - kiaitimeはここからが良いと思います。Fiexd
01:07:564 (5) - スライダーの終わりを1/2。これを変えたら01:07:823 - にノート追加してください。(赤線) Fiexd
01:23:426 (5,6,7,8,9) - このように赤線から5連打置いたほうがたたきやすいです。ドラムも。02:10:323の指摘の方があっているように感じたので6連打にしました
01:26:702 (1) - renew combo fixed
02:10:323 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ここもさっき言ったように こんな感じで置けるといいですね。Fixed
02:21:186 (4,5,6,7) - ^ fixed
02:32:219 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ fixed
02:43:426 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^ Fixed
02:15:668 (5) - スライダー終わりを赤線に。02:16:013 - Fiexd
02:26:358 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - こんな感じで置けると左右対称で綺麗です。若干難易度上がりますが・・・。面白いとは思いますがちょっと難しいのでこのままで
02:28:771 (4) - 02:29:116 - ここの赤線でスライダー終わり Fixe
02:37:564 (4) - ノートを一個追加してその後にスライダーを持ってきてください。 Fixed
02:01:358 (1) - スピンの最後はsofthitsoundsでボリューム低くしてみてください。hitfinishも無しで。hitfinish消して音量50にしました
02:49:633 - add note Fixed

ジャンプ多様してるので難易度でいったらこれはinsaneですね。 使うdistanceを0.8 1.0 1.2の3つにしました
00:11:530 (7) - ドラムの音と合わせてください。 こんなかんじで置くとおk。 Fixed
00:14:116 (2) - 1grid down Fixed
00:17:564 (5) - 切り替えしを上に向けたほうがいいです。 Fixed
00:31:702 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - 全部左右対称で置きましょう。distanceの調整で配置自体が変わりました
00:35:840 (1) - 7x7でMODしたはてなマークを参考にしてください。Fixed
00:42:909 (2) - こんな感じで置けるとgood. Fixed
00:54:978 - add note Fixed
01:04:806 (1,2,3,4) - 7x7と同様 Fixed
01:12:392 (5) - 01:12:564 - ここの赤線に移動。配置は任せます distance1.0で置ける場所において後ろを微調整
01:23:426 (5) - これも一緒で赤線移動 ^
02:10:323 (5) - ^ ^
02:21:530 (5) - ^ 切り返しは三回 ^
02:32:219 (5) - ^ ^
02:43:426 (5) - ^ ^
01:37:909 - add note add finish Fixed
02:01:358 (1) - remove finish Fixed
02:26:358 (1) - このように置けるといいです。Fixed
02:35:150 (5) - スライダー終わりを02:33:082 (1) - の始点に重なるように。Fixed
02:49:633 - add note Fixed
00:01:358 (1) - finish外してください Fixed
00:11:185 (4) - 真っ直ぐ上に向くように配置 Fixed
00:13:771 (1) - renew combo Fixed
00:33:771 (3) - これも00:31:702 (1) - の300表示で見えるか見えないか微妙なラインです。重ねないように置くのをおすすめします 重ならないようにしました
00:55:668 (6) - Fixed
00:59:633 (4) - 1/1置きしてください。 Fixed
01:01:832 - 緑線削除 Fixed
01:01:918 - ^ Fixed
01:12:047 (4) - 全部ホイッスル入ると耳が痛いです。softsoundにするかホイッスル消してください ホイッスルを消しました
01:23:082 (4) - ^ ^
02:09:978 (4) - ^ ^
02:21:013 (4) - ^ ^
02:26:875 (2) - ^ ^
02:32:047 (4) - ^ ^
02:43:081 (4) - ^ ^
01:12:047 (4) - こっちのほうがいいと思います。 Fixed
01:18:599 (2) - 何回もの切り替えしはとても混乱します。 Fixed
02:16:530 (2) - ^ Fixed
01:21:358 (1) - renew combo Fixed
01:24:116 (1) - 曲と合ってないです。変えてください このように変えました。これであってると思います
02:22:047 (1) - ^ ^
02:44:116 (1) - ^ ^
01:28:771 (1) - 押すタイミングなど難しいのでこれに変更をおすすめします。 変えました
02:01:358 (1) - remove finish Fixed
02:49:633 - add note Fixed
不要な緑線がちらほらあります。消してください 何本か消しました
01:02:564 (2) - スライダ-終わり01:03:082 - Fixed
01:03:426 - 上を変えたなら、ここにノート追加 Fixed
01:03:944 (3) - スライダー終わり01:04:461 - Fixed
01:05:151 (1,2,3,4) - Fixed
01:08:254 (2) - スライダー終わり01:09:289 - fixed
01:11:013 (1) - こっちのほうはどうでしょう?no fixed 今のままのほうが音取りと好きなのでそのまま
01:22:047 (1,2) - ^と同じ要領で。^
02:08:944 (1,2) - ^ ^
02:19:978 (1,2) - ^ ^
02:31:013 (1,2) - ^ ^
02:42:047 (1,2) - ^ ^
01:13:082 (1) - 01:11:013 (1) - のスライダーと重なってて見た目悪いので、ctl+hしてから このように置いてください Fixed
01:47:564 (3,5) - 何回もの切り返しは混乱します。Fixed
02:01:358 (1) - remove finish Fixed
02:06:185 (2) - スライダー終わり02:07:220 - Fixed
02:24:806 (3,1) - 何か違うのに変えられませんか?no fixed 白線→赤線が使えないため音にあわすと折り返しスライダーを使うことになってしまうと思います
02:46:875 (1) - ホイッスルうるさいので消しましょう Fixed
02:49:116 (2) - 上下反転させて、1の下に動かしましょう 横に並べることにしました
02:49:633 - add note Fixed

Thank you mod & star:)
Topic Starter
double post :o

Your message is too short. Your message is too short. Your message is too short.
Topic Starter

Katsuri wrote:

No Megaminx diff D:
I was there is no place for me here right?
sorry. I don't need more diff :?
Topic Starter

HellDawn wrote:

Can you use sliderborder ? i don't use sliderborder

And ofcourse Slider tick rate must be similar !
Kiai section : 01:07:564 , 02:05:495 all right

02:19:978- Please fix the last slider can u see ? fixed

02:31:013- ^ fixed
02:31:013- RNC fixed

02:44:116- 1 grid down fixed

Looks good
Star <3
Thank you HellDawn mod & star :D

00:33:771 (3) - add a whistle on the circles of the slider?
00:37:220 (1) - remove NC
00:42:737 (1) - remove NC?
00:49:633 (1) - ^
00:52:392 (1) - ^
01:28:599 (1) - ^, also, the slider's end seems to be a bit off. Perhaps end it 1/2 later? :?
01:37:909 (4) - new combo
01:48:944 (6) - remove NC
01:50:323 (1) - for an Easy, this slider is a bit out of place, perhaps change it to a spinner?
02:01:358 (1) - end it 1/2 earlier?
02:05:151 (1) - this?
02:08:944 (1) - remove NC
02:24:806 (3) - holding for so many beats seems a bit odd IMO, especially on an Easy. Perhaps do something else here?
02:26:875 (1) - again, this slider seems a bit out of place in an Easy :?
02:42:047 (1) - remove NC


00:10:151 (1) - remove NC
01:12:220 (1) - remove NC
01:13:082 (1) - remove clap on start and end
01:14:116 (2) - remove clap from repeat
01:15:151 (3) - remove clap from start and end
01:16:185 (4) - remove clap from end
01:23:254 (1) - remove NC
01:28:771 (1) - remove NC
02:01:358 (1) - end it 1/1 earlier?
02:10:151 (1) - remove NC
02:11:013 (1,2,3,4) - same as before about the claps :?
02:21:185 (1) - remove NC
02:32:220 (1) - remove NC
02:43:254 (1) - remove NC
02:27:564 (1) - remove clap
02:27:909 (2) - add clap on start and end, and remove it from repeat?
02:29:633 (1,3) - remove clap
02:43:254 (1) - remove NC
02:46:875 (1) - end it 1/2 earlier?
02:48:771 (1) - remove NC...also, I recommend removing a repeat, and placing 02:49:633 (1) where this slider currently ends
02:49:633 (1) - remove NC


-Some notes are spaced farther apart than others... for example 00:23:426 (1,2,3,4), then 00:26:18 ~ 00:34:289, then 01:40:668 ~ 01:51:702... I recommend going through the map and making sure all the notes are spaced correctly. If you want to keep it, just keep it, but I really think you should change it. :cry:
00:09:461 (3) - too far from (2)
00:42:909 (2) - IMO a 3/2 slider is out of place here, perhaps try this?
00:47:220 (5) - I'm really not sure about this slider, the music continues a fast pace so using a long slider here doesn't really fit IMO... perhaps try this? (If you like this, just keep it :) )
00:48:599 (2) - this slider is hidden under (5), perhaps move it?
02:26:358 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stream seems too hard for a [Hard]...


