
KikuoHana - Nobore! Susume! Takai Tou [OsuMania|Taiko|Osu]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 18 de novembro de 2017 at 07:35:55

Artist: KikuoHana
Title: Nobore! Susume! Takai Tou
Tags: きくお 花たん Hanatan YURiCa 第一幕 Daiichimaku SCGA-00045 Eraser ghm12 marathon
BPM: 110
Filesize: 9277kb
Play Time: 05:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. Eraser's Minaret - 4Key (4,42 stars, 3253 notes)
  2. gh's Taiko-tou (4,79 stars, 1750 notes)
  3. The Tragic Story of the Great Tower (5,45 stars, 1341 notes)
Download: KikuoHana - Nobore! Susume! Takai Tou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I love KikuoHana

osu!mania difficulty by: Caput Mortuum | taiko difficulty by: ghm12

External CtB difficulty is a collaboration between Xinely and Sinnoh (rip them both ;w;)

all timing points were taken from Karen's mapset.
Pew pew ~☆
pro mapper


qat can you please silence for beatmap stealing hue
03:54:756 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - me irl
Topic Starter
amo vcs uwu
valeu mano espero que lembre dessas palavras quando virar um mapper famoso

não é porque se você multiplicar meus mapa ranked por 1 trihão que não chego nos seus que você pode ignorar os parcero

edit: isso não é um doublepost
2017-03-05 09:19 Trynna: faze mod de graça aqui pq so gente boa 
2017-03-05 09:19 Trynna: 00:55:601 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - 05:09:740 (1,1,1) -
2017-03-05 09:19 Trynna: burro
2017-03-05 09:19 Trynna: vai faze os cara confundi com 1/3
2017-03-05 09:19 Kuron-kun: so se os cara for cego.......
2017-03-05 09:20 Trynna: é a mema pattern com o mesmo spacing basicamente eu vo te mata
2017-03-05 09:20 Trynna: 01:42:714 (1,1) - por que seu licho
2017-03-05 09:20 Kuron-kun: MAS DA PRA LERRR
2017-03-05 09:21 Kuron-kun: oq tem ai??????????
2017-03-05 09:21 Trynna: tem lugar que tu bota 2 nc colado e lugar que tu deixa pegar 30 nota
2017-03-05 09:21 Trynna: ACTION kill kuronkun
2017-03-05 09:22 Kuron-kun: PRONTO TIREI, ESTA SATISFEITO?!?!
2017-03-05 09:22 Kuron-kun: espero que goste de IMPOR o seu estilo NO MEU
2017-03-05 09:22 Kuron-kun: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
2017-03-05 09:22 Trynna: afs
2017-03-05 09:23 Trynna: mas eu só ia dizer que 04:19:818 (1,1) - é muito fácil de dar misread
2017-03-05 09:23 Trynna: :(
2017-03-05 09:24 Kuron-kun: vou enfiar esse circle no meu _ pra ver se as pessoas conseguem ler melhor..................
2017-03-05 09:24 Kuron-kun: complete a frase
2017-03-05 09:24 Trynna: histórico de delete
2017-03-05 09:24 Kuron-kun: boa
2017-03-05 09:25 Kuron-kun: é irc mod mesmo mermao
2017-03-05 09:25 Kuron-kun: irc mod é ruim
2017-03-05 09:25 Trynna: se fosse ruim eu ia dizer que 03:01:094 (1) - é a única parte na section inteira que você colocou nc por ser espaçado
2017-03-05 09:26 Kuron-kun: ah esse eu esqueci
2017-03-05 09:26 Kuron-kun: pq foi copy paste
2017-03-05 09:26 Kuron-kun: e como o outro tinha nc ai ficou..
2017-03-05 09:26 Trynna: copypasta lixo
2017-03-05 09:26 Trynna: aliás
2017-03-05 09:26 Trynna: 00:49:686 - por que deixou esse pegar 13? :(
2017-03-05 09:26 Trynna: nas outras duas sections com sons parecidos pegou em torno de 8
2017-03-05 09:27 Kuron-kun: colocar um nc nessa pattern ia ficar mt feio...
2017-03-05 09:27 Kuron-kun: pq é a mesma coisa
2017-03-05 09:27 Trynna: eu também acho
2017-03-05 09:27 Trynna: faz sentido não colocar tho
2017-03-05 09:27 Trynna: vo te da um descontão
2017-03-05 09:28 Kuron-kun: sabia que iria compreender!
2017-03-05 09:29 Trynna: 03:17:784 (1) - não faria sentido passar o nc pra 03:17:573 (5) -? combinaria com 03:16:728 (1,1) -
2017-03-05 09:29 Trynna: eu realmente não consigo sentir 03:17:784 (1) - como início de section
2017-03-05 09:30 Kuron-kun: true
2017-03-05 09:30 Kuron-kun: mudei
2017-03-05 09:31 Trynna: tinha outra coisa que eu achei antes mas n to achando mais
2017-03-05 09:31 Trynna: rip me
2017-03-05 09:31 Kuron-kun: é pq o map ta mt bom...
2017-03-05 09:31 Trynna: isso é fato
2017-03-05 09:31 Kuron-kun: mentira, ta um lixo
2017-03-05 09:32 Kuron-kun: KAREN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2017-03-05 09:32 Trynna: achei
2017-03-05 09:32 Trynna: 03:32:679 (3) - seguindo teu padrão isso n devia estar aqui
2017-03-05 09:32 Trynna: remover faria 100000% mais sentido
2017-03-05 09:32 Trynna: o triplet devia estar aqui 03:31:939 (1,2) -
2017-03-05 09:32 Trynna: mas n tem
2017-03-05 09:32 Trynna: então
2017-03-05 09:33 Kuron-kun: opa, eu esqueci de mudar esse
2017-03-05 09:33 Trynna: o resto me parece estar :top:
2017-03-05 09:33 Kuron-kun: eu tentei enfatizar o vocal e os beats nessa parte
2017-03-05 09:33 Trynna: não consegui achar nada relacionado a movimento propriamente dito
2017-03-05 09:33 Kuron-kun: mas ficou errado
2017-03-05 09:33 Trynna: talvez eu seja só ruim
2017-03-05 09:33 Kuron-kun: agr mudei, ficou melhor
2017-03-05 09:34 Kuron-kun: n tem problema
2017-03-05 09:34 Kuron-kun: acho q ja tenho 2 mod
2017-03-05 09:34 Kuron-kun: ready to rank
2017-03-05 09:34 Kuron-kun: xd
2017-03-05 09:34 Trynna: eu n postei n é mod
2017-03-05 09:34 Trynna: lixo
2017-03-05 09:34 Kuron-kun: ;w;
2017-03-05 09:34 Kuron-kun: vc precisa de kudosu... lembre-se disso
2017-03-05 09:34 Trynna: 04:13:273 (1) -
2017-03-05 09:35 Trynna: algum motivo pra alongar essa nota?
2017-03-05 09:35 Trynna: 04:13:545 - tem um som que você nunca ignora
2017-03-05 09:35 Kuron-kun: não, era só q eu tava sem criatividade
2017-03-05 09:35 Kuron-kun: mas mudei agr
2017-03-05 09:35 Kuron-kun: 04:08:636 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - ah, aqui eu ignorei o vocal pq
2017-03-05 09:35 Kuron-kun: ELA SIMPLESMENTE SAI DO TIMING
2017-03-05 09:36 Trynna: nah
2017-03-05 09:36 Trynna: ficou legal
2017-03-05 09:36 Trynna: dont worry
2017-03-05 09:36 Kuron-kun: eu tentei deixar 1/4 e 1/6
2017-03-05 09:36 Kuron-kun: n da
2017-03-05 09:36 Kuron-kun: é 1/12 ou 1/16, algo assim
2017-03-05 09:36 Kuron-kun: aí quebra mt
2017-03-05 09:36 Trynna: melhor deixar assim sem uma transição muito torta
2017-03-05 09:36 Trynna: do que ficar inventando com snap
2017-03-05 09:36 Kuron-kun: sim
2017-03-05 09:37 Kuron-kun: 04:20:364 (1) - mesma coisa daqui pra frente
2017-03-05 09:37 Kuron-kun: parece 1/3 ou 1/6
2017-03-05 09:37 Trynna: 04:28:965 (2) - talvez fique legal um efeito de nc aqui pra parecer que tu deu a cada apito
2017-03-05 09:37 Kuron-kun: mas é 1/12 misturado com grey tick de 1/16
2017-03-05 09:37 Kuron-kun: é, fica legal
2017-03-05 09:38 Trynna: 04:36:148 (7) - tanto a mudança de som como o início do 1/2 é aqui
2017-03-05 09:38 Trynna: apesar da pattern ficar feia
2017-03-05 09:38 Trynna: mas se tu ignorar fica inconsistente com 04:42:909 (1) -
2017-03-05 09:39 Kuron-kun: eu achei o som do tick vermelho mais "clap" do que o do tick branco
2017-03-05 09:39 Kuron-kun: por isso comecei no tick vermelho
2017-03-05 09:39 Kuron-kun: e na outra pattern o som de 1/8 é mais forte no tick branco
2017-03-05 09:39 Trynna: hm sei não
2017-03-05 09:40 Trynna: é que same goes to 04:49:669 (1) -
2017-03-05 09:40 Kuron-kun: mas os sons são bem diferentes
2017-03-05 09:40 Kuron-kun: pelo menos pra mim EIOUHSIUAHE
2017-03-05 09:40 Trynna: talvez só eu que seja burro mesmo
2017-03-05 09:40 Trynna: lmao
2017-03-05 09:41 Kuron-kun: não é, talvez eu mude
2017-03-05 09:41 Kuron-kun: eu só achei que combina mais assim
2017-03-05 09:41 Trynna: 04:54:739 (9) - recomendo NC aqui pro seu combo não ficar gigante e combinar com o boost, coisa que você também fez aqui 04:55:585 (1) -
2017-03-05 09:41 Trynna: apesar do spacing change
2017-03-05 09:41 Kuron-kun: sim, fica legal
2017-03-05 09:42 Trynna: talvez o NC em 04:56:007 (1) - pareça random tho
2017-03-05 09:42 Trynna: mas eu entendo que é porque começou outra pattern de slider repeat
2017-03-05 09:42 Kuron-kun: então, era por essa pattern ser bem diferente mesmo
2017-03-05 09:42 Trynna: de resto o mapa ta bem sólido
2017-03-05 09:42 Trynna: eu só sou gay com new combo
2017-03-05 09:43 Kuron-kun: mas ajudou bastante
2017-03-05 09:43 Kuron-kun: eu coloquei new combo bem random msm
2017-03-05 09:43 Kuron-kun: é pq eu n consigo mapear sem colocar new combo
2017-03-05 09:43 Kuron-kun: aí eu coloco e fica bem inconsistente
2017-03-05 09:44 Kuron-kun: posso dar update?
2017-03-05 09:44 Trynna: yup
2017-03-05 09:44 Kuron-kun: obrigado pelo mod!!1
Topic Starter
Thanks for your cooperation!
hai hai


