
Disgaea Discussion

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Thought I'd find out how many other osu! players also enjoy a spot of the Disgaea series every now and then.

So to start it off, is anyone interested in the 4th upcoming Disgaea title known as A Promise Unforgotten?
Main link:

From the looks of the main page at the official American site, we'll be seeing Laharl, Flonne (back in her angel look, not the prior fallen angel version) and Etna again which should be for some decent comedy. I think up the top-left of the group shot is Raspberyl as well but uncertain

I've found the new main characters in this (excluding Disgaea 2's Axel) to be fairly interesting from what their introduction stories are like with the main protagonists: Valvatorez being labelled as a 'tyrant vampire' and Vulcanus(?) as the 'thief angel' to fill in this title's couple set-up.

The main upgrade I'm looking forward to in this is the graphics overall compared to how dull the game run and how (honestly) crap Disgaea 3 looked on the big screen.

It'll be interesting to see which characters come back as DLC as well. Will they just be randomly added in or will their story for appearing this time around be actually interesting?
From the looks of it we're getting quite a few of the old favourites already which is good.

I do wonder if this will hit the Playstation Vita as well, since it'll be good to waste my time waiting on transport again in this game like I did (and still do) with my PSP for Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days.
I've only played the first and third Disgaea games and I was frankly unimpressed at the lack of gameplay mechanic changes between the two. After watching the trailer for Disgaea 4, it seems like it will be more of the same once more. I was intrigued by the idea of my manliest fantasy coming true, but that's not big enough of a selling point for me. Speaking of which, I may as well link the trailer since it's the first thing anyone interested in the game would want to watch.

When I saw the trailer for Disgaea 3 I was like oh neat they added a couple new things like the class world and monsters as weapons. Had I known about pirating, pirating Pirates, and pirating Pirate Pirating Pirate Pirates, I'd have been even more excited, but it didn't matter. It's a Disgaea game, I will like it.

The Disgaea 4 trailer completely blew me away though. That's the goal of a trailer, to make the game look better than it really is (Prototype did this VERY effectively) but at least they're stepping up the quality even more, not to mention the actual graphical engine for a fucking change of pace.

Yep, excited. Might even take time off work for it.
Hardcore Disgaea fan here~

I've only played Disgaea 1 and 2 for the PSP however, (I don't own a PS2 or a PS3)

It's a shame really that I haven't played D3 yet, and there's the upcoming D4 too.

I just heard this silly rumor from wherever but I dunno
Disgaea 4's gonna have a 5 digit level cap? (99,999)
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Reaching level 9999 was ridiculous enough, I didn't even both trying to track how long it took me originally to take a stock level 1 character and build them to reaching the initial 1000 marker (which turned into a default minimum character level lol), then tacking on the rest of the levels.

Two things I'm utterly thankful they included would have to be the Cave of Ordeals stage 4 (no one can ever bad mouth it) and the Land of Carnage, these additions made level grinding infinitely less time consuming, it was also partially enjoyable as well for building up character weapon skills as well.

I'm looking forward to running Asagi as one of my main party members again, she's just so awesome.
Fuka Kazamatsuri seems fairly hilarious as well, might be a new addition to my main line-up and something fresh for a change.

The new classes in Disgaea 4 seem fairly interesting:
- Android
- Battle Suits
- Onmyo Monks
- Professors
- Nekotama Guard (name to be confirmed/changed after the competition that NISA are holding via their site)
- and I think there was a Bouncer or something class as well

Really will be interesting to see if any of the weapons have lost their item ranks (introduction of new hyper weapons?) or if they'll remain unchanged.
Same can be said about the 'skills' for the weapons, classes and magic abilities.
Disgaea 4 will still only have a 9999 Level cap; Nippon Ichi already stated as such in one of their trailers.

I've played all three (Disgaea 1 on DS + PSP, Disgaea 2 on PSP and PS2, 3 - PS3, etc) And still enjoy the gameplay, even if it's the same core components.

