Tournaments are cool but what if we added a little bit of spice ?
I don't know if it already exists but that would be awesome if there were fun tournaments like an Osu! quadrathlon where the players have to switch between modes, or maybe form a team with 1 member for each mode
I think that it would be really entertaining and could make people discovering other modes than their "main" one
Or maybe i thought about a cursor dance tournament to
Where there is a jury to judge the performance of the players, without only watching the accuracy or the combo
Tell me what you think, or maybe i'm just really late on the topic
I don't know if it already exists but that would be awesome if there were fun tournaments like an Osu! quadrathlon where the players have to switch between modes, or maybe form a team with 1 member for each mode
I think that it would be really entertaining and could make people discovering other modes than their "main" one
Or maybe i thought about a cursor dance tournament to
Where there is a jury to judge the performance of the players, without only watching the accuracy or the combo
Tell me what you think, or maybe i'm just really late on the topic