  1. 01:24:756 (5,6) - bem, ficaria melhor se fosse mudado pela mesma pattern que voce ocasionou aqui 01:23:066 (1,2,3,4) - afinal são partes muito muito similiares lol
  2. 01:39:123 (3,7) - uh, seria um overlap ai?
  3. 01:43:137 (2) - e que tal transformar em 2 kick 1/4 ja que tem uma drumbeat que n pode ser ignorada e ajudaria 0,02% na gameplay aqui 01:43:348 - =w=
  4. 01:55:918 (2) - poderia centraliza-los entre essas 2 notas 01:55:601 (1,1) - ? conforme fizeste aqui 01:48:841 (1,2,1) - :O
  5. mesma coisa sobre essa 01:57:925 (4) - em relação as essas 2 01:58:137 (5,6) - , digo olha como ali 01:58:559 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - ta bonitinho, uma obra de arte
  6. 02:00:355 - voce ignorou uma beat aqui meu caro, escuta bem o whistle presente =q
  7. 02:04:052 - uou.. mas pq essa sessão não tem 1/4 presente como a anterior?? Não tem uma mudança para aplicar só 1/2 nessa parte =(
  8. Presumo fortemente que deveria ter uma nota nesses ponto 02:07:749 - por causa do vocal, e outra aqui 02:08:594 - por causa do ruído baixo, mas existente
  9. 02:09:439 (4) - imperfect blanket em relação a isso 02:09:545 (5,6,7,8) - yeah, i so nazi
  10. 02:13:876 - mesma coisa que citei a respeito de ignorar a beat logo acima
  11. 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - e 04:43:120 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - irão citar algo a respeito, digo em ambas as patterns voce fez em forma de triangulo, não é algo que esteja errado mas acho que tinha que ser algo mais "simples" para interpretação das beats como: 1,2 1,2 1,2 or uma stream simplória como ocasionou aqui 01:30:461 (2,3,4,5,6) - , bem ignore esse ponto, mas eu tenho uma presunção que irão dizer a respeito dele.
  12. 03:01:094 (1) - why nc here, digo olha os outros combos de 8 notas que fizeste hauhau 02:38:700 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - , 02:40:390 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - , 02:43:770 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - , 02:50:531 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ah chega né =q
  13. 02:54:756 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - kinda sad, bem o bacana seria mapear pelo vocal, digo todas as notas presentes teriam que ser kicks 1/4 , bem é uma sugestão
  14. 03:17:573 (5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - bem, essa pattern tinha que ser igual as outras 02:37:010 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 04:42:909 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ???? please fix!
  15. 03:38:489 (9) - nazi ds > 03:37:855 (5,6,7,8) -
  16. 03:55:601 (5) - sim, NC aqui para interpretação de 1/2 para 1/1, grato!
bem é isso acho que o final nao tem algo irregular ao meu ver, então nesse caso boa sorte meu caro!

Kalindraz wrote:

hai tai
Topic Starter

Kalindraz wrote:

hai hai


  1. 01:24:756 (5,6) - bem, ficaria melhor se fosse mudado pela mesma pattern que voce ocasionou aqui 01:23:066 (1,2,3,4) - afinal são partes muito muito similiares lol Yep, fiz de uma forma diferente, mas agora ficou consistente!
  2. 01:39:123 (3,7) - uh, seria um overlap ai? not really...
  3. 01:43:137 (2) - e que tal transformar em 2 kick 1/4 ja que tem uma drumbeat que n pode ser ignorada e ajudaria 0,02% na gameplay aqui 01:43:348 - =w= A música, nessa parte, me da impressão de que alguma coisa vai e volta em ritmo 1/4, por isso achei que um slider 1/4 com dois repeats seria a melhor escolha.
  4. 01:55:918 (2) - poderia centraliza-los entre essas 2 notas 01:55:601 (1,1) - ? conforme fizeste aqui 01:48:841 (1,2,1) - :O Eu tentei centralizar mas a pattern não ficaria com um flow tão bom, mas tirei a stack!
  5. mesma coisa sobre essa 01:57:925 (4) - em relação as essas 2 01:58:137 (5,6) - , digo olha como ali 01:58:559 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - ta bonitinho, uma obra de arte Eu... não entendi mt bem o que posso fazer aí pra melhorar afklçjsdçlakf
  6. 02:00:355 - voce ignorou uma beat aqui meu caro, escuta bem o whistle presente =q Agora ficou melhor.
  7. 02:04:052 - uou.. mas pq essa sessão não tem 1/4 presente como a anterior?? Não tem uma mudança para aplicar só 1/2 nessa parte =( Claro que tem, o 1/4 é bem menos presente e o 1/2 bem mais presente...
  8. Presumo fortemente que deveria ter uma nota nesses ponto 02:07:749 - por causa do vocal, e outra aqui 02:08:594 - por causa do ruído baixo, mas existente Sobre o vocal... eu realmente não consigo ouvir nenhum vocal nessa parte e o ruído é tão baixo que não preciso estragar a pattern bonitinha pra colocar ele... :(
  9. 02:09:439 (4) - imperfect blanket em relação a isso 02:09:545 (5,6,7,8) - yeah, i so nazi Mas nem era pra blanketar >:(
  10. 02:13:876 - mesma coisa que citei a respeito de ignorar a beat logo acima Pronto, bem melhor.
  11. 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - e 04:43:120 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - irão citar algo a respeito, digo em ambas as patterns voce fez em forma de triangulo, não é algo que esteja errado mas acho que tinha que ser algo mais "simples" para interpretação das beats como: 1,2 1,2 1,2 or uma stream simplória como ocasionou aqui 01:30:461 (2,3,4,5,6) - , bem ignore esse ponto, mas eu tenho uma presunção que irão dizer a respeito dele. Bem, eu acho essas partes bem mais fortes que as outras que você deu como exemplo, por isso o DS bem grande...
  12. 03:01:094 (1) - why nc here, digo olha os outros combos de 8 notas que fizeste hauhau 02:38:700 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - , 02:40:390 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - , 02:43:770 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - , 02:50:531 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ah chega né =q Sim, eu mudei, foi combo por causa do copy paste...
  13. 02:54:756 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - kinda sad, bem o bacana seria mapear pelo vocal, digo todas as notas presentes teriam que ser kicks 1/4 , bem é uma sugestão Então, eu queria fazer uma sessão diferente da anterior, se não ficaria muito a mesma coisa...
  14. 03:17:573 (5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - bem, essa pattern tinha que ser igual as outras 02:37:010 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Sim, já mudei ela.
  15. 04:42:909 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ???? please fix! nunca
  16. 03:38:489 (9) - nazi ds > 03:37:855 (5,6,7,8) - Acho que tá melhor agora (?)
  17. 03:55:601 (5) - sim, NC aqui para interpretação de 1/2 para 1/1, grato! aaaah era o que eu menos queria... já que a pattern tem o mesmo som... se mais alguém falar algo eu mudo, ok?
bem é isso acho que o final nao tem algo irregular ao meu ver, então nesse caso boa sorte meu caro!
Obrigado pelo mod ^-^
Caput Mortuum
some fixes

