
Add optional Hotkey to Collections

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +15
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I love managing my Collections but honeslty it gets tiring if you have so many maps and want to add them. you always need to go to "Manage Collections" and you need to do this for EVERY MAP...

How it works:

You go to "Manage Collections" and there you can see all your Collections and to the left of the "Rename" Button there should be a "Add Hotkey" Button. you choose a key (we choose C) and then if you have selected a song press Control + Shift (or just Control but it would bring up problems because of other hotkeys) and then press your key you chose for that Collection (Ctrl + Shift + C) and it would add the beatmap (all difficulties) to the Collection you set the key. and if you want to only add one Beatmap you could do (Ctrl + Alt + C) for that. if you see a song in your collection that you dont want you select it and then again use the hotkey (Ctrl + Shift/Alt + C) to remove it. this would be extremely useful and would make setting up Collections much faster. if you dont like the idea but have a similar idea you can also tell me what your idea is! i would love to see what you came up with :D

thanks for reading!
That's a smart idea! I can relate to you about managing my collections.
Sandy Hoey
Would this help to? Adding or deleting multiple songs at once from collections t/224601/
Topic Starter

Sandy Hoey wrote:

Would this help to? Adding or deleting multiple songs at once from collections t/224601/
this actually isnt what i quite meant. read the feature req again :)
Sandy Hoey
Ah, guess it didnt quite make sense to me since I never use collections. Lul. Interesting though
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