
Kanon Wakeshima - Tsukinami [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017 at 3:36:58

Artist: Kanon Wakeshima
Title: Tsukinami
Tags: J-POP naotyu- 千葉 直樹 anime アニメマシテ
BPM: 180
Filesize: 3663kb
Play Time: 02:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2,12 stars, 273 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (4,28 stars, 773 notes)
  3. Kantan (1,42 stars, 163 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (2,87 stars, 424 notes)
  5. Oni (3,43 stars, 577 notes)
Download: Kanon Wakeshima - Tsukinami
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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All by me
  1. Full ver. here
  2. Check Kagetsu's mapset
  3. Check Silky's mapset
  1. Uploaded beatmap - 09/01
  2. All diff's done - 09/01
  3. Added BG - 09/01
  4. Applied Q____X's mod - 14/01
  5. Applied [ R ]'s Mod - 16/01
  6. Applied desireofpainx's Mod - 16/01
  7. Applied game rock's Mod - 18/01
  8. Applied Nifty's Mod - 19/01
  9. Applied Jaye's Mod - 21/01
  10. Applied Ellyu's Mod - 26/01
  11. Applied qoot8123's Mod - 30/01
  12. Renamed "Muzukashii" to "Lite Oni" - 30/01
  13. Adjusted SV - 30/01
  14. Added new "Muzukashii" - 30/01
  15. Applied Hitsu's Mod - 01/02
  16. Applied JessiChan's Mod - 02/02
  17. Applied Smallwu's Mod - 05/02
  18. Applied Diva Days's Mod - 05/02
  19. Applied Kurai's Mod - 06/02
  20. Applied Stefan's Mod - 09/02
  21. Applied frukoyurdakul's Mod - 10/02
  22. Applied Raphalge's Mod - 11/02
  23. Applied Skylish's Mod - 12/02
  24. Applied Etsu's Mod - 20/02
  25. Fixed BG resolution - 20/02
  26. Applied 404 AccNotFound's mod - 23/03
  27. Applied davidminh0111's mod - 06/03
  28. Applied Volta's mod - 05/05
  29. Renamed "Lite Oni" to "Oni" - 05/05
  30. Applied Taikocracy's mod - 18/05
  31. Applied Melanie's mod - 03/06
  32. Applied Kith190's mod - 19/06
  33. Applied Ak1o's mod - 19/06
  34. Applied IControl's mod - 18/07
  35. Applied toara_fict mod - 30/07
  36. Applied Jonawaga's mod - 30/08
  37. Applied Prophecy's mod - 11/09
  38. Applied xfranczynho's mod - 22/09
  39. xfranczynho's bubble - 22/09
  40. Surono's Qualified - 30/09
Hit the bell if you want to know when I upload a new map!

Hola aqui esta mi mod ʕ/ ·ᴥ·ʔ/

  1. Desactiva el widescrren en kantan futsuu y muzukashii

    D: me perdonaras pero no encontre errores en la kantan, esta bien mapeada para mi

  • Aunque se que lo que haces es seguir el ritmo por lo general en una futsuu no se hacen combos muy largos, asi que trata de eliminar algunas notas

    00:11:658 (3) - d
    00:12:325 (4) - k para mantener simetria con 00:17:658 (17) - puesto que es el mismo ritmo
    00:16:992 (16) - d
    00:40:325 (73) - ^
    00:53:658 - hasta 01:09:658 - en mi opinion, partes como esta 00:54:991 (107,108) - deben ser k k sugeriria que pusieras ese ritmo en las otras partes iguales
    01:13:658 (152,153) - mover a 01:13:491 - y 01:13:325 (151) - cambiar a d
    01:16:325 (161,163) - k
    01:25:991 (184) - borra
    01:29:325 (193) - ^
    01:52:991 (2) - ^
    01:56:491 (15) - ^


  • 00:12:492 - d hay sonido aqui
    00:17:825 - ^
    00:23:158 - ^
    00:25:825 - hasta 00:26:991 - sugeriria que probaras este patron si no, puedes dejarlo como esta
    00:28:325 (81,82,83) - estos me suenan mas como kdk y quita el finisher en el 83 creo que sobra
    00:35:491 (119) - muvelo a 00:35:325 - ahi hay sonido
    00:35:575 - d sonaria bien
    00:40:825 - ^
    01:17:325 (12) - k

  • 00:12:492 - d aqui claramente hay sonido
    00:17:825 - ^
    00:23:158 - ^
    00:28:658 (110) - en mi opinion creo que el finisher sobra
    00:36:325 (165) - k
    01:16:991 (439) - k siento que hay un tono alto aqui
Espero que te haya servido mis sugerencias :?
Buena suerte con tu mapa :D
Topic Starter

Q____X wrote:

Hola aqui esta mi mod ʕ/ ·ᴥ·ʔ/

  1. Desactiva el widescrren en kantan futsuu y muzukashii No me di cuenta, arreglado

    D: me perdonaras pero no encontre errores en la kantan, esta bien mapeada para mi No importa, me ayudas igual :D

  • Aunque se que lo que haces es seguir el ritmo por lo general en una futsuu no se hacen combos muy largos, asi que trata de eliminar algunas notas Veré qué puedo hacer

    00:11:658 (3) - d Ok
    00:12:325 (4) - k para mantener simetria con 00:17:658 (17) - puesto que es el mismo ritmo Ok
    00:16:992 (16) - d Modificado
    00:40:325 (73) - ^ Ok
    00:53:658 - hasta 01:09:658 - en mi opinion, partes como esta 00:54:991 (107,108) - deben ser k k sugeriria que pusieras ese ritmo en las otras partes iguales En algunas las he cambiado, pero trato de variar
    01:13:658 (152,153) - mover a 01:13:491 - y 01:13:325 (151) - cambiar a d Ok
    01:16:325 (161,163) - k Modificado
    01:25:991 (184) - borra Ok
    01:29:325 (193) - ^ Ok
    01:52:991 (2) - ^ Ok
    01:56:491 (15) - ^ Esa la dejo ya que se escucha la batería. Si alguien más me lo remarca quizás lo quite


  • 00:12:492 - d hay sonido aqui
    00:17:825 - ^
    00:23:158 - ^ No los agregué ya que seguía el piano de fondo, pero creo quedó mejor
    00:25:825 - hasta 00:26:991 - sugeriria que probaras este patron si no, puedes dejarlo como esta Suena bien
    00:28:325 (81,82,83) - estos me suenan mas como kdk y quita el finisher en el 83 creo que sobra Lo cambié a kdk, pero el finisher lo dejo porque es mejor para mi
    00:35:491 (119) - muvelo a 00:35:325 - ahi hay sonido Corregido, no me di cuenta
    00:35:575 - d sonaria bien No pienso agregar kdk en Muzukashiis todavia
    00:40:825 - ^ Agregué ddd
    01:17:325 (12) - k Ok

  • 00:12:492 - d aqui claramente hay sonido
    00:17:825 - ^
    00:23:158 - ^ Agregados
    00:28:658 (110) - en mi opinion creo que el finisher sobra Lo mismo que en Muzukashii
    00:36:325 (165) - k No me gusta como queda
    01:16:991 (439) - k siento que hay un tono alto aqui Ok
Espero que te haya servido mis sugerencias :? Me han servido bastante :D
Buena suerte con tu mapa :D
Gracias por tu mod :)
Beatmap updated~

no need to put SV change in kantan~muzukashii (not recommended) volume change can stay with that

00:15:658 - change don, piano sound still low (also match with drum)
00:50:658 - add note ?
02:05:325 - add note ?

00:15:325 - delete
00:15:325 - delete ? to follow the piano (to much dkd)
00:20:658 - ^
00:21:325 - change don, drum pitch has drop
00:29:991 - delete ?

try this pattern (cursor at 01:13:991 - ) it will fit the drum

01:32:658 - same ? ^

01:35:991 - can delete this
01:40:825 - add note ?
01:42:491 - sems weird to hit in this part, maybe move 01:42:158 -

01:56:491 - delete ?

well maybe just that to lazy to mod other diff xd
consider to reduce some note in muzukashii until around 500
different note between futsuu~muzu = 318
different note between muzu~oni = 187

good luck
Topic Starter

[R] wrote:

yo o/

no need to put SV change in kantan~muzukashii (not recommended) volume change can stay with that The change is not very noticeable, for now I'll leave it

00:15:658 - change don, piano sound still low (also match with drum) Fixed
00:50:658 - add note ?
02:05:325 - add note ? Mmmm, added for now

00:15:325 - delete
00:15:325 - delete ? to follow the piano (to much dkd) Fixed
00:20:658 - ^ ^
00:21:325 - change don, drum pitch has drop Ok
00:29:991 - delete ? Ok

try this pattern (cursor at 01:13:991 - ) it will fit the drum
I don't like this
01:32:658 - same ? ^ ^

01:35:991 - can delete this Deleted
01:40:825 - add note ? Added
01:42:491 - sems weird to hit in this part, maybe move 01:42:158 - Moved

01:56:491 - delete ? Removed 01:56:825 -

well maybe just that to lazy to mod other diff xd
consider to reduce some note in muzukashii until around 500
different note between futsuu~muzu = 318
different note between muzu~oni = 187 I'll consider this, thanks

good luck
Thanks for mod! :D
Beatmap updated~
NM from my queue

  1. Offset 10996
  1. 01:42:325 (120) - delete
  2. 00:12:325 (3,4) - dk, the melody is the same but in semitone lower
  3. 00:17:658 (11,12) - ^
  4. 00:13:992 (6) - k, but you can keep d to not repeating dk dk
  5. 00:15:658 (8) - k
  6. 00:54:991 (61,62) - dk
  7. 01:00:325 (69,70) - ^
  1. 00:24:325 (31,32,33) - ddk
  2. move 00:29:158 (42) - to 00:29:158 (42) - to make nice KDKD finish
  3. 01:11:991 - add note here
  4. 01:51:825 - add note here to follow the vocal
  1. 00:27:325 (79,80) - dK
  2. 00:42:991 (161) - d
  3. 01:27:491 (62) - d
  1. 00:18:991 (51) - d sounds better here
  2. 00:30:991 (127,128,129,130,131) - kkddk
Topic Starter

desireofpainx wrote:

NM from my queue

  1. Offset 10996 Fixed
  1. 01:42:325 (120) - delete Deleted
  2. 00:12:325 (3,4) - dk, the melody is the same but in semitone lower Ok
  3. 00:17:658 (11,12) - ^ ^
  4. 00:13:992 (6) - k, but you can keep d to not repeating dk dk I Keep
  5. 00:15:658 (8) - k Changed
  6. 00:54:991 (61,62) - dk Ok
  7. 01:00:325 (69,70) - ^ ^
  1. 00:24:325 (31,32,33) - ddk Fixed
  2. move 00:29:158 (42) - to 00:29:158 (42) - to make nice KDKD finish The same place?
  3. 01:11:991 - add note here No, not very prominent
  4. 01:51:825 - add note here to follow the vocal Added for now
  1. 00:27:325 (79,80) - dK This is kD (drum pitch)
  2. 00:42:991 (161) - d Fixed
  3. 01:27:491 (62) - d Ok
  1. 00:18:991 (51) - d sounds better here Ok
  2. 00:30:991 (127,128,129,130,131) - kkddk This is kat 00:31:079 (131) - (drum pitch), for now I not changes
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~

Request from Jessi, Thousand & Gemu's Taiko Queue

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

  1. "La imagen de fondo es más grande que 1366x768"
  2. "El tiempo de vista prevía hace conflicto con la dificultad Futsuu"
  3. "El tiempo de vista prevía hace conflicto con la dificultad Oni"

    Para la vista previa te recomiendo colocarlo 01:35:995 - para todas las dificultades para no alterar u ocasionar otro futuro problema.

    Y en cuanto a la imagen (BG) me tomé el tiempo de reducirle el tamaño de su imagen ya que es más grande que el tamaño requerido, espero le guste:



    Personalmente y en este caso te recomiendo 1366x768.
  • [ Kantan]

    HP: 2
  1. 00:44:329 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52) - Esto lo veo un poco largo, te sugiero eliminar 00:46:329 (49) -
  2. 01:05:662 (77,78) - Ctrl G para tener ritmo y consistencia junto a 00:54:995 (61,62) -
  3. 01:06:995 (79,80) - Cambie esas notas a k para tener consistencia en 00:56:329 (63,64) -
  4. 01:08:329 (81,82) - Ctrl G, veo mejor el ritmo y el sonido de los golpes, además para seguir consistencia en 00:57:662 (65,66) -
  5. 01:49:662 (128,129,130) - Te recomiendo cambiarlo debido a que tiene eso mismo aquí 01:46:995 (125,126,127) - y eso lo hace repititivo. Así que puede cambiar esta nota a k 01:46:995 (125) - o esta a d 01:49:662 (128) -
  6. 02:02:328 (144) - Elimine esa nota para dejar un espacio de descanso para que los jugadores puedan preparse para continuar jugar la dificultad.
  • [ Futsuu]

    OD: 3
  1. 00:24:658 (31,32,33) - Se le olvidó seguir la secuencia y consistencia en esta parte. Así que, haga Ctrl G 00:24:658 (32,33) - para tener secuencia y consistencia en 00:13:658 (7,8,9) - , 00:18:991 (19,20,21) - , 00:13:658 (7,8,9) - , 00:18:991 (19,20,21) -
  2. 00:39:658 (66) - Cambia esa nota a k debido a que la melodía está subiendo en esta parte para culminar el aumento de la melodía con la nota 67 00:40:325 (67) -
  3. 01:07:658 (129) - Cámbialo a d para tener consistencia con 00:56:325 (102,103,104) - Al cambiarlo tendrás lo mismo acá 01:08:991 (130,131,132) - le recomiendo cambiar a k o d la nota 132 para variar un poco.
  4. 01:18:991 (157,158,159,160,161,162) - Esto se repite muy rápido, te sugiero cambia esto a k d k 01:18:991 (157,158,159) - Además para que puedas tener secuencia junto a 01:16:325 (151,152,153) -
  5. 01:23:325 (167) - Cambia a k para tener secuencia con 01:20:325 (160,161,162) -
  6. 01:56:325 (13) - Suena mejor una k o si no le gusta puede aplicarlo aquí 01:56:658 (15) -

  • [ Muzukashii]

    HP: 6
    OD: 4
  1. 00:12:995 (9,10,11) - Suena muy bien, aunque puedo darte una idea a ver si le gusta, puede mover esta nota 00:13:329 (11) - hacía acá 00:13:496 - también suena muy bien.
  2. 00:18:662 (36) - Mueva esta nota aquí 00:18:829 - Solamente si aplicó la sugerencia anterior para tener consistencia en ambas partes.
  3. 00:56:995 (229,230,231,232) - Necesitas agregarle una nota en esas partes para tener un poco más de densidad con las partes similares, debido a que tiene más densidad y notas en estas partes 01:02:329 (254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261) - , 01:07:662 (282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289) - Por la razón explicada le sugiero que cambie a d 00:57:495 - para agregarle un poco más de densidad comparada con las partes seleccionadas.
  4. 01:26:829 (57,58,59) - Suena mejor una kkk.
  5. 01:26:829 (57,58,59) - Puedo darte otra ideas, como por ejemplo --> ///
  • [ Oni]

    OD: 5
  1. 01:14:412 (431,432) - Diría que en este stream queda mejor como ddkkddk así que Ctrl G a esas notas.
  2. 01:27:329 (497) - Cámbialo a k, sigue muy bien el ritmo junto con la voz.
  3. 01:32:662 (532) - Cámbialo a k para mantener la coordinación del ritmo y así poder seguirlo con estás notas 01:30:995 (519,522,524,527,529) -
  4. 01:43:662 (618) - Quedaría muy bien una k, suena mejor con 01:43:829 (619,620,621,622,623) -
  5. 01:52:995 (687) - Cámbialo a k para mantener la coordinación del ritmo y seguirlo con 01:53:329 (689,692,694,696,700,703) -
  6. 02:02:662 (763,764,765,766,767) - Este stream suena un poco raro, ¿Le gustaría cambiarlo a ddkkd o kkddk?

