
New osu! ingame ranking lists

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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With osu!next coming, one thing that could use an upgrade are the current ingame scoreboardrankinglists
You could argue that you can split this feature in two new things: Being able to search one player's score, and being able to show scores for selected mods in other scorerankinglists too.

This picture the perfect tl;dr for this post

First thing is being able to search the score of a specific player. Right now the only way is to add the specific player as a friend, and than look them up in the friend rankings, and usually, unfriending them afterwards. Kind of weird way to find a certain players score. With this new 'Search player' optionbar people could click it, type in the name of the player, press enter, and check out their topscore. (showing all submitted scores of that player would be a little too much)

Then, in addition I'd say we give every ranking list, Global, Country, Friend and Searched Player, the option of showing topscores with a certain mod(s) equipped. Right now that's only possible for Global ranking, it'd be interesting see scores with certain mod(s) for any ranking list. Instead of adding a new (Selected mod(s)) bar for each, it'd better to just use a checkmark box or something similar.

With that all, I'm pretty confident that I can say these new scoreboards/rankinglists would provide enough information to suffice everyone's interest, while still looking simplistic and very easy to use. I decided to stuff this all in 1 feature as I don't want 5 different separate features with 'countryselectedmod' 'friendselectedmod' 'searchplayeroption' 'searchplayerselectedmod' etc. I hope you understand me!

Whether these things are for osu!supporter only, is something I think we should let peppy/osu!staff decide theirselves. Of course you make it osu!supporter only, would make up for a very good additional reason to have people support osu!

Edit1: In addition, a rankingboard where you could see every score of a player.
It would only show the highest score of different mod combinations, it would NOT show multiple submitted scores with the same mod
The good thing about this: If you see a map and want to know multiple scores of a player, it's easier to have this option. Otherwise you'd have to try every mod combination yourself to see whether someone has a score with that (You might want to know whether someone has EZ, EZHD, EZFL, EZDT or EZHDDT) which would be alot of unecessary searching and clicking. Suggested by Razuh.
I agree with the first option
The 2nd has basically been requested here -> t/545595
Topic Starter

Razuh wrote:

I think that as an alternate option to having to filter the individual player's score by mods, you could have an expand button on map that they have multiple different scores on (this could also work in your friends leaderboards, perhaps having a little circle with a '+' in it next to their top score that enables you to expand to see their other mod plays. Perhaps that'd be too complicated, but I personally feel that it would be quite intuitive.
Yes that would be better

As in something like this?

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