also noticed a missed blanket on your diff here 01:29:404 (4) -
03:55:601 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - these notes actually end on the red tick. you can add a 0.75x green line to keep it aesthetically the same.
Topic Starter

Eraser wrote:

some fixes

also noticed a missed blanket on your diff here 01:29:404 (4) - It wasn't really a blanket but if looks much better being one, thank you!
03:55:601 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - these notes actually end on the red tick. you can add a 0.75x green line to keep it aesthetically the same. Yeah, it's much better this way, thank you <3
I don't have any maps now lol

00:19:580 (2,2) - How about add NC for make better reading SV? like 00:18:735 (1) -
00:28:559 (1,2,3,4) - this DS should be bigger than 00:28:982 (5,6,7,8) - , imo. Btw it looks 1/8
00:32:151 (1,2,3,4) - this DS looks really big? and looks hard to read even if you added NC.00:31:517 (1,2,3) - 00:29:404 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Distance looks similar.
00:35:953 (3) - how about add NC? make similar pattern with 00:35:320 (1,2,1,2) -
00:39:545 (1,3,4) - SV looks similar, looks hard to read, Make sure 00:39:968 (3,4) - are 1/4 notes.
00:51:376 (9) - NC, looks too long combo.
01:00:179 (2,3) - make similar DS with 01:00:883 (6,7,8) - , looks hard to read.
01:09:334 (2) - 01:09:756 (4) - I suggest you ctrl g for make similar pattern with 01:08:277 (1,2,3,4) -
01:17:996 (5) - Make two short sliders for make consistency with 01:18:841 (2,3) - 01:17:151 (2,3) -
01:23:066 (6) - Nc for better reading? similar DS with 01:21:799 (1,2,3,4,5) - , so looks hard to read.
01:26:235 (5,6) - overmapping? I think this part don't have drum sounds.
01:32:996 (6,7,1) - Isn't it hard to read? 01:32:151 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks 1/2 clidckable pattern, imo. so it looks hard to read .
01:42:714 (9) - NC for make better reading, 01:42:714 (9,10,11,1) - this is 1/6 rhythms.
01:51:799 (6,7) - looks too big DS, make similar DS with 01:53:489 (6,7) - at least.
01:56:446 (1) - make jump like 01:55:918 (2,1) -
02:02:573 - How about add a vocal beat? I think you followed vocals totally.
02:05:742 (7) - NC for make comboes. too long combo now.
02:09:545 (5) - stream jump, I suggest you add NC here.,
02:18:735 - add a beat for drum?
02:23:066 (5) - Add nc.
02:30:672 (1) - I suggest you two short sliders like others.
02:50:954 (5) - looks really need NC, for me, looks really hard to read.
02:59:827 (10) - NC,
03:31:939 (1,2) - avoid overlap, you didn't overlap like this.
03:54:756 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ????????????????????? this stacked slider looks hard to read, I think it's unrankable? Just overlap it.
05:09:845 (1,1) - looks you don't need to add NC here?

Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:

I don't have any maps now lol oh just try to contact me when you have something, then :c

00:19:580 (2,2) - How about add NC for make better reading SV? like 00:18:735 (1) - Yeah, sure, it does feel a lot better~
00:28:559 (1,2,3,4) - this DS should be bigger than 00:28:982 (5,6,7,8) - , imo. Btw it looks 1/8 I prefer to constantly increase it, I feel like it would be better and follow the song proper that way ;_;
00:32:151 (1,2,3,4) - this DS looks really big? and looks hard to read even if you added NC.00:31:517 (1,2,3) - Yeah, you're right, did it the same way but "differently" if that's an acceptable sentence.
00:29:404 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Distance looks similar. Even though they might sound similar, I guess adding a jump wouldn't hurt at all. Plus, this part of the section is the strongest!
00:35:953 (3) - how about add NC? make similar pattern with 00:35:320 (1,2,1,2) - I don't think this is really needed, would seem like a NC spam, imo... you can read it properly the way it is now.
00:39:545 (1,3,4) - SV looks similar, looks hard to read, Make sure 00:39:968 (3,4) - are 1/4 notes. Didn't add circles but changed some positions and added NCs. Should be really better to read now.
00:51:376 (9) - NC, looks too long combo. I didn't want to "ruin" the pattern by adding a new combo, it would feel really weird, but since the new combo colours are really close to each other, that wouldn't be a problem.
01:00:179 (2,3) - make similar DS with 01:00:883 (6,7,8) - , looks hard to read. They follow the same rhythm but they aren't the same pattern. I guess this would be a nicer way to map it. People are already used to the 1/6 rhythm, so missing this is hard.
01:09:334 (2) - 01:09:756 (4) - I suggest you ctrl g for make similar pattern with 01:08:277 (1,2,3,4) - There's a different kind of rhythm and pattern here, it sounds like the song is decreasing its intensity, thus, making sliders going down would be the better choice~
01:17:996 (5) - Make two short sliders for make consistency with 01:18:841 (2,3) - 01:17:151 (2,3) - I did the same here 01:11:235 (5,5) - and the sound is pretty much the same... It's more consistent this way!
01:23:066 (6) - Nc for better reading? similar DS with 01:21:799 (1,2,3,4,5) - , so looks hard to read. Even though they are similar to each other, the gap between them (specially on such a low BPM) isn't confusing at all, so I'd rather keep it~
01:26:235 (5,6) - overmapping? I think this part don't have drum sounds. It does but... it's actually 1/6, not 1/4. I will see what I can do over here later! Thanks for pointing that out, accidentaly noticed that xD
01:32:996 (6,7,1) - Isn't it hard to read? 01:32:151 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks 1/2 clidckable pattern, imo. so it looks hard to read . It doesn't... it was even harder and people from testplay weren't really misreading them. The song is pretty intense on this part, I'd rather keep this.
01:42:714 (9) - NC for make better reading, 01:42:714 (9,10,11,1) - this is 1/6 rhythms. Sure, might've forgotten to add them x)
01:51:799 (6,7) - looks too big DS, make similar DS with 01:53:489 (6,7) - at least. It's lower now, should be better.
01:56:446 (1) - make jump like 01:55:918 (2,1) - It feels REALLY awkward... believe me, I tried ;_;
02:02:573 - How about add a vocal beat? I think you followed vocals totally. I was actually following the instrumental, this whole section is full of 1/4 xD
02:05:742 (7) - NC for make comboes. too long combo now. Sure!
02:09:545 (5) - stream jump, I suggest you add NC here., I didn't add NC on previous/next patterns like these, I'd rather keep the consistency, sorry :c
02:18:735 - add a beat for drum? I really can't hear anything there... sorry :c
02:23:066 (5) - Add nc. Already mentioned about the jumpstreams NC!
02:30:672 (1) - I suggest you two short sliders like others. The song decreses its intensity A LOT on this part, removing all their clear 1/4 beats, so 1/2 slider would fit much better for either consistency and to have a better song-following patter in this section.
02:50:954 (5) - looks really need NC, for me, looks really hard to read. I will add a NC for those, since they're pretty spaced.
02:59:827 (10) - NC, Aw, it would ruin the simmetrycal style on this section, I'd rather keep it until someone else complain about it. Plus, I did the same on the big 1/4 sliders. Shouldn't be a really big issue~
03:31:939 (1,2) - avoid overlap, you didn't overlap like this. I was following the vocal right now, not the instrumental. This is the same pattern I used on the next section, and they have some overlaps, should be fine!
03:54:756 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ????????????????????? this stacked slider looks hard to read, I think it's unrankable? Just overlap it. I guess I'll hear some opinions from QATs and BNs about that. It seems perfectly readable for me, it was readable for testplayers, I LOVE it and it fits really well to the song. Thanks for mentioning this, though!
05:09:845 (1,1) - looks you don't need to add NC here? I don't, but, hey, it does look cool! Plus, the spacing is a bit higher on this part, I guess it's worth to add 3 NCs here.