00:37:909 (1,2,3,4,1) - (nazi)
move (2) 1 level 4 grid left
move (3) 1 level 4 grid right
move (4) 2 up
move (1) 1 up and 2 left
01:18:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is weird IMO...perhaps make this into a normal stream? (Or space the sliders normally :?)
02:16:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - these jumps play really weird, perhaps just make this into a normal stream?


-CS 4?

nice map, though it needs a little bit more work in some parts~ :)
god map... :)

Your message is too short. Your message is too short.
[!] = You NEED to change.
[.] = If possible, change.
[?] = Suggestion/nazi.

[NC] = Add New Combo.
[RNC] = Remove New Combo.

You can ignore hitsound mod if you don't like it.

00:26:185 (1) - RNC.
00:33:771 (3) - 終点にwhistleを追加?
00:37:220 (1) - RNC.
01:28:599 ~ Break - 混乱するので、赤線で区切るのはやめた方がいいです
02:23:426 (1) - RNC.
02:24:806 (3) - NC.
02:41:358 (1) - RNC.

00:24:806 (1) - RNC.
00:28:599 (8) - NC.
00:28:944 (1) - RNC.
00:30:323 (1) - ^
01:06:185 (1,2,3) - Normalにしては難しいので、1つの折り返しスライダーで作った方がいいと思います
01:32:392 (1) - RNC.
01:34:806 (4) - NC.
01:35:151 (1) - RNC.

00:09:633 (1) - RNC.
00:11:702 (8) - NC.
00:12:047 (1) - RNC.
01:18:254 (1) - RNC.
01:19:978 (3,4) - (3) の終点にあるclapを削除して、始点にclap.
01:29:461 (5) - 単発に変更して、01:29:633 (1) からBreakまでの全てをドラッグして、01:29:633 (1) を 01:29:633 へ移動。Breakまでが1サークル分ずれるので、最後にサークルを1つ追加するなどして調整!
02:05:840 (1) - RNC.
02:17:564 (1) - RNC.
02:17:909 (3) - NC.
02:39:289 (1) - RNC.
02:39:633 ~ 02:40:151 - 単発+スライダーに変更。

00:34:633 ~ - 1/4で単発・スライダー、もしくはスライダー・単発を使う場合のDSを統一した方がいいです。スライダー・単発スライダーはそのままでもいいと思います。
02:41:358 (1) - RNC ?
02:42:047 (3) - ↑を修正したなら、ここにNew Combo.
02:43:599 (1) - RNC.
02:44:116 (7) - NC.

00:13:082 (3,4,5) - (2)から直線に配置するより、こんな感じに適当に曲げながら配置した方が面白いと思います。
00:14:461 (5) - 前の(4)とかぶらないように配置。
00:55:151 (5) - NC !
00:26:875 (5,6) - 4comboの折り返しスライダーに変更 ?
00:28:254 (5,6) - ^
00:55:668 (1) - RNC !
00:56:444 (*) - Add circle ?
00:58:944 (2) - 終点にclapを追加。
01:01:272 (1) - Remove circle !
01:07:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - こんな形はどうでしょうか
01:12:220 (4) - 単発に変更。
01:19:633 (1) - 1grid左
01:23:254 (4) - 単発に変更。
01:25:151 (*) - Add circle.
01:35:151 ~ 01:40:495 - スライダーをスタックさせない方がいいと思います。
02:10:151 (4) - 単発に変更。
02:21:186 (4) - ^
02:23:082 (*) - Add circle ?
02:28:254 (1) - 前のサークルと同じDSを使う。
02:29:461 (6) - 次の(1)のスライダーにかぶらないように配置した方が綺麗に見えると思います
02:39:289 (1) - 前のサークルと同じDSを使う。
02:40:926 (*) - Add circle ?
02:43:254 (4) - 単発に変更。
star~ >w<//

ah there's a unsnap note in [5x5x5] diff...(00:16:356 (4) - ) D:
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:


00:33:771 (3) - add a whistle on the circles of the slider? Fixed
00:37:220 (1) - remove NC Fixed
00:42:737 (1) - remove NC? Fixed
00:49:633 (1) - ^ Fixed
00:52:392 (1) - ^ Fixed
01:28:599 (1) - ^, also, the slider's end seems to be a bit off. Perhaps end it 1/2 later? :? Fixed
01:37:909 (4) - new combo Fixed
01:48:944 (6) - remove NC Fixed
01:50:323 (1) - for an Easy, this slider is a bit out of place, perhaps change it to a spinner? Fixed
02:01:358 (1) - end it 1/2 earlier? no fixed
02:05:151 (1) - this? nice idea
02:08:944 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:24:806 (3) - holding for so many beats seems a bit odd IMO, especially on an Easy. Perhaps do something else here? no fixed
02:26:875 (1) - again, this slider seems a bit out of place in an Easy :? no fixed
02:42:047 (1) - remove NC Fixed


00:10:151 (1) - remove NC Fixed
01:12:220 (1) - remove NC Fixed
01:13:082 (1) - remove clap on start and end Fixed
01:14:116 (2) - remove clap from repeat Fixed
01:15:151 (3) - remove clap from start and end Fixed
01:16:185 (4) - remove clap from end Fixed
01:23:254 (1) - remove NC Fixed
01:28:771 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:01:358 (1) - end it 1/1 earlier? no fixed
02:10:151 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:11:013 (1,2,3,4) - same as before about the claps :? Fixed
02:21:185 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:32:220 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:43:254 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:27:564 (1) - remove clap Fixed
02:27:909 (2) - add clap on start and end, and remove it from repeat? Fixed
02:29:633 (1,3) - remove clap Fixed
02:43:254 (1) - remove NC Fixed
02:46:875 (1) - end it 1/2 earlier? no fixed
02:48:771 (1) - remove NC...also, I recommend removing a repeat, and placing 02:49:633 (1) where this slider currently ends All right
02:49:633 (1) - remove NC no fixed


-Some notes are spaced farther apart than others... for example 00:23:426 (1,2,3,4), then 00:26:18 ~ 00:34:289, then 01:40:668 ~ 01:51:702... I recommend going through the map and making sure all the notes are spaced correctly. If you want to keep it, just keep it, but I really think you should change it. :cry: oh・・・sorry. I used to 1.2 distance and Position fix.
00:09:461 (3) - too far from (2) fixed
00:42:909 (2) - IMO a 3/2 slider is out of place here, perhaps try this? adopted
00:47:220 (5) - I'm really not sure about this slider, the music continues a fast pace so using a long slider here doesn't really fit IMO... perhaps try this? (If you like this, just keep it :) )
00:48:599 (2) - this slider is hidden under (5), perhaps move it? sorry no fixed
02:26:358 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stream seems too hard for a [Hard]... changed Placement


00:37:909 (1,2,3,4,1) - (nazi) no fixed
move (2) 1 level 4 grid left
move (3) 1 level 4 grid right
move (4) 2 up
move (1) 1 up and 2 left
01:18:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is weird IMO...perhaps make this into a normal stream? (Or space the sliders normally :?) no fixed
02:16:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - these jumps play really weird, perhaps just make this into a normal stream? no fixed

nice map, though it needs a little bit more work in some parts~ :)
pieguy1372. Thank you modding. :D
Topic Starter

Apricot wrote:

[!] = You NEED to change.
[.] = If possible, change.
[?] = Suggestion/nazi.

