
Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The end [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 27 July 2021 at 11:48:33

Artist: Yousei Teikoku
Title: Hades:The end
Tags: LACA-15470 YUI Hell Guardian itsuki other world j-rock das feenreich Razor Sharp thzz japanese metal
BPM: 185
Filesize: 11315kb
Play Time: 06:01
Difficulties Available:
  1. Razor Sharp, Chthonic God of the Underworld (6.39 stars, 1676 notes)
  2. Shurelia, The Penjaga (6.75 stars, 2052 notes)
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The end
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Oh, this got picked as one of the CWC final mappool

now mod it and make it happen to qualified section xd


so peeps could have more pp
but not gonna be an easy one.
hopefully so.
also yea, I also map high bpm stuff.

Hitsounded by thzz. (It's awesome)

a "bit" easier extradose : Razor "pp mapper" Sharp
Extradose that feels random yet it feels good (probably) : Shurelia

status : ready for mods

how to map ctb ? :thinking:
tbh I've no idea about what am I doing at here lol. now I know.
Penjaga? nice diff name >L_<
also yea, I also map high bpm stuff. xd
185 is not high
promised a mod for this at somewhere, dunno
gonna try bolding stuff that can be and are unrankable so that you can give them more attention.


  1. Background dimensions are more than allowed maximum (1920x1080), they surpass rankable limitation of 1366x768
    Consider using this one instead, I resized it properly~
  2. Add these to tags: yui itsuki hades:the other world j-rock das feenreich
  3. Combocolour 4 is way too dark (Brightness 56, what) to the point of being almost black. Combocolours can't be either plain black or pure white because they make them harder to be seen and therefore harder to catch, even more so if they blend with the colours of the background, so try to make said color brighter.