Why? Because of the humor and enjoyability stemming from getting all those stat increasing items, those stupid endings you get when you beat a midboss when you're SUPPOSED to die, etc.

That and because all you'll ever really need is a level 2000 samurai with maxed out legendary gear and residents.

Am I the only one excited that there's a girl in a prinny suit, simply because the government didn't have the money to make her a full fledged prinny?
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Azure_Kyte wrote:

Am I the only one excited that there's a girl in a prinny suit, simply because the government didn't have the money to make her a full fledged prinny?
That was beyond hilarious when I read it the first time from a translation an online friend quickly gave to me from when the information about Luka came out on the Japanese website.
I actually woke up one of my roommates which was quite funny as well.

ampzz wrote:

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Am I the only one excited that there's a girl in a prinny suit, simply because the government didn't have the money to make her a full fledged prinny?
That was beyond hilarious when I read it the first time from a translation an online friend quickly gave to me from when the information about Luka came out on the Japanese website.
I actually woke up one of my roommates which was quite funny as well.
I had to laugh so hard when I heard about it too
But seriously, Fuuka is <3 (Although her official name is Fuka)


Azure_Kyte wrote:

Am I the only one excited that there's a girl in a prinny suit, simply because the government didn't have the money to make her a full fledged prinny?
Asagi's already done this before

and HER prinny suit came with a bomb installed in it
She did!? Well, she'll never be a main character or anything, so she doesn't count.
I'm not even sure if there will ever be a Makai Wars game.
Or will it forever be "that-game-that-got-cancelled"
What a running gag.
I only play this game because of the story. too bad i dont own a PS3 for 3 and 4. :<
what's the difference of Disgaea 1 on PSP and PS2?

Pizzicatto wrote:

what's the difference of Disgaea 1 on PSP and PS2?
PSP Version has a different voice actress for Etna (Better)
Has a few better stuff
Cameo appearances from Disgaea 2 Characters (Adell and Rozalin) in form of Boss Battle
And a few other shit, I can't remember what they are.

I think the PSP version had some extra maps in the Warp Gate. Could be wrong, though.
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For a full (at least I think it is) list of the changes made from the PSP version of Disgaea you can check it out here: ... f_Darkness

As far as I know, Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days has had the most notable amount of changes and additions without a resulting 'give and take' mantra that Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness suffered from.

Still a shame that the Americanised version of D2:DHD didn't get Dark Eclair, Gig and Miabel as DLC which was available to the Japanese PSN.
It would've made the game just that bit more enjoyable but thankfully they decided against loosely placing them in due to all the glitches and bugs these characters suffered from.
My first Disgaea was the one on the DS....

Anyone played Soul Nomad?

Most of the Nippon Ichi Software Games I want to play but is only available for the PS2 :(
Soul Nomad was my first NIS game.

To top that off, Etna's the best loli ever.

Quaraezha wrote:

No love for the angel girl?
Flonne > Etna
Hanako Adult < all of them.

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Flonne > Etna
Hanako Adult < all of them.
Mid-Boss > Everyone
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How can anyone forsake the amazing qualities of CAPTAIN GORDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!?
Dude turns into a Light Saber!
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Need some amazing help with weapon (and armour) conquesting in Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days...

How the heck do you get the rank 40 items again and what are their names?
You get Rank 40 items by Item Worlding legendary Rank 39 items and stealing the drop from the Item God 2 that dwells within

I haven't played Soul Nomad, but I have an image of it somewhere, I believe. The only NIS game I've played that I didn't think was good was the one where Zetta was the main character - Makai Kingdom, I believe it was called. That game was kind of bland imo.

Soul Nomad looked interesting, even though Laharl was almost completely absent from it. He was like 2 lines of dialog.
Fan of the series reporting in. Never heard of Soul Nomad though. But anyways Etna rocks!
Etna looks best in an afro
The anime... well...
What do you guys think?
it was alright but suffered from being an anime

NIS games have amazing voice actors/voice acting, but when anime are dubbed, they usually don't bother editing the video itself so the non-native VAs need to speak to the animation rather than having the animation animate to the VA, so the voice acting is a bit choppy and feels unnatural
I agree, NISAmerica Games did have splendid English voice acting for a Japanese Game.
Even though some are for gags and good in a funny way. They're still good.


