
Looking for a MENTOR in Osu!mania

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Just as the title says, I am looking for a mentor that I can train under to hopefully improve at the game. I know it is probably asking much, I totally understand if few would be interested. Personally, I have just found that I learn best through individual teaching 1 on 1, and that is why the idea of an Osumania mentor seems great to me. Of course it can probably help you grow as a teacher, too. That is pretty cool, huh? I am a hard worker who always strives for the best in myself, even if it means sacrificing hours of my time to get to my goal. I am not picky with skill level either, Let's say if your global rank is 20,000 or lower you qualify to teach me. Thank you and I look forward to learning from you future teach. 'A'

Plz if anybody would be interested in training me post here or PM me.

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you'll want to wait for the osu!mania community mentorship program to start back up. i'm not sure if the thread will be here, or in the beatmap management forum. the program is currently ongoing at the moment so you'll have to keep an eye out for the next batch. we try mention them in the weekly as well, so maybe keep an eye out there as well read everything wrong ( o.o)
uhh, mentors and couches and the like aren't a common thing in osu!, mainly due to the fact there aren't any tips and tricks to getting better. all you can really do it just play more. that's all it comes down to
Sandy Hoey
If you want people to recommend you beatmaps to practice certain skills and patterns on, sure. But a mentor? What would they even tell you? You're not clicking at the right time. You're clicking the wrong button. You're not reading properly. I think you know that already
play more
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I appreciate the response! I didn't expect there to be such a thing as coaches, honestly. That is why I am hoping someone would be interested and perhaps that could change a bit. I just think something like a consistent partner to help shape up your form as well as providing the proper resources to help another player succeed would be great! And I mean sure, I could probably find that with the Osu!mania community in general, but I feel like there is a lack of personal connection there and that is something I feel is important with a mentor ya feel me?
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Find someone of equal skill and practice (play) with each other, push each others limits. That's the best way to improve. Also play more
lol this thread

step mania wrote:

lol this thread
omg it's da legendary attang god of 4k!!111! can u be my mentor
I'll be your mentor.

Lesson one is to play more 7k.

Also work on ur 9k skills u mega scrub :^)
Guys, he just needs someone to tell him to play more.

play more.
Yes yes, finding someone of equal skill would be good for you. You don't even have to play in the same multi lobby together, just try one-upping each other until one of you gets hopelessly far ahead.

Then look for new ones.

Also, "play more" is so overrated. I shall make a world shattering, convention defying, daring proposal.

Play a lot more.
To be fair, playing more will make you a better player with time. You can always join multiplayer games with people that are around your level to try and improve your skills!

No need to be like that guys tho...

Anyways, I am closing the topic to avoid future issues, feel free to follow my instructions if you find them helpful.
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