
Hmm... new player going to hit leaderboards? I dont know

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Hello, im Garmanity
Reason, i dislike humans as a species
Garbage + humanity = Garmanity
Asides from that awful reputation earning intro im actually a decent person.
My plans is to become a good and well known player, you know, WWW, cookie, rafis? Even though im rank 240K ish i play osu atleast 6+ hours a day, and im constantly practicing jumps and streams
" what inspired me to become a good player"
I feel as if osu feels very satisfying when you're really good at it, and I've always wanted to see my name on top 5, because im a massive underachiever :( and people like doomsday push me forward because hes great with a mouse, and taught me you dont need to have good equipment ( even though im tablet he still inspires me)
" why do i have that much time to play 6+ hours"
Im too young to have a job, but homework and studying sometimes gets in the way
Got to start young!
Sandy Hoey
Welcome to the forums and good luck with your climb to the top
o x
Welcome to the forums! Also did you know Angelsim uses a mouse? And he was #1 for a while. As long as you get good at the setup you use than anything is possible! Hope to see you as one of the top players one day.
will never fc
"At least 6 hours a day"

Remember to rest every so often, it's not worth to get any injuries from a video game.
Mas Hiro
lel good luck and pls lick cookiezi if you can >:V
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