[NC] = Add New Combo.
[RNC] = Remove New Combo.

You can ignore hitsound mod if you don't like it.

00:26:185 (1) - RNC. no fixed
00:33:771 (3) - 終点にwhistleを追加? fixed
00:37:220 (1) - RNC. fixed
01:28:599 ~ Break - 混乱するので、赤線で区切るのはやめた方がいいです 了解です、繰り返しの数の調整を行いました
02:23:426 (1) - RNC. fixed
02:24:806 (3) - NC. fixed
02:41:358 (1) - RNC. fixed

00:24:806 (1) - RNC. fixed
00:28:599 (8) - NC. fixed
00:28:944 (1) - RNC. fixed
00:30:323 (1) - ^ fixed
01:06:185 (1,2,3) - Normalにしては難しいので、1つの折り返しスライダーで作った方がいいと思います all right
01:32:392 (1) - RNC. fixed
01:34:806 (4) - NC. fixed
01:35:151 (1) - RNC. fixed

00:09:633 (1) - RNC. fixed
00:11:702 (8) - NC. fixed
00:12:047 (1) - RNC. fixed
01:18:254 (1) - RNC. fixed
01:19:978 (3,4) - (3) の終点にあるclapを削除して、始点にclap. fixed
01:29:461 (5) - 単発に変更して、01:29:633 (1) からBreakまでの全てをドラッグして、01:29:633 (1) を 01:29:633 へ移動。Breakまでが1サークル分ずれるので、最後にサークルを1つ追加するなどして調整! 何か違和感があったのだが原因がわかり助かりましたありがとうございます
02:05:840 (1) - RNC. fixed
02:17:564 (1) - RNC. fixed
02:17:909 (3) - NC. fixed
02:39:289 (1) - RNC. fixed
02:39:633 ~ 02:40:151 - 単発+スライダーに変更。fixed

00:13:082 (3,4,5) - (2)から直線に配置するより、こんな感じに適当に曲げながら配置した方が面白いと思います。適当にdistanceあうように置き直しました
00:14:461 (5) - 前の(4)とかぶらないように配置。fixed
00:55:151 (5) - NC ! fixed
00:26:875 (5,6) - 4comboの折り返しスライダーに変更 ? no fixed
00:28:254 (5,6) - ^ ^
00:55:668 (1) - RNC ! fixed
00:56:444 (*) - Add circle ? 現状でもappになりそうなのでno fixです
00:58:944 (2) - 終点にclapを追加。終点より始点の方がいいと思ったのでそっちに足しました
01:01:272 (1) - Remove circle ! fixed
01:07:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - こんな形はどうでしょうかno fixed
01:12:220 (4) - 単発に変更。四角を保ちたいのでno fixed
01:19:633 (1) - 1grid左 fixed
01:23:254 (4) - 単発に変更。no fixed
01:25:151 (*) - Add circle. no fixed
01:35:151 ~ 01:40:495 - スライダーをスタックさせない方がいいと思います。streamぽくしたいのでno fixe
02:10:151 (4) - 単発に変更。no fixed
02:21:186 (4) - ^ no fixed
02:23:082 (*) - Add circle ? no fixed
02:28:254 (1) - 前のサークルと同じDSを使う。fixed
02:29:461 (6) - 次の(1)のスライダーにかぶらないように配置した方が綺麗に見えると思います fixed
02:39:289 (1) - 前のサークルと同じDSを使う。 fixed
02:40:926 (*) - Add circle ? no fixed
02:43:254 (4) - 単発に変更。no fixed
Apricot Thank you mod ;)

* You have 3 Insane, you need to remove one of them


* Make sure that this diff are don't have any kickslider (a slider is short with many repeating slider). For example, 00:17:220 (3), 02:26:875 (1). It's tough to tell when it's end of slider for newbies

01:00:668 (4) - Make this slider shape is same as 00:13:771 (2)
01:06:185 (3,4) - Hard to tell the rhythm in this part. Combine this into one slider with one repeating slider in blue tick
01:13:082 (1) - This slider isn't like circle slider.....
01:22:047 (1) - Remove new combo
02:11:013 (1) - This slider isn't like circle slider.....
02:19:978 (1) - Remove new combo
02:33:082 (1) - Learn to make a beauty heart slider! Look here for learn how


* I am not sure if 1/8 kickslider are not appropriate for hard diff. Well, it's up to you to change it or not. At least the 1/8 kickslider is for Insane diff. Example, 00:33:771 (3)

00:43:082 (2) - Remove the red point inside the slider....
00:44:116 (1) - Stack to tail slider?
01:26:875 (1) - End at 01:28:254?



00:16:875 (2) - Sliderbody and tail slider is covered by hitbursts
02:11:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this pattern clean?


* Make sure that tail slider, head slider, and circles are not touch the HP Bar, and it's included in new guidelines. Example 00:13:426 (2)


Won't mod [7x7x7], because I think that diff for approval, sorry :(
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


* You have 3 Insane, you need to remove one of them no fixed


* Make sure that this diff are don't have any kickslider (a slider is short with many repeating slider). For example, 00:17:220 (3), 02:26:875 (1). It's tough to tell when it's end of slider for newbies all right, all change slider reverse point

01:00:668 (4) - Make this slider shape is same as 00:13:771 (2) changed normal bend slider
01:06:185 (3,4) - Hard to tell the rhythm in this part. Combine this into one slider with one repeating slider in blue tick fixed
01:13:082 (1) - This slider isn't like circle slider..... sorry no fixed
01:22:047 (1) - Remove new combo sorry no fixed
02:11:013 (1) - This slider isn't like circle slider..... sorry no fixed
02:19:978 (1) - Remove new combo sorry no fixed
02:33:082 (1) - Learn to make a beauty heart slider! Look here for learn how Already, I made this slider while watching here・・・


* I am not sure if 1/8 kickslider are not appropriate for hard diff. Well, it's up to you to change it or not. At least the 1/8 kickslider is for Insane diff. Example, 00:33:771 (3) all right, almost change slider reverse point. but 01:50:323(1) is no changed, because before this slider is break time

00:43:082 (2) - Remove the red point inside the slider.... fixed
00:44:116 (1) - Stack to tail slider? no fixed
01:26:875 (1) - End at 01:28:254? no fixed



00:16:875 (2) - Sliderbody and tail slider is covered by hitbursts fixed
02:11:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this pattern clean? no fixed


Won't mod [7x7x7], because I think that diff for approval, sorry :(
Leorda thank you mod(*- -)(*_ _)

pieguy1372 wrote:


-CS 4? sorry, no change

Apricot wrote:

00:34:633 ~ - 1/4で単発・スライダー、もしくはスライダー・単発を使う場合のDSを統一した方がいいです。スライダー・単発スライダーはそのままでもいいと思います。 見てくれが悪く、あからさまなところを直しました。
02:41:358 (1) - RNC ? ok
02:42:047 (3) - ↑を修正したなら、ここにNew Combo.ok
02:43:599 (1) - RNC. no
02:44:116 (7) - NC.ok

Leorda wrote:

* Make sure that tail slider, head slider, and circles are not touch the HP Bar, and it's included in new guidelines. Example 00:13:426 (2)
ummmmm........., yeah I know the new guideline...,, but....,, ok I fixed some points.