Me gustó mucho su Beatmap ^w^ Buena suerte y espero que mi Mod le haya servido de ayuda :3
Topic Starter

game rock wrote:


Request from Jessi, Thousand & Gemu's Taiko Queue

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

  1. "La imagen de fondo es más grande que 1366x768"
  2. "El tiempo de vista prevía hace conflicto con la dificultad Futsuu"
  3. "El tiempo de vista prevía hace conflicto con la dificultad Oni"

    Para la vista previa te recomiendo colocarlo 01:35:995 - para todas las dificultades para no alterar u ocasionar otro futuro problema. Corregido, me he olvidado de la vista previa cuando ajusté el offset, gracias.

    Y en cuanto a la imagen (BG) me tomé el tiempo de reducirle el tamaño de su imagen ya que es más grande que el tamaño requerido, espero le guste: Las reglas han cambiado debido a este post --> t/516427
    Así que, 1920x1200 es el maximo permitido actualmente.



    Personalmente y en este caso te recomiendo 1366x768. Agradezco que te tomes tu tiempo en reducir el tamaño del BG, pero me quedaré con el que tengo. Lo siento
  • [ Kantan]

    HP: 2 La gran mayoría de Kantan's rankeado tienen el HP elevadisimo, por lo tanto no habrá cambios
  1. 00:44:329 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52) - Esto lo veo un poco largo, te sugiero eliminar 00:46:329 (49) - Eliminado
  2. 01:05:662 (77,78) - Ctrl G para tener ritmo y consistencia junto a 00:54:995 (61,62) - Esta parte se repite 3 veces, las 2 primeras las hice similares pero la tercera (la que me pides cambiar) sería diferente para remarcar el final de esa parte. No quiero que sea muy repetitivo. Lo cambié a k k
  3. 01:06:995 (79,80) - Cambie esas notas a k para tener consistencia en 00:56:329 (63,64) - Las dejé en don, pero estas 00:56:329 (63,64) - los cambién a don también para consistencia
  4. 01:08:329 (81,82) - Ctrl G, veo mejor el ritmo y el sonido de los golpes, además para seguir consistencia en 00:57:662 (65,66) - Corregido
  5. 01:49:662 (128,129,130) - Te recomiendo cambiarlo debido a que tiene eso mismo aquí 01:46:995 (125,126,127) - y eso lo hace repititivo. Así que puede cambiar esta nota a k 01:46:995 (125) - o esta a d 01:49:662 (128) - Cambié esto 01:46:995 (124) - a kat
  6. 02:02:328 (144) - Elimine esa nota para dejar un espacio de descanso para que los jugadores puedan preparse para continuar jugar la dificultad. Eliminado
  • [ Futsuu]

    OD: 3 Es muy bajo. Las Futsuu en general se pone en 4
  1. 00:24:658 (31,32,33) - Se le olvidó seguir la secuencia y consistencia en esta parte. Así que, haga Ctrl G 00:24:658 (32,33) - para tener secuencia y consistencia en 00:13:658 (7,8,9) - , 00:18:991 (19,20,21) - , 00:13:658 (7,8,9) - , 00:18:991 (19,20,21) - Corregido
  2. 00:39:658 (66) - Cambia esa nota a k debido a que la melodía está subiendo en esta parte para culminar el aumento de la melodía con la nota 67 00:40:325 (67) - Para mi el tono es más bajo
  3. 01:07:658 (129) - Cámbialo a d para tener consistencia con 00:56:325 (102,103,104) - Al cambiarlo tendrás lo mismo acá 01:08:991 (130,131,132) - le recomiendo cambiar a k o d la nota 132 para variar un poco.Todo aplicado
  4. 01:18:991 (157,158,159,160,161,162) - Esto se repite muy rápido, te sugiero cambia esto a k d k 01:18:991 (157,158,159) - Además para que puedas tener secuencia junto a 01:16:325 (151,152,153) - Bien, corregido
  5. 01:23:325 (167) - Cambia a k para tener secuencia con 01:20:325 (160,161,162) - Cambiado
  6. 01:56:325 (13) - Suena mejor una k o si no le gusta puede aplicarlo aquí 01:56:658 (15) -Aplicado en (15)

  • [ Muzukashii]

    HP: 6
    OD: 4
    Está bien como es ahora a mi parecer
  1. 00:12:995 (9,10,11) - Suena muy bien, aunque puedo darte una idea a ver si le gusta, puede mover esta nota 00:13:329 (11) - hacía acá 00:13:496 - también suena muy bien. 00:13:329 (11) - Ahí hay claramente una bateria, no hay cambios
  2. 00:18:662 (36) - Mueva esta nota aquí 00:18:829 - Solamente si aplicó la sugerencia anterior para tener consistencia en ambas partes.No lo acepté ^
  3. 00:56:995 (229,230,231,232) - Necesitas agregarle una nota en esas partes para tener un poco más de densidad con las partes similares, debido a que tiene más densidad y notas en estas partes 01:02:329 (254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261) - , 01:07:662 (282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289) - Por la razón explicada le sugiero que cambie a d 00:57:495 - para agregarle un poco más de densidad comparada con las partes seleccionadas. Corregido, bien!
  4. 01:26:829 (57,58,59) - Suena mejor una kkk.
  5. 01:26:829 (57,58,59) - Puedo darte otra ideas, como por ejemplo --> /// Aplicado lo primero
  • [ Oni]

    OD: 5 Lo quiero hacer dificil, lo dejo como está
  1. 01:14:412 (431,432) - Diría que en este stream queda mejor como ddkkddk así que Ctrl G a esas notas. Ok
  2. 01:27:329 (497) - Cámbialo a k, sigue muy bien el ritmo junto con la voz. Cambiado
  3. 01:32:662 (532) - Cámbialo a k para mantener la coordinación del ritmo y así poder seguirlo con estás notas 01:30:995 (519,522,524,527,529) - Cambiado
  4. 01:43:662 (618) - Quedaría muy bien una k, suena mejor con 01:43:829 (619,620,621,622,623) - Muy bien
  5. 01:52:995 (687) - Cámbialo a k para mantener la coordinación del ritmo y seguirlo con 01:53:329 (689,692,694,696,700,703) - Cambiado a kkd
  6. 02:02:662 (763,764,765,766,767) - Este stream suena un poco raro, ¿Le gustaría cambiarlo a ddkkd o kkddk? Cambiado a kkddk

Me gustó mucho su Beatmap ^w^ Buena suerte y espero que mi Mod le haya servido de ayuda :3 Me has ayudado bastante, gracias!
Exelente mod! Muchas gracias Gemu c:
Beatmap updated~
Hey my dude, love this song.

- Kantan -

00:12:329 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - d d d k k d d d k k d (predictable, comfortable, as a Kantan should)
00:28:495 (19) - k, fits better
00:48:329 (41) - k, matches k from last pattern

- Futsuu -

00:20:325 (22,23,24,25,26,27) - Would change to k dkkdd
00:47:991 - Add k
01:00:325 (113,114,115) - ddk, (dkd repeats the pattern from beat 1)
Switch 01:36:658 (201,202,203) - with 01:37:991 (205,206,207) -
02:00:991 (27) - k, starting on d too much

- Muzukashii -

Overall pretty good so I have to be petty
00:34:329 (115) - d, don't be afraid to throw in something other than ddd and kkk
01:30:995 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86) - dkddkdkk, more comfortable than whacking d's and k'd consecutively
That's all I could really find for this map, you could make it a lot more interesting and fun by changing some of the ddd's and kkk's to ddk's, kkd's, etc. It's not like it'll be too hard to play, there are 3.0's with those patterns.
Topic Starter

Nifty wrote:

Hey my dude, love this song. :)

- Kantan -

00:12:329 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - d d d k k d d d k k d (predictable, comfortable, as a Kantan should) I try follow the piano pitch. I change some things here
00:28:495 (19) - k, fits better It's is don (drum pitch)
00:48:329 (41) - k, matches k from last pattern Fixed

- Futsuu -

00:20:325 (22,23,24,25,26,27) - Would change to k dkkdd Changed to k kddkd. Drum pitch and consistence with 00:10:992 (1,2,3) -
00:47:991 - Add k Added
01:00:325 (113,114,115) - ddk, (dkd repeats the pattern from beat 1) Changed to kkd
Switch 01:36:658 (201,202,203) - with 01:37:991 (205,206,207) - Fixed
02:00:991 (27) - k, starting on d too much Ok

- Muzukashii -

Overall pretty good so I have to be petty
00:34:329 (115) - d, don't be afraid to throw in something other than ddd and kkk I don't like ddk or kkd in Muzukashii's, would become a Oni practically. But I'll think if add this
01:30:995 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86) - dkddkdkk, more comfortable than whacking d's and k'd consecutively I deleted notes and changed some notes
That's all I could really find for this map, you could make it a lot more interesting and fun by changing some of the ddd's and kkk's to ddk's, kkd's, etc. It's not like it'll be too hard to play, there are 3.0's with those patterns. I'll see what I do
Thanks for mod! :D
Beatmap updated~
Con respecto al mod de game rock, en donde dice que la imagen es mayor a 1366x768, eso es porque no esta actualizado referiendome a el ranking criteria, el cual ahora permite 1920x1080
Topic Starter

RevengeZ wrote:

Con respecto al mod de game rock, en donde dice que la imagen es mayor a 1366x768, eso es porque no esta actualizado referiendome a el ranking criteria, el cual ahora permite 1920x1080
Claro, a eso me refería. No han actualizado y los que me han dicho sobre el tamaño del BG tuve que pasarles el thread
Gday my dude.
  1. d = don & k = kat, Caps on either for a Finisher.
  2. After finishing this mod I've just realised that Futsuu has an offset of 10,992 whilst the other three difficulties have an offset of 10,996. Please change this to whichever is the correct offset.

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:45:325 - To follow to structure of notes you've laid our previously, I'd suggest putting a note here, and to compensate for the extra note, remove 00:47:325 (81).
  2. 00:46:991 (80) - Weak suggestion: but could change to d to emphasise the rise in pitch from here to 00:47:658 (82). Would also make sense if you're mapping to the background instruments, as there is a drum sound here but no cymbal (cymbal is on the following white tick).
  3. 00:52:325 (93,94,95,96) - Feels like there is one too many notes here; I'd suggest only having one double as you've done at 00:29:158 (42,43) and 00:30:991 (47,48). If you wish to follow the main melody, dd k sounds rather nice (that is to say, remove 00:52:991 (96)).
  4. 01:57:325 (18) - Weak suggestion: remove this note (yes I know there's a drum noise on it), however I think the removal of the note will give players some recovery after that fairly difficult Futsuu pattern, as well as making 01:57:658 (19) feel much more "explosive" when the music kicks back in.
  5. 02:08:325 (46) - Seems a little unusual to me that the spinner would not begin here, since the sound played at this note is held; consider changing.

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:31:995 (101) - Change to k, really high-pitched piano key.
  2. 02:08:325 (300) - Same point about the finisher.
  3. Otherwise a very good difficulty.

[ Oni]
  1. 02:08:325 (801) - Spinner mah boi.

Really good mapset; I quite enjoyed it, so much so that I'll shoot you some stars!

Jaye wrote:

Gday my dude.
  1. After finishing this mod I've just realised that Futsuu has an offset of 10,992 whilst the other three difficulties have an offset of 10,996. Please change this to whichever is the correct offset.

Actually the ranked mapset ( have it as 10,992 so it shouldn't be really a problem
Topic Starter

Jaye wrote:

Gday my dude. o/
  1. d = don & k = kat, Caps on either for a Finisher.
  2. After finishing this mod I've just realised that Futsuu has an offset of 10,992 whilst the other three difficulties have an offset of 10,996. Please change this to whichever is the correct offset. Fixed

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:45:325 - To follow to structure of notes you've laid our previously, I'd suggest putting a note here, and to compensate for the extra note, remove 00:47:325 (81). Hmm, I change some thing
  2. 00:46:991 (80) - Weak suggestion: but could change to d to emphasise the rise in pitch from here to 00:47:658 (82). Would also make sense if you're mapping to the background instruments, as there is a drum sound here but no cymbal (cymbal is on the following white tick). Changed to d
  3. 00:52:325 (93,94,95,96) - Feels like there is one too many notes here; I'd suggest only having one double as you've done at 00:29:158 (42,43) and 00:30:991 (47,48). If you wish to follow the main melody, dd k sounds rather nice (that is to say, remove 00:52:991 (96)). Removed
  4. 01:57:325 (18) - Weak suggestion: remove this note (yes I know there's a drum noise on it), however I think the removal of the note will give players some recovery after that fairly difficult Futsuu pattern, as well as making 01:57:658 (19) feel much more "explosive" when the music kicks back in. Nice revision, removed
  5. 02:08:325 (46) - Seems a little unusual to me that the spinner would not begin here, since the sound played at this note is held; consider changing. Well, changed

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:31:995 (101) - Change to k, really high-pitched piano key. Fixed
  2. 02:08:325 (300) - Same point about the finisher. Ok
  3. Otherwise a very good difficulty.