GL Thank you x)
olá,desculpe se meu mod for lixo
02:09:545 (5,6,7,8) - isso poderia ficar em cima da primeira parte da stream não acha?
02:29:615 (2,3,5,6,8,9) - 02:29:615 (2,3,5,6,8,9) - acho que ficariam melhor no final do slider.....
03:54:756 (1,2,3,4) - eles lado a lado ficariam melhores
eu acho que é só isso,eu não sei modar muito bem,boa sorte com o mapa!!!!!~~
Topic Starter

Tainha Flakes wrote:

olá,desculpe se meu mod for lixo
02:09:545 (5,6,7,8) - isso poderia ficar em cima da primeira parte da stream não acha? Eu não entendi o que você quis dizer com isso, desculpa :(
02:29:615 (2,3,5,6,8,9) - 02:29:615 (2,3,5,6,8,9) - acho que ficariam melhor no final do slider..... Mudei bastante com ajuda do mod do Monstrata e umas coisinhas, a pattern parece fluir bem melhor agora.
03:54:756 (1,2,3,4) - eles lado a lado ficariam melhores Bem, fiz diferente, já que é unrankable...
eu acho que é só isso,eu não sei modar muito bem,boa sorte com o mapa!!!!!~~
Qualquer ideia já ajuda, obrigado <3
tfw o kuron realmente pegou o meme que fizemos pro nome da diff

to fazendo taiko abraços

Kuron-kun wrote:

better ideia.
Topic Starter

Kalindraz wrote:

Kuron-kun wrote:

better ideia.
Caput Mortuum
some more fixes to make it more comfortable + some new sv
Topic Starter
-Mo-d queue

The Tragic Story of a Terrible Diff Name that I Shall Not Mod
- 00:22:221 (1,2,3,4) - Consider silencing the sliderslide since it sounds kind of weird with these 1/8s here.
- 00:28:559 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These don't follow the bell sounds accurately. If they were to, it would do something like in my image, but that is kind of weird to map to. I'll let you decide how to fix this. - 00:31:094 (1) - If you're mapping to the scale thing in the background, in my opinion I would map to the whole thing rather than part of it if possible.
- 00:36:165 (1,2,3) - 00:37:221 (6,7,8) - From the ranked set, this would also be 1/6 I guess.
- 00:38:806 - Maybe make this a triple to highlight the piano scale sound?
- 00:39:862 (2) - 00:40:707 (2) - These are the only places you stack these 1/4 circles below the first slider, and it's really confusing to read since it comes so suddenly. I would just keep these stacked on the second slider or spaced.
- 00:56:799 (2,3) - This spacing/patterning implied a 1/4 snapping, so I would arrange these differently to indicate the circle being on 1/6 better.
- 01:32:996 (6,7,1) - This is really confusing since the patterning implies that 6-7 are mapped like the kick sliders (on the red-white ticks) and the spacing doesn't imply 1/4 at all. I would also consider starting the stream on 01:32:784 (5) since this has a more significant accordian sound.
- 01:39:123 (3) - I would prefer a triple like 01:38:066 (6,7) since the rhythm doesn't really need variety here in my opinion.
- 01:48:841 (1,2,1,2,1) - I like these.
- 02:22:115 - Maybe a triple for some variety? You've kept the same 1/2 circle rhythm for a while, and a triple would be appropriate with the vocals getting louder and the tension build up before the next measure.
- 02:30:672 (1) - Two circles would feel better to me to emphasise the red tick better, and since you've mapped the accordian to mostly active beats anyway, this will keep the intensity high.
- 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I don't feel like a spaced stream is appropraite when the music is quieter, especially since this is the first spaced stream in the map (bar that triple from earlier which in my opinion needs changing).
- 02:50:108 (3,1,2) - In my opinion this isn't really ideal flow to introduce a spaced stream. Because of the implied flow from the slider, jumping to the start of the stream can be a little uncomfortable, and then the second note of the stream would make a wide angle which also makes it uncomfortable to follow.
- 02:57:714 (7,8,1) - This spacing for 1/4 just seems really unncessary, out of place, and is pretty tricky to play in of itself.
- 03:04:052 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - lol. Same as above, only this is even more extreme.
Well, I hit them somehow, but in my opinion this sort of mapping isn't appropriate.
- 03:21:693 - Stealing from the ranked set, maybe break up the spinner and start a new one here to keep things interesting and follow the music?
- 04:19:818 (1) - This should be snapped to 1/3 to follow the vocals.
- 04:56:430 (4,7) - Maybe NC these so that it indicates that these aren't following a full stream pattern?
- 05:03:613 (7) - 05:04:458 (2,3,4) - Are these missing hitsounds?

Good luck.
Topic Starter

-Mo- wrote:

-Mo-d queue

The Tragic Story of a Terrible Diff Name that I Shall Not Mod It's not terrible lol... I probably forgot to delete the "DO NOT MOD the diffname" sentence because it was literally "!?" before.
- 00:22:221 (1,2,3,4) - Consider silencing the sliderslide since it sounds kind of weird with these 1/8s here. I've added empty soft-sliderslider.wav files, should be better now.
- 00:28:559 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These don't follow the bell sounds accurately. If they were to, it would do something like in my image, but that is kind of weird to map to. I'll let you decide how to fix this. They're sliders now, should be better.- 00:31:094 (1) - If you're mapping to the scale thing in the background, in my opinion I would map to the whole thing rather than part of it if possible. They have 2 more repeats, it follows the song better now. Thank you!
- 00:36:165 (1,2,3) - 00:37:221 (6,7,8) - From the ranked set, this would also be 1/6 I guess. The 1/6 isn't thaaaaat loud, you can barely hear it. I guess I'll keep it 1/4 for the consistency.
- 00:38:806 - Maybe make this a triple to highlight the piano scale sound? Basicaly the same as above, it's that loud to follow. It would ruin the pattern, though :c
- 00:39:862 (2) - 00:40:707 (2) - These are the only places you stack these 1/4 circles below the first slider, and it's really confusing to read since it comes so suddenly. I would just keep these stacked on the second slider or spaced. Yes, you're right, your suggestion is much better.
- 01:32:996 (6,7,1) - This is really confusing since the patterning implies that 6-7 are mapped like the kick sliders (on the red-white ticks) and the spacing doesn't imply 1/4 at all. I would also consider starting the stream on 01:32:784 (5) since this has a more significant accordian sound. Changed the whole pattern.
- 01:39:123 (3) - I would prefer a triple like 01:38:066 (6,7) since the rhythm doesn't really need variety here in my opinion. Okay.
- 01:48:841 (1,2,1,2,1) - I like these. Thank you!
- 02:22:115 - Maybe a triple for some variety? You've kept the same 1/2 circle rhythm for a while, and a triple would be appropriate with the vocals getting louder and the tension build up before the next measure. Okay, they're triplets now.
- 02:30:672 (1) - Two circles would feel better to me to emphasise the red tick better, and since you've mapped the accordian to mostly active beats anyway, this will keep the intensity high. I feel like a slow 1/2 slider would be better because the song kinda "breaks" its emphasis at that point; the 1/4 even stop being fully audible. I'd rather keep it, sorry.
- 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I don't feel like a spaced stream is appropraite when the music is quieter, especially since this is the first spaced stream in the map (bar that triple from earlier which in my opinion needs changing). Okay, didn't change much the spacing but should be really better to play now.
- 02:50:108 (3,1,2) - In my opinion this isn't really ideal flow to introduce a spaced stream. Because of the implied flow from the slider, jumping to the start of the stream can be a little uncomfortable, and then the second note of the stream would make a wide angle which also makes it uncomfortable to follow. I was already going to change it before, thank you for reminding me!
- 02:57:714 (7,8,1) - This spacing for 1/4 just seems really unncessary, out of place, and is pretty tricky to play in of itself. Actually it's not that tricky. For all the testplays I've asked nobody had problems reading this pattern, it was exactly the opposite, they found it pretty intuitive.
- 03:04:052 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - lol. Same as above, only this is even more extreme. Same. People didn't have problem reading it, some of them even managed to click it properly, but nobody had problems reading. I don't really want to change the funniest pattern on my map, specially because the song is reaaaaally intense on that part, so I guess it deserves such a great jump like this. But thanks for the suggestion, though!
Well, I hit them somehow, but in my opinion this sort of mapping isn't appropriate.
- 03:21:693 - Stealing from the ranked set, maybe break up the spinner and start a new one here to keep things interesting and follow the music? I don't steal beatmaps >:( (sure).
- 04:19:818 (1) - This should be snapped to 1/3 to follow the vocals. Sure, seems more appropriate.
- 04:56:430 (4,7) - Maybe NC these so that it indicates that these aren't following a full stream pattern? Okay.
- 05:03:613 (7) - 05:04:458 (2,3,4) - Are these missing hitsounds? Oh, yeah, I've changed the pattern but forgot to add the hitsounds x)