  1. 00:06:859 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - These patterns are pretty much copypasted and changed position on the x:axis. I suggest thinking of newer, intuitive and mostly different patterns to spruce up the intro.
  2. 00:11:887 (5) - Finishing sliders on strong beats (downbeats, in this case) isn't recommended. My suggestion is to turn this slider into two objects instead, and move the first object to x:476 or so. If you do this, I also think ctrl+g'ing 00:11:562 (4) - is a good choice, due to the strength of the instruments, an antiflowing movement might fit better here. Feel free to experiment with this.
  3. 00:15:292 (3,4,5) - ctrl+g these so that a Hyperjump between 00:14:968 (2,3) - these two is triggered, fits better IMO.
  4. 00:17:076 (9) - Same as before, this one finishes on a strong beat. You know what you have to do here~
  5. 00:17:562 (2,3) - ctrl+h these, they'll trigger a Hyperjump between the previous and next objects.
  6. 00:18:535 (1,2,3,4) - edgy patterns, me likey o3o | although you can ctrl+h 00:18:859 (3,4) - these two, and move 00:18:859 (3) - to x:200 to trigger another two hyperdashes
  7. 00:19:832 (1,2) - Move these to x:480
    00:21:454 (4,5,6) - x:360, achieves trigger distance.
  8. 00:23:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - To vary patterning a tad, ctrl+h 00:23:724 (1,2,3) - these, move them to x:388, and ctrl+h 00:24:049 (4,5,6) - these and move them to x:144. Try it!
  9. 00:32:805 (1,2,3) - Move these some grids to the right to fully trigger the Hyperjump, as of rn it's an Edge Dash and it's no fun to play (breaks my combo 7 of 10 times)
  10. 00:47:562 (5) - Move this one to x:460~
  11. 00:49:184 (5) - x:340, as it doesn't reach the Hyperjump trigger distance.
  12. 00:50:157 (4) - x:340 as well (lol same as before?)
  13. 00:53:562 (1,2) - x:404
  14. 01:06:859 (2) - Try moving this one to x:48, it triggers a double Hyperjump and fits nicely.
  15. 01:07:346 (4) - x:84 triggers a Hyperjump.
  16. 01:09:130 (1) - x:160 ^
  17. 01:11:076 (3,4,5) - x:224 ^
  18. 01:12:535 (4) - x:388, this is a nice pattern you're attempting at here, so please keep it and move this object to said axis to eliminate the edge dash (almost uncatchable)
  19. 01:17:400 (4) - x:72 triggers Hyperjump.
  20. 01:21:778 (5) - x:200 ^
  21. 01:22:914 (5) - ctrl+h? Stacking two objects is strange and breaks the flow due to lack of movement, especially during a 1/1 beat.
  22. 01:23:887 (2) - The movement between this and the previous slider is quite harsh due to the hard control the player has to have during 01:23:238 (7,8) - these stacked objects (that also have a Hyperjump after them), so move 01:23:887 (2) - to x:156 maybe?
  23. 01:25:995 (1) - To x:72 and 01:26:481 (2) - to x:440? with this you trigger the Hyperjumps and emphasize them better because of the high-pitched voice of Yui at this point.
  24. 01:26:968 (3,4) - x:76, having them stacked with the next strong downbeats is off and doesn't reflect what the song is suggesting.
  25. 01:27:778 (1) - x:152 makes a stronger Hyperjump and it fits way better than just stacking it with the previous object anyway.
  26. 01:28:103 - These beats are being left empty when there are drum instruments on them. Although I understand you're emphasizing the lyrics more than anything, I believe that also relying on the instruments might be a great idea if you find out a way to keep emphasizing the lyrics more than the instruments while still mapping said drums.
    For example, you can map 01:27:616 - a note here at x:448, and if you followed the previous suggestion, the note at 01:27:778 (1) - would still be much more emphasized due to the higher distance.
    You can also map a note 01:28:103 - here at x:344 since the drum isn't as strong as the one before, while it also intruduces the player to the next Hyperjump at 01:28:265 (1) - here.
    Same as before but at 01:28:589 - here at x:412 does the same effect and plays even better than before.
  27. 01:29:238 (1) - ctrl+h this slider, it's weird to have it stacked with the previous and next objects since the "HADES" scream implies movement.
  28. 01:29:887 - Not gonna comment over the section from here to 01:32:157 - here due to it being an intended emphasizing over the lyrics and it also fits perfectly now.
  29. 01:52:859 (10) - This slider should start on the blue tick over 01:52:832 - here, not on a 1/6 tick. The beat is obviously divided into 3/4 so let me see:
    01:52:589 (9) - This slider should end on the red tick over 01:52:751 - here.
    01:52:832 (10) - This one, while starting at the suggested blue tick, should also end 01:52:995 - on this one here.
    01:53:157 (11) - And this one is badly snapped, it belongs to 01:53:076 - instead.
  30. 01:55:670 (13) - Try to tilt this slider a bit more vertically, I know it's antiflow but it's a tad too harsh to catch.
  31. 02:03:616 (1) - x:160, the Hyperjump isn't triggered
  32. 02:04:589 (5) - x:352, ^
  33. 02:05:238 (4,5,6) - x:176, it triggers an Hyperjump with this position and it also plays better IMO.
  34. 02:13:022 (2) - x:216, ^
  35. 02:13:346 (4) - x:292, instead of triggering an Hyperjump I highly suggest moving it here because there's already an Hyperjump onto 02:13:508 (5) - placed.
  36. 02:15:292 (1) - x:108, back to triggering Hyperjumps.
  37. 02:16:751 (2) - Move this one to x:308, since the movement between 02:16:103 (5,6,7) - these objects is pretty snappy and harsh already, having more distance than 1,0x between 02:16:589 (1,2) - these two is exaggerating.
  38. 02:27:616 (3,4,5) - x:384, trigger Hyperjump and deletes edge dash.
  39. 02:31:184 (4) - x:324, ^
  40. 02:43:346 (4,5) - x:200, ^
  41. 02:45:130 (1) - x:448, ^
  42. 02:53:238 (3) - x:476, ^
  43. 02:55:346 (4) - x:48, the next object would do greatly if emphasized with an Hyperjump.
  44. 02:55:995 (2) - x:164, ^ (a cymbal sound needs at least some emphasizing)
  45. 03:02:643 (2) - ctrl+h? It works better to me, and it also emphasizes all the right places.
  46. 03:03:778 (2) - x:364, it triggers an Hyperjump and plays better, yaddayadda (same as all the before points)
  47. 03:04:427 (4) - First of all, it finishes on a downbeat (wrong thing to do), so I suggest turning it onto two notes instead, moving the first note you get to x:116 and the object of the tail of the slider to x:340.
  48. 03:08:968 (3) - x:316, it makes a normal dash movement from the previous object and an Hyperjump onto the next object.
  49. 03:12:373 (1) - x:240, it makes a normal dash and not an edge dash as it is now.
  50. 03:12:535 (2) - x:108, it triggers an Hyperjump onto the next objects.
  51. 03:22:914 (2) - Move this one to x:296, as right now it's a matter of luck whether the catcher actually gets to catch this slider or not.
  52. 03:23:400 (5) - This slider should end 03:23:562 - here, not on a 1/6 tick. It's the same as before, but this time you've only done so with this slider and 03:23:670 (6) - this other one. For this other one, just move it to 03:23:643 - and it should be done.
  53. 03:28:751 (11) - x:136, it triggers hyperjump like this.
  54. 03:37:995 - 03:38:157 - what happened with these unmapped ticks? there are strong drums on them, you should map them.
  55. 03:37:670 (3) - Move this one to x:128 to keep on triggering the Hyperjump distance.
  56. 03:43:995 (5) - x:52, it's a hard to catch edge dash as it is right now.
  57. 03:49:995 (1) - ctrl+h this slider to produce an Hyperjump between this slider and the previous note. Also ctrl+h 03:50:643 (2,1) - these other two just to keep the patterns.
  58. 03:52:211 (3) - Move this one to 03:52:184 - this blue tick. The song doesn't even use 1/3 for what I've heard so far, so why are you still using said snap divisor?
  59. 04:01:832 (2) - x:16 to trigger hyperjump between this one and the previous object, edge-dashes are bad if not used properly ;_;
  60. 04:03:616 (5,6,7,8) - x:208, ^
  61. 04:07:184 (3,4) - Move these two to x:248, as they are now they are almost uncatchable, it requires a insanely precise dash from the previous similar sliders.
  62. 04:22:751 (3,4,5) - Move to x:440, triggers hyperjump.
  63. 04:25:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Move to x:117, removes edge dash.
  64. 04:40:589 (1) - Move this object to x:448, as when the player sees that between this object and the previous one are distanced this much apart from each other and furthermore it has an hyperjump's glow, they'll instinctively dash to try and catch it, but they forget they're catching a straight walkable dash before it, causing them to shitmiss. Asked some users to test said section, they wouldn't catch the stream correctly due to this. If this change is applied (hope you do), move 04:40:751 (2,3,4,5) - these two to x:212 to still trigger the hyperjump between (2) and (1).
  65. 04:48:373 (1) - ctrl+h it and move it to x:448 instead so that it triggers a hyperjump, this slider has a cymbal sound so it must be emphasized somehow (since you emphasized 04:45:778 (1) - with one, why not this one too? o3o)
  66. 05:03:697 (11,12,13) - wew too much distance between these, try to reduce them a little, it seems like you almost wanted players to shitmiss on purpose here. Moving 05:03:778 (12) - to x:472 will do the trick
  67. 05:06:049 (6) - Move this one to x:468 to trigger hyperjump and therefore emphasize it further since it's the last kiai of the song.
  68. 05:16:265 (8,9) - Son, I think we spoke about 1/6 snaps :^) (you know what to do)
  69. 05:29:562 (7,8) - x:324, triggers hyperjump.
  70. 05:32:319 (10) - x:356, ^
  71. 05:38:805 (10) - Move this one to x:59, and these 05:38:968 (1,2) - two to x:412
  72. 05:39:616 (5) - Move to x:308, triggers a nice hyperjump
  73. 05:40:265 (1,2,3) - ctrl+h and be witness of the magic that is new hyperjumps
  74. 05:42:859 (1,2,3,4) - This anti-flowing movement between objects is hard as hell actually, mostly because of the fact that there's an edge jump between 05:43:347 (4,5) - these two and is really uncomfortable to play, so I suggest either trying some other patterns that are more merciful on the player or more comfortable to play (say, using a regular repeat slider would work wonders)
  75. 05:46:751 (1,2,3) - Move to x:132, it makes it a stronger hdash than the ones before to emphasize the new section.
Personal Thoughts: Brutal diff, I really enjoyed playing throughout it, even more so modding it, so I hope you get to somewhere with it with more than enough polishing and adjusting stuff. I'll be more than glad to shoot a star to it, you've earned it~