[ Oni]
  1. 02:08:325 (801) - Spinner mah boi. Ok

Really good mapset; I quite enjoyed it, so much so that I'll shoot you some stars! Thanks!
Thanks for mod and stars! :D
Beatmap updated~

RevengeZ wrote:

Actually the ranked mapset ( have it as 10,992 so it shouldn't be really a problem
El offset correcto es 10,996. Lo probé muchas veces y llegué a la conclusión de que era ese.

gaston_2199 wrote:

RevengeZ wrote:

Actually the ranked mapset ( have it as 10,992 so it shouldn't be really a problem
El offset correcto es 10,996. Lo probé muchas veces y llegué a la conclusión de que era ese.
Solo quería aclarar que no era un problema, pero mejor si ese es el correcto xD
00:21:495 (67,68,69) - k k d,since you place (don kat) on the serial two guitar beats in this portion like 00:10:996 (1,2) - 00:12:329 (8,10) -,so I think it is better to keep the same here.
00:22:829 (76,77,78) - same as ^
00:42:495 (216,217) - d d works better imo.Cuz the string sound begin heavier at 00:42:662 (218) - .
01:01:662 (345) - d
01:06:995 (377) - d
01:41:495 (599,600,601) - d d k
01:47:162 (639,640) - Delete these and change 01:47:329 (641) - to K for the heavy beat at here
01:52:412 (680) - delete this and add a d at 01:52:579
01:56:995 (720) - delete this cuz no beat here, the song drum hit suddenly stop here and if the stream suddenly stop too this will plays fun imo.

00:47:495 (180,181,182) - d d d works better imo.cuz there are kicks in the songs.
00:51:329 (198,199,200,201,202,203,204) - I prefer pattern like this but that depends on u.
01:11:329 - u skip two beats here and that is weird for me. Try to add a d at here or 01:11:495 -
01:15:995 (5,6,7,8) - k ddd is better.cuz the rhythm drops here.
01:42:912 (151,152) - delete these and change 01:42:829 (150) - to D
01:50:829 (197,198,199) - ddd better imo

01:24:662 (168,169,170,171) - d d k D
01:54:995 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - this is strange cuz u actually know it plays like (DddDddDddDdDd) at here as same as 00:26:995 (38,39,40,41) - but u place different pattern here so u miss the heavy beat at 01:55:495 - .This way works better imo.

It is pretty solid so i can't find any problem here. :)

Sry for the short mod cuz this is solid,maybe u can ask someone better to check this out.
GL and take my star.
Topic Starter

handsome muscle wrote:

00:21:495 (67,68,69) - k k d,since you place (don kat) on the serial two guitar beats in this portion like 00:10:996 (1,2) - 00:12:329 (8,10) -,so I think it is better to keep the same here. I follow the drum pitch (ddk), also these part is different an the before and I add more notes
00:22:829 (76,77,78) - same as ^ I don't like
00:42:495 (216,217) - d d works better imo.Cuz the string sound begin heavier at 00:42:662 (218) - . Ok
01:01:662 (345) - d Ok
01:06:995 (377) - d ^
01:41:495 (599,600,601) - d d k Drum pitch, nope
01:47:162 (639,640) - Delete these and change 01:47:329 (641) - to K for the heavy beat at here I don't like
01:52:412 (680) - delete this and add a d at 01:52:579 Ok
01:56:995 (720) - delete this cuz no beat here, the song drum hit suddenly stop here and if the stream suddenly stop too this will plays fun imo. Maybe I'll change this

00:47:495 (180,181,182) - d d d works better imo.cuz there are kicks in the songs. kkk is better in my opinion.
00:51:329 (198,199,200,201,202,203,204) - I prefer pattern like this but that depends on u. No for now
01:11:329 - u skip two beats here and that is weird for me. Try to add a d at here or 01:11:495 - Added
01:15:995 (5,6,7,8) - k ddd is better.cuz the rhythm drops here. Ok
01:42:912 (151,152) - delete these and change 01:42:829 (150) - to D Ok
01:50:829 (197,198,199) - ddd better imo Ok

01:24:662 (168,169,170,171) - d d k D d k k D
01:54:995 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - this is strange cuz u actually know it plays like (DddDddDddDdDd) at here as same as 00:26:995 (38,39,40,41) - but u place different pattern here so u miss the heavy beat at 01:55:495 - .This way works better imo. I changed with dk dk

It is pretty solid so i can't find any problem here. :)

Sry for the short mod cuz this is solid,maybe u can ask someone better to check this out.
GL and take my star.
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
hello o/
I just found that your map is rather good (especially oni), and would like to give some suggestions :)
It may not a full mod, just some suggestions that I think it could make the oni much better.

  1. Your kantan/futauu is an easier one but the muzu is a harder one which cause the difficulty gap between futsuu and muzu very large.there are some solutions:
    1.Make muzu easier 2. make futsuu harder 3.rename the current muzu to "Lite Oni" which means an easier oni, and make new muzu which contain more complex 1/2 than futsuu and has more 1/2 or 3/2 breaks.

[ Oni]
  1. I think the speed up on 01:32:412 - ~01:33:495 - could be improved by following the vocal's intensity. there is timing point code :
  2. 01:36:329 (557,558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565) - although this pattern is not bad, I still recommend you follow the instrument to make the pattern more variety, like this,it not only keep the original structure but also follow the instrument perfectly
  3. The vocal has strong sounds on 01:38:329 (574) - ,maybe you can consider to change the note to d on 01:37:662 (568) -
  4. 01:39:329 - ~01:41:662 - it is not bad if you try to follow vocal on this part but the structure on this part contradicts with 01:36:329 - ~01:38:995 - ,maybe you can try to make similar structure like this.
hope this suggestion could help you :)
Good luck for your set!
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

hello o/ o/
I just found that your map is rather good (especially oni), and would like to give some suggestions :)
It may not a full mod, just some suggestions that I think it could make the oni much better. No matter, you help me!

  1. Your kantan/futauu is an easier one but the muzu is a harder one which cause the difficulty gap between futsuu and muzu very large.there are some solutions:
    1.Make muzu easier 2. make futsuu harder 3.rename the current muzu to "Lite Oni" which means an easier oni, and make new muzu which contain more complex 1/2 than futsuu and has more 1/2 or 3/2 breaks. Maybe option 3, but I'll see soon

[ Oni]
  1. I think the speed up on 01:32:412 - ~01:33:495 - could be improved by following the vocal's intensity. there is timing point code : Applied, maybe I'll change some anythings
  2. 01:36:329 (557,558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565) - although this pattern is not bad, I still recommend you follow the instrument to make the pattern more variety, like this,it not only keep the original structure but also follow the instrument perfectly Applied
  3. The vocal has strong sounds on 01:38:329 (574) - ,maybe you can consider to change the note to d on 01:37:662 (568) - Changed
  4. 01:39:329 - ~01:41:662 - it is not bad if you try to follow vocal on this part but the structure on this part contradicts with 01:36:329 - ~01:38:995 - ,maybe you can try to make similar structure like this.You are right, changed!
hope this suggestion could help you :)
Good luck for your set! Thanks so much :)
Thanks for your mod!
Beatmap updated~
Snowy Heat
Hi! Here is your request from topic t/551902.

I have nothing to say about Kantan and Futsuu. They are good as they are, so I'll let them be untouched :9


Soo not that much here too.
00:33:495 - maybe a note here.
00:35:579 - i don't think it'll make it worse, according to music i'd put here a d.
01:19:329 (275,276) - pitch says it's good to switch to k here. And i'd probably added a note (k) at 01:19:162.01:49:579 - same as 00:35:579.

Lite Oni

00:50:162 (193) - k and 00:50:329 (194) d.
00:58:995 (239) - i'd better switch it to the d bcz map has lots of k d k d.
01:08:829 (287,288,289) - kkk instead maybe.
01:19:162 - add a k here and make 01:19:495 (24) k too.


I don't really like this difficulty, maybe because of so many repeatable ddkkd and kkddk. Also seems overmapped a bit, like you wanted to make it harder than it should be (i hope it's not for the "I" in the circle at the left from the diff name, lol xD), no music or vocal signs to make such a big amount of five-note patterns. Of course this map is not made for me only, but to be honest i was really annoyed (and bcz of it i also missed on such an easy oni, lol) to play it because of those patterns. And i think that not me only will be annoyed. So i gotta made some suggestions to change things here (no offense, it's only for the improvement of your map; hope you will understand me correctly :з).

00:15:496 (28,29,30,31,32) - if you want to keep a five-note pattern here, better make it kkddd and make 00:15:996 (33) k, because music says so.
00:20:829 (62,63,64) - dkk maybe, sounds really better; and 00:21:162 (65) k here instead of d will be better if you'll apply previous suggestion.
00:21:662 (69) - sounds better with d here.
00:25:995 (99) - make this a k too.
00:37:662 (181,182,183) - this one seems like it's not it's place here, better make a break between 00:37:662 (181) and 00:37:995 (184). All according to the music.
00:38:995 (191,192,193) - don't know why did you put a kkk here, no high notes or something here, better make ddd.
00:44:829 (234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251) - i just don't like this part at all, i think it's better to add some three-note patterns and 1/2 notes instead of ths bunch of five-notes patterns.
01:04:329 (363) - d
01:40:995 (594) - ^
01:52:329 (681) - d here; 01:52:162 (679) - or k here and leave that d be.
01:54:329 (697,698,699,700,701,702,703) - try kkddkdk instead.
02:02:995 (767) - d.
02:08:329 (1) - maybe place k before the spinner?
Good luck with this one! Hope you'll accept some of my suggestions, especially to the Oni diff <3
Topic Starter

Hitsu wrote:

Hi! Here is your request from topic t/551902.

I have nothing to say about Kantan and Futsuu. They are good as they are, so I'll let them be untouched :9


Soo not that much here too.
00:33:495 - maybe a note here. No, don't like the sound here
00:35:579 - i don't think it'll make it worse, according to music i'd put here a d. I don't like this pattern in Muzukashii, also this is under 3.5* and is hard. Maybe if it's is 3.5* o more i add this, but no.
01:19:329 (275,276) - pitch says it's good to switch to k here. And i'd probably added a note (k) at 01:19:162.01:49:579 - same as 00:35:579. Only change to kat this 01:19:329 (275,276) -

Lite Oni

00:50:162 (193) - k and 00:50:329 (194) d. Is better kdkdk
00:58:995 (239) - i'd better switch it to the d bcz map has lots of k d k d. Changed
01:08:829 (287,288,289) - kkk instead maybe. Ok
01:19:162 - add a k here and make 01:19:495 (24) k too. Only change to kat this 01:19:495 (23) -


I don't really like this difficulty, maybe because of so many repeatable ddkkd and kkddk. Also seems overmapped a bit, like you wanted to make it harder than it should be (i hope it's not for the "I" in the circle at the left from the diff name, lol xD), no music or vocal signs to make such a big amount of five-note patterns. Of course this map is not made for me only, but to be honest i was really annoyed (and bcz of it i also missed on such an easy oni, lol) to play it because of those patterns. And i think that not me only will be annoyed. So i gotta made some suggestions to change things here (no offense, it's only for the improvement of your map; hope you will understand me correctly :з). Sorry if you don't like this, but it's my mapping style. I'll try to add more breaks

00:15:496 (28,29,30,31,32) - if you want to keep a five-note pattern here, better make it kkddd and make 00:15:996 (33) k, because music says so. I don't noticed lol, fixed
00:20:829 (62,63,64) - dkk maybe, sounds really better; and 00:21:162 (65) k here instead of d will be better if you'll apply previous suggestion. I applied dkk, but I change this to kat 00:21:329 (66) -
00:21:662 (69) - sounds better with d here. For me is better ddk :/
00:25:995 (99) - make this a k too. Ok
00:37:662 (181,182,183) - this one seems like it's not it's place here, better make a break between 00:37:662 (181) and 00:37:995 (184). All according to the music. Ok
00:38:995 (191,192,193) - don't know why did you put a kkk here, no high notes or something here, better make ddd. Ok
00:44:829 (234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251) - i just don't like this part at all, i think it's better to add some three-note patterns and 1/2 notes instead of ths bunch of five-notes patterns. I like it, no changes. Sorry
01:04:329 (363) - d No
01:40:995 (594) - ^ Ok
01:52:329 (681) - d here; 01:52:162 (679) - or k here and leave that d be. Ok and leave with d
01:54:329 (697,698,699,700,701,702,703) - try kkddkdk instead. For now kkddkkd
02:02:995 (767) - d. Nope
02:08:329 (1) - maybe place k before the spinner? Nope, is better with spinner
Good luck with this one! Hope you'll accept some of my suggestions, especially to the Oni diff <3
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
M4M :3 Mod in spanish.


  1. Pienso que la primera nota la colocaste roja por el drum de la batería, yo te diría que la cambiaras a azul 00:10:992 (1) - Aunque es opcional, puedes cambiarla si quieres. También creo que es mejor porque sería más fácil para los jugadores de Kantan hacer kk, kd, dd.
  2. 00:16:325 (9) - 00:21:991 (18) - Igual acá si aplicas lo primero ^
  3. 00:36:991 (38) - Elimina esa nota, para dar un poco de espacio. Lo más recomendable es que las notas seguidas no pasen de 3.
  4. 00:46:325 (49) - ^ Igual
  5. Prueba esto. Mueve esta nota: 00:50:325 (54) - Para acá: 00:50:658 - agrega una nota acá: 00:51:991 - y cambia este: 00:52:325 (56) - a Azul
  6. 00:54:991 (60,61) - ctrl + g creo que suena mejor así.
  7. 01:00:658 (69) - Azul para ser consistente con esto: 00:56:658 (63) - Y sea más fácil de jugar para los kantan players.
  8. 01:05:991 (77) - ^
  9. 01:14:325 (89) - Borra si quieres, aunque acá queda bastante bien.
  10. 01:32:658 (106) - Creo que deberías borrar esta nota, para dar más espacio ya que lo que viene es un poco difícil de leer para ellos.
  11. 01:42:325 (119) - Elimina
  12. Prueba esto, mueve estas dos 01:47:658 (127,128) - para aca 01:47:991 - (o sea el azul va a quedar alli) Agregas nota aca 01:49:325 - Y esta nota 01:50:991 (131) - vas a ponerlo aca 01:50:825 - (Colocas 1/2)
  13. 01:55:658 (136) - 01:56:991 (138) - Elimina, hay muchas notas seguidas.
  14. 02:02:324 (145) - Elimina


  1. Intenta esto, mueve esta nota: 00:26:329 (36) - para acá: 00:26:162 - Y les harás ctrl + g ( 00:25:995 (35,36) - ) Y vas a mover esta nota: 00:26:662 (37) - Para acá: 00:26:495 -
  2. 00:31:162 (48) - Elimina, un poquito de espacio, si quieres.
  3. 01:20:662 (160) - Cambia a rojo, mejor sigue con la secuencia que ya traes.
  4. 01:23:329 (166) - ^
  5. 01:46:995 (228) - Corre esa nota para aca: 01:47:329 - Y si quieres borra esta: 01:47:662 (229) -
  6. 01:53:995 (4,5) - ctrl + g para que siga la consistencia de sonido con esto: 01:51:995 (243,244,1) - Y cuando hagas ese giro, haces ctrl + g aca: 01:54:329 (5,6) -
  7. 01:56:829 (15) - Podrías mover esa nota para acá: 01:57:162 - Y cambiarlo a rojo.


