*I'm not too comfortable with the artist... "remixed by" is a bit awkward to use, so perhaps go with something like "CanBlaster - Disconnected Hardkore" with "Inspector K" in the tags or "Inspector K - Disconnected Hardkore (CanBlaster Remix).
*You said that the bpm changes on white ticks, but nearly half of the uninherited sections are off by ~5ms. A few are also off by 1-2ms, so you should start from the beginning and double check that all sections are correct.
00:14:274 (3,4,5) - The large spacing is a bit unexpected; could you space these a little bit closer together?
00:14:706 (6) - Also, this looks nearly identical to the above spacing, which makes it looks like it's also a 1/4 note. :/
00:28:311 (2,3,4) - Uhh... spacing? 2,3 look like 1/4 notes
00:29:668 (6,7,8) - Similar to above
00:43:311 (3,4,5) - Overlap is a bit ugly and confusing
00:44:454 (3,4,5) - Perhaps move 4 closer to 3 so that 5 is a further distance from 4.
00:59:311 (5,6) - I'd like to see this spaced like 00:59:025 (2,3).
00:59:597 (7,8,1) - spacing?
01:00:525 (3) - I almost didn't see this note under the sliders...
01:01:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'd like to see more consistent spacing on the streams (and more visibility of the single notes)
01:03:597 (2,3,4) - 3 is a bit confusing since it's in the middle of slider 2 instead of at the end of it...
01:06:097 (4) - Spacing between the previous and next sliders is different from that of 01:05:811 (2).
01:08:882 (4) - too close to 5; looks like 1/4 notes which is incorrect
01:10:168 (1) - I expected this to be down quite a bit (near the bottom of the screen) to follow the previous pattern of increasing spacing; also, the current position puts it too close to the next stream
01:13:025 (3,4) - the overlap on 1/2 doesn't look that great imo
01:17:025 (1,2,3,4) - spacing isn't very consistent; I'd like to see the mini jumps like 1/2 used better
01:18:168 (1,2,3,4) - more mini-jumps instead of tight spacing please :p
01:19:311 (1) - and move this further from the last pattern to match
01:22:168 (4,1) - expected this spacing to match that of 01:23:311 (4,1).
01:25:025 (2) - flip this so that it ends towards the center of the screen
01:25:454 (3) - same as above since it's part of the following stream...
01:35:355 (4,1) - I don't care for this overlap
01:42:212 (8,1) - ^
01:50:049 (1,2,3) - now that's just evil spacing...
01:48:702 (2,4) - I love these shapes
*Thank god these fast sliders have 0 ticks xp