HMU ingame if you have doubts about something on this modpost.
Topic Starter

Hareimu wrote:

promised a mod for this at somewhere, dunno
gonna try bolding stuff that can be and are unrankable so that you can give them more attention.


  1. Background dimensions are more than allowed maximum (1920x1080), they surpass rankable limitation of 1366x768
    Consider using this one instead, I resized it properly~ Not anymore. 1920x1080 BG size is rankable now. refers to : p/5571699
  2. Add these to tags: yui itsuki hades:the other world j-rock das feenreich Aight but, "yui" and "hades:the" is already exist so...
  3. Combocolour 4 is way too dark (Brightness 56, what) to the point of being almost black. Combocolours can't be either plain black or pure white because they make them harder to be seen and therefore harder to catch, even more so if they blend with the colours of the background, so try to make said color brighter. Alright, I made this a bit brighter.

  1. 00:06:859 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - These patterns are pretty much copypasted and changed position on the x:axis. I suggest thinking of newer, intuitive and mostly different patterns to spruce up the intro. Alright, I can change up these on 00:09:454 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - but the first two can stay.
  2. 00:11:887 (5) - Finishing sliders on strong beats (downbeats, in this case) isn't recommended. My suggestion is to turn this slider into two objects instead, and move the first object to x:476 or so. If you do this, I also think ctrl+g'ing 00:11:562 (4) - is a good choice, due to the strength of the instruments, an antiflowing movement might fit better here. Feel free to experiment with this. Alright , I agree with this, probably something not intentionally I made , thanks for pointing it out.
  3. 00:15:292 (3,4,5) - ctrl+g these so that a Hyperjump between 00:14:968 (2,3) - these two is triggered, fits better IMO. fair enough
  4. 00:17:076 (9) - Same as before, this one finishes on a strong beat. You know what you have to do here~ mm hmm
  5. 00:17:562 (2,3) - ctrl+h these, they'll trigger a Hyperjump between the previous and next objects. sure
  6. 00:18:535 (1,2,3,4) - edgy patterns, me likey o3o | although you can ctrl+h 00:18:859 (3,4) - these two, and move 00:18:859 (3) - to x:200 to trigger another two hyperdashes hmm, this looks nice
  7. 00:19:832 (1,2) - Move these to x:480 fair
    00:21:454 (4,5,6) - x:360, achieves trigger distance. y
  8. 00:23:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - To vary patterning a tad, ctrl+h 00:23:724 (1,2,3) - these, move them to x:388, and ctrl+h 00:24:049 (4,5,6) - these and move them to x:144. Try it! pretty nice
  9. 00:32:805 (1,2,3) - Move these some grids to the right to fully trigger the Hyperjump, as of rn it's an Edge Dash and it's no fun to play (breaks my combo 7 of 10 times) I can't move the 00:32:805 (1,2,3) - Since it's already placed pretty edge of the map field so I moved 00:32:157 (7,8) - instead
  10. 00:47:562 (5) - Move this one to x:460~ buff
  11. 00:49:184 (5) - x:340, as it doesn't reach the Hyperjump trigger distance. buff
  12. 00:50:157 (4) - x:340 as well (lol same as before?) noice
  13. 00:53:562 (1,2) - x:404 yeaa
  14. 01:06:859 (2) - Try moving this one to x:48, it triggers a double Hyperjump and fits nicely. ya
  15. 01:07:346 (4) - x:84 triggers a Hyperjump. a bit overkill but sure
  16. 01:09:130 (1) - x:160 ^ Naah, I want to emphasize 01:08:968 (6,1) - instead.
  17. 01:11:076 (3,4,5) - x:224 ^ it didn't trigger any HpD so I made something else instead
  18. 01:12:535 (4) - x:388, this is a nice pattern you're attempting at here, so please keep it and move this object to said axis to eliminate the edge dash (almost uncatchable) done
  19. 01:17:400 (4) - x:72 triggers Hyperjump. it should be x:52 tho
  20. 01:21:778 (5) - x:200 ^ yea
  21. 01:22:914 (5) - ctrl+h? Stacking two objects is strange and breaks the flow due to lack of movement, especially during a 1/1 beat. Naah, I like this kind of stop-and-go movement
  22. 01:23:887 (2) - The movement between this and the previous slider is quite harsh due to the hard control the player has to have during 01:23:238 (7,8) - these stacked objects (that also have a Hyperjump after them), so move 01:23:887 (2) - to x:156 maybe? alright
  23. 01:25:995 (1) - To x:72 and 01:26:481 (2) - to x:440? with this you trigger the Hyperjumps and emphasize them better because of the high-pitched voice of Yui at this point. yep
  24. 01:26:968 (3,4) - x:76, having them stacked with the next strong downbeats is off and doesn't reflect what the song is suggesting. sure
  25. 01:27:778 (1) - x:152 makes a stronger Hyperjump and it fits way better than just stacking it with the previous object anyway. let's give it a try
  26. 01:28:103 - These beats are being left empty when there are drum instruments on them. Although I understand you're emphasizing the lyrics more than anything, I believe that also relying on the instruments might be a great idea if you find out a way to keep emphasizing the lyrics more than the instruments while still mapping said drums.
    For example, you can map 01:27:616 - a note here at x:448, and if you followed the previous suggestion, the note at 01:27:778 (1) - would still be much more emphasized due to the higher distance.
    You can also map a note 01:28:103 - here at x:344 since the drum isn't as strong as the one before, while it also intruduces the player to the next Hyperjump at 01:28:265 (1) - here.
    Same as before but at 01:28:589 - here at x:412 does the same effect and plays even better than before. I already like the vocal + guitar emphasizing at this one so I'm gonna put this into consideration first.
  27. 01:29:238 (1) - ctrl+h this slider, it's weird to have it stacked with the previous and next objects since the "HADES" scream implies movement.
  28. 01:29:887 - Not gonna comment over the section from here to 01:32:157 - here due to it being an intended emphasizing over the lyrics and it also fits perfectly now.
  29. 01:52:859 (10) - This slider should start on the blue tick over 01:52:832 - here, not on a 1/6 tick. The beat is obviously divided into 3/4 so let me see:
    01:52:589 (9) - This slider should end on the red tick over 01:52:751 - here.
    01:52:832 (10) - This one, while starting at the suggested blue tick, should also end 01:52:995 - on this one here.