  1. 00:29:329 (73,74) - ctrl + g :3
  2. 01:46:662 (384) - Podrías probar poniéndolo como K finisher y este rojo: 01:46:995 (385) -
Muy buena diff

Lite Oni

  1. 00:21:495 (50,51,52) - ctrl + g y este: 00:21:578 (51) - Azul
  2. Mueva: 00:25:745 (70) - para acá: 00:25:579 -
  3. 01:46:662 (170,171) - ctrl + g y este: 01:46:662 (170) - K finisher
  4. 01:48:495 (182) - Rojo y mueva esta: 01:48:995 (184) - Para acá: 01:48:829 -


  1. 00:21:662 (69) - rojo
  2. Creo que este patrón: 00:26:162 (100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108) - Sonaría mejor si lo colocaras así:
  3. 01:17:995 (440) - Azul sonaría mejor
  4. 01:46:662 (632,633) - Ya sabes(?)
  5. 01:48:995 (648) - Mueve para acá: 01:48:829 -

Lindísimo mapa, muy buena suerte. :)
Topic Starter

JessiChan wrote:

M4M :3 Mod in spanish.


  1. Pienso que la primera nota la colocaste roja por el drum de la batería, yo te diría que la cambiaras a azul 00:10:992 (1) - Aunque es opcional, puedes cambiarla si quieres. También creo que es mejor porque sería más fácil para los jugadores de Kantan hacer kk, kd, dd. Algunas notas las había borrado ya que era muy dificil a mi parecer
  2. 00:16:325 (9) - 00:21:991 (18) - Igual acá si aplicas lo primero ^ ^
  3. 00:36:991 (38) - Elimina esa nota, para dar un poco de espacio. Lo más recomendable es que las notas seguidas no pasen de 3. Ya estaba removido
  4. 00:46:325 (49) - ^ Igual ^
  5. Prueba esto. Mueve esta nota: 00:50:325 (54) - Para acá: 00:50:658 - agrega una nota acá: 00:51:991 - y cambia este: 00:52:325 (56) - a Azul No me gustó como quedó
  6. 00:54:991 (60,61) - ctrl + g creo que suena mejor así. Ya había removido una nota (61)
  7. 01:00:658 (69) - Azul para ser consistente con esto: 00:56:658 (63) - Y sea más fácil de jugar para los kantan players. Quiero que sea parecido como el comienzo de la canción
  8. 01:05:991 (77) - ^ ^
  9. 01:14:325 (89) - Borra si quieres, aunque acá queda bastante bien. Lo dejo
  10. 01:32:658 (106) - Creo que deberías borrar esta nota, para dar más espacio ya que lo que viene es un poco difícil de leer para ellos. Removido
  11. 01:42:325 (119) - Elimina Ya estaba eliminado
  12. Prueba esto, mueve estas dos 01:47:658 (127,128) - para aca 01:47:991 - (o sea el azul va a quedar alli) Agregas nota aca 01:49:325 - Y esta nota 01:50:991 (131) - vas a ponerlo aca 01:50:825 - (Colocas 1/2) Por hora no aplico esto, quizás mueva 01:50:995 (109) - a donde has dicho, pero veo luego
  13. 01:55:658 (136) - 01:56:991 (138) - Elimina, hay muchas notas seguidas. Ya estaban eliminadas
  14. 02:02:324 (145) - Elimina Ya estaba eliminado


  1. Intenta esto, mueve esta nota: 00:26:329 (36) - para acá: 00:26:162 - Y les harás ctrl + g ( 00:25:995 (35,36) - ) Y vas a mover esta nota: 00:26:662 (37) - Para acá: 00:26:495 - Se ve bien
  2. 00:31:162 (48) - Elimina, un poquito de espacio, si quieres. Ok
  3. 01:20:662 (160) - Cambia a rojo, mejor sigue con la secuencia que ya traes. Cambiado
  4. 01:23:329 (166) - ^ Ok
  5. 01:46:995 (228) - Corre esa nota para aca: 01:47:329 - Y si quieres borra esta: 01:47:662 (229) - No me gusta como queda :/
  6. 01:53:995 (4,5) - ctrl + g para que siga la consistencia de sonido con esto: 01:51:995 (243,244,1) - Y cuando hagas ese giro, haces ctrl + g aca: 01:54:329 (5,6) - Lo dejo en k d k d
  7. 01:56:829 (15) - Podrías mover esa nota para acá: 01:57:162 - Y cambiarlo a rojo. Nope, lo dejo como está. No me gusta como queda


  1. 00:29:329 (73,74) - ctrl + g :3 Corregido
  2. 01:46:662 (384) - Podrías probar poniéndolo como K finisher y este rojo: 01:46:995 (385) - Solamente convertí esto 01:46:995 (385) - en kat y esto 01:46:995 (385) - le agregué finisher
Muy buena diff Gracias :D

Lite Oni

  1. 00:21:495 (50,51,52) - ctrl + g y este: 00:21:578 (51) - Azul Aplicado
  2. Mueva: 00:25:745 (70) - para acá: 00:25:579 - Ok
  3. 01:46:662 (170,171) - ctrl + g y este: 01:46:662 (170) - K finisher Aquí 01:46:662 (170) - no agrego finisher ya que para mi el momento explosivo es aquí 01:46:995 (171) -
  4. 01:48:495 (182) - Rojo y mueva esta: 01:48:995 (184) - Para acá: 01:48:829 - Aplicado


  1. 00:21:662 (69) - rojo Ok
  2. Creo que este patrón: 00:26:162 (100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108) - Sonaría mejor si lo colocaras así: Me gusta como está
  3. 01:17:995 (440) - Azul sonaría mejor Ok
  4. 01:46:662 (632,633) - Ya sabes(?) Lo mismo que dije antes. Pero igual lo pensaré
  5. 01:48:995 (648) - Mueve para acá: 01:48:829 - Ok

Lindísimo mapa, muy buena suerte. :)
Muchas gracias por tu mod!
Beatmap updated~
Hello, mod from my queue
Source : ツキナミ
Tags : "J-POP" , "album" , "naotyu-" , and maybe "anime" ?

Hmm, I think Lite Oni change to Oni, and Oni change to Inner Oni will be better :3?

01:46:995 - This Kiai Start move to 01:47:329 - Because the original place has no any big sound

Turn off Widescreen Support

00:29:662 (75) - D? In Oni here is D, too. and do that makes me feel good :3

00:50:662 (168,169) - Ctrl+G

00:52:829 (177,178,179,180) - Ctrl+G to follow drums, I also suggest 00:53:162 add a don

01:19:662 - Add d Because here have drums and piano. Whether you follow piano or drums, I really think you need to add a note here (Also, that can keep consistency!)

01:46:995 (389) - d Reason same as General - Here has no sound like 01:46:329 (387,388) , only low pitch piano and drums, so I think you should use d to highlight them.

01:47:329 (390) - K Reason same as General - Here is the Kiai Start! Kiai start uses finisher is fine I think
[Lite Oni]
00:25:579 (69) - Remove this Because the sound isn't obviously
00:25:662 (70) - D or K But here is obviously

00:25:495 (68) - Maybe can change this to k

00:29:662 (90) - D Reason same as Muzukashii :3

01:19:662 - I think here need a note

01:46:995 (171) - d Reason same as Muzukashii
Make sure your Slider Velocity is 1.40 (Open .osu file to check)

00:25:579 (95) - Move to 00:25:912 - Because 00:25:912 sounds louder than 00:25:579

00:26:745 (106,107) - dd to follow pitch

01:19:662 - Add a note here?

01:46:995 (628) - d Reason same as Muzukashii

GL with Rank! :3
Topic Starter

Smallwu wrote:

Hello, mod from my queue
Source : ツキナミ
Tags : "J-POP" , "album" , "naotyu-" , and maybe "anime" ? Added only "J-POP", "naotyu-" and "anime". The album usually put it in the tags, but the name of the song itself is also the name of the album, so I do not see it as necessary

Hmm, I think Lite Oni change to Oni, and Oni change to Inner Oni will be better :3? For me is better Lite Oni. I use Inner Oni in 5* or more and Oni in 3.8 or more only

01:46:995 - This Kiai Start move to 01:47:329 - Because the original place has no any big sound I have my doubts about this, I leave it for later

Turn off Widescreen Support Ok

00:29:662 (75) - D? In Oni here is D, too. and do that makes me feel good :3 Ok

00:50:662 (168,169) - Ctrl+G Fixed

00:52:829 (177,178,179,180) - Ctrl+G to follow drums, I also suggest 00:53:162 add a don Applied

01:19:662 - Add d Because here have drums and piano. Whether you follow piano or drums, I really think you need to add a note here (Also, that can keep consistency!) Added

01:46:995 (389) - d Reason same as General - Here has no sound like 01:46:329 (387,388) , only low pitch piano and drums, so I think you should use d to highlight them. I'll see later

01:47:329 (390) - K Reason same as General - Here is the Kiai Start! Kiai start uses finisher is fine I think I'll see later
[Lite Oni]
00:25:579 (69) - Remove this Because the sound isn't obviously Removed
00:25:662 (70) - D or K But here is obviously I don't like this

00:25:495 (68) - Maybe can change this to k Changed

00:29:662 (90) - D Reason same as Muzukashii :3 Ok

01:19:662 - I think here need a note Added

01:46:995 (171) - d Reason same as Muzukashii I'll see later
Make sure your Slider Velocity is 1.40 (Open .osu file to check) Fixed

00:25:579 (95) - Move to 00:25:912 - Because 00:25:912 sounds louder than 00:25:579 Moved

00:26:745 (106,107) - dd to follow pitch Ok

01:19:662 - Add a note here? Added

01:46:995 (628) - d Reason same as Muzukashii I'll see later

GL with Rank! :3
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
Diva Days


No timing/setup/etc Error

[Lite Oni]

00:20:329 (42) - fine here to delete, no sound here. i think this one artificially added for difficulty.
00:28:662 (86) - the finish sound should be on (85), better unfinish here.
01:08:995 (293) - d here, as u did on (294)
01:11:162 (305) - it's different than (302), better unfinish.
01:11:495 - ddkkdk is better to fit previous pattern and connect next pattern.
01:35:662 - kkd is messy, better fix to ddd


00:15:746 (31) - no sound here, also think this one artificially added for difficulty.
00:20:245 (57) - ^
00:25:579 (94) - how about move to 00:25:745
00:28:662 (115) - as i said on Lite Oni
00:33:745 (149) - same as 00:15:746 (31)
00:46:329 - kdddk is better
00:50:079 (262) - same as 00:15:746 (31)
01:11:162 (391) - as i said on Lite Oni

well, other parts fine to me.
Topic Starter

Diva Days wrote:


No timing/setup/etc Error

[Lite Oni]

00:20:329 (42) - fine here to delete, no sound here. i think this one artificially added for difficulty. Consistence with 00:14:995 (17) -. But maybe I remove this, I'll see later
00:28:662 (86) - the finish sound should be on (85), better unfinish here. I don't like the sound in 00:28:495 (84) - But I remove finisher
01:08:995 (293) - d here, as u did on (294) This is kat (drum pitch)
01:11:162 (305) - it's different than (302), better unfinish. I hear same
01:11:495 - ddkkdk is better to fit previous pattern and connect next pattern. 01:11:662 (305) - is kat, I follow the drum pitch, no changes
01:35:662 - kkd is messy, better fix to ddd 01:35:829 (107) - Low sound, and in Oni here is don


00:15:746 (31) - no sound here, also think this one artificially added for difficulty. I hear a drum
00:20:245 (57) - ^ Deleted
00:25:579 (94) - how about move to 00:25:745 I don't like the sound
00:28:662 (115) - as i said on Lite Oni Finisher removed
00:33:745 (149) - same as 00:15:746 (31) Removed
00:46:329 - kdddk is better Applied
00:50:079 (262) - same as 00:15:746 (31) Removed
01:11:162 (391) - as i said on Lite Oni Same reason

well, other parts fine to me.
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
  1. 01:51:995 (662,663,664,665,666) - I feel like a kkddk would suit the drums better here.
[Lite Oni]
  1. Why "Lite" and not "Light"? o.o
  2. Why is the HP drain higher than in the Oni here? 5 in the Muzu, 6 here, and 5 in the Oni.
  3. 01:40:329 (134) - Move this note to 01:40:495 ? (1/2 later) It's far more intuitive this way.
  1. 00:37:662 (112) - I don't feel like this kat suits the music well as the beat is rather down compared to the previous ones. I would suggest to use a don here.
  2. 01:23:329 (294,295) - Why do you suddenly do a k d when it is d d twice before for the exact same pattern?
  3. 01:43:162 (375,376,377,378,379,380) - I'd suggest a k d d k k here. Having two k at the end of the pattern emphasizes the following K imo.
  1. 00:49:662 (42) - This note feels out of place. I'd simply remove it even if it makes a long break.
Couldn't find much to point out, I enjoyed playing this map! Good job ~
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

  1. 01:51:995 (662,663,664,665,666) - I feel like a kkddk would suit the drums better here. Applied
[Lite Oni]
  1. Why "Lite" and not "Light"? o.o There are no taiko mapsets that have a difficulty with that name. In addition, the 'Light' is used in STD and the 'Lite' in taiko (there are maps ranked)
  2. Why is the HP drain higher than in the Oni here? 5 in the Muzu, 6 here, and 5 in the Oni. Idk, I changed Oni with HP 6
  3. 01:40:329 (134) - Move this note to 01:40:495 ? (1/2 later) It's far more intuitive this way. Moved
  1. 00:37:662 (112) - I don't feel like this kat suits the music well as the beat is rather down compared to the previous ones. I would suggest to use a don here. Changed to don
  2. 01:23:329 (294,295) - Why do you suddenly do a k d when it is d d twice before for the exact same pattern? idk, fixed
  3. 01:43:162 (375,376,377,378,379,380) - I'd suggest a k d d k k here. Having two k at the end of the pattern emphasizes the following K imo. Changed to d k d d d k
  1. 00:49:662 (42) - This note feels out of place. I'd simply remove it even if it makes a long break. Removed
Couldn't find much to point out, I enjoyed playing this map! Good job ~ Thanks :D
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
hi hi, let's see what can I find.

Not nitpicking about your difficulty names but wouldn't you just rename Oni to Inner Oni, and Lite Oni to Oni? This is by far more common to use.

00:51:495 (271,272,273,274,275) - actually I wanted to suggest swaping 00:51:829 (274,275) - since (274) is a more significant sound but I noticed that your kat follow is mainly for the drum beat, and k k is a silly idea for that case. However, you shouldn't use kkd but kdd instead. The sound at 00:51:495 - is rather short than long so kdd emphasize it better.