Thanks mod

Download: Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube (rui) [6x6x6].osu
here is my mod.
almost all are just suggestions.


00:01:238 (1) - reduce the volume? especially at the spin end.
00:06:185 (1) - add whistle?
00:37:047 (1) - remove nc and add nc 00:37:220 (2) - nazi
00:37:220 (2) - add finish
00:44:116 (2) - add finish
00:45:151 (2) - add clap?
00:59:633 (2,3) - why not use slider
01:11:013 (1) - end at 01:12:220
01:12:392 (2) - remove
if you change same as at 01:22:047, 02:08:944, 02:19:978, 02:42:047
01:25:151 (2) - start at 01:25:323, end at same point
01:35:151 (1) - add finish?
01:40:668 (1) - ^
01:46:185 (5) - ^


00:11:702 (1) - remove nc?
00:12:047 (2) - nc?
00:42:082 (2) - end at 00:44:116?
01:20:323 (1) - add clap?
01:20:495 (2) - remove clap?
01:34:806 (1,2) - add clap?
01:35:151 (1) - add finish?
01:40:668 (1) - ^
01:50:323 (1) - just I point out this kick, it's up to you change or not
02:19:116 (2) - remove clap?
02:24:806 (1) - why not use whistle at start
02:45:323 (1,3) - add clap?


00:43:254 (2) - add clap?
00:44:461 (1) - ^
00:51:616 (2) - remove circle?
01:08:771 (4) - add whistle?
01:17;737 (5) - ^
01:29:633 (1) - change soft finish?
01:35:151 (1) - add finish?
01:40:668 (1) - ^
01:46:185 (1) - ^
02:23:771 (4) - 折り返しにしたらどうでしょう。
02:28:771 (6) - add whistle?
02:39:806 (3) - ^
02:44:633 (4) - 折り返しにしたらどうでしょう。


01:35:064 (13) - remove finish
01:35:151 (1) - add finish
01:40:582 (5) - remove finish
01:40:668 (1) - add finish
01:46:099 (13) - remove finish
01:46:185 (1) - add finish
Topic Starter

wring wrote:

here is my mod.
almost all are just suggestions.


00:01:238 (1) - reduce the volume? especially at the spin end. 最初のスピンに対する音量を40%まで下げました
00:06:185 (1) - add whistle? fixed
00:37:047 (1) - remove nc and add nc 00:37:220 (2) - nazi fixed
00:37:220 (2) - add finish fixed
00:44:116 (2) - add finish add clap
00:45:151 (2) - add clap? no fixed
00:59:633 (2,3) - why not use slider 確かに変だったので間に単発一つ足しました。スライダー3連続はどうかなとおもったのでスライダーにはしませんでした
01:11:013 (1) - end at 01:12:220 fixed
01:12:392 (2) - remove fixed
if you change same as at 01:22:047, 02:08:944, 02:19:978, 02:42:047
01:25:151 (2) - start at 01:25:323, end at same point fixed
01:35:151 (1) - add finish? fixed fixed
01:40:668 (1) - ^ fixed
01:46:185 (5) - ^ fixed


00:11:702 (1) - remove nc? fixed
00:12:047 (2) - nc? fixed
00:42:082 (2) - end at 00:44:116? no fixed
01:20:323 (1) - add clap? fixed
01:20:495 (2) - remove clap? fixed
01:34:806 (1,2) - add clap? fixed
01:35:151 (1) - add finish? fixed
01:40:668 (1) - ^ fixed
01:50:323 (1) - just I point out this kick, it's up to you change or not 折り返しを1/4にするとやはり締まらないのでEasyと同じになりますがスピンにしました
02:19:116 (2) - remove clap? fixed
02:24:806 (1) - why not use whistle at start fixed
02:45:323 (1,3) - add clap? fixed


00:43:254 (2) - add clap? no fixed
00:44:461 (1) - ^ fixed
00:51:616 (2) - remove circle? fixed
01:08:771 (4) - add whistle? fixed
01:17;737 (5) - ^ fixed
01:29:633 (1) - change soft finish? no fixed
01:35:151 (1) - add finish? fixed
01:40:668 (1) - ^ fixed
01:46:185 (1) - ^ fixed
02:23:771 (4) - 折り返しにしたらどうでしょう。no fixed
02:28:771 (6) - add whistle? fixed
02:39:806 (3) - ^ fixed
02:44:633 (4) - 折り返しにしたらどうでしょう。no fixed


01:35:064 (13) - remove finish
01:35:151 (1) - add finish
01:40:582 (5) - remove finish
01:40:668 (1) - add finish
01:46:099 (13) - remove finish
01:46:185 (1) - add finish
All fixed in 7x7x7
wring Thank you mod ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
Topic Starter

terametis wrote:

god map... :)

Your message is too short. Your message is too short.
Thank you star!

quintitem wrote:

star~ >w<//

ah there's a unsnap note in [5x5x5] diff...(00:16:356 (4) - ) D:
Oh hime! Thank you star >o<//
I make u a special BG with the correct size :> If u want it, use it :3 (Sorry for the name, it's the name of my design company)

Topic Starter

Touche wrote:

I make u a special BG with the correct size :> If u want it, use it :3 (Sorry for the name, it's the name of my design company)
sorry. I favorite BG now.
so I don't changed your BG :(
some suggestions...
01:24:116 (1) - lenghten slider 3 ticks ahead, seeems better follow the music
01:25:323 (2) - move 2 ticks ahead, lenghten 2 ticks ahead
01:26:530 (3) - delete note
02:15:495 (2) - short slider, maybe you can change it to 1 note at 2 ticks ahead?

00:06:875 (1) - I think it doesn't fit, lenghten 2 ticks ahead
00:07:909 (2) - move 2 ticks ahead, shorten 2 ticks behind
00:35:151 (2) - sounds weird, shorten 1 tick behind
02:45:668 (2) - move 1 tick behind, follow the music
02:45:840 (X) - add a note

fine for me...

can't mod 6x6x6 & 7x7x7, hope it useful
Topic Starter

shikyu wrote:

some suggestions...
01:24:116 (1) - lenghten slider 3 ticks ahead, seeems better follow the music fixed
01:25:323 (2) - move 2 ticks ahead, lenghten 2 ticks ahead fixed
01:26:530 (3) - delete note fixed
02:15:495 (2) - short slider, maybe you can change it to 1 note at 2 ticks ahead? no fixed

00:06:875 (1) - I think it doesn't fit, lenghten 2 ticks ahead fixed
00:07:909 (2) - move 2 ticks ahead, shorten 2 ticks behind fixed
00:35:151 (2) - sounds weird, shorten 1 tick behind fixed
02:45:668 (2) - move 1 tick behind, follow the music fixed
02:45:840 (X) - add a note fixed

fine for me...

can't mod 6x6x6 & 7x7x7, hope it useful
shikyu Thank you mod :)
Hii mod time!
just suggestions > <

00:33:771(3)-silder end in 00:34:116- ;
00:34:461(x)-add one note
00:36:530(3)-on the same line with (1) ?