    01:53:157 (11) - And this one is badly snapped, it belongs to 01:53:076 - instead. done
  30. 01:55:670 (13) - Try to tilt this slider a bit more vertically, I know it's antiflow but it's a tad too harsh to catch. aight
  31. 02:03:616 (1) - x:160, the Hyperjump isn't triggered done
  32. 02:04:589 (5) - x:352, ^ ya
  33. 02:05:238 (4,5,6) - x:176, it triggers an Hyperjump with this position and it also plays better IMO. there
  34. 02:13:022 (2) - x:216, ^ I made something else instead since HpD in this part isn't really necessary for me.
  35. 02:13:346 (4) - x:292, instead of triggering an Hyperjump I highly suggest moving it here because there's already an Hyperjump onto 02:13:508 (5) - placed. Naah, both are doing well with the Guitar.
  36. 02:15:292 (1) - x:108, back to triggering Hyperjumps. aight
  37. 02:16:751 (2) - Move this one to x:308, since the movement between 02:16:103 (5,6,7) - these objects is pretty snappy and harsh already, having more distance than 1,0x between 02:16:589 (1,2) - these two is exaggerating. yep
  38. 02:27:616 (3,4,5) - x:384, trigger Hyperjump and deletes edge dash. mmh
  39. 02:31:184 (4) - x:324, ^
  40. 02:43:346 (4,5) - x:200, ^
  41. 02:45:130 (1) - x:448, ^
  42. 02:53:238 (3) - x:476, ^ applied all from above
  43. 02:55:346 (4) - x:48, the next object would do greatly if emphasized with an Hyperjump. buff
  44. 02:55:995 (2) - x:164, ^ (a cymbal sound needs at least some emphasizing) sure
  45. 03:02:643 (2) - ctrl+h? It works better to me, and it also emphasizes all the right places. naah, I like this one and the reason is pretty similar like what I stated above
  46. 03:03:778 (2) - x:364, it triggers an Hyperjump and plays better, yaddayadda (same as all the before points) there
  47. 03:04:427 (4) - First of all, it finishes on a downbeat (wrong thing to do), so I suggest turning it onto two notes instead, moving the first note you get to x:116 and the object of the tail of the slider to x:340. yep
  48. 03:08:968 (3) - x:316, it makes a normal dash movement from the previous object and an Hyperjump onto the next object. mm hmm
  49. 03:12:373 (1) - x:240, it makes a normal dash and not an edge dash as it is now. yea
  50. 03:12:535 (2) - x:108, it triggers an Hyperjump onto the next objects. ya
  51. 03:22:914 (2) - Move this one to x:296, as right now it's a matter of luck whether the catcher actually gets to catch this slider or not. alright
  52. 03:23:400 (5) - This slider should end 03:23:562 - here, not on a 1/6 tick. It's the same as before, but this time you've only done so with this slider and 03:23:670 (6) - this other one. For this other one, just move it to 03:23:643 - and it should be done. alright
  53. 03:28:751 (11) - x:136, it triggers hyperjump like this. alright
  54. 03:37:995 - 03:38:157 - what happened with these unmapped ticks? there are strong drums on them, you should map them. I'm trying to follow the guitar more therefore let's just see for now
  55. 03:37:670 (3) - Move this one to x:128 to keep on triggering the Hyperjump distance. there
  56. 03:43:995 (5) - x:52, it's a hard to catch edge dash as it is right now. should be fixdd now
  57. 03:49:995 (1) - ctrl+h this slider to produce an Hyperjump between this slider and the previous note. Also ctrl+h 03:50:643 (2,1) - these other two just to keep the patterns. alright
  58. 03:52:211 (3) - Move this one to 03:52:184 - this blue tick. The song doesn't even use 1/3 for what I've heard so far, so why are you still using said snap divisor? woops
  59. 04:01:832 (2) - x:16 to trigger hyperjump between this one and the previous object, edge-dashes are bad if not used properly ;_; ahahah, right
  60. 04:03:616 (5,6,7,8) - x:208, ^ there
  61. 04:07:184 (3,4) - Move these two to x:248, as they are now they are almost uncatchable, it requires a insanely precise dash from the previous similar sliders. I made something new instead
  62. 04:22:751 (3,4,5) - Move to x:440, triggers hyperjump. yea
  63. 04:25:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Move to x:117, removes edge dash. mm hmm
  64. 04:40:589 (1) - Move this object to x:448, as when the player sees that between this object and the previous one are distanced this much apart from each other and furthermore it has an hyperjump's glow, they'll instinctively dash to try and catch it, but they forget they're catching a straight walkable dash before it, causing them to shitmiss. Asked some users to test said section, they wouldn't catch the stream correctly due to this. If this change is applied (hope you do), move 04:40:751 (2,3,4,5) - these two to x:212 to still trigger the hyperjump between (2) and (1). done
  65. 04:48:373 (1) - ctrl+h it and move it to x:448 instead so that it triggers a hyperjump, this slider has a cymbal sound so it must be emphasized somehow (since you emphasized 04:45:778 (1) - with one, why not this one too? o3o) hahaha
  66. 05:03:697 (11,12,13) - wew too much distance between these, try to reduce them a little, it seems like you almost wanted players to shitmiss on purpose here. Moving 05:03:778 (12) - to x:472 will do the trick tehere
  67. 05:06:049 (6) - Move this one to x:468 to trigger hyperjump and therefore emphasize it further since it's the last kiai of the song. nice
  68. 05:16:265 (8,9) - Son, I think we spoke about 1/6 snaps :^) (you know what to do) I'm not your son!, But fixed anyway.
  69. 05:29:562 (7,8) - x:324, triggers hyperjump. ayyy
  70. 05:32:319 (10) - x:356, ^ da
  71. 05:38:805 (10) - Move this one to x:59, and these 05:38:968 (1,2) - two to x:412 da
  72. 05:39:616 (5) - Move to x:308, triggers a nice hyperjump noice
  73. 05:40:265 (1,2,3) - ctrl+h and be witness of the magic that is new hyperjumps glooooorius
  74. 05:42:859 (1,2,3,4) - This anti-flowing movement between objects is hard as hell actually, mostly because of the fact that there's an edge jump between 05:43:347 (4,5) - these two and is really uncomfortable to play, so I suggest either trying some other patterns that are more merciful on the player or more comfortable to play (say, using a regular repeat slider would work wonders) should be fine nniw
  75. 05:46:751 (1,2,3) - Move to x:132, it makes it a stronger hdash than the ones before to emphasize the new section. yae
Personal Thoughts: Brutal diff, I really enjoyed playing throughout it, even more so modding it, so I hope you get to somewhere with it with more than enough polishing and adjusting stuff. I'll be more than glad to shoot a star to it, you've earned it~ thank yuuuuuu