Good luck.
Thank you for your mod, it was really helpful!
boa sorte kuron, nice song

precisar de mods so me implorar pvt
kk rankeia ae men

se eu tivesse kudosu eu dava, mas eu tenho -2

Very clean and fun map!

Just a couple of things that hit me in the eye:

00:13:559 (6) - Here, the accordion is already getting louder, so this slider should be further from others too
00:34:475 (1) - move it to x:267, y:143, because it isn't as spaced as other objects there
00:56:446 - 01:01:517 - hitsounds here are just done bad. It hurts in the ears because it doesn't fit anything in the music. I can only hear that little tap that seems out of song's rhythm, and that isn't pleasant to hear.
01:08:911 (4) - I'm pretty sure this should be closer to (2) according to how (3) is close to (1)
01:09:334 (2,3,4) - Get some claps here! :D Clap sound!
01:10:390 (2,3) - I would make something like this for better flow :)
02:09:334 (3,8) - that overlap just hurts me :/
02:37:855 - First you dont make NCs on quadruplets [ 02:38:700 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 02:40:390 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ], and suddenly there is a NC here [ 02:43:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 02:47:151 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ]... Please be consistent about your decisions.
04:04:409 (8,9,1) - there is a triplet... 04:08:636 (6,7,1) - and there is no triplet... "Please be consistent about your decisions."
Also, why you made there a triple, not a quadruple like this one: 04:15:182 (8,9,10,1) -
04:21:727 (1,1,1) - ok, they are 120 degrees rotated.. But 04:19:818 (1,1,1,1) - I dont get where is the pattern here, they look so random..
04:23:083 (1) - why its "outside the box"? >:) put it inside the rotated circles

That's all. Good luck!
Topic Starter

CptSqBany wrote:


Very clean and fun map!

Just a couple of things that hit me in the eye:

00:13:559 (6) - Here, the accordion is already getting louder, so this slider should be further from others too I've spaced it a little bit, not much, since it's not really a big thing.
00:34:475 (1) - move it to x:267, y:143, because it isn't as spaced as other objects there Sure thing.
00:56:446 - 01:01:517 - hitsounds here are just done bad. It hurts in the ears because it doesn't fit anything in the music. I can only hear that little tap that seems out of song's rhythm, and that isn't pleasant to hear. I don't think it was done badly nor that it hurts the ears... I've asked the opinion from various people and they said it was okay... I like it :c
01:08:911 (4) - I'm pretty sure this should be closer to (2) according to how (3) is close to (1) Yeah, yeah, it was a Ctrl H issue, thanks for pointing it out!
01:09:334 (2,3,4) - Get some claps here! :D Clap sound! I actually like more the drum-whistle sound LMAO, sorry!
01:10:390 (2,3) - I would make something like this for better flow :) Guess it's better now.
02:09:334 (3,8) - that overlap just hurts me :/ Why, though? It seems so cool :C
02:37:855 - First you dont make NCs on quadruplets [ 02:38:700 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 02:40:390 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ], and suddenly there is a NC here [ 02:43:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 02:47:151 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ]... Please be consistent about your decisions. Sorry, the NC was done really badly, they're fixed now.
04:04:409 (8,9,1) - there is a triplet... 04:08:636 (6,7,1) - and there is no triplet... "Please be consistent about your decisions."
Also, why you made there a triple, not a quadruple like this one: 04:15:182 (8,9,10,1) - They should be consistent now. Also I used 4 notes because that's actually a 1/6 sound, not 1/8 like the rest.
04:21:727 (1,1,1) - ok, they are 120 degrees rotated.. But 04:19:818 (1,1,1,1) - I dont get where is the pattern here, they look so random.. They really look fine to me... it's not a big problem :(
04:23:083 (1) - why its "outside the box"? >:) put it inside the rotated circles It's inside now!

That's all. Good luck!
Thank you for the awesome mod :D
Caput Mortuum
Topic Starter
hey mod from my modding queue

Eraser's Minaret
00:23:911 - consider adding a note for constancy
00:44:193 (44193|2) - ^
00:45:883 (45883|2) - ^
00:56:446 (56446|1,56446|2,56446|3) - delete a note for constancy because you didn't map this sound with hands in this section
01:01:728 - add a note
01:40:179 (100179|0) - consider moving this to C2 or 3 for pitch
01:47:151 (107151|0) - consider deleting this note
01:47:996 (107996|3) - ^
01:49:052 (109052|0,109158|1) - consider making these notes mini jacks as well
01:49:475 (109475|0,109580|1) - ^
01:58:665 (118665|1) - consider adding a note since you added a note at 02:00:355 (120355|3) -
02:12:714 (132714|0,132820|1,133137|3,133242|2,133559|0,133665|1,133982|3,134087|2) - why are these not jacks?
02:16:094 (136094|1) - add a note?
02:39:968 (159968|3,159968|1) - ^
02:57:608 (177608|2,177608|0) - delete one note
03:12:925 - ^
03:26:130 (206130|2) - move to 03:26:182 (206182|2) - at 1/8
03:27:820 (207820|1) - ^ 03:27:873 (207873|1) -
03:31:200 (211200|3) - ^ 03:31:253 (211253|3) -
03:32:890 (212890|2) - ^ 03:32:943 (212943|2) -
03:34:580 (214580|3) - ^ 03:34:633 (214633|3) -
03:36:270 (216270|2) - ^ 03:36:323 (216323|2) -
03:37:961 (217961|3) - ^ 03:38:013 (218013|3) -
03:39:651 (219651|1) - ^ 03:39:703 (219703|1) -
03:41:341 (221341|1) - ^ 03:41:394 (221394|1) -
03:43:031 (223031|2) - ^ 03:43:084 (223084|2) -
03:44:721 (224721|2) - ^ 03:44:774 (224774|2) -
03:46:411 (226411|2) - ^ 03:46:464 (226464|2) -
03:48:101 (228101|0) - ^ 03:48:154 (228154|0) -
03:49:792 (229792|2) - ^ 03:49:844 (229844|2) -
03:51:482 (231482|0) - ^ 03:51:534 (231534|0) -
04:34:035 - add a note
04:34:881 - ^
04:40:796 - ^
04:41:641 - ^

no kds if it didn't help

good luck :D
Caput Mortuum

Cokiiplay wrote:

hey mod from my modding queue

Eraser's Minaret
00:23:911 - consider adding a note for constancy
00:44:193 (44193|2) - ^
00:45:883 (45883|2) - ^
I like it this way because the 3 notes is because there is the ln for separate sound, not for the drum.