Very clean difficulty, really enjoyable to play.

[Lite Oni]
00:35:495 (120,121,122,123) - what about ddd k? the kkk sounds pretty weak since you previously used k at 00:35:329 - . Another alternative would be kdd but I am unsure how do you feel about a multi-color triplet here. Following that change, you may also change 00:35:829 - to kat.

01:17:662 (276,277,278,279) - Should that be k ddd? This parts works very similar like 01:16:329 (272,273,274,275) - , I don't find you should change it here.
01:18:995 (280,281,282,283,284) - since you're going well with the background music, you could change this part to k kkddk; 01:19:829 - has an existing beat (it's quite calm however, like 01:19:662 - ) and should be mapped with d. 01:18:995 (280) - sounds strange as d, the piano is too light as you could use d properly imo.
01:27:829 (309) - I would prefer if you move the note to 01:27:995 - , the 1/2 rhythm is pretty weird and feels forced.
01:30:495 (318) - for the consistency I would stick with the background music and less for the vocals, remove this note if you applied above.

00:30:662 (45) - since the beat at 00:31:329 - due drums is imo more significant, I would prefer to emphasize this sound. Also, change the note to d afterwards.
00:42:995 - 00:45:329 - It's a weird decision to change your rhythm in a Futsuu so drastically, imo. I would keep it like that: but it's your decision.
01:27:329 - 01:27:995 - While you mainly focused on the background music, it's odd you follow the vocals here. I mean, you can do that but I find the pattern are pretty flow-breaking. Try that instead:
01:29:995 - 01:30:662 - either with dd kk or with dd k could be used here, both works very well since dd kk supports vocal and background and dd k has a bigger focus on vocal mapping.
01:41:329 (209,210) - You use kd on 01:42:662 (212,213) - for the same emphasis, I would do this with 01:41:329 - 01:41:495 - too. You may even use kdd but I think kd is better.

00:21:662 - from here you could use oo as rhythm: this adds some more variety since the music is "stronger" from here and worth to map denser. It's also closer to the Futsuu Difficulty.
00:26:995 (16,17,18,19) - (coming from 01:34:162 (93,94,95) - because I forgot to mention) - 1/2 should be avoided as much as possible, there are ways to avoid it, try this for example:
01:04:329 - here too, you may not want to use it before (means at 00:53:662 - ) since it boosts your SR up but eh.. SR barely means something. The Difficulty itself is easy, even with that rhythm since it's very simple to follow.
01:34:162 (93,94,95) - I wouldn't use 1/2 in that Kantan at all, use this rhythm instead: You could make them to Big Kats, fits also well.
01:44:329 (98,99,100,101) - Same case, this mainly focus on the Background Music tho.

edit: I've noticed that your thread had some double posts. I made a little clean-up so it's clearer now.
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

hi hi, let's see what can I find.

Not nitpicking about your difficulty names but wouldn't you just rename Oni to Inner Oni, and Lite Oni to Oni? This is by far more common to use. For me is better Lite Oni (there are maps ranked). I use Inner Oni in 5* or more and Oni in 3.8 or more only

00:51:495 (271,272,273,274,275) - actually I wanted to suggest swaping 00:51:829 (274,275) - since (274) is a more significant sound but I noticed that your kat follow is mainly for the drum beat, and k k is a silly idea for that case. However, you shouldn't use kkd but kdd instead. The sound at 00:51:495 - is rather short than long so kdd emphasize it better. Well, changed to kdd

Very clean difficulty, really enjoyable to play. Thanks :D

[Lite Oni]
00:35:495 (120,121,122,123) - what about ddd k? the kkk sounds pretty weak since you previously used k at 00:35:329 - . Another alternative would be kdd but I am unsure how do you feel about a multi-color triplet here. Following that change, you may also change 00:35:829 - to kat. Ok, changes to ddd k

01:17:662 (276,277,278,279) - Should that be k ddd? This parts works very similar like 01:16:329 (272,273,274,275) - , I don't find you should change it here. Changed
01:18:995 (280,281,282,283,284) - since you're going well with the background music, you could change this part to k kkddk; 01:19:829 - has an existing beat (it's quite calm however, like 01:19:662 - ) and should be mapped with d. 01:18:995 (280) - sounds strange as d, the piano is too light as you could use d properly imo. I accept this, but i applied with k dkddk
01:27:829 (309) - I would prefer if you move the note to 01:27:995 - , the 1/2 rhythm is pretty weird and feels forced. Removed
01:30:495 (318) - for the consistency I would stick with the background music and less for the vocals, remove this note if you applied above. Applied

00:30:662 (45) - since the beat at 00:31:329 - due drums is imo more significant, I would prefer to emphasize this sound. Also, change the note to d afterwards. Only added don in 00:31:329 -
00:42:995 - 00:45:329 - It's a weird decision to change your rhythm in a Futsuu so drastically, imo. I would keep it like that: but it's your decision. Applied, is better
01:27:329 - 01:27:995 - While you mainly focused on the background music, it's odd you follow the vocals here. I mean, you can do that but I find the pattern are pretty flow-breaking. Try that instead: Applied
01:29:995 - 01:30:662 - either with dd kk or with dd k could be used here, both works very well since dd kk supports vocal and background and dd k has a bigger focus on vocal mapping. I applied dd dk for consistence with another diff
01:41:329 (209,210) - You use kd on 01:42:662 (212,213) - for the same emphasis, I would do this with 01:41:329 - 01:41:495 - too. You may even use kdd but I think kd is better. Changed to kd, I prefer kdd here 01:41:329 - for drum pitch here 01:41:662 (215) -

00:21:662 - from here you could use oo as rhythm: this adds some more variety since the music is "stronger" from here and worth to map denser. It's also closer to the Futsuu Difficulty. Added notes
00:26:995 (16,17,18,19) - (coming from 01:34:162 (93,94,95) - because I forgot to mention) - 1/2 should be avoided as much as possible, there are ways to avoid it, try this for example: I don't not like it very much this. I prefer 1/2 because it looks better with the instrument and the tone of the battery. For now there will be no change.
01:04:329 - here too, you may not want to use it before (means at 00:53:662 - ) since it boosts your SR up but eh.. SR barely means something. The Difficulty itself is easy, even with that rhythm since it's very simple to follow. Hmmm, I applied the same 00:21:662 -
01:34:162 (93,94,95) - I wouldn't use 1/2 in that Kantan at all, use this rhythm instead: You could make them to Big Kats, fits also well. The same that 00:26:995 (16,17,18,19) -
01:44:329 (98,99,100,101) - Same case, this mainly focus on the Background Music tho . ^

edit: I've noticed that your thread had some double posts. I made a little clean-up so it's clearer now.
Thanks so much Stefan!
Beatmap updated~
Hello from my modding queue!

Capital words like DON or KAT means finishers.

It's good enough for me.

00:42:495 - Starting from here i think you can add 3 kats in 1/2 to support the drum attack.

00:53:995 - I think you can move this inherited point to 00:53:662 - here since the calm part starts at this place.

01:56:995 (18) - Mentioned in other diffs.

00:29:162 (73,74) - Since these are not finishers, i think you can add a don 00:28:995 - here to support the kick sound.

00:31:662 (85) - You can remove this and 00:31:495 (84) - turn this into dd (1/4) since there is no drum sound on 00:31:662

01:14:995 - From here to kiai, I know the vocals are sounding lower than the other sections but the drums are not. So, if you don't follow the vocals I suggest making this part a bit denser with adding notes.

This diff is well mapped too.

Lite Oni
00:15:495 (20,22) - I think you can turn these to dons, since this is "Lite oni" and not the muzu diff.

00:18:246 - Add a kat here?

00:35:579 (121) - You can change this to kat.

00:42:329 - You can add a KAT here to emphasize the crash cymbal.

00:53:579 (210) - How about deleting this? There is no drum sound.

01:43:995 - Since this part is the kiai part, i think you can add kkd (1/4) here to emphasize the drum attack and make this part more denser.

01:54:662 - ^

02:00:829 (255,257) - Same as 00:15:495 (20,22).

02:08:329 (1) - Mentioned in oni.

00:20:412 - I think you need to add a don here to keep consistency with 00:15:079 (25) - this note.

00:40:995 (197,198,199) - There are 2 drum sounds that I can hear, maybe you can delete at the middle.

00:42:495 (206,207) - I think changing these 2 to kats will be good, since there are snare sounds on them.

00:47:579 (246) - k? Because the drums are actually going like dkk.

01:06:829 (360) - You can change this one to kat because 00:56:162 (300) - this one is kat too even the sounds are the same. If you apply this one, 01:01:495 (330) - you need to change this one also.

01:19:995 (443) - Well, i think a finisher will suit here because of the cymbal crash. But if you don't think it is loud enough, you can keep it too.

01:33:329 - Maybe it's just me but the SV increase on this place is not smooth. But it's your mapping style, so...

01:50:829 (653,654,655,656,657,658,659) - How about kkd kkd for this bit? It will emphasize the hi-hat sounds.

01:56:912 (705,706) - These 2 notes are excess imo. I think you can delete those.

02:02:245 (743,744) - Ctrl + g? The snare sound is on 743.

02:00:912 (733,734) - ^ with 733.

02:08:329 (1) - I think you can move this spinner to 02:08:495 - here and put a DON at 02:08:329 to emphasize the outro of the song.

Solid diff, fun to play!

Good luck on ranking~
Topic Starter

frukoyurdakul wrote:

Hello from my modding queue!

Capital words like DON or KAT means finishers.

It's good enough for me.

00:42:495 - Starting from here i think you can add 3 kats in 1/2 to support the drum attack. Is a bit hard put this, so for now i don't accept

00:53:995 - I think you can move this inherited point to 00:53:662 - here since the calm part starts at this place. Moved

01:56:995 (18) - Mentioned in other diffs. I like the sound here

00:29:162 (73,74) - Since these are not finishers, i think you can add a don 00:28:995 - here to support the kick sound. Added don

00:31:662 (85) - You can remove this and 00:31:495 (84) - turn this into dd (1/4) since there is no drum sound on 00:31:662 I don't use dd in Muzukashii

01:14:995 - From here to kiai, I know the vocals are sounding lower than the other sections but the drums are not. So, if you don't follow the vocals I suggest making this part a bit denser with adding notes. I try follow the drum, so added more notes

This diff is well mapped too.

Lite Oni
00:15:495 (20,22) - I think you can turn these to dons, since this is "Lite oni" and not the muzu diff. Fixed

00:18:246 - Add a kat here? It's not very noticeable when playing, I don't add it

00:35:579 (121) - You can change this to kat. Changed

00:42:329 - You can add a KAT here to emphasize the crash cymbal. I don't like the sound

00:53:579 (210) - How about deleting this? There is no drum sound. Moved to 00:53:412 -

01:43:995 - Since this part is the kiai part, i think you can add kkd (1/4) here to emphasize the drum attack and make this part more denser. Added kkd

01:54:662 - ^ Ok

02:00:829 (255,257) - Same as 00:15:495 (20,22). Changed to dkd for consistence with 00:35:495 (120,121,122) -

02:08:329 (1) - Mentioned in oni. V

00:20:412 - I think you need to add a don here to keep consistency with 00:15:079 (25) - this note. Added

00:40:995 (197,198,199) - There are 2 drum sounds that I can hear, maybe you can delete at the middle. Moved to 00:41:079 (199) - 00:40:912 -

00:42:495 (206,207) - I think changing these 2 to kats will be good, since there are snare sounds on them. I don't like the sound

00:47:579 (246) - k? Because the drums are actually going like dkk. Ok

01:06:829 (360) - You can change this one to kat because 00:56:162 (300) - this one is kat too even the sounds are the same. If you apply this one, 01:01:495 (330) - you need to change this one also. Only applied in 01:06:829 (360) -

01:19:995 (443) - Well, i think a finisher will suit here because of the cymbal crash. But if you don't think it is loud enough, you can keep it too. Added for now

01:33:329 - Maybe it's just me but the SV increase on this place is not smooth. But it's your mapping style, so... I didn't put this. I have been suggested and liked. Maybe I'll goes some changes

01:50:829 (653,654,655,656,657,658,659) - How about kkd kkd for this bit? It will emphasize the hi-hat sounds. I follow the drum pitch, no changes

01:56:912 (705,706) - These 2 notes are excess imo. I think you can delete those. I like the way it is

02:02:245 (743,744) - Ctrl + g? The snare sound is on 743. Consistence with 00:36:829 (172,173,174,175,176) -

02:00:912 (733,734) - ^ with 733. Consistence with 00:35:329 (160,161,162,163,164) -

02:08:329 (1) - I think you can move this spinner to 02:08:495 - here and put a DON at 02:08:329 to emphasize the outro of the song. This before was a big don, but I changed it since sound makes it very short and start with the spinner here 02:08:495 - I don't liked . Instead the spinner is still in sync with the sound. For now there will be no changes

Solid diff, fun to play! :D

Good luck on ranking~
Thanks so much for mod!
Beatmap updated~
3 pages of mods already :o I'll do my best :?

00:20:329 - sounds weird having a note here since the piano sound is at 00:20:162 - , maybe move it there?
00:32:329 - if you want to keep this 1.05x SV increase I strongly suggest ending it at 00:53:662 - instead of 00:53:995 -
00:51:495 - add note? to keep it consistent with 00:52:329 (47,48) -
01:28:995 (92) - k?
01:32:829 - move green line to 01:32:995 (97) -
01:33:329 - move green line to 01:33:662 (98) -
02:08:329 (1) - more spinner end to 02:14:162 - since that's where the sound actually ends.

I love the note placements in this diff

00:26:662 - add a note here maybe? I know there's the drum sound at 00:25:995 - , but adding in some vocal mapping might make it... cooler? idk.
00:36:995 (61,62,63) - invert?
00:45:995 (79,80) - ctrl g? really think 00:46:329 (80) - deserves a k
00:51:829 (94,95,96,97,98) - sounds better inverted imo
01:04:329 (123) - k?
01:17:995 (157) - k?
01:20:995 (164) - k again?
01:21:995 (166) - d
01:23:329 (169) - k?
01:32:829 - move green line to 01:32:662 (194) -
01:33:329 - move green line to 01:32:995 (195) - or 01:33:662 (198) -

00:21:329 (42,43,44) - k k d?
00:23:829 (52,53) - ctrl g for variation?
00:28:495 (71) - change to k and move 00:28:995 (73) - to 00:28:829 - ?
00:36:662 (107,108,109,110,111,112,113) - sounds better as k d d k d d k imo
00:53:495 (183) - think this can be removed. Maybe change 00:53:329 (182) - to k if you do
00:53:995 - move green line to 00:53:662 -
00:53:995 - to 01:08:662 - cant this be made less repetitive? :(
01:10:495 (251,252) - ctrl g?
01:18:329 (282) - think this can be a k to keep things spicy, it'd look quite nice since you used one at 01:21:995 (295) -
01:29:829 (323) - k?
01:41:495 (374) - k, high pitch drum hit here
01:43:662 (386,387) - move to 01:43:829 - and ctrl g?
01:45:162 (391,392) - ctrl g?