HMU ingame if you have doubts about something on this modpost.

Thank youuu soo mmuuuhc
Brutal diff (2)

good luck ya beb
Topic Starter
thanks beb.
I've noticed is that SOME NOTES ARE UNSNAPPED.
not detected by aimod. gudluck fixing them. xd
I'll start modding if you fix them
Topic Starter
That's not a valid reason for you to not start modding this map.

at least you could mention some of it, That'd be great.

Well, I take that you either can't/won't mod this map then. Thanks for pointing it out.
Im starting the mod rn D: since this is a 6 min map, it'll take a while I promise I'll post it soon. (I just finished krowzin req)
There is a lot of unsnapped notes tbh. I'll try to point all of those out for the first 3 min. You can prob do the last 3 min (since its gonna be hard to adjust them one by one)
sorry for the misunderstanding ;-;

alright lets go xd, releasing the unsnapped notes so you can start working on them. I'll post my actual mod soon.

Unsnapped notes
00:07:265 (5,6) -
00:08:238 (2,3) -
00:08:481 (4) -
00:08:805 (7,10) -
00:09:535 (2,3) -
00:09:778 (4,6) -
00:10:589 (10) -
00:19:022 (4) -
00:19:995 (2,3,4) -
00:23:805 (2) -
00:24:130 (5,6) -
00:24:373 (7,8,9,10) -
00:31:914 (5,6) -
00:32:887 (2,3) -
00:35:887 (6) -
00:57:535 (2) -
00:59:076 (2) -
00:59:724 (6,1,2,3) -
01:17:887 (6) -
01:18:211 (1) -
01:43:995 (11) -
01:44:805 (9) -
01:49:022 (7,8) -
01:53:887 (9,10) -
01:54:941 (6) -
01:55:914 (2,3) -
01:56:076 (4) -
01:56:887 (14,15,16) -
01:57:941 (11,12) -
02:07:914 (5,6) -
02:09:211 (5,6) -
02:19:832 (5) -
02:32:887 (4,5) -
02:45:941 (4) -
02:56:887 (2,3) -

stopped at 03:00:859 (2) -
Topic Starter
Alright, I barely know what happen but I did something based on your points.
I guess the unsnapped notes were fixed while ur applying hitsounds haha.

careful next time using ctrl+shift+f

comments: some streams really needs polishing.

time spent: 3days.