00:56:446 (56446|1,56446|2,56446|3) - delete a note for constancy because you didn't map this sound with hands in this section
It's for the drum and to mark the first strong beat.

01:01:728 - add a note

01:40:179 (100179|0) - consider moving this to C2 or 3 for pitch
this 01:39:862 (99862|0,100179|0) - is same pitch.

01:47:151 (107151|0) - consider deleting this note
01:47:996 (107996|3) - ^
similar reason to the first point.

01:49:052 (109052|0,109158|1) - consider making these notes mini jacks as well
01:49:475 (109475|0,109580|1) - ^

01:58:665 (118665|1) - consider adding a note since you added a note at 02:00:355 (120355|3) -
there is a hihat sound on 02:00:355 (120355|3) -

02:12:714 (132714|0,132820|1,133137|3,133242|2,133559|0,133665|1,133982|3,134087|2) - why are these not jacks?
unlike the section before and after, the sound there is more of "flowing" like, while the others are a bit of staccato.

02:16:094 (136094|1) - add a note?
02:39:968 (159968|3,159968|1) - ^
nah, and that hand is a mistake, sorry

02:57:608 (177608|2,177608|0) - delete one note
clearer cymbal there

03:12:925 - ^
refer to first point

03:26:130 (206130|2) - move to 03:26:182 (206182|2) - at 1/8
03:27:820 (207820|1) - ^ 03:27:873 (207873|1) -
03:31:200 (211200|3) - ^ 03:31:253 (211253|3) -
03:32:890 (212890|2) - ^ 03:32:943 (212943|2) -
03:34:580 (214580|3) - ^ 03:34:633 (214633|3) -
03:36:270 (216270|2) - ^ 03:36:323 (216323|2) -
03:37:961 (217961|3) - ^ 03:38:013 (218013|3) -
03:39:651 (219651|1) - ^ 03:39:703 (219703|1) -
03:41:341 (221341|1) - ^ 03:41:394 (221394|1) -
03:43:031 (223031|2) - ^ 03:43:084 (223084|2) -
03:44:721 (224721|2) - ^ 03:44:774 (224774|2) -
03:46:411 (226411|2) - ^ 03:46:464 (226464|2) -
03:48:101 (228101|0) - ^ 03:48:154 (228154|0) -
03:49:792 (229792|2) - ^ 03:49:844 (229844|2) -
03:51:482 (231482|0) - ^ 03:51:534 (231534|0) -
wow, thanks for these. though they are actually on 1/6

04:34:035 - add a note
04:34:881 - ^
04:40:796 - ^
04:41:641 - ^
nah, it's already intense enough. but will think about it.

no kds if it didn't help

good luck :D
first mod in this thread
thank you

o wow look at this a mania mod for Eraser's diff (M4M)
why are some of these diffs Hards and others are Insanes
I know you're not the author of the spread but stop making your BGs low resolution. You can have above 1080p according to the RC, stop using these shitty low resolution backgrounds ohmygod

only gonna mention issues once

00:00:408 (408|1) - You're using soft custom set 1 but your hitnormal is has a 2 on the end so you're just using default hitsounds which sounds like aids
00:02:408 (2408|1) - This note is mistimed
Before I go any further, going to fully disclose my biases and say that I think LN mapping is a poor form of mapping so don't take anything too personally
00:10:179 (10179|3,10390|0) - Combining 1/4 and 1/6 sliders plays awfully unless you keep a pattern which you have not
00:09:123 (9123|1) - according to your scheme shouldnt this be a 1/6 slider?
00:11:341 (11341|0,11446|2) - Why are these flipped? The sound did not change at all so it should still be a 1/6 into a 1/4
00:16:200 (16200|0,16235|1) - This feels like intentionally tripping the player which is not great. Seeing a difference of 1/6 on your first playthrough when there's no reason for their to be one is rough
00:16:517 (16517|2) - This should be shorter
00:17:362 (17362|2,17362|3) - Why are these different lengths? The two instruments play for the same amount of time
00:22:221 (22221|2) - This stream actually speeds up exponentially. Whether you want to do anything about it is up to you
00:24:334 (24334|1) - Don't make this a quad, make it a triple like the last crash
00:56:446 (56446|2) - This isn't strong enough to justify a triple
00:57:608 (57608|2) - Why is the hat a double like the kick/clap? It should be a single
01:02:784 (62784|2) - If this SV change is going to be here, you should be consistent and add it for all instances of this in the song. next is here 01:04:475 (64475|3)
01:40:179 (100179|0,100390|1) - ctrl+right arrow then ctrl+h for pitch relevancy
01:40:179 (100179|0,100390|1) - ctrl+h for pitch relevancy. first 3 have same pitch as well so i mean... could jack
01:51:799 (111799|3,112115|3,112221|3) - This is not comfortable to play at all
02:44:404 (164404|0,164404|1,164510|0,164510|1) - Why are these both doubles?
I don't think all those red points are really that necessary

That's all from me
Caput Mortuum
no reply means accepted or considered

Litharrale wrote:

o wow look at this a mania mod for Eraser's diff (M4M)
why are some of these diffs Hards and others are Insanes there's no hard wut
I know you're not the author of the spread but stop making your BGs low resolution. You can have above 1080p according to the RC, stop using these shitty low resolution backgrounds ohmygod

only gonna mention issues once

00:00:408 (408|1) - You're using soft custom set 1 but your hitnormal is has a 2 on the end so you're just using default hitsounds which sounds like aids
there's a soft-hitnormal without any numbers in the folder

00:02:408 (2408|1) - This note is mistimed

Before I go any further, going to fully disclose my biases and say that I think LN mapping is a poor form of mapping so don't take anything too personally
00:10:179 (10179|3,10390|0) - Combining 1/4 and 1/6 sliders plays awfully unless you keep a pattern which you have not
eh, they play the same. unless you fully hold these kind of sliders towards the end?

00:09:123 (9123|1) - according to your scheme shouldnt this be a 1/6 slider?

00:11:341 (11341|0,11446|2) - Why are these flipped? The sound did not change at all so it should still be a 1/6 into a 1/4

00:16:200 (16200|0,16235|1) - This feels like intentionally tripping the player which is not great. Seeing a difference of 1/6 on your first playthrough when there's no reason for their to be one is rough
if that is rough then the rest of the map is sandpaper. this is fine, and it's appropriate to the song.

00:16:517 (16517|2) - This should be shorter

00:17:362 (17362|2,17362|3) - Why are these different lengths? The two instruments play for the same amount of time

00:22:221 (22221|2) - This stream actually speeds up exponentially. Whether you want to do anything about it is up to you
it's too hard to be there. tho I will think about it.

00:24:334 (24334|1) - Don't make this a quad, make it a triple like the last crash
the reason the first crash is a hand, is because of the 1/8 stream.

00:56:446 (56446|2) - This isn't strong enough to justify a triple

00:57:608 (57608|2) - Why is the hat a double like the kick/clap? It should be a single
it's the piano. although it's actually on the 1/6 snap, I want to simplify it.

01:02:784 (62784|2) - If this SV change Is going to be here, you should be consistent and add it for all instances of this in the song. next is here 01:04:475 (64475|3)
it's for the whistle that is fading out

01:40:179 (100179|0,100390|1) - ctrl+right arrow then ctrl+h for pitch relevancy
this 01:39:862 (99862|0,100179|0) - is the same pitch

01:40:179 (100179|0,100390|1) - ctrl+h for pitch relevancy. first 3 have same pitch as well so i mean... could jack
I think you meant this 01:42:925 -

01:51:799 (111799|3,112115|3,112221|3) - This is not comfortable to play at all

02:44:404 (164404|0,164404|1,164510|0,164510|1) - Why are these both doubles?
for some reason I thought there was a kick there. though I still hear it at 02:44:404 -
I don't think all those red points are really that necessary
unnecessary, as in not needed, or barely affect anything? Anyway i'm amplifying it a bit

That's all from me
thanks, will mod yours tomorrow

Topic Starter
1366x768 is not a shitty resolution. I know the RC allows you to have 1980x1200 backgrounds and I really like that, but the original resolution is below that value, thus, adding something above the original resolution would actually make the image worse.