01:28:168(5)-it's better on x:256 y:288?


awesome goodjob \^o^/
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:

Hii mod time!
just suggestions > <

00:33:771(3)-silder end in 00:34:116- ; fixed
00:34:461(x)-add one note fixed
00:36:530(3)-on the same line with (1) ? fixed

01:28:168(5)-it's better on x:256 y:288? no fixed

00:07:737(4,5,6)-DS no fixed
00:08:426(8,9,10)-^ no fixed

awesome goodjob \^o^/
BakaHuang Thank you mod
Hey ! Mod >w</~

-I can't connect to thread from Editor mode? lol > <

*00:06:875 => 00:12:047 - Remove all whistles ? I somehow don't like them since they don't fit the vocals...
*00:10:495 - Increase volume by ~3-5 % ?
*00:10:840 - ^
*00:11:185 - ^
*00:11:530 - ^
*00:33:081 (1,2) - Widen the gap a bit more?
*00:42:047 (1) - Remove NC
*01:22:048 (1) - ^
*02:01:358 (1) - Start spinner here : 02:01:875 -
*02:19:289 (1,2,3,4) - Very inconsistent spacing between 1~2 & 2~3 ...Make it more like a quadrate?
*02:33:082 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - *^*b
*02:49:633 (6) - Remove NC


*When in KIAI mode, add whistles on the long-slider's bodies? You only have on sliderstart now...
*00:01:358 => 00:06:530 - Use Soft-hitsound
*00:08:513 (3) - Add whistle on sliderend
*00:09:289 (6) - Replace with whistle
*02:01:358 (1) - Start spinner here : 02:01:875 -


*Same comment like 1st suggestion in [7x7x7]
*00:10:495 - Increase volume by ~3-5%
*00:10:840 - ^
*00:11:185 - ^
*00:11:530 - ^
*02:01:358 (1) - Start spinner here : 02:01:875 -


*00:10:495 - Increase volume by ~3-5%
*00:10:840 - ^
*00:11:185 - ^
*00:11:530 - ^
*01:12:047 (4,5) - Make the pattern like in [7x7x7] and [5x5x5]...Delete circle, -2 Reverse on slider and move slider 1/2 earlier
*01:13:082 (1,2,3) - +1 Reverse on every slider ! Delete 01:16:185 (4,1)
*01:17:220 (2) - Replace with slider with 2 reverse ! Delete 01:17:564 (3)
*01:23:082 (4,5) - Delete circle, -2 Reverse on slider and move slider 1/2 earlier
*02:09:978 (4,5) - ^ (Why is this pattern harder on this diff than on the harder difficulties T_T)
*02:11:013 (1,2,3) - Replace with slider with 2 reverse ! Delete 01:17:564 (3)
*02:15:151 (2,3) - Replace with slider with 2 reverse ! Delete 01:17:564 (3)
*02:21:013 (4,5) - =A=
*02:32:047 (4,5) - o3o
*02:43:082 (4,5) - °^°
*02:49:633 (1) - Remove NC


*01:22:047 (1) - Lol ! Bugged note
*02:33:082 (1) - Why a broken heart !! Noooo :(( Finish full heart-slider?

Sorry long but useless modpost orz ...
Good luck on rank , crazy 7x7x7 >3<

Magicphoenix wrote:


*When in KIAI mode, add whistles on the long-slider's bodies? You only have on sliderstart now... no
*00:01:358 => 00:06:530 - Use Soft-hitsound no
*00:08:513 (3) - Add whistle on sliderend ok
*00:09:289 (6) - Replace with whistle no
*02:01:358 (1) - Start spinner here : 02:01:875 - ok
Thanks mod!

Download: Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube (rui) [6x6x6].osu
Topic Starter

Magicphoenix wrote:

Hey ! Mod >w</~

-I can't connect to thread from Editor mode? lol > < I can connect to thread. Do not know cause. sorry :(

*00:06:875 => 00:12:047 - Remove all whistles ? I somehow don't like them since they don't fit the vocals... Rearranged hit sound
*00:10:495 - Increase volume by ~3-5 % ? fixed
*00:10:840 - ^ ^
*00:11:185 - ^ ^
*00:11:530 - ^ ^
*00:33:081 (1,2) - Widen the gap a bit more? no fixed
*00:42:047 (1) - Remove NC fixed
*01:22:048 (1) - ^ fixed
*02:01:358 (1) - Start spinner here : 02:01:875 - fixed
*02:19:289 (1,2,3,4) - Very inconsistent spacing between 1~2 & 2~3 ...Make it more like a quadrate? fixed
*02:33:082 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - *^*b (´・ω・)b
*02:49:633 (6) - Remove NC fixed


*Same comment like 1st suggestion in [7x7x7]
*00:10:495 - Increase volume by ~3-5% fixed
*00:10:840 - ^ fixed
*00:11:185 - ^ fixed
*00:11:530 - ^ fixed
*02:01:358 (1) - Start spinner here : 02:01:875 - fixed


*00:10:495 - Increase volume by ~3-5% fixed
*00:10:840 - ^ fixed
*00:11:185 - ^ fixed
*00:11:530 - ^ fixed
*01:12:047 (4,5) - Make the pattern like in [7x7x7] and [5x5x5]...Delete circle, -2 Reverse on slider and move slider 1/2 earlier fixed
*01:13:082 (1,2,3) - +1 Reverse on every slider ! Delete 01:16:185 (4,1) no fixed
*01:17:220 (2) - Replace with slider with 2 reverse ! Delete 01:17:564 (3) no fixed
*01:23:082 (4,5) - Delete circle, -2 Reverse on slider and move slider 1/2 earlier fixed
*02:09:978 (4,5) - ^ (Why is this pattern harder on this diff than on the harder difficulties T_T) fixed
*02:11:013 (1,2,3) - Replace with slider with 2 reverse ! Delete 01:17:564 (3) no fixed
*02:15:151 (2,3) - Replace with slider with 2 reverse ! Delete 01:17:564 (3) no fixed
*02:21:013 (4,5) - =A= >w<
*02:32:047 (4,5) - o3o @w@
*02:43:082 (4,5) - °^° *w*
*02:49:633 (1) - Remove NC fixed


*01:22:047 (1) - Lol ! Bugged note fixed
*02:33:082 (1) - Why a broken heart !! Noooo :(( Finish full heart-slider? fixed

Sorry long but useless modpost orz ... no ploblem. your mod is useful ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Good luck on rank , crazy 7x7x7 >3<
Magicphoenix Thank you mod :D
S h i o n
- fine

01:34:806 (1) - Remove new combo

00:09:633 (1) - Remove new combo
01:06:185 (1) - Use a note instead of this slider?

- fine

01:29:289 (4) - Highly recommend you put a 'WARNING!!' here because streeeeeams followed are really awesome!
02:28:254 (1) - Use x0.8 spacing ?
02:05:151 (1,4) - Try increasing the volume gradually? Kinda sudden noisy here.

I love those heart-shaped sliders!!!
Go go for ranking and here is a star~
Topic Starter

S h i o n wrote:

- fine

01:34:806 (1) - Remove new combo fixed

00:09:633 (1) - Remove new combo no fixed
01:06:185 (1) - Use a note instead of this slider? no fixed

- fine

01:29:289 (4) - Highly recommend you put a 'WARNING!!' here because streeeeeams followed are really awesome!I don't understand put a 'WARNING!! :? You said mean is "Display epilepsy warning check?" if It is right , no fixed.
02:28:254 (1) - Use x0.8 spacing ? no fixed
02:05:151 (1,4) - Try increasing the volume gradually? Kinda sudden noisy here. all right

I love those heart-shaped sliders!!!
Go go for ranking and here is a star~
S h i o n Thank you mod & star :)
S h i o n

rui wrote:

01:29:289 (4) - Highly recommend you put a 'WARNING!!' here because streeeeeams followed are really awesome!I don't understand put a 'WARNING!! :? You said mean is "Display epilepsy warning check?" if It is right , no fixed.
I don't mean a epilepsy warning but a warning(like this one:dBu - Shinkou Fuuka Kyoku ~ Native Faith) to warn player to concentrate on streams followed.