[Lite Oni]
00:16:162 (25) - k?
00:36:162 (125) - k again
00:38:829 (139) - k for variation
00:49:495 (190) - k since the piano is pretty high pitch
00:58:829 (241) - k, i like k's
01:04:162 (269) - ^
01:09:162 (295) - ^
01:18:829 (19,20,21) - dkd?
01:29:829 (73) - k for variation?
01:32:162 (83) - think this can get away with being a d
02:01:495 (264) - k imo

here come the kat train chugga chugga choo choo

00:13:495 (16) - k
00:18:829 (50) - ^
00:24:162 (86) - ^
00:29:495 (120) - ^
00:37:495 (178) - ^
00:40:162 (194) - ^
00:48:162 (251) - ^
00:49:495 (259) - ^
01:06:829 (361,362) - ctrl g?

kiai looks awesome

After testplaying all the diffs I'd say the only diff that be improved with SV's is the Oni. In all the other diffs they just feel weird, so I'd say either adjust them for each diff or remove them.

Awesome song, gl with rank! :D
Topic Starter

Raphalge wrote:

3 pages of mods already :o I'll do my best :?

00:20:329 - sounds weird having a note here since the piano sound is at 00:20:162 - , maybe move it there? It's true, but if i moved this it's is not concistent with other notes. No changes for now
00:32:329 - if you want to keep this 1.05x SV increase I strongly suggest ending it at 00:53:662 - instead of 00:53:995 - Fixed
00:51:495 - add note? to keep it consistent with 00:52:329 (47,48) - Added
01:28:995 (92) - k? Sure
01:32:829 - move green line to 01:32:995 (97) - Moved
01:33:329 - move green line to 01:33:662 (98) - ^
02:08:329 (1) - more spinner end to 02:14:162 - since that's where the sound actually ends. Fixed

I love the note placements in this diff :D

00:26:662 - add a note here maybe? I know there's the drum sound at 00:25:995 - , but adding in some vocal mapping might make it... cooler? idk. Added don
00:36:995 (61,62,63) - invert? Follow the drum pitch
00:45:995 (79,80) - ctrl g? really think 00:46:329 (80) - deserves a k For me is better don :/
00:51:829 (94,95,96,97,98) - sounds better inverted imo Changed, but I placed kk in 00:52:662 (98,99) -
01:04:329 (123) - k?
01:17:995 (157) - k?
01:20:995 (164) - k again?
01:21:995 (166) - d
01:23:329 (169) - k? All applied ^
01:32:829 - move green line to 01:32:662 (194) - Moved
01:33:329 - move green line to 01:32:995 (195) - or 01:33:662 (198) - Moved to 01:33:662 (198) -

00:21:329 (42,43,44) - k k d? Follow the drum pitch
00:23:829 (52,53) - ctrl g for variation? Changed to k d k
00:28:495 (71) - change to k and move 00:28:995 (73) - to 00:28:829 - ? I don't like this :/
00:36:662 (107,108,109,110,111,112,113) - sounds better as k d d k d d k imo Changed to k k d d k k d
00:53:495 (183) - think this can be removed. Maybe change 00:53:329 (182) - to k if you do Only removed this 00:53:495 (183) -
00:53:995 - move green line to 00:53:662 - Moved
00:53:995 - to 01:08:662 - cant this be made less repetitive? :( Mmm, i follow the drum, so I think no
01:10:495 (251,252) - ctrl g? Ok
01:18:329 (282) - think this can be a k to keep things spicy, it'd look quite nice since you used one at 01:21:995 (295) - Changed
01:29:829 (323) - k? Ok
01:41:495 (374) - k, high pitch drum hit here Fixed
01:43:662 (386,387) - move to 01:43:829 - and ctrl g? Applied
01:45:162 (391,392) - ctrl g? Follow the drum pitch

[Lite Oni]
00:16:162 (25) - k? I don't like the sound
00:36:162 (125) - k again Ok
00:38:829 (139) - k for variation ^
00:49:495 (190) - k since the piano is pretty high pitch Changed
00:58:829 (241) - k, i like k's Ok
01:04:162 (269) - ^ ^
01:09:162 (295) - ^ I don't like the sound
01:18:829 (19,20,21) - dkd? Changed
01:29:829 (73) - k for variation? Ok
01:32:162 (83) - think this can get away with being a d Ok, changed
02:01:495 (264) - k imo Ok

here come the kat train chugga chugga choo choo

00:13:495 (16) - k
00:18:829 (50) - ^
00:24:162 (86) - ^
00:29:495 (120) - ^
00:37:495 (178) - ^
00:40:162 (194) - ^
00:48:162 (251) - ^
00:49:495 (259) - ^
01:06:829 (361,362) - ctrl g? All applied for now

kiai looks awesome

After testplaying all the diffs I'd say the only diff that be improved with SV's is the Oni. In all the other diffs they just feel weird, so I'd say either adjust them for each diff or remove them. I need adjust some SV in low diffs, thanks!

Awesome song, gl with rank! :D
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
Hi, it's Gaston! From my modding queue.


> Tag suggestion:

- '千葉 直樹' can be added since he's literally the real name of 'naotyu-'
- 'アニメマシテ' can be also be added since in this radio prog., Tsukinami was used as the main theme song in 2015 Jan.

Source: ... 4%EF%BC%9E ... 7%E3%83%86 ... A%E3%83%9F

! REMOVE ALL SV CHANGES in all difficulties except Oni. Check Kantan's mod for detail.

> 00:32:329 - / 01:57:662 - How about adding Finish here? There's a strong guitar chord as a new start of section (the 16th bar). A Finisher should match the dynamic well.

> From 00:37:662 - to 00:40:329 - , it's too porous and the density does not match with the patterns before. k k d d k should be sth expeceted.

> 01:11:162 - I would like this note shifted back 1/2 beat to match the strong piano sound at the on-beat. It sounds more comfortable and matches back to the melody in stead of following the drum set too stubbornly.

> From 01:30:995 - to 01:33:662 - , these SV changes should be removed. Kantan level players are likely unable to handle them. In case you want to show a gradual increase of intensity, you may just simply add a SVx1.0 at 01:30:995 - because the previous session from 01:14:995 - is SVx0.9. Simple SV change is acceptable, but not a complicated one.

> 01:33:662 - This should be a Finish due to the existence of loud cymbal crash.

> 01:35:162 - similar case at 01:11:162 - , same suggestion too.

> 01:35:662 - this can also be filled up with a kat because of the intensity of music in vocal and instrumental parts.

> 01:45:829 - / 01:46:329 - same case in 01:35:162 - and 01:35:662 -

> 01:55:662 - kat can be added here as well, similar to 00:39:662 -

> 02:04:995 - ummm, I think the 2nd and 4th (i.e. 02:04:662 - / 02:05:329 - ) beat should be mapped as k, there are also melody falling on them. 02:04:995 - can be emptyed then. A more rhythmic (jumpy) pattern is used here which looks less monotonus.

> 02:14:329 - end the spinner here. This is the timing where the melody stops.


> 00:20:329 - it is a strange note since the melody fall on its back and front. Using a structure like 00:25:662 - at 00:20:162 - , mapping as k dk k in 1/2 beat should fit the melody and match the consistency well.

> 00:29:995 - / 00:30:662 - filling/ emptying them up would be a better choice than the current half-half situation (in terms of mapping style and consistency). I prefer filling them up though.

> 00:31:495 - how about shift this don to 00:31:162 - ? It matches those 1/2 drum hits well, instead of leaving 00:31:162 - empty. Also, the note at 00:31:495 - sounds like masking the upcoming vocal too!

> 00:51:995 - shift it 1/2 forward to 00:52:162 - in order to match the melody better. Isolating 00:51:829 - is another benefit for this suggestion. This little stacato melody should be emphasized by isolation imo.

> 00:52:829 - k sounds better due to the relatively high pitch

> 01:00:829 - / 01:06:162 - how about matching these notes in order to get rid of boring 1/1 triplet patterns along these bars?

> 01:18:995 - how about d d k here? I can see a mirror pattern at 01:21:662 - & 01:24:329 - , you should also do so at 01:16:329 - & 01:18:995 - .

~ From 01:50:162 - to 01:52:329 - , I think you've noticed that the vocal and instrumental part are not in the same phrase lol. As you follow vocal part before, I expect you are going to the same here, though the base drum is very outstanding. It depends on you, I just wanna state this point out anyway.


> 00:28:495 - It sounds like another note worthy for a Finish, comparing with 00:26:995 (65,67,69) -

> 00:29:162 (74,75) - K K? the instrumental sounds interesting originally and I think the note should also reflect it.

> 00:42:329 - there's a cymbal crash here and it's okay to use D k in 1/2 beat in Muzukashii. Consider adding a kat at 00:42:329 - and remaining the don at 00:42:495 - . The comparison of notes sound well.

> 00:42:995 - a new start of a session, Finish is preferred.

> 00:51:329 - / 00:51:495 - swap them for consistency along all difficulties, also for the sake of pitch of these two notes.

> 00:53:329 - / 00:53:662 - another pair for swapping as well: 00:53:329 - falls on the third kick although there's not really much at the background, k is still preferable and is expected by the players; 00:53:662 - changing it to d can match the mapping style according to the upcoming similar pace at 00:54:995 - / 00:56:329 - / ...

> 01:00:829 - / 01:06:162 - same stuff in Futsuu: how about matching these notes in order to get rid of boring 1/1 triplet patterns along these bars? Yay, in Muzukashii you can definitely do so.

> 01:12:329 - Finish missing, the vocal dynamic is euivalent to that of 01:09:662 - .

> 01:26:162 - / 01:28:829 - / 01:54:495 - don can be put at these two timings to enrich the patterns there. Leaving such 1/1 gap is quite weird because you did not do so in the previous mapping style.
* But it's fine here 01:30:995 - , I can see a building up phrase so it's alright.

> 01:42:829 - another Finish note missing...

> 01:57:329 - change it to k can show a huger contrast with the upcoming DON at 01:57:662 - , and again for every 3rd beat, it's commonly considered and expected of a kat. In this circumstance, kat also matches the bass guitar and the bass drum set too.

> 02:07:329 - umm.... It's about style again: look at 02:06:495 - , you used d k d k. Then how about another set of alternative colour from 02:07:329 - to 02:08:162 - ? i.e. k ddd kkk d

[Lite Oni]

> Basically it's a similar case as of Muzukashii, just refer to Muzukashii for some major parts. It's quite good already.


I am very busy and I can see a bunch of updates of your map, so some of my points may be no longer valid. Sorry for such delay as well! :(
Topic Starter

Skylish wrote:

Hi, it's Gaston! From my modding queue.


> Tag suggestion: Tags added

- '千葉 直樹' can be added since he's literally the real name of 'naotyu-'
- 'アニメマシテ' can be also be added since in this radio prog., Tsukinami was used as the main theme song in 2015 Jan.

Source: ... 4%EF%BC%9E ... 7%E3%83%86 ... A%E3%83%9F

! REMOVE ALL SV CHANGES in all difficulties except Oni. Check Kantan's mod for detail. I'll see later if i remove some

> 00:32:329 - / 01:57:662 - How about adding Finish here? There's a strong guitar chord as a new start of section (the 16th bar). A Finisher should match the dynamic well. Added, but I change to don for consistence with other diff

> From 00:37:662 - to 00:40:329 - , it's too porous and the density does not match with the patterns before. k k d d k should be sth expeceted. Hmmm, well. For now notes added

> 01:11:162 - I would like this note shifted back 1/2 beat to match the strong piano sound at the on-beat. It sounds more comfortable and matches back to the melody in stead of following the drum set too stubbornly. I've changed it

> From 01:30:995 - to 01:33:662 - , these SV changes should be removed. Kantan level players are likely unable to handle them. In case you want to show a gradual increase of intensity, you may just simply add a SVx1.0 at 01:30:995 - because the previous session from 01:14:995 - is SVx0.9. Simple SV change is acceptable, but not a complicated one. There has been much talk of this, for now I leave it as it is. I'll wait for a BN comment and probably change this

> 01:33:662 - This should be a Finish due to the existence of loud cymbal crash. Added finisher

> 01:35:162 - similar case at 01:11:162 - , same suggestion too. I've changed it

> 01:35:662 - this can also be filled up with a kat because of the intensity of music in vocal and instrumental parts. This is a break after 1/2, if I add another note is complicated.

> 01:45:829 - / 01:46:329 - same case in 01:35:162 - and 01:35:662 - I said it above ^

> 01:55:662 - kat can be added here as well, similar to 00:39:662 - For now added

> 02:04:995 - ummm, I think the 2nd and 4th (i.e. 02:04:662 - / 02:05:329 - ) beat should be mapped as k, there are also melody falling on them. 02:04:995 - can be emptyed then. A more rhythmic (jumpy) pattern is used here which looks less monotonus. This is similar to 00:50:329 (47,48,49) - . So I applied the same

> 02:14:329 - end the spinner here. This is the timing where the melody stops. The melody of the violin is cut there. What follows is the sound left in the air. And the STD version finish there


> 00:20:329 - it is a strange note since the melody fall on its back and front. Using a structure like 00:25:662 - at 00:20:162 - , mapping as k dk k in 1/2 beat should fit the melody and match the consistency well. Well, applied k dk k

> 00:29:995 - / 00:30:662 - filling/ emptying them up would be a better choice than the current half-half situation (in terms of mapping style and consistency). I prefer filling them up though. Added note in 00:29:662 - and remove from 00:30:662 -

> 00:31:495 - how about shift this don to 00:31:162 - ? It matches those 1/2 drum hits well, instead of leaving 00:31:162 - empty. Also, the note at 00:31:495 - sounds like masking the upcoming vocal too! Moved

> 00:51:995 - shift it 1/2 forward to 00:52:162 - in order to match the melody better. Isolating 00:51:829 - is another benefit for this suggestion. This little stacato melody should be emphasized by isolation imo. Lol, i forgot. Fixed

> 00:52:829 - k sounds better due to the relatively high pitch It was already in kat

> 01:00:829 - / 01:06:162 - how about matching these notes in order to get rid of boring 1/1 triplet patterns along these bars? I don't like the sound here :/

> 01:18:995 - how about d d k here? I can see a mirror pattern at 01:21:662 - & 01:24:329 - , you should also do so at 01:16:329 - & 01:18:995 - .