Regardless of that, thank you for the osu! mania mods, everything updated!
Where is CTB
Topic Starter
I don't have anyone to do a CTB diff ;w;
hi can i make ctb?/// im so pro mapper
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We are doing IRC mod and actually, this map is best map ever i'm played! <3

18:27 KittyAdventure: Hi, are you busy now/
18:27 KittyAdventure: ?*
18:29 Kuron-kun: hi c:
18:29 Kuron-kun: not now but
18:29 Kuron-kun: I'll leave in 2 hours
18:29 KittyAdventure:
18:30 KittyAdventure: Nice map but are you want IRC mod now?
18:30 KittyAdventure: Some part is distrubing me
18:30 Kuron-kun: sure sure~
18:30 Kuron-kun: just let me apply a mod here, ok? xD
18:31 KittyAdventure: ok
18:31 KittyAdventure: I really like a challenge map like this xD
18:31 Kuron-kun: thanks <3
18:35 Kuron-kun: Okay, I'm ready now
18:36 *KittyAdventure is editing [ KikuoHana - Nobore! Susume! Takai Tou [The Tragic Story of the Great Tower]]
18:37 KittyAdventure: 00:26:869 (4,5,6) - Can you give a bit that spacing?
18:38 KittyAdventure: I mean i'm almost can't read it xD
18:38 KittyAdventure: since it's stack, i mean give a bit that spacing
18:38 Kuron-kun: oh, okay, I'll space (4) a bit more
18:38 Kuron-kun: is it better?
18:38 Kuron-kun:
18:39 KittyAdventure: better =w=)b
18:39 KittyAdventure: 00:42:925 (1,2) - Actually, it's fine, just i'm confused with slider 2
18:40 Kuron-kun: oh, I thought it would be confusing too but everyone who played it just did it fine
18:40 Kuron-kun: so I guess it's okay xD
18:40 Kuron-kun: plus, I like it
18:40 KittyAdventure: me too lol xD
18:40 Kuron-kun: same would go for those 1/6
18:40 Kuron-kun: I was like "no way someone can read that"
18:40 Kuron-kun: but everyone did so I kept it
18:40 KittyAdventure: 1/6 not problem
18:41 KittyAdventure: If someone hear 1/6, so they can read it xD
18:41 Kuron-kun: I guess so...
18:41 KittyAdventure: 00:56:446 (1,4) - Hmm, It's blanket?
18:42 Kuron-kun: well it was supposed to be :C
18:42 Kuron-kun: okay, fixed it!
18:42 KittyAdventure: If it's blanket, i'm afraid the player can't see it
18:42 KittyAdventure: 00:56:799 (2,3) - I not sure about that flow
18:42 KittyAdventure: since, 00:56:446 (1,4) - It's blanket
18:43 KittyAdventure: btw, 00:56:799 (2,3) - I almost read it as 1/4
18:43 KittyAdventure: not 1/6 :<
18:43 Kuron-kun: oh okay, so I'll stack 00:57:080 (4) - on 00:56:024 (1) -
18:43 KittyAdventure: 01:03:630 (2,3,4) - Blanket
18:43 KittyAdventure: fine :3
18:44 KittyAdventure: 01:05:320 (2,3,4) - ^
18:44 Kuron-kun: that was the 1/6 I was talking about... 95% of the testplays could read it well xD
18:44 Kuron-kun: so I'm not sure whether I should change them or not
18:44 KittyAdventure: ok :3
18:44 Kuron-kun: fixed that blanket too
18:45 KittyAdventure: 01:33:630 (1,2,3) - Fix a bit that blanket
18:46 Kuron-kun: am I that bad with blankets? :(
18:46 KittyAdventure: x:139| y:154
18:46 KittyAdventure: Actually, not all
18:46 KittyAdventure: just this case, the stack make the blanket is not perfect xD
18:46 KittyAdventure: I mean, it's need to top it a bit
18:47 KittyAdventure: on*
18:47 KittyAdventure: not top
18:47 Kuron-kun: oh okay
18:47 Kuron-kun: fixed it, though
18:47 KittyAdventure: 01:34:475 (5,6,7) - How about Slider (5) is NC?
18:48 KittyAdventure: 01:34:475 (5) - *
18:48 Kuron-kun: okay!
18:50 KittyAdventure: 02:09:123 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I not sure about this flow
18:50 KittyAdventure: but not big deal
18:50 KittyAdventure: so, it's fine :3
18:51 Kuron-kun: while people played it, it didn't feel so bad
18:51 Kuron-kun: so it's okay~
18:52 KittyAdventure: 02:58:982 (5,10) - NC since it's new sound
18:53 KittyAdventure: 03:01:517 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - You always know what is my favorite flow xD
18:53 KittyAdventure: <3
18:53 Kuron-kun: really? :O
18:53 Kuron-kun: some people didn't like it but I loved it
18:53 KittyAdventure: OFC <333
18:54 KittyAdventure: I like jump flow with 1/4 slider <3
18:54 KittyAdventure: btw, Are you fixed NC?
18:54 Kuron-kun: 03:04:052 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I've nerfed this a bit, it was really higher than how it's now
18:54 Kuron-kun: yes, I did
18:54 KittyAdventure: 03:46:306 (6) - NC
18:55 KittyAdventure: Ah, I forget that
18:55 Kuron-kun: okay
18:55 KittyAdventure: 03:04:052 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Actually it's up to you, but can you make it a bit is easier?
18:55 KittyAdventure: I mean it's really to harder to read it
18:56 KittyAdventure: (Fun fact: I can read it xddd)
18:56 Kuron-kun: I've already made this easier... I don't know :c
18:56 Kuron-kun: the song is so intense on that part
18:56 KittyAdventure: 03:04:756 (1,2,3,4) - <3
18:56 KittyAdventure: well, it's okay if can't
18:57 KittyAdventure: maybe waiting what BN say about it?
18:57 KittyAdventure: it*
18:57 Kuron-kun: monstrata actually liked it xD
18:57 KittyAdventure: xD
18:57 Kuron-kun: and fun fact about 03:04:897 (1,2,3,4) -
18:57 Kuron-kun: she sings something about rising a tower
18:57 Kuron-kun: and the pattern is rising
18:57 KittyAdventure: nice xD
18:57 Kuron-kun: *totally not intentional*
18:58 KittyAdventure: 03:55:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - How about NC after slider (2), like slider (1,2) and slider (3) - NC
18:58 KittyAdventure: to make it more harder, maybe xD
18:59 Kuron-kun: oh I really forgot to NC this lol
18:59 Kuron-kun: I was going to NC it, believe me xDDDD
18:59 Kuron-kun: I just forgot
18:59 KittyAdventure: 04:14:364 (7) - move y to 164
18:59 KittyAdventure: lol xD
18:59 KittyAdventure: and NC
18:59 KittyAdventure: it
18:59 KittyAdventure: ehh, sorry
18:59 KittyAdventure: it's not NC
18:59 KittyAdventure: sorry ;w;
19:00 Kuron-kun: oh okay, but improved the blanketr
19:00 Kuron-kun: blanket*
19:00 KittyAdventure: not
19:00 KittyAdventure: just move slider (4) in y to 164
19:00 KittyAdventure: and it's already blanket xD
19:01 Kuron-kun: did that!
19:01 KittyAdventure: ok :3
19:01 KittyAdventure: 04:30:233 (1) - Oh god, that why from this part is really speed, you use SV 1.30x xD
19:01 KittyAdventure: I feel more spirit xD
19:02 Kuron-kun: that was the intention~
19:02 Kuron-kun: get harder every kiai
19:02 KittyAdventure: 04:40:373 (1) - move x and y to 336|205
19:02 KittyAdventure: x:336|y:205
19:02 KittyAdventure: I really love it <3
19:02 Kuron-kun: okay!
19:04 KittyAdventure: ok!
19:04 KittyAdventure: it's perfect now xD
19:04 KittyAdventure: I need waiting your map is ranked <3
19:04 Kuron-kun: thank you for the awesome mod <3
19:05 KittyAdventure: no problem :3