Though I think it is unnecessary now~
I love this...
Topic Starter
> S h i o n

OK. understand (´・ω・)b

> Soror

I'm glad you like it
Thank you star :)
Topic Starter
miss post :(
Hello, I'm really sorry for the long delay :(
Here's the mod you requested me :

General :
  1. The hitsound volume is too low. With a low hitsound volume, it doesn't play very nice, it would be fabulous if you increased it (85% When you use the normal sample-set and 95% when you use the soft sample-set).
  2. Use slider tick 2, it sounds better.
  3. Actually, it's the first time I see a map with 7 diefferent combo color xD
  4. I suppose wring has done the 6x6x6 difficulty. It's weird because 6x6x6 has circle size 5 and 7x7x7 has circle size 5
  5. I think 7x7x7 difficulty has to be approved and not ranked because it has ~18 000 000 max score. Nevertheless, I'm not 100% sure, so I will ask other MATs/BATs
2x2x2 :
  1. Use AR (Approach rate) 3 on this difficulty. According to me, AR2 is too slow for it.
  2. 00:01:358 (1) - You should silence the end of this spinner
  3. 01:28:771 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous note, use the proper spacing please, Otherwise it's confusing to beginners.
  4. 02:01:358 (1) - This slider ought to end at 02:03:599 (1/2 earlier from its current end spot),Otherwise it sounds too late.
3x3x3 :
  1. 00:43:082 (2) - This slider sounds too late at the end, it would be better if you reduce it by 1/2
  2. 00:45:495 (1,2,3) - This pattern looks kinda weird, and it would be hard too read for non-experienced players. I think you should remove (2) and extend (1) by 1/2. Like that :
  3. 01:02:564 (3) - You should avoid this kind of things in easiest difficulties because it makes the beginning slower than the rest of the slider, accordingly it's may be confusing for beginners.
  4. 01:03:943 (3) - Same as above
  5. 02:33:082 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Even if this heart is cute, You shouldn't stack these sliders, It's hard to understand to beginners and it's kinda boring
  6. 02:39:289 (3) - This slider is late at the end, end it 1/2 earlier please
5x5x5 :
  1. Where is 4x4x4 D:
  2. 00:09:461 (3) - This circle is too far from the previous circle, I can understand why you have done it like that, but it's bad. Make something like that instead, it's a way better :
  3. 01:06:185 (1,2,3) - Sorry, but there is nothing in the music which justify 1/4 sliders ! You must use circles here ! It will sound better :
  4. 01:40:668 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4, ...) - Increasing the spacing is not really a good idea in Hard difficulties, use the proper spacing please
6x6x6 :
  1. Nothing bad here :)
7x7x7 :
  1. 01:06:185 (1,2,3) - As I already said in hard : there is nothing in the music which justify 1/4 sliders ! You must use circles here !
  2. 01:11:702 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't sound well at all, you should use circles instead of sliders
  3. 01:22:737 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above
  4. 01:36:875 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - It's not a good idea to stack them, it would be more playable if you don't stack them
  5. 01:45:840 (13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above
  6. 02:09:633 (1,2,3,4) - Same as 01:11:702 (1,2,3,4)
  7. 02:20:668 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above
  8. 02:27:564 - You know that the slider velocity is already 2.10 and the BPM 174. Instead of using a 1.50x slider speed change, 1.25x would be more reasonable
  9. 02:31:530 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as 01:11:702 (1,2,3,4)
  10. 02:42:737 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above
Topic Starter

KuraiPettan wrote:

Hello, I'm really sorry for the long delay :(
Here's the mod you requested me :

General :
  1. The hitsound volume is too low. With a low hitsound volume, it doesn't play very nice, it would be fabulous if you increased it (85% When you use the normal sample-set and 95% when you use the soft sample-set). normal-hit sound turn up the volume 15% and soft-hit sound turn up the volume 30% in my diff
  2. Use slider tick 2, it sounds better. 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 use tick2. 5x5x5 7x7x7 used tick1
  3. Actually, it's the first time I see a map with 7 diefferent combo color xD Standard Rubik's Cube color + Pink xD
  4. I suppose wring has done the 6x6x6 difficulty. It's weird because 6x6x6 has circle size 5 and 7x7x7 has circle size 5 no fixed
  5. I think 7x7x7 difficulty has to be approved and not ranked because it has ~18 000 000 max score. Nevertheless, I'm not 100% sure, so I will ask other MATs/BATs Thank you :3[/*:m]
2x2x2 :
  1. Use AR (Approach rate) 3 on this difficulty. According to me, AR2 is too slow for it. fixed
  2. 00:01:358 (1) - You should silence the end of this spinner fixed
  3. 01:28:771 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous note, use the proper spacing please, Otherwise it's confusing to beginners. fixed
  4. 02:01:358 (1) - This slider ought to end at 02:03:599 (1/2 earlier from its current end spot),Otherwise it sounds too late. fixed
3x3x3 :
  1. 00:43:082 (2) - This slider sounds too late at the end, it would be better if you reduce it by 1/2 fixed
  2. 00:45:495 (1,2,3) - This pattern looks kinda weird, and it would be hard too read for non-experienced players. I think you should remove (2) and extend (1) by 1/2. Like that : fixed
  3. 01:02:564 (3) - You should avoid this kind of things in easiest difficulties because it makes the beginning slower than the rest of the slider, accordingly it's may be confusing for beginners. fixed
  4. 01:03:943 (3) - Same as above fixed
  5. 02:33:082 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Even if this heart is cute, You shouldn't stack these sliders, It's hard to understand to beginners and it's kinda boring fixed
  6. 02:39:289 (3) - This slider is late at the end, end it 1/2 earlier please fixed

5x5x5 :
  1. Where is 4x4x4 D: There is no ('-ω-`)
  2. 00:09:461 (3) - This circle is too far from the previous circle, I can understand why you have done it like that, but it's bad. Make something like that instead, it's a way better : changed to 00:09116(1) use distace 1.0. so 00:09:461 (3) can jump to smooth
  3. 01:06:185 (1,2,3) - Sorry, but there is nothing in the music which justify 1/4 sliders ! You must use circles here ! It will sound better : fixed
  4. 01:40:668 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4, [size=150]) -[/color] Increasing the spacing is not really a good idea in Hard difficulties, use the proper spacing please ... changed all distance 1.0
7x7x7 :
  1. 01:06:185 (1,2,3) - As I already said in hard : there is nothing in the music which justify 1/4 sliders ! You must use circles here ! fixed
  2. 01:11:702 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't sound well at all, you should use circles instead of sliders fixed
  3. 01:22:737 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above fixed
  4. 01:36:875 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - It's not a good idea to stack them, it would be more playable if you don't stack them fixed
  5. 01:45:840 (13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above fixed
  6. 02:09:633 (1,2,3,4) - Same as 01:11:702 (1,2,3,4) fixed
  7. 02:20:668 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above fixed
  8. 02:27:564 - You know that the slider velocity is already 2.10 and the BPM 174. Instead of using a 1.50x slider speed change, 1.25x would be more reasonable I player SV1.25ver 7x7x7. I think this diff is difficult too but Easy as extra. sorry no fixed
  9. 02:31:530 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as 01:11:702 (1,2,3,4) fixed
  10. 02:42:737 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above fixed
KuraiPettan Thank you mod & star :33

All fixed done!!

11/3 fixed comment is Purple
6x6x6 difficulty doesn't have custom combo colors like the other difficulties.

