
How Long Did It Take You To Do X

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Hello everyjuan, I gots a queerstion fer all ye. This though occurred to me while I was browsing other similar topics after stopping my osu session of 5.5-6.3 star maps. My question is related to that. How long did it take all of you to start being able to comfortably pass 5.5+ maps, either in the 180bpm-240bpm. Rank and or play count or # of hours will help narrow it down if you can remember.

I don't think I play the game right, I haven't seen too much about it, but for my rank I should be playing much lower star rated maps, but I can't help but feel bored with not challenging myself. If I don't push myself to try new maps and new difficulties then I don't feel I can truly improve. So I'm sat at 91k but I know I could rise in ranks quite fast to a certain degree, but I feel if I'm just FCing 4.2 star songs then I'm not really challenging myself. I've been trying to use HD more often, to moderate success but I don't care for DT and I can play AR10 but not AR10 + OD10 for HR to be possible for me.

About a month ago I posted a thread asking how to properly play technical maps types. The posters helped me understand that technical maps are unique and once I understand aspects of them I can preform well on them. While I can't say I'm amazing, or even remotely good at them I can say I enjoy playing them and challenging myself to understand the complex patterns. I'm almost capable of passing [Daydream] with about an 88% accuracy rating while I could't have imagined even being able to do 20 seconds of that map without failing last month.

Should I stick with what I'm doing and try to pass much harder maps then what my rank would indicate or should I focus on gaining more consistency and rank up more through more playcount of lower star rated maps?

I appreciate any feedback you have to offer as long as it's not "play more lulz"
Sandy Hoey
If you are looking to improve, then go play easier maps. If you are looking to gain pp, play easier maps. If you are looking to have a good time, do whatever the hell you want. No one is gonna stop you, although there might be some flame
I started becoming comfortable with 5* maps when I disabled mouse precision and set ingame sensitivity to 1.24x.

Play in whichever way you want, you are the player.
it still isn't
you shouldn't be 'passing' them,but rather trying to fc them. If you're on the page of 'passing' 5.5* songs,then I suggest you FC 4.9s first
thanks for motivating me to get new pb lol

_Meep_ wrote:

you shouldn't be 'passing' them,but rather trying to fc them. If you're on the page of 'passing' 5.5* songs,then I suggest you FC 4.9s first
passing is fine as long as it isn't mash mash mash pass
Caput Mortuum
trying to fc will just stress you out. aim for high acc pass instead.
plays like this is what you should go for

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Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. I have to agree with Eraser on FCs, they frustrate the living hell out of me so when I FC a lower star song I don't really feel it's out of me getting better, but out of pure luck.

On the other hand if I can make it 70% of the way through [Everlasting Nightmare] then I see myself improving at many aspects of play. If I can get an A rating on a song that pushes me to the limits of my play then even if I get JACK shit for passing them, I still feel accomplished. Whereas my recently obtained 3rd highest pp score 98.40% FC of [Insane] felt nice for 5 minutes after having achieved it, after that if kind of felt like a cop out for easy pp.

If I don't push myself to try maps that are above 220 bpm and 95% single tapping like [Extra] then I don't feel I'd ever get faster at single tapping. This applies to anything in osu things like streaming, long complex sliders shapes with fast velocity, technical maps, jump maps, higher AR and OD and the list goes on. That's just my scrubby thoughts on it however.

Enjoy this gif of a gnome child dancing
Everyone improves at their own rate, and honestly there's a lot of "harder than what the star rating implies" maps over the 5* range lul. Personally took me like 5 months to even be able to pass my first 5* lol back when I was still playing mouse only.

imo if you're playing maps that makes you feel like "wow this is kinda hard, but maybe I can do it" then the map's hard enough for you to improve. The "do" in this sentence doesn't have to mean a pass, it can be any arbitrary goal you set for yourself like maybe you want to get a B on that really hard map.

And if you're feeling like you're not improving, just try playing a map that you felt really hard back then.
For example I used to have a D and a C pass on pretender years ago, when you come back on nostalgic maps and get an A on them now it just feels satisfying as fuck.

I set a lot of D NF scores on higher star rating maps just to wait and see when I'll be able to play better on them and judge my improvement :lol:
(40% apparition run into 50% wooooo, granted this map is way out of my league but it's fun to see the small improvements lul)

And remember to have fun :)
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I like the idea of trying my best with NF and seeing how I improve as I go back and try them again, thanks for that idea.

The one thing that offputs me about that however is I will go back and try and best scores I set months and months ago, and I can't beat them. It's mostly because I had some weird luck streak and got a high combo with shite accuracy. But it still doesn't feel good going back to a 4.4 star song, and not be able to blow my old score out of the water like I want to.

I'm very poor at TV sized anime bullshit maps that are 90% jumping, and can't hold combo on them well regardless of difficulty of jumps or patterns. Since that's a large portion of this games beatmaps I have to jump around to look for maps that aren't those types. Trying my hand at HD and trying to beat old scores feels nice when I can see how my ability to handle HD is. [Insane] isn't difficult to beat at all but the fact that I went back and played it again the other day and got a 500 combo with HD shows me I've improved.

get better acc on easier maps and don't play 6 star maps if you mash them,don't retry.
play longer maps and try to have the best acc you can on them.
you can farm maps but don't overdo it.
i wouldn't recommend that you play other moods than hd right now.
many of your top plays are chokes or just shit acc,fix it.
you've definetely played far less than i did in your time but it's more important to play everyday rather than 10 hours everyday.
of course playing more wouldn't hurt.
if you fail on only one part of the map use no-fail.
anyway it took me something like 300 hours to be able to comfortably pass 5.5 maps and at the time i think i was 10k or something close to it.
playing for improvement gives pp,playing for pp doesn't
welp didn't read the whole thing.

Learn to acc. I'm 5k-ish and there's retarded amount of 5* I can't reliably pass
There are some 5.5* maps that are harder than a lot of 6.5* maps. As far as skill progression is concerned there really is no need to bother with 6*+ maps. They give more pp for having higher *rating but a lot of them are just jump spam maps with the occasional bursts which are the kinds of skills the majority of the user base is comfortable with. Focus your practice on the types of maps you are worst at and you will see the most across the board improvement.

Honestly though, the better your reading/stamina is the more consistent your aim will be and these two skills are both underweighted in the *rating computations. More often then not you will miss notes because you move your cursor at the wrong times and/or get caught off guard as opposed to misaiming purely due to muscle memory.

Also, I would not recommend NF except on maps with extreme drain (ie. Crazy Hot +HDHR). If you get so lost in a map that you end up failing then today probably just isn't the day for that map. Shelve it and come back to the map another day. One day it will just click. You will inadvertently pick up the required skills for it from playing other maps if you have a large (preferably hundreds) collection of maps you cycle through. There is nothing more tilting than retrying a map you played the day before and doing worse on it. Having a large collection allows you time to have improved by the time you're ready to revisit maps.
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