00:13:995 (7,8,9,10) - i wanted to go left right, since all of the patterns are going left and right aswell. Like 00:07:508 (7,8,9,10) - , 00:08:806 (7,8,9,10) - 00:10:103 (7,8,9,10) - ,00:17:887 (5,6,7,8) - , etc.
00:36:049 (7,8) - make this similar to 00:30:859 (5,6) - since ur going alternate patterns with 00:32:157 (7,8) -
00:44:157 (5,6,1) - awkward flow, any reason why?. I would just turn them into a simpler pattern (c shape stream)
00:45:292 (5) - I would change the slider like this
00:59:481 (4) - I would move it a bit to the right maybe x:328, since full vertical is bad most of the time :/
00:45:292 (5) - I would change the slider like this
01:49:346 (1) - apply more emphasis on this one.
01:16:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - flow is uncomfortable on my side. reduce the ds until the fruit touches to each other.
01:23:400 (1,2) - too much emphasis compared to 01:19:508 (1,2) - and 01:18:211 (1,2) -. Reduce the curve i guess.
01:24:697 (1,2) - ^
01:42:859 (1,2,3,4,5) - since the kiai starts here, I think it would be better to curve them more
01:49:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like this pattern, but the vocal at 01:49:346 (1) - wasn't emphasized properly. I would rearrange (right term?) them, but keep the patterns
01:50:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^same as before
02:13:508 (5) - could have emphasized more if its more curvy
02:16:103 (5,6,7) - I wanted to go left and right on this part because the intensity increased. I suggest making the same (or similar) like this 02:16:751 (2) - doesn't have a sound
02:18:049 (3,4) - 3 was too far D:
02:19:508 (4,5) - 4 is a pixel jump, move 5 to x:499
02:24:373 (1,2) - put this somewhere to the left
03:00:049 (1,2) - why not make this the same as 01:29:238 (1) - . Then ctrl+h
03:01:184 (1,2,1,2) - players playing the map for the first time will most likely to miss here. I suggest something like this
03:03:292 (1,3) - I think this plays nice if you would just go full horizontal
03:07:508 (4,5) - D: I find this one hard to catch really. Move it a ittle closer
03:12:373 (1,2,3,4) - Why is there is no triples here?
03:15:535 (8,9,10,11) - this stream looks bad
04:02:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Flow became suddenly restrictive here. (Idk if its the right term)
04:10:751 (1) - move this further so that the prev note will trigger a hyper.
04:11:643 (4) - intended 1/12?
04:18:049 (4,5,6) - i think players would get frustrated because they will miss here. Once they fc'ed the hardest part of the map
04:28:589 (10,11) - I would consider 10 as a pixel jump. Reduce the ds on both notes.
05:05:238 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I won't apply kiai here.
05:13:346 (5,6) - CHANGE THIS. too confusing. out of the blue as well.
05:33:130 (3,4,5,6) - change this.

poke me ingame if some points ive made are confusing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Topic Starter

-Nicotine wrote:

I guess the unsnapped notes were fixed while ur applying hitsounds haha.

careful next time using ctrl+shift+f

comments: some streams really needs polishing.

time spent: 3days.

00:13:995 (7,8,9,10) - i wanted to go left right, since all of the patterns are going left and right aswell. Like 00:07:508 (7,8,9,10) - , 00:08:806 (7,8,9,10) - sure enough00:10:103 (7,8,9,10) - ,00:17:887 (5,6,7,8) - , etc.
00:36:049 (7,8) - make this similar to 00:30:859 (5,6) - since ur going alternate patterns with 00:32:157 (7,8) - it doesn't really have to be similar
00:44:157 (5,6,1) - awkward flow, any reason why?. I would just turn them into a simpler pattern (c shape stream) should be less awkward now
00:45:292 (5) - I would change the slider like this aight
00:59:481 (4) - I would move it a bit to the right maybe x:328, since full vertical is bad most of the time :/ fair enough
00:45:292 (5) - I would change the slider like this
01:49:346 (1) - apply more emphasis on this one. done
01:16:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - flow is uncomfortable on my side. reduce the ds until the fruit touches to each other. fine
01:23:400 (1,2) - too much emphasis compared to 01:19:508 (1,2) - and 01:18:211 (1,2) -. Reduce the curve i guess. aye
01:24:697 (1,2) - ^ ^
01:42:859 (1,2,3,4,5) - since the kiai starts here, I think it would be better to curve them more there
01:49:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like this pattern, but the vocal at 01:49:346 (1) - wasn't emphasized properly. I would rearrange (right term?) them, but keep the patterns
01:50:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^same as before There's already some emphasizes at there already?
02:13:508 (5) - could have emphasized more if its more curvy not pretty necessary
02:16:103 (5,6,7) - I wanted to go left and right on this part because the intensity increased. I suggest making the same (or similar) like this 02:16:751 (2) - doesn't have a sound aight
02:18:049 (3,4) - 3 was too far D: woops
02:19:508 (4,5) - 4 is a pixel jump, move 5 to x:499 fixed by myself
02:24:373 (1,2) - put this somewhere to the left done
03:00:049 (1,2) - why not make this the same as 01:29:238 (1) - . Then ctrl+h there
03:01:184 (1,2,1,2) - players playing the map for the first time will most likely to miss here. I suggest something like this should be fine now
03:03:292 (1,3) - I think this plays nice if you would just go full horizontal there
03:07:508 (4,5) - D: I find this one hard to catch really. Move it a ittle closer moved more apart instead
03:12:373 (1,2,3,4) - Why is there is no triples here? new stuff
03:15:535 (8,9,10,11) - this stream looks bad fixed
04:02:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Flow became suddenly restrictive here. (Idk if its the right term) should be less than what are you thoughts now
04:10:751 (1) - move this further so that the prev note will trigger a hyper. ya
04:11:643 (4) - intended 1/12? naaah
04:18:049 (4,5,6) - i think players would get frustrated because they will miss here. Once they fc'ed the hardest part of the map nerrfed
04:28:589 (10,11) - I would consider 10 as a pixel jump. Reduce the ds on both notes. done
05:05:238 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I won't apply kiai here. agree
05:13:346 (5,6) - CHANGE THIS. too confusing. out of the blue as well. hahah
05:33:130 (3,4,5,6) - change this. done