KuraiPettan wrote:

General :
  1. The hitsound volume is too low. With a low hitsound volume, it doesn't play very nice, it would be fabulous if you increased it (85% When you use the normal sample-set and 95% when you use the soft sample-set).change almost all +5%
  2. I suppose wring has done the 6x6x6 difficulty. It's weird because 6x6x6 has circle size 5 and 7x7x7 has circle size 5 sorry, it's my intention
6x6x6 :
  1. Nothing bad here :)
Thanks :D
Thanks mod! :)

Download: Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube (rui) [6x6x6].osu
Topic Starter

Real wrote:

6x6x6 difficulty doesn't have custom combo colors like the other difficulties.
change colors standard rubik's cube in 6x6x6
nice! :) :) :)
Topic Starter

vodichka wrote:

nice! :) :) :)
Thank you :) :) :)
from my queue

combo color is not the same in all diffs , this is no problem , I just point it out
lead-in = 2000 is too huge imo , I prefer 1000~1500
I'm not sure stack leniency 0.2 is rankble or not , anyway I think it is too small

SV is too high..
00:57:564 (4) - newcombo? easier to read 00:56:530 (1,6) , they are stacked..
01:02:047 (1,2) - I strongly suggest change this into a repeat slider , or it is too hard for newbies to read when (2) start
01:03:426 (3,4) - ^
01:16:185 (2) - end at 01:16:702 to follow vocal is better imo
01:26:875 (1) - change to 2 sldier is easier to play. it has too many repeats and the SV is high , so it is hard to read when it end , someone may miss here
01:35:495 (2,3,4) - spacing 0.0
02:14:116 (2) - same
02:24:806 (1,1) - this is very congusing , 2 repeat slider together with different repeat times.. make it into 3 or 4 sliders and repeat the same times , it will much easier to read and play
02:33:082 (1) - end at 02:36:702 if you fixed some sliders I suggested before
02:42:047 (1,1) - this anti-jump is too suddenly.. and I don't think here should be an anti-jump , the music doesn't slow down here..

00:08:771 (3) - start at 00:08:944 and repeat only 1 time , is easier to read.. I don't think map should be so fast at beginning.. or change it into 2 sldiers ?
00:10:151 (2,3,4,5) - sliders start at red line is odd and hard to play.. I think not to repeat on 1 , but make 5 repeat , is better
00:17:220 (3,4) - yes , do ^ like this 2 sldiers
01:02:392 (2,3) - stack is better imo , easier to read the rhyme
01:03:771 (2,3) - ^
01:08:944 (5) - start at 01:08:771 and stack with 4
01:17:564 (3) - not repeat , this time 01:17:909 - sound empty
01:25:323 (1,2,3,4) - notes on red line is kinda odd
01:45:668 (6,1) - sliders has different repeat times together is confusing
02:06:530 (4,5) - same
02:09:978 (4,1) - why anti-jump here..
02:32:047 (4,1) - ^
02:37:564 (3) - end at 02:37:737 , sound better
02:46:013 (4) - I suggest remove this and repeat 3 , or this part is too hard to play
02:49:116 (2,3) - and make this into a sldier , or it is too hard to play

02:23:771 (4,5) - this rhyme is better

00:06:875 (1,2,3,4) - this spacing is confusing..
00:08:082 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:12:047 (1) - unsnaped slider end
01:51:013 (9) - newcombo
nice diff here

00:37:909 (1,2,3,4,1) - spacing is too huge..
00:55:668 (4,5) - ctrl+r plz , I don't know why a jump here , don't fit the song at all..
01:18:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - spacing is tooooooooooo huge here
02:16:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ._.
02:27:995 (2,3,4,1) - spacing not the same
02:48:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this jumps are kinda huge imo..

that's all
good luck

wcx19911123 wrote:

00:06:875 (1,2,3,4) - this spacing is confusing.. sorry, no change
00:08:082 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:12:047 (1) - unsnaped slider end oh..thanks :D
01:51:013 (9) - newcombo ok
nice diff here <3
Thanks mod :)

Download: Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube (rui) [6x6x6].osu
Topic Starter
under construction
  1. 01:16:875 - add note?
  2. 02:36:875 - ^
  1. 01:28:771 (2) - end at 01:29:289, and add slider from01:29:461 to 01:29:978, add slider from 01:30:323 to 01:30:668
  2. 02:23:254 (1,2,3) - I think it's hardly catch the rhythm, add note at 02:23:426, and make a slider from 02:23:771 to 02:23:944?
  1. Nothing
  1. Nothing, Orz...a little difficult for me to pass the stream
  1. Nothing
It seems a really good map~star
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my queue

combo color is not the same in all diffs , this is no problem , I just point it out no fixed
lead-in = 2000 is too huge imo , I prefer 1000~1500 changed 1500
I'm not sure stack leniency 0.2 is rankble or not , anyway I think it is too small changed 0.7

SV is too high..
00:57:564 (4) - newcombo? easier to read 00:56:530 (1,6) , they are stacked.. fixed
01:02:047 (1,2) - I strongly suggest change this into a repeat slider , or it is too hard for newbies to read when (2) start changed to repeat slider
01:03:426 (3,4) - ^ ^
01:16:185 (2) - end at 01:16:702 to follow vocal is better imo fixed
01:26:875 (1) - change to 2 sldier is easier to play. it has too many repeats and the SV is high , so it is hard to read when it end , someone may miss here change to 2 sldier
01:35:495 (2,3,4) - spacing 0.0 fixed
02:14:116 (2) - same fixed
02:24:806 (1,1) - this is very congusing , 2 repeat slider together with different repeat times.. make it into 3 or 4 sliders and repeat the same times , it will much easier to read and play change to 3 repeat slider
02:33:082 (1) - end at 02:36:702 if you fixed some sliders I suggested before fixed
02:42:047 (1,1) - this anti-jump is too suddenly.. and I don't think here should be an anti-jump , the music doesn't slow down here..

00:08:771 (3) - start at 00:08:944 and repeat only 1 time , is easier to read.. I don't think map should be so fast at beginning.. or change it into 2 sldiers ? change to start at 00:08:944 and repeat slider
00:10:151 (2,3,4,5) - sliders start at red line is odd and hard to play.. I think not to repeat on 1 , but make 5 repeat , is better no fixed
00:17:220 (3,4) - yes , do ^ like this 2 sldiers
01:02:392 (2,3) - stack is better imo , easier to read the rhyme fixed
01:03:771 (2,3) - ^ fixed
01:08:944 (5) - start at 01:08:771 and stack with 4 fixed
01:17:564 (3) - not repeat , this time 01:17:909 - sound empty fixed
01:25:323 (1,2,3,4) - notes on red line is kinda odd became a little easy but red line note...
01:45:668 (6,1) - sliders has different repeat times together is confusing fixed
02:06:530 (4,5) - same fixed
02:09:978 (4,1) - why anti-jump here.. fixed
02:32:047 (4,1) - ^ I want to make a heart slider. so Becomes anti-jump here
02:37:564 (3) - end at 02:37:737 , sound better fixed
02:46:013 (4) - I suggest remove this and repeat 3 , or this part is too hard to play fixed
02:49:116 (2,3) - and make this into a sldier , or it is too hard to play fixed

02:23:771 (4,5) - this rhyme is better fixed

00:37:909 (1,2,3,4,1) - spacing is too huge.. no fixed
00:55:668 (4,5) - ctrl+r plz , I don't know why a jump here , don't fit the song at all.. You're right Re placed note
01:18:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - spacing is tooooooooooo huge here no fixed
02:16:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ._. no fixed
02:27:995 (2,3,4,1) - spacing not the same no fixed
02:48:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this jumps are kinda huge imo.. no fixed

that's all
good luck
wcx19911123 Thank you mod :oops:

KayeSara wrote:

  1. 01:16:875 - add note? no fixed
  2. 02:36:875 - ^ no fixed
  1. 01:28:771 (2) - end at 01:29:289, and add slider from01:29:461 to 01:29:978, add slider from 01:30:323 to 01:30:668 no fixed
  2. 02:23:254 (1,2,3) - I think it's hardly catch the rhythm, add note at 02:23:426, and make a slider from 02:23:771 to 02:23:944? fixed
  1. Nothing
  1. Nothing, Orz...a little difficult for me to pass the stream
  1. Nothing
It seems a really good map~star
KayeSara Thank you mod & star ;)
もう私の目ではアラが見えないので :o