~ From 01:50:162 - to 01:52:329 - , I think you've noticed that the vocal and instrumental part are not in the same phrase lol. As you follow vocal part before, I expect you are going to the same here, though the base drum is very outstanding. It depends on you, I just wanna state this point out anyway.I added some notes here


> 00:28:495 - It sounds like another note worthy for a Finish, comparing with 00:26:995 (65,67,69) - There is no consistency if I add finisher, due to this note 00:28:662 (71) - . If I remove 00:28:662 (71) - the sound is not very good

> 00:29:162 (74,75) - K K? the instrumental sounds interesting originally and I think the note should also reflect it. I don't like the sound, and here 00:29:662 (75) - is for drum pitch

> 00:42:329 - there's a cymbal crash here and it's okay to use D k in 1/2 beat in Muzukashii. Consider adding a kat at 00:42:329 - and remaining the don at 00:42:495 - . The comparison of notes sound well. Added don

> 00:42:995 - a new start of a session, Finish is preferred. Added Finisher

> 00:51:329 - / 00:51:495 - swap them for consistency along all difficulties, also for the sake of pitch of these two notes. Ok

> 00:53:329 - / 00:53:662 - another pair for swapping as well: 00:53:329 - falls on the third kick although there's not really much at the background, k is still preferable and is expected by the players; 00:53:662 - changing it to d can match the mapping style according to the upcoming similar pace at 00:54:995 - / 00:56:329 - / ... 00:53:329 - Changed to kat and 00:53:662 - to don

> 01:00:829 - / 01:06:162 - same stuff in Futsuu: how about matching these notes in order to get rid of boring 1/1 triplet patterns along these bars? Yay, in Muzukashii you can definitely do so. Sorry, but i don't like the sound here :/

> 01:12:329 - Finish missing, the vocal dynamic is euivalent to that of 01:09:662 - . Added finisher

> 01:26:162 - / 01:28:829 - / 01:54:495 - don can be put at these two timings to enrich the patterns there. Leaving such 1/1 gap is quite weird because you did not do so in the previous mapping style. Added notes
* But it's fine here 01:30:995 - , I can see a building up phrase so it's alright.

> 01:42:829 - another Finish note missing... Here no finisher imo

> 01:57:329 - change it to k can show a huger contrast with the upcoming DON at 01:57:662 - , and again for every 3rd beat, it's commonly considered and expected of a kat. In this circumstance, kat also matches the bass guitar and the bass drum set too. Sound better with don imo

> 02:07:329 - umm.... It's about style again: look at 02:06:495 - , you used d k d k. Then how about another set of alternative colour from 02:07:329 - to 02:08:162 - ? i.e. k ddd kkk d The drum is very prominent here, I don't think change this

[Lite Oni]

> Basically it's a similar case as of Muzukashii, just refer to Muzukashii for some major parts. It's quite good already. Ok, I see this


I am very busy and I can see a bunch of updates of your map, so some of my points may be no longer valid. Sorry for such delay as well! :( No matter, you are help me :D
Thanks for mod SkyLish
Beatmap updated~
Hi o/

Taiko mod request from my queue (NM)

d = don - D = big don
k = kat - K = big kat

  1. Actualmente el tamaño de BG es "1366x768 o 1920x1080" digo por que la altura de tu BG es 1020.. deberias arreglarlo como se debe así para tener una buena calidad en este set.
  1. 00:31:995 (138) - siento que es mejor con d combina bien el vocal y el piano imo y 00:32:329 (139) - cambiar a K
  2. 00:37:662 (180) - enfatizar D? algo como esto 00:37:662 (180,253) - por el espacio
  3. 00:41:829 (204) - pondría un K suena bien para variar o tal vez en 00:42:162 (205) - para seguir el sonido de piano que incrementa.. solo es sugerencia imo
  4. 00:53:329 (287) - cambiar a k?
  5. 01:19:329 (441) - ^
  6. 01:57:662 (712) - cambiaría a K para el cymbal imo
  7. 02:07:495 (787,788,789,790,791,792,793) - este patron es igual que la diff anterior? mismo en muzu.. creo que deberías considerar otro patron para esta diff que es ultimo difícil.. tal vez un kdk o dkd imo
[Lite Oni]
  1. 00:31:995 (101) - cambiar a d?
  2. 00:37:662 (135) - también aquí pondría D para enfatizar
No encontré mas problema en esta diff.

  1. 00:15:496 - aquí pusiste nota en futsuu pero en esta diff no tiene mismo en kantan? tal vez lo quite en futsuu así para mejorar un poco el spread imo
  2. 00:20:329 - missing note? como 00:14:995 (16) - para consistencia
  3. 00:20:829 - aquí pusiera triple 1/4 por esos tambores que escucho imo
  4. 00:42:329 (130) - tal vez eliminar? es mejor para esta diff también para variar esta sección en la diff siguiente que es similar?
  5. 00:50:495 - siento que falta una nota ahí
  6. 01:15:995 (273,274) - y si haces control + g and 01:17:329 (278) - cambiar a k? se escucha bien k con ese ritmo.. es mejor para esta diff imo (así mismo en las secciones similares) ya que siento que es demasiado d
  7. 01:38:329 - se siente vació aquí.. trata este patron: 01:37:495 (357) - mover en 01:37:162 - and 01:38:829 (363) - mover en 01:38:329 -
  8. 01:45:662 (395,396) - k D para variar? la sentí repetida xd
  9. 01:57:329 (448) - cambiar a k?
  1. 00:15:329 (11,13) - control + g? es preferible hacer un solo color 1/2 es un poco difícil para esta diff imo
  2. 00:25:995 (40) - cambiar a k?
  3. 00:30:329 (52) - la pobre mucha veces y me pareció que no es necesario.. mover en 00:30:662 - ?
  4. 00:42:495 - agregar K?
  5. 00:52:329 (102) - cambiar a d?
  6. 01:16:662 (166,167) - cambiar a k similar like 01:14:995 (162,163,164) -
  7. 01:18:995 (171,173) - ^
  8. 01:27:495 (191) - mover a 01:27:662 -
  1. 00:25:662 (17,18) - control + g y 00:26:995 (19,20) - a k por el sonido que aumenta y 00:27:995 (21,22) - con d disminuye es mejor imo
  2. 00:59:329 (61) - cambiar a d por consistencia?
Topic Starter

Etsu wrote:

Hi o/

Taiko mod request from my queue (NM)

d = don - D = big don
k = kat - K = big kat

  1. Actualmente el tamaño de BG es "1366x768 o 1920x1080" digo por que la altura de tu BG es 1020.. deberias arreglarlo como se debe así para tener una buena calidad en este set. Pensé que había pusto 1200, ya que es lo máximo permitido. Pero lo cambié a 1080
  1. 00:31:995 (138) - siento que es mejor con d combina bien el vocal y el piano imo y 00:32:329 (139) - cambiar a K Se escucha bien, cambiado
  2. 00:37:662 (180) - enfatizar D? algo como esto 00:37:662 (180,253) - por el espacio Finisher agregado
  3. 00:41:829 (204) - pondría un K suena bien para variar o tal vez en 00:42:162 (205) - para seguir el sonido de piano que incrementa.. solo es sugerencia imo Me gusta tal como es
  4. 00:53:329 (287) - cambiar a k? Es el mismo sonido que 00:53:162 (286) -
  5. 01:19:329 (441) - ^ Ok
  6. 01:57:662 (712) - cambiaría a K para el cymbal imo Ok
  7. 02:07:495 (787,788,789,790,791,792,793) - este patron es igual que la diff anterior? mismo en muzu.. creo que deberías considerar otro patron para esta diff que es ultimo difícil.. tal vez un kdk o dkd imo Es verdad, lo he cambiado a kdk dkd
[Lite Oni]
  1. 00:31:995 (101) - cambiar a d?
  2. 00:37:662 (135) - también aquí pondría D para enfatizar
No encontré mas problema en esta diff. Todo aplicado

  1. 00:15:496 - aquí pusiste nota en futsuu pero en esta diff no tiene mismo en kantan? tal vez lo quite en futsuu así para mejorar un poco el spread imo He movido la nota en 00:15:662 - (futsuu)
  2. 00:20:329 - missing note? como 00:14:995 (16) - para consistencia Nota agregada
  3. 00:20:829 - aquí pusiera triple 1/4 por esos tambores que escucho imo Agregado triple
  4. 00:42:329 (130) - tal vez eliminar? es mejor para esta diff también para variar esta sección en la diff siguiente que es similar? Nota eliminada
  5. 00:50:495 - siento que falta una nota ahí Nota agregada
  6. 01:15:995 (273,274) - y si haces control + g and 01:17:329 (278) - cambiar a k? se escucha bien k con ese ritmo.. es mejor para esta diff imo (así mismo en las secciones similares) ya que siento que es demasiado d He cambiado los patrones similares a lo que me sugeriste en esa parte, lo apliqué en todas las diff
  7. 01:38:329 - se siente vació aquí.. trata este patron: 01:37:495 (357) - mover en 01:37:162 - and 01:38:829 (363) - mover en 01:38:329 - He modificado esa parte (agregué un triple)
  8. 01:45:662 (395,396) - k D para variar? la sentí repetida xd El tono del drum es así, no creo que lo cambie
  9. 01:57:329 (448) - cambiar a k? Esto siempre va a ser don
  1. 00:15:329 (11,13) - control + g? es preferible hacer un solo color 1/2 es un poco difícil para esta diff imo Lo he cambiado a k d
  2. 00:25:995 (40) - cambiar a k? Cambiado
  3. 00:30:329 (52) - la pobre mucha veces y me pareció que no es necesario.. mover en 00:30:662 - ? Para mi si es necesario, se siente muy vacio si no hay alguna nota ahí
  4. 00:42:495 - agregar K? No quiero que sea muy extenso el 1/2
  5. 00:52:329 (102) - cambiar a d? Cambiado
  6. 01:16:662 (166,167) - cambiar a k similar like 01:14:995 (162,163,164) - Lo cambié a d d k para respetar el spread con las diff siguientes
  7. 01:18:995 (171,173) - ^ Cambiado a d k d por la misma razón ^
  8. 01:27:495 (191) - mover a 01:27:662 - Consistencia con 01:29:995 (197,198) -
  1. 00:25:662 (17,18) - control + g y 00:26:995 (19,20) - a k por el sonido que aumenta y 00:27:995 (21,22) - con d disminuye es mejor imo Me gusta, aplicado
  2. 00:59:329 (61) - cambiar a d por consistencia? Cambiado
Muchas gracias por tu mod!
Beatmap updated~

Ready for BN? c:
Hi, M4M~
Im noob at taiko modding so just refer my modding :)
I wrote down just word,not sentence, But it doesn't mean "you should fix it now x( " !!!
Because my English is poor, I can't write what i really want to say 100% ;w;

00:19:995 (9) - add d
00:32:329 (27) - d
00:54:995 (53,54) - ctrl g
00:58:995 (59,60) - ctrl g
01:24:329 (90) - add k
01:44:329 (111,112,113,114) - K
01:46:995 (115,116) - ctrl g
02:08:329 (1) - so long

00:19:995 (24) - add d because little difficult in Futsuu
00:52:662 (103) - d
01:09:329 (146) - k
01:17:995 (169,170) - ctrl g
01:29:662 (196) - d
01:56:995 (18) - k
02:08:329 (1) - so long

00:32:329 (90) - d
00:48:329 (159) - d
01:57:662 (444) - d
02:07:912 (491) - delete
02:08:329 (1) - so long

Lite Oni
00:12:329 (6) - delete
00:17:662 (31) - delete
00:32:329 (102,103) - ctrl g
00:42:995 (160) - d
00:44:329 (166) - delete
00:48:329 (185) - d
00:49:495 (192) - d
00:53:495 (215,216) - ctrl g
01:14:995 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - so many d so change some d to k
01:36:329 (108) - d
01:46:995 (175) - d
01:47:329 (178) - K
01:57:662 (242) - k
02:08:329 (1) - so long

00:11:829 (6) - k sound is 'd' but more feeling of end
00:14:495 (22) - k same reason
00:17:162 (40) - ^
00:19:829 (56) - ^
00:20:329 (58) - delete
00:26:829 (108,109) - add a circle between them
00:31:662 (137,138) - ctrl g
00:34:162 (153,154) - add d between
00:34:579 (157) - delete
00:45:662 (232,233) - d
00:57:995 (312) - k
01:01:495 (332) - k
01:05:662 (357) - delete
01:44:079 (609) - delete
01:56:829 (708) - k
01:56:912 (709) - delete
02:08:329 (1) - so long
Topic Starter

404 AccNotFound wrote:

Hi, M4M~ When I requested M4M? Link of the map plz
Im noob at taiko modding so just refer my modding :) It's fine
I wrote down just word,not sentence, But it doesn't mean "you should fix it now x( " !!!
Because my English is poor, I can't write what i really want to say 100% ;w; My english also is bad

00:19:995 (9) - add d 1/2 in a Kantan is unrankeable (except in very low bpm), because this is very hard to this diff
00:32:329 (27) - d The finisher here mark a new section, this mark difference with the above
00:54:995 (53,54) - ctrl g
00:58:995 (59,60) - ctrl g Applied
01:24:329 (90) - add k I don't add note here because I want make difference with these sections 01:22:995 - 01:25:662 -
01:44:329 (111,112,113,114) - K Ok
01:46:995 (115,116) - ctrl g This 01:46:995 (115) - is a snare, so I keep
02:08:329 (1) - so long I want keep this spinner for a better spread with the other diffs

00:19:995 (24) - add d because little difficult in Futsuu I don't see hard this, also I don't like the sound here
00:52:662 (103) - d Changed
01:09:329 (146) - k I listen a kick drum here, keep
01:17:995 (169,170) - ctrl g Don't like the sound, also is inconsistent with 01:14:995 (162,163,164) -
01:29:662 (196) - d Ok
01:56:995 (18) - k Don't like the sound
02:08:329 (1) - so long The sound finish here, keep

00:32:329 (90) - d Same as Kantan
00:48:329 (159) - d New section
01:57:662 (444) - d Same as 00:32:329 (90) -
02:07:912 (491) - delete Follow the drum
02:08:329 (1) - so long You know

Lite Oni
00:12:329 (6) - delete I conside delete this, but no for now
00:17:662 (31) - delete ^
00:32:329 (102,103) - ctrl g Don't like the sound
00:42:995 (160) - d ^
00:44:329 (166) - delete Consistence with 00:38:329 (135,136,137,138,139) -
00:48:329 (185) - d New section and high pitch
00:49:495 (192) - d Follow the piano here
00:53:495 (215,216) - ctrl g Ok
01:14:995 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - so many d so change some d to k It's fine for me. I don't think neccesary add kat
01:36:329 (108) - d New section
01:46:995 (175) - d ^
01:47:329 (178) - K Don't like 1/4 with finisher
01:57:662 (242) - k New section
02:08:329 (1) - so long You know