poke me ingame if some points ive made are confusing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Thanks for your hardwork!
00:08:319 (3,4) - this jump can be considered as edge dash, so highly recommend to reduce some distances
00:15:292 (3,4,5,6) - personally this will be better with this flow, how about to try? 01:43:995 (11,12) - obvious flowbreaking part with its direction, try to make it horizontal.
01:54:292 (14,15) - curved one seems better, drag move them to x68
02:35:724 (6,1) - edge dash complex here, reduce distance please
02:58:103 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) and 03:00:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - you need to choose the actual direction of patterns for here. in 01:27:292 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) and 01:29:887 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - you actually used two-way dashes for both but this time it's really unexpected due to the high AR and transitions. i'd like to recommend you to change 02:58:103 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) 's flow as 03:00:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1)
03:15:778 (11) - flow breaker with useless vertical stuff between 03:15:697 (10,11) - , try to replace x 431
03:51:941 (2,3,4) - it's really well deserved to have jump, why don't you try?
03:58:751 (13,14,15,16,1,2) - this can be improved, ctrl + h and replace on current position?
04:17:076 (5,1) - i think this one is pretty easy to combobreak, how about to reduce a bit more?
04:21:941 (5,6) - ^
04:34:103 (1,2,3) - triple jump here is really meaningless, try to add HDash on 04:34:427 (2) - or reduce more
05:04:832 (12,13) - X____X supposed to be longer HDash
05:10:751 (3,4,5,6,7) - wrongly snapped, this part should be 1/4, not 1/6 or something. well 05:10:751 (3,4) - this part is probably make sense because at least the slider's head follow white and red tick, but 05:11:076 (5,6,7) - is totally random.
05:35:076 (1,2,3,4) - questionable flow, the vertical slider ruins the overall flow messy. you really need to consider to make them better.
05:39:941 (6,1) - edge dash complex
05:43:022 (2,3) - ^
05:46:914 (3,4) - ^

the combo stack overflows when the section goes into the stream part, you need to add new combo on each 8 fruits


Shurelia wrote:

-Nicotine wrote:

I guess the unsnapped notes were fixed while ur applying hitsounds haha.

careful next time using ctrl+shift+f

comments: some streams really needs polishing.

time spent: 3days.

00:13:995 (7,8,9,10) - i wanted to go left right, since all of the patterns are going left and right aswell. Like 00:07:508 (7,8,9,10) - , 00:08:806 (7,8,9,10) - sure enough00:10:103 (7,8,9,10) - ,00:17:887 (5,6,7,8) - , etc.
00:36:049 (7,8) - make this similar to 00:30:859 (5,6) - since ur going alternate patterns with 00:32:157 (7,8) - it doesn't really have to be similar
00:44:157 (5,6,1) - awkward flow, any reason why?. I would just turn them into a simpler pattern (c shape stream) should be less awkward now
00:45:292 (5) - I would change the slider like this aight
00:59:481 (4) - I would move it a bit to the right maybe x:328, since full vertical is bad most of the time :/ fair enough
00:45:292 (5) - I would change the slider like this
01:49:346 (1) - apply more emphasis on this one. done
01:16:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - flow is uncomfortable on my side. reduce the ds until the fruit touches to each other. fine
01:23:400 (1,2) - too much emphasis compared to 01:19:508 (1,2) - and 01:18:211 (1,2) -. Reduce the curve i guess. aye
01:24:697 (1,2) - ^ ^
01:42:859 (1,2,3,4,5) - since the kiai starts here, I think it would be better to curve them more there
01:49:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like this pattern, but the vocal at 01:49:346 (1) - wasn't emphasized properly. I would rearrange (right term?) them, but keep the patterns
01:50:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^same as before There's already some emphasizes at there already?
02:13:508 (5) - could have emphasized more if its more curvy not pretty necessary
02:16:103 (5,6,7) - I wanted to go left and right on this part because the intensity increased. I suggest making the same (or similar) like this 02:16:751 (2) - doesn't have a sound aight
02:18:049 (3,4) - 3 was too far D: woops
02:19:508 (4,5) - 4 is a pixel jump, move 5 to x:499 fixed by myself
02:24:373 (1,2) - put this somewhere to the left done
03:00:049 (1,2) - why not make this the same as 01:29:238 (1) - . Then ctrl+h there
03:01:184 (1,2,1,2) - players playing the map for the first time will most likely to miss here. I suggest something like this should be fine now
03:03:292 (1,3) - I think this plays nice if you would just go full horizontal there
03:07:508 (4,5) - D: I find this one hard to catch really. Move it a ittle closer moved more apart instead
03:12:373 (1,2,3,4) - Why is there is no triples here? new stuff
03:15:535 (8,9,10,11) - this stream looks bad fixed
04:02:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Flow became suddenly restrictive here. (Idk if its the right term) should be less than what are you thoughts now
04:10:751 (1) - move this further so that the prev note will trigger a hyper. ya
04:11:643 (4) - intended 1/12? naaah
04:18:049 (4,5,6) - i think players would get frustrated because they will miss here. Once they fc'ed the hardest part of the map nerrfed
04:28:589 (10,11) - I would consider 10 as a pixel jump. Reduce the ds on both notes. done
05:05:238 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I won't apply kiai here. agree
05:13:346 (5,6) - CHANGE THIS. too confusing. out of the blue as well. hahah
05:33:130 (3,4,5,6) - change this. done

poke me ingame if some points ive made are confusing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Thanks for your hardwork!
Better, ;w;
Topic Starter