Salvatore from Disgaea 3 though
I'm not sure if I should be happy about her English voice.
I just don't feel it.
I got the anime for free, so I'm not complaining.
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I've never been a fan of dubbed anime/games with the original source being from Japan so my opinion is a little biased since I highly disliked the majority of the voice acting, it just felt too...forced? I think is the word I was after.
They didn't seem to fit the roles how I tried envisioning them to.
What's all this? Disgaea: Hour of darkness didn't have japanese voice option. So I had to listen the few first convos in english. My ears started to bleed almost immediately and I lost a fair amount of hair. Then I gained control and went to options to disable the voice. Played the whole game like that. But this is just me I guess.


I guess this is their way of going OH GOD THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE PENISES!

inb4 pirates take Japanese version and shove English dub and text into it. I'll be there with them.
Disgaea 4 release date 4 days away.

It's so close!

Haha, I preordered and have the game in my hands right now. Brb losing 200+ hours of my life.
This 200 hours you speak of is a worthy commitment. It's no "Loss" by any sense of the word :)
I want to try this series

Which game should I start with?

Zerostarry wrote:

I want to try this series

Which game should I start with?
It's very difficult (For me) to go back and play 1 after playing 2, and 2 after playing 3. There are certain features that make gameplay much quicker in each sequel. If you want to try the whole series, start with 1.

If you want to know how it plays as a whole, try 3 or grab 4.

Oh, and I know it's not a "loss" technically, but then I'll start over from scratch again in the future and use up another 200+ hours. (I did that twice in D3)

Zerostarry wrote:

I want to try this series

Which game should I start with?
Disgaea 1 PSP if possible

awp wrote:

Disgaea 1 PSP if possible
Forgot about the remakes. Yeah, any of the remakes/rereleases should be fine for the earlier games.
If you're going to play the earlier games, just play them for the story mostly then move on to the next one, assuming that's cost-effective for you.

If not, just start with 4, since it's guaranteed to have the best gameplay by far.
I am happy to see they've apparently chosen to expand on the pirating stuff. Though Disgaea 3 allowed you to pirate pirate pirating pirate pirates so I don't know where you go from there.
I just ordered the super cool premium edition + figurine set because i wanted to waste that much money.

I am also pumped. This'll be great, and I'm already wasting another few hundred hours with Hyperdimension Neptunia (what. It's a Nippon Ichi title?)

Azure_Kyte wrote:

I am also pumped. This'll be great, and I'm already wasting another few hundred hours with Hyperdimension Neptunia (what. It's a Nippon Ichi title?)
But it's an Idea Fuck Factory title.

adam2046 wrote:

Azure_Kyte wrote:

I am also pumped. This'll be great, and I'm already wasting another few hundred hours with Hyperdimension Neptunia (what. It's a Nippon Ichi title?)
But it's an Idea Fuck Factory title.

I have an NIS America Logo on tthe cover, I dun care Stop making me look stupider than I am
Fuka's Second unlockable Evility: "Prinny Annihilation" - Increases Fuka's stats by 20% for every prinny defeated on the map.

Combined with these strategies I already use:

Use level 1's as sacrifices normally.
Use prinny charaters as level 1 sacrifices normally.

The Evility works on all prinnies killed in any way on map. Including allies.

I've finally found a main character I'm going to level up past 100 for non-ending purposes. That evility is just amazing.
that's pretty significant, especially for Prinny Sports levels
Custom Level creation is a bit limited even though I enjoy it. Hopefully they'll patch it back up to JP standards in the future. I've also only tried the base allowances they give you without any online play. (Planning to do online stuff only after I've beaten the game.)
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