Good luck! :3
Topic Starter
thank you, cute! <3
The Tragic Story of the Great Tower

- 00:12:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think just using consistent spacing is better here. The increased spacing isn't very linear, so it's hard to see a pattern. I think you're trying to make it accelerate, but I don't think there are enough objects for the effect to be seen. If you want to increase, make it a linear increase rather than an acceleration.
- 00:20:953 (3) - NC since this is a new measure and new pattern,.
- 01:03:946 (3,4,5,6) - Quite different from 01:05:637 (3,4,5,6) - . i liked the second one better. The stack + 3 note triplet on the first seemed rather weird.
- 01:09:968 (1,2) - This deserves some emphasis. You could make 01:09:968 (1) - a 1/2 slider instead and add another circle on the blue tick.
- 01:10:601 (3,4) - Deserves some emphasis too.
- 01:21:376 (3,4) - I think this jump is a bit too big... especially since 4 isn't that emphasized (I would argue 3 should deserve more cuz of the pitch).
- 01:43:137 (2) - Just an idea, but what about using two sliders instead and havin them like close together.
- 02:39:545 (1,4) - Making these symmetrical looks nicer.
- 03:21:693 (1) - maybe end it on 03:24:862 - cuz there's that instrument sound that ends ther? idk xD
- 03:50:531 (1,2) - Blanketting would look nice.
- 04:04:409 (8,9,1) - This is a calmer section. Imo mapping the 1/8's here isn't really appropriate for how simple the song is.
- 04:08:773 (7,8,1) - ^
- 04:11:636 (1,2,3) - You could try increasing the SV for each slider to emphasize the vocal's pitch increasing.
- 04:29:388 (1) - I would make this a 1/2 slider and add a circle on 04:29:704 - instead. The added click really helps start the section imo.
- 04:34:458 (5,7) - Make them the same slider shape? Right now 7 just looks out of place.
- 04:40:373 (1,2,3) - Not really liking the flow here. 1>2 really flows counterclockwise.
- 05:03:613 (7,8) - This should be two 1/4 sliders instead. There's an extra drum on 05:03:824 - .


Awesome. Call me back!
Caput Mortuum
Oh man gotta catch up
02:50:953 (8) - Ctrl + g or try stop mapping
Topic Starter

Monstrata wrote:

The Tragic Story of the Great Tower

- 00:12:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think just using consistent spacing is better here. The increased spacing isn't very linear, so it's hard to see a pattern. I think you're trying to make it accelerate, but I don't think there are enough objects for the effect to be seen. If you want to increase, make it a linear increase rather than an acceleration. Yeah, you're right. I was thinking the same but for some reason didn't change it yet xD.
- 00:20:953 (3) - NC since this is a new measure and new pattern,. Surely. Remade the pattern as well. It was kinda weird how it was before.
- 01:03:946 (3,4,5,6) - Quite different from 01:05:637 (3,4,5,6) - . i liked the second one better. The stack + 3 note triplet on the first seemed rather weird. Yep, even me, testplaying it, was misclicking it because it was too confusing.
- 01:09:968 (1,2) - This deserves some emphasis. You could make 01:09:968 (1) - a 1/2 slider instead and add another circle on the blue tick. Remade some patterns, improving their emphasis.
- 01:10:601 (3,4) - Deserves some emphasis too. Same!
- 01:21:376 (3,4) - I think this jump is a bit too big... especially since 4 isn't that emphasized (I would argue 3 should deserve more cuz of the pitch). Reamde a bit of the pattern, the emphasis is now higher on (1), but I'd rather keep the DS increasing because of the back piano. As I can hear its emphasis is increasing as well.
- 01:43:137 (2) - Just an idea, but what about using two sliders instead and havin them like close together. Really nice idea o: I made it with repeat because the song sounded like it was "repeating" itself, but that seems more interesting.
- 02:39:545 (1,4) - Making these symmetrical looks nicer. Not sure why I didn't make them symmetrical xD.
- 03:21:693 (1) - maybe end it on 03:24:862 - cuz there's that instrument sound that ends ther? idk xD Aw, I feel that keeping it there emphasises that instrument better. I'd rather keep it.
- 03:50:531 (1,2) - Blanketting would look nice. It was supposed to be a blanket already!!
- 04:04:409 (8,9,1) - This is a calmer section. Imo mapping the 1/8's here isn't really appropriate for how simple the song is. Yep, I was already considering doing that!
- 04:08:773 (7,8,1) - ^ Same.
- 04:11:636 (1,2,3) - You could try increasing the SV for each slider to emphasize the vocal's pitch increasing. Nice idea <3
- 04:29:388 (1) - I would make this a 1/2 slider and add a circle on 04:29:704 - instead. The added click really helps start the section imo. Yeah, it really feels better.
- 04:34:458 (5,7) - Make them the same slider shape? Right now 7 just looks out of place. Not sure why I did that xD.
- 04:40:373 (1,2,3) - Not really liking the flow here. 1>2 really flows counterclockwise. Should be really better now!
- 05:03:613 (7,8) - This should be two 1/4 sliders instead. There's an extra drum on 05:03:824 - . Done!


Awesome. Call me back!
Thanks for the awesome mod <3
Topic Starter

Tarrasky wrote:

02:50:953 (8) - Ctrl + g or try stop mapping
I've actually did a Ctrl + G here but I don't know if that's worth a kds... gave it anyway!
claro q n pode, agora vo ter q fazer um mod de vdd, damn espera eu voltar da facul q faço hoje
hi , NM here as requested by eraser..


  1. HP is fine but i think you must reduce the OD to 8 or even 7.8 , its pretty noodly , i mean longnotes dense its kinda high (rip english)
[Eraser's Minaret]
  1. 00:02:317 (2317|0,2385|1) - 4|1 or 2|1 to follow the pitch and flow maybe?
  2. 00:23:594 (23594|0) - move to 3 and move this 00:23:700 (23700|2,23911|2,24123|2) - to 1 maybe , for some reason its more comfortable *imo
  3. 00:36:059 (36059|3) - 00:35:848 (35848|3,36059|3) - this last two should be 1/6 i think
  4. 00:38:700 - you can do this if you want , this has a pretty good pitch..
  5. 00:43:982 - same with before
  6. 01:05:108 - , both side have enough space and pretty easy to tap
  7. 01:11:235 (71235|1) - mvoe this to 1?
  8. 01:14:615 (74615|2) - move to 4
  9. 01:26:235 - maybe two short LNs at 2|3
  10. 01:33:313 (93313|2,93524|2) - maybe this two need to be placed at 4 , to balance this 01:32:784 (92784|0,92996|0) - or you can make it like this
  11. 01:42:714 (102714|2,102784|1,102855|2) - move this trill to left ? col 1 looks empty
  12. 01:50:108 (110108|1,110108|3,110320|2,110320|3) - i think single is enough
  13. 01:56:446 (116446|0,116552|1,116658|0,116763|1,116869|0,116975|1,117080|0) - kinda not uncomfortable to see this , try
  14. 02:02:573 - 02:02:996 - fill this?
  15. 02:04:052 - col 3 empty
  16. 02:17:256 - add notes at 1
  17. 02:37:115 (157115|2) - dlete
  18. 02:50:953 (170953|1,171270|2) - this 2 is not worth to be LNs , im pretty sure
  19. 04:13:273 (253273|1) - move to 1
  20. 04:19:545 (259545|1) - ^
  21. 04:44:176 - i think its better to have trill at the center , so , or maybe if you doesnt make the same thing somehow you can place it on 1|4 and make it like a mirror from the next trill at 04:45:761 -
  22. 04:57:275 - until 05:04:035 - i wont mention it for each one , but you must look for the balance here , if you decrease the timeline zoom , you will know that right hand is have a big load to handle.. i mean the right side column is more dense than the left side.. so maybe you can do something about this. this is just for example 04:57:275 (297275|2,297381|2,297486|3,297592|2,297697|3,297909|2,298120|2,298226|3,298331|2) - and 04:58:859 (298859|3,298965|3,298965|2,299176|3,299282|2,299388|3,299599|3,299704|2,299810|3,300021|3,300127|2,300233|3,300444|3,300550|2,300655|2,300655|3) -

thats all , thanks for requesting and goodluck ~
Topic Starter
omg you broke the forum
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