- The website title of the Country Ranking is "osu! - Player Ranking". Should be changed to "osu! - Country Ranking".
- Based on a previous feature request.
Country rankings are updated once every day, combining the score and playcount of all players in each country group. Click a specific country's name to get a breakdown of all players from that location.
As of now this ranking simply sums up all player's ranked score of a country which results in a ranking based mostly on the countries with more users (Japan, China, Taiwan, United States and Republic of Korea).
To me this ranking isn't real because countries with more players are always on top of the countries with lesser players.
My suggestion is to be able to order the ranking by the Average Score. No need for accuracy, total score, playcount like the previous feature request says.
- There's a better suggestion than my 2. suggestion: Countries ranking suggestion. based on a skill
This would be GREAT.
- Country Ranking for other modes
Not everyone plays osu! mode so having a Taiko and CtB Country Ranking is only natural.
- Rank on Country Leaderboard should appear in profile
0_o wrote:
It's an interesting stat, and I think it would be fun to show off
I also think BanchBot should make an announcement when someone becomes #1 in their country.
Yet I still think that if possible it'd be a good addition.peppy wrote:
This would require a huge amount of processin to get working.
- Show change in ranking on Country Leaderboards
0_o wrote:
I think it would be nice to have the change in rankings displayed on the Country leaderboards ( etc), ie the green and red arrows.