00:11:829 (6) - k sound is 'd' but more feeling of end Don't like this, keep
00:14:495 (22) - k same reason keep
00:17:162 (40) - ^
00:19:829 (56) - ^ No
00:20:329 (58) - delete Removed
00:26:829 (108,109) - add a circle between them Don't like 1/4 with finisher in the final
00:31:662 (137,138) - ctrl g I follow the vocal here
00:34:162 (153,154) - add d between Ok
00:34:579 (157) - delete Removed
00:45:662 (232,233) - d Sounds good
00:57:995 (312) - k Changed
01:01:495 (332) - k Ok
01:05:662 (357) - delete Consistence with 00:59:662 (321,322,323,324,325) -
01:44:079 (609) - delete Obviously here has a snare
01:56:829 (708) - k Don't like the sound
01:56:912 (709) - delete Snare sound
02:08:329 (1) - so long You know
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
Hello from my modding queue
  • [General]
  1. It would be great if you add this skin into taiko (although for all mode):
  2. Would add the slider instead the spinner
  • [Lite Oni]
  1. 00:28:995: Remove this
  2. 00:58:829 (241, 242): change 241 to d and change 242 to k and add drum
  3. 01:23:576: Add d here
  4. 01:56:995: Add d here
  5. 02:05:662: Add Finish
I'm a bad modder if this one doesn't help you, ignore it
Good luck
Topic Starter

davidminh0111 wrote:

Hello from my modding queue
  • [General]
  1. It would be great if you add this skin into taiko (although for all mode): I like the skin, but I don't see it's neccesary
  2. Would add the slider instead the spinner I don't like much the sliders xc
  • [Lite Oni]
  1. 00:28:995: Remove this I listen a kick here, but I remove this in Muzukashii
  2. 00:58:829 (241, 242): change 241 to d and change 242 to k and add drum Consistence with 00:58:995 (242,243) - (d k)
  3. 01:23:576: Add d here Added in 01:22:912 - to consistente with 01:21:329 (30,31,32,33) -
  4. 01:56:995: Add d here Added
  5. 02:05:662: Add Finish It's the same as 00:50:995 (197) - for now I keep this
I'm a bad modder if this one doesn't help you, ignore it You help me!
Good luck
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
heya promising map, but has some issues that need to be fixed, especially regarding lower difficulties

  1. I'd prefer if you rename Lite Oni to Oni, and current Oni to Inner Oni. Lite naming is ancient, and should be avoided when possible.
  2. Change HP Muzukashii to 6 and (Lite) Oni to 5 for better curve?
  3. You'll need to buff the kantan to have more balanced spread, Futsuu can also be buffed a bit, while Muzu can be nerfed and make some effective rest moments (2/1 for Muzu and 3/1 or 4/1 for Futsuu). Take a look at example notespread screenshot below
    There are some spots where gap between Kantan and Futsuu become too high. While Muzukashii and (Lite) Oni become too close. I'd recommend you to compare the diffs and add/remove notes where it fits to balance the spread. i'll give some suggestions.
  1. 00:22:995 (13,14) - maybe swap this note to match the snare sound at (14) with k?
  2. 00:33:995 - , 00:34:329 - add something
  3. 00:38:329 - , 00:39:662 - , 00:39:329 - add something
  4. 00:46:329 - , 00:47:329 - add
  5. 00:49:662 - , 00:50:662 - add
    > 00:51:495 - move to white tick is more friendly (00:51:662 - )
    > 00:52:829 - can be removed for break
  6. 01:13:995 - add k
  7. 01:16:995 - , 01:19:662 - , 01:22:329 - add something
  8. 01:24:329 - , 01:24:995 - , 01:25:329 - add
  9. 01:27:329 - , 01:27:662 - add
  10. 01:31:995 - add
  11. 01:36:995 - , 01:37:995 - , 01:39:662 - add
  12. 01:42:329 - , 01:42:662 - add
  13. 01:48:662 - , 01:48:995 - add
  14. 01:52:995 - , 01:53:995 - add
  15. 02:01:329 - , 02:02:329 - add
  16. 02:04:329 - 02:05:329 - add
    > 02:06:162 - move to next white tick
  1. 00:33:995 - , 00:34:162 - , 00:34:662 - looking at muzu, you can try to add note there
  2. 00:37:995 - 00:39:329 - 00:40:662 - add?
  3. 01:26:662 - add
  4. 01:29:329 - add
  5. 01:31:329 - remove
  6. 01:39:329 - remove, kiai is very dense comparing with kantan
  7. 01:51:495 - remove
  8. 01:55:329, 01:55:495 - remove both
    > 01:55:829 - move to 01:55:662 -
  1. i think Muzu's intro can be made less dense to make larger gap with (Lite) Oni. try to remove notes such as 00:12:996 - , 00:13:162 - , 00:18:329 - , 00:18:496 -
  2. 00:21:495 - move to 00:21:162 - and change to d? i find it more comfortable to give some space before the finisher, like you did at 00:26:829 -
  3. 00:31:995 - consider to remove this notes to give effective rest. just ignore the piano sound and let player enjoy it without tapping :^)
    > 00:28:995 - it's fine to add d here after that for the kick, or at 00:28:829 - for the vocal. i'd suggest the vocal though because sounds more natural
  4. 00:34:412 (1,2) - remove the triplet and change 00:34:662 - to d, i think it doesn't need to be this intense.
  5. 00:45:829 - remove and 00:45:662 - change to d?
  6. 00:54:329 (1,2) - really suggest to remove these notes to give another rest because pattern sequences from 00:32:329 - until end will somewhat tiring

  7. > 00:59:662 (1,2) - same, for consistency
    > 01:04:995 (1,2) - consistency ftw
    > 01:11:495 - can add d instead to increase the tension before next session.
  8. 01:15:329 (1,2) - nice rest spot here. and this session is relatively calmer, so less density would reflect the calmness better
    > 01:20:662 (1,2) - remove for consistency with ^
  9. 01:38:245 - remove, and 01:38:329 - move this to 01:38:829 - ?
  10. 01:59:745 (1,2) - remove triplet and 01:59:995 - change to d? same point as 00:34:412
  11. 02:00:995 - change to d? drum is low
that's it for now. i think it's better if you get couple more mods again to polish further. good luck (¦3[▓▓]
Topic Starter

Volta wrote:

heya promising map, but has some issues that need to be fixed, especially regarding lower difficulties

  1. I'd prefer if you rename Lite Oni to Oni, and current Oni to Inner Oni. Lite naming is ancient, and should be avoided when possible. I thought about this a long time ago. I didn't want to change it because the current "Oni" doesn't have many extensive patterns to consider "Inner Oni". I changed my mind
  2. Change HP Muzukashii to 6 and (Lite) Oni to 5 for better curve? Changed
  3. You'll need to buff the kantan to have more balanced spread, Futsuu can also be buffed a bit, while Muzu can be nerfed and make some effective rest moments (2/1 for Muzu and 3/1 or 4/1 for Futsuu). Take a look at example notespread screenshot below
    There are some spots where gap between Kantan and Futsuu become too high. While Muzukashii and (Lite) Oni become too close. I'd recommend you to compare the diffs and add/remove notes where it fits to balance the spread. i'll give some suggestions. Eventually I realized about this, this is my first mapset and I admit, I'm not very good to have a consistent spread among other difficulties.
  1. 00:22:995 (13,14) - maybe swap this note to match the snare sound at (14) with k? Sure, sounds is good
  2. 00:33:995 - , 00:34:329 - add something Added
  3. 00:38:329 - , 00:39:662 - , 00:39:329 - add something Added except 00:39:329 -, I try follow the melody
  4. 00:46:329 - , 00:47:329 - add Added
  5. 00:49:662 - , 00:50:662 - add Added
    > 00:51:495 - move to white tick is more friendly (00:51:662 - ) Ok
    > 00:52:829 - can be removed for break Deleted
  6. 01:13:995 - add k Added
  7. 01:16:995 - , 01:19:662 - , 01:22:329 - add something Added
  8. 01:24:329 - , 01:24:995 - , 01:25:329 - add Added
  9. 01:27:329 - , 01:27:662 - add Added
  10. 01:31:995 - add Added
  11. 01:36:995 - , 01:37:995 - , 01:39:662 - add Added
  12. 01:42:329 - , 01:42:662 - add Added
  13. 01:48:662 - , 01:48:995 - add Added only 01:48:662 -. The another note added here 01:49:329 - to follow the vocal and snare
  14. 01:52:995 - , 01:53:995 - add Added
  15. 02:01:329 - , 02:02:329 - add Added
  16. 02:04:329 - 02:05:329 - add Added
    > 02:06:162 - move to next white tick Moved
  1. 00:33:995 - , 00:34:162 - , 00:34:662 - looking at muzu, you can try to add note there Added except 00:34:162 - , don't like the sound here
  2. 00:37:995 - 00:39:329 - 00:40:662 - add? Added
  3. 01:26:662 - add Added
  4. 01:29:329 - add Added
  5. 01:31:329 - remove Removed
  6. 01:39:329 - remove, kiai is very dense comparing with kantan Removed
  7. 01:51:495 - remove Removed
  8. 01:55:329, 01:55:495 - remove both Removed
    > 01:55:829 - move to 01:55:662 - Moved
  1. i think Muzu's intro can be made less dense to make larger gap with (Lite) Oni. try to remove notes such as 00:12:996 - , 00:13:162 - , 00:18:329 - , 00:18:496 - You're right, removed
  2. 00:21:495 - move to 00:21:162 - and change to d? i find it more comfortable to give some space before the finisher, like you did at 00:26:829 - I considered change it, ok
  3. 00:31:995 - consider to remove this notes to give effective rest. just ignore the piano sound and let player enjoy it without tapping :^) Removed, I think the same
    > 00:28:995 - it's fine to add d here after that for the kick, or at 00:28:829 - for the vocal. i'd suggest the vocal though because sounds more natural Vocal
  4. 00:34:412 (1,2) - remove the triplet and change 00:34:662 - to d, i think it doesn't need to be this intense. Applied
  5. 00:45:829 - remove and 00:45:662 - change to d? Sounds good, applied
  6. 00:54:329 (1,2) - really suggest to remove these notes to give another rest because pattern sequences from 00:32:329 - until end will somewhat tiring Removed

  7. > 00:59:662 (1,2) - same, for consistency Ok
    > 01:04:995 (1,2) - consistency ftw ftw
    > 01:11:495 - can add d instead to increase the tension before next session. Applied
  8. 01:15:329 (1,2) - nice rest spot here. and this session is relatively calmer, so less density would reflect the calmness better Applied
    > 01:20:662 (1,2) - remove for consistency with ^ Ok
  9. 01:38:245 - remove, and 01:38:329 - move this to 01:38:829 - ? Looks good, applied
  10. 01:59:745 (1,2) - remove triplet and 01:59:995 - change to d? same point as 00:34:412 Sure
  11. 02:00:995 - change to d? drum is low Changed
that's it for now. i think it's better if you get couple more mods again to polish further. good luck (¦3[▓▓]
Really thanks very much Volta, thanks to you mod I see more things to account. I'll try get more mods :D
Thanks for mod!
Beatmap updated~
Hey there, NM on my queue.

This map is already really good as it is, and because I don't flood my mods with change [note] to d or k, this might be short, sorry.

[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:34:829 - A don note can be added here imo for the sake of keeping these patterns connected and flowing, some of the common 1/1 breaks throughout the entire map sound a little awkward and out of place to me, as this one is one of them. I won't jump on all the awkward pauses I see mainly because it'll flood the mod with too much of the same thing, and that's no bueno.
  2. 00:44:829 (227,228,229,230,231) - Imo, this pattern sounds weird starting on a red tick. I would move this one back to the white tick, either as a kdkkd.
  3. 00:57:662 (310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317) - I can see the purpose of the improvisation here, but there's no sound to support the need of 1/4. These few notes really bother me, they just stick out-the 5 plet pattern matches the vocal, but the triplets to me are just not necessary.
  4. 01:02:995 (340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348) - Same thing here, except you even changed the patterning. The 5 plet should definitely not be in the middle of this bar, and rather the end as you did it the first time.
  5. 01:08:329 (370,371,372) - The kat triplet matches a drum entrance, but this one doesn't match anything.
  6. 01:16:662 (428,429,430) - You're soiling consistency here-you're mapping the same 3 drum sounds, yet you change them every time they occur. Stick to the k d d.
  7. 01:27:829 (487) - I think you should move this note to 01:28:495 to follow the vocal hit that occurs there instead of leaving it blank.
That will be all, gl w/ rank.
Topic Starter

Taikocracy wrote:

Hey there, NM on my queue.

This map is already really good as it is, and because I don't flood my mods with change [note] to d or k, this might be short, sorry. No matter, all count :D

[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:34:829 - A don note can be added here imo for the sake of keeping these patterns connected and flowing, some of the common 1/1 breaks throughout the entire map sound a little awkward and out of place to me, as this one is one of them. I won't jump on all the awkward pauses I see mainly because it'll flood the mod with too much of the same thing, and that's no bueno. I understand about it, actually I too seem rare these breaks. But I do not want to make such a long pattern, also seems to me weird. For now I do not add that note
  2. 00:44:829 (227,228,229,230,231) - Imo, this pattern sounds weird starting on a red tick. I would move this one back to the white tick, either as a kdkkd.I accept this but changed with kkddk to respect the snare here 00:45:329 (230) -
  3. 00:57:662 (310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317) - I can see the purpose of the improvisation here, but there's no sound to support the need of 1/4. These few notes really bother me, they just stick out-the 5 plet pattern matches the vocal, but the triplets to me are just not necessary. Here I try to follow the druml, guitar and piano. So for this I used 1/4. 00:57:662 (308,309,310) - This for piano and this 00:58:162 (312,313,314) - for guitar and drum
  4. 01:02:995 (340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348) - Same thing here, except you even changed the patterning. The 5 plet should definitely not be in the middle of this bar, and rather the end as you did it the first time. I moved this 01:03:745 (345) - to 5 plet 01:04:079 - , but the triplets is the same as avobe
  5. 01:08:329 (370,371,372) - The kat triplet matches a drum entrance, but this one doesn't match anything. Same as avobe, I follow the piano
  6. 01:16:662 (428,429,430) - You're soiling consistency here-you're mapping the same 3 drum sounds, yet you change them every time they occur. Stick to the k d d. Changed to k k d to follow better the vocal and to vary with 01:15:329 (419,420,421) -
  7. 01:27:829 (487) - I think you should move this note to 01:28:495 to follow the vocal hit that occurs there instead of leaving it blank. This break should be the same that 01:25:829 - , so I will keep to maintain consistency
That will be all, gl w/ rank.
Thanks so much for mod :)
Beatmap updated~
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