00:45:495 スライダシンプルにしてみる
00:57:564 6番はコンボ新しくしてみる


とりあえず応援だけしときます :)

☆投げれるようになったら投げるので待ってくださいね ;)
⇒☆投げます ;) とっても面白いので早くランクドして欲しいですw
Topic Starter

mikoto2983 wrote:

もう私の目ではアラが見えないので :o

00:45:495 スライダシンプルにしてみる このままで
00:57:564 6番はコンボ新しくしてみる おなじく


とりあえず応援だけしときます :)  ありがとうね~ヽ(´ー`)ノ

☆投げれるようになったら投げるので待ってくださいね ;)
Mod Request as Modding queue :P
Sorry for delay

00:24:461 (2): Clap
00:25:840 (4): ^
00:27:220 (2): Clap at the end
00:30:323 (4): New Combo
00:33:082 (4): ^
00:46:875 (3): ^
01:02:564 (1): Clap in Reverse arrow
01:03:944 (2): ^
01:22:047 (1): Remove New Combo
02:07:564 (4): New Combo
02:08:944 (1): Remove New Combo
02:19:978 (1): ^
02:31:013 (1): ^
02:42:047 (1): ^

00:13:426 (2): Clap
00:14:806 (4): ^
00:46:114 (2): ^

00:14:806 (4): Clap at the beginning
00:27:220 (4): ^
00:31:358 (3): Clap at the end
00:57:564 (6): New Combo
01:32:047 (3): Whistle
01:34:806 (3): ^
01:38:168: You have to map this break to be consistent with the other difficulties
02:49:633 (1): Remove New Combo to be consistency with other difficulties

HP Drain Rate: +1
I think that you have to use CS -1
00:24:806 (1): Replace whistle to clap
00:26:185 (1): ^
00:27:564 (1): ^
00:55:151 (5): New Combo
02:49:633 (1): The same in 5x5x5

00:11:530 (10,11): Is better if you make something like this:
00:17:220 (3,4): I think that this jump is quite unpredictable, try to short it
00:25:840 (4): Clap at the begining
00:28:599 (3): Clap
00:31:358 (3): ^
00:39:116 (4): Put this note in the same place of 00:31:358 (3), because looks better

Nice map!! :D. That's all, Good Luck with your beatmap ;)
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Mod Request as Modding queue :P
Sorry for delay

00:24:461 (2): Clap fixed
00:25:840 (4): ^ fixed
00:27:220 (2): Clap at the end fixed
00:30:323 (4): New Combo fixed
00:33:082 (4): ^ fixed
00:46:875 (3): ^ fixed
01:02:564 (1): Clap in Reverse arrow fixed
01:03:944 (2): ^ fixed
01:22:047 (1): Remove New Combo no
02:07:564 (4): New Combo fixed
02:08:944 (1): Remove New Combo no
02:19:978 (1): ^ no
02:31:013 (1): ^ no
02:42:047 (1): ^ no

00:13:426 (2): Clap fixed
00:14:806 (4): ^ fixed
00:46:114 (2): ^ fixed

00:14:806 (4): Clap at the beginning fixed
00:27:220 (4): ^ fixed
00:31:358 (3): Clap at the end fixed
00:57:564 (6): New Combo no
01:32:047 (3): Whistle fixed
01:34:806 (3): ^ fixed
01:38:168: You have to map this break to be consistent with the other difficulties no
02:49:633 (1): Remove New Combo to be consistency with other difficulties no

HP Drain Rate: +1 no
I think that you have to use CS -1 no
00:24:806 (1): Replace whistle to clap no
00:26:185 (1): ^ no
00:27:564 (1): ^ no
00:55:151 (5): New Combo no
02:49:633 (1): The same in 5x5x5 no

00:11:530 (10,11): Is better if you make something like this: no
00:17:220 (3,4): I think that this jump is quite unpredictable, try to short it no
00:25:840 (4): Clap at the begining fixed
00:28:599 (3): Clap fixed
00:31:358 (3): ^ fixed
00:39:116 (4): Put this note in the same place of 00:31:358 (3), because looks better no

Nice map!! :D. That's all, Good Luck with your beatmap ;)
mancusojuanmattos Thank you mod :3
凄い面白かったです~ :)
Topic Starter

masudesu wrote:

凄い面白かったです~ :)
this map is awesome <3 hope it gets ranked bro
hope it gets ranked too
G ! R ! E ! A ! T!!!
(Sorry for the long delay >w<!)

The map is really fun to play and 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 are very challenging, it's a good map.
So nothing can prevent me from bubbling this anymore. :)

Bubbled ~

To next MATs/BATs : 7x7x7 is close from the 18 000 000 total score, so you can consider this bubble as a bubble #1 if you think this map has to be approved.
Topic Starter

mizorex wrote:

this map is awesome <3 hope it gets ranked bro

yintama wrote:

hope it gets ranked too

asas22527 wrote:

G ! R ! E ! A ! T!!!
Thank you message. I aim to Ranked :D

KuraiPettan wrote:

(Sorry for the long delay >w<!)

The map is really fun to play and 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 are very challenging, it's a good map.
So nothing can prevent me from bubbling this anymore. :)

Bubbled ~

To next MATs/BATs : 7x7x7 is close from the 18 000 000 total score, so you can consider this bubble as a bubble #1 if you think this map has to be approved.
Thank you a lot KuraiPettan :)
Hujuniseikouyuusdwioa;sdkjvP \o/

01:22:047 (1) - Remove new combo
01:45:840 (5) - Finish on this slider, not on 01:46:530 (1) - :P
02:05:495 (2) - Finish on this slider instead of 02:05:151 (1) -
02:19:978 (1) - Remove new combo

01:17:564 (3) - This slider's rhythm is really strange. Better to just have two circles at 01:17:564 (3) - and 01:17:737 -
02:01:358 (1) - End this at 02:03:599 -
02:15:495 (3) - Same as earlier
02:46:875 (1) - End this at 02:48:254 -

01:38:082 - Why is there a break here? D: Map through it.
02:30:323 (3) - Try to move this around until it's not overlapping the 02:30:840 (1) - from the stacking.

02:01:875 (1) - Love the volume changes on this <3
Firing you a star while I can
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Hujuniseikouyuusdwioa;sdkjvP \o/

01:22:047 (1) - Remove new combo
01:45:840 (5) - Finish on this slider, not on 01:46:530 (1) - :P
02:05:495 (2) - Finish on this slider instead of 02:05:151 (1) -
02:19:978 (1) - Remove new combo
All fixed

01:17:564 (3) - This slider's rhythm is really strange. Better to just have two circles at 01:17:564 (3) - and 01:17:737 -
02:01:358 (1) - End this at 02:03:599 -
02:15:495 (3) - Same as earlier
02:46:875 (1) - End this at 02:48:254 -
All fixed

01:38:082 - Why is there a break here? D: Map through it.
02:30:323 (3) - Try to move this around until it's not overlapping the 02:30:840 (1) - from the stacking.
All fixed

and change stacking to 3 this diff. because in the 01:29:633 ~ 01:37:909. When this diff play, various places distance is wrong in stacking to 7
02:01:875 (1) - Love the volume changes on this <3
Garven Thank you modding :3

CXu wrote:

Firing you a star while I can
CXu Thank you star :33
aishitemo aishitemo aishitemo aishitemo aishitemo aishitemo
( ^o)-o<パッパラッパ~♪お♪め♪で♪とぉー♪♪
おめでと! :)
おめでとー! :)
Grats :)
S h i o n

must be one of the Best of 2011
great map
おめでとうございます~ :)
m i z u k i
Congratz!! This song is fantastic!! :D
Topic Starter
みんなありがとう :3
thank you, everyone :3
Wooo It's ranked ! Yay \:D/
Congratulation ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
<3 gratz!
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