
[Mania] Change Long Note When Held WITHOUT Animating It

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I would like to make a Mania skin where the mania-note-#l turns purple from white when held, but it seems I am forced to incorporate the while into the held graphic. How do I fix this?
mania-note# <- without hold (regular note)
mania-note#L <- while being hold, static image is allowed, applies on long notes
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O2MasterFX wrote:

mania-note# <- without hold (regular note)
mania-note#L <- while being hold, static image is allowed, applies on long notes
That is not what I am trying to do, or what you think it is. mania-note# is irrelevant to my question, as it is mania-note#L that I want to change only when the note is held. In the IIDX Mania skin, for example, long notes animate when held. However, what I need to do is to change the body of long notes when held, except instead of animating it, I need to swap it out with another different image.
Oh okay, I understand what you mean. But sorry, you can't. You have to find a work around for it.

Using static image for long note is not supported atm, but you can try to make the first image match the regular note with 2nd to 50th image a copy of static image. It may make it flashy though I think, but this is my current thinking.
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