CLSW wrote:

00:08:319 (3,4) - this jump can be considered as edge dash, so highly recommend to reduce some distances done
00:15:292 (3,4,5,6) - personally this will be better with this flow, how about to try? i can agree with this one
01:43:995 (11,12) - obvious flowbreaking part with its direction, try to make it horizontal. aight
01:54:292 (14,15) - curved one seems better, drag move them to x68 yep
02:35:724 (6,1) - edge dash complex here, reduce distance please I made a HpD at here instead to keep the emphasize
02:58:103 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) and 03:00:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - you need to choose the actual direction of patterns for here. in 01:27:292 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) and 01:29:887 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - you actually used two-way dashes for both but this time it's really unexpected due to the high AR and transitions. i'd like to recommend you to change 02:58:103 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) 's flow as 03:00:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) done
03:15:778 (11) - flow breaker with useless vertical stuff between 03:15:697 (10,11) - , try to replace x 431 done
03:51:941 (2,3,4) - it's really well deserved to have jump, why don't you try? gotcha
03:58:751 (13,14,15,16,1,2) - this can be improved, ctrl + h and replace on current position? there
04:17:076 (5,1) - i think this one is pretty easy to combobreak, how about to reduce a bit more? made things with HpD instead
04:21:941 (5,6) - ^ same
04:34:103 (1,2,3) - triple jump here is really meaningless, try to add HDash on 04:34:427 (2) - or reduce more fixed
05:04:832 (12,13) - X____X supposed to be longer HDash woops
05:10:751 (3,4,5,6,7) - wrongly snapped, this part should be 1/4, not 1/6 or something. well 05:10:751 (3,4) - this part is probably make sense because at least the slider's head follow white and red tick, but 05:11:076 (5,6,7) - is totally random. help
05:35:076 (1,2,3,4) - questionable flow, the vertical slider ruins the overall flow messy. you really need to consider to make them better.fixed
05:39:941 (6,1) - edge dash complex
05:43:022 (2,3) - ^
05:46:914 (3,4) - ^ fixed all of it

the combo stack overflows when the section goes into the stream part, you need to add new combo on each 8 fruits

Thank you so much
  1. 00:08:319 (3,4) - no hyper? You hyper at 00:09:616 (3,4) - which is relatively consistent with this, but you could argue that 00:07:022 (3,4) - is more consistent due to the pitches of 00:07:508 (7,8,9,10) - I guess. Since CLSW mentioned this as an edge dash, maybe reduce it instead of making it a hyper? You don't hyper at 00:09:616 (3,4) - either until the triplets after 00:11:400 (3,4) - so I'd suggest making it somewhat consistent one way or another.
  2. 00:22:427 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Feels a bit weak compared to the other triplet pairs, 00:23:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - etc are much more emphasised here. Increase spacing?
  3. 00:37:346 (7) - I'd much prefer this to be consistent with 00:34:751 (7,8) - pattern wise, I love how this plays and the repeater just sucks and looks pretty ugly in my opinion.
  4. 00:39:941 (7,8,9,10) - Too many hypers here, should just be at 00:39:941 - and 00:40:265 - (into 00:40:589 - after), maybe try something like this?
  5. 00:40:914 (2) - Pretty nazi but I think it looks better to move this to the right, somewhere like x:40 with a small moverment, it looks better than being stacked and adds more emphasis to the hyper.
  6. 00:50:319 - missing finish whistle thingy here?
  7. 00:55:670 (5,6) - double whistlethingy here sounds pretty odd, maybe drop one?
  8. 02:00:049 (3,4) - Each of these ticks are strong individually but it's a bit excessive to hyper to each one, so what about splitting 02:00:211 (4) - into two notes and hypering those instead?
  9. 02:33:778 (4,5) - I like a lot of the stacks in this map but this one just feels a bit forced, maybe extend 02:33:778 (4) - to a 3/4 or 1/2 slider and hyper it into 02:34:103 (5) - instead of the awkward stack? It just doesn't feel right considering how strong 02:34:103 - is.
  10. 03:40:265 (3) - ctrl+g and move to current position? the antiflow movement just becomes annoying on the third set imo, it plays nicely on 03:39:616 (1,2) - but becomes a bit excessive afterwards.
  11. 03:40:589 - maybe map this out to 03:40:751 - if you aren't stacking. (You stack at 03:43:022 (9,1) - and 03:45:616 (9,1) - )
  12. 04:16:427 (2,3) - way too weak for how strong 04:16:589 - is, increase spacing here.
  13. 04:48:373 (1) - Cool slider, bit boring to play in ctb though as its a small stand, 04:45:778 (1) - is much more interactive.
  14. 04:49:832 (2,3,4) - bit boring, try adding some wiggles or something like this, walk doesn't add emphasis to the movement into 04:50:968 (1) - etc.
  15. 05:37:022 (3,4) - Maybe hyper these two instead? Much more interesting and feels good at the end, currently feels a bit out of place with the rest of the ending.
Topic Starter

Riari wrote:

  1. 00:08:319 (3,4) - no hyper? You hyper at 00:09:616 (3,4) - which is relatively consistent with this, but you could argue that 00:07:022 (3,4) - is more consistent due to the pitches of 00:07:508 (7,8,9,10) - I guess. Since CLSW mentioned this as an edge dash, maybe reduce it instead of making it a hyper? You don't hyper at 00:09:616 (3,4) - either until the triplets after 00:11:400 (3,4) - so I'd suggest making it somewhat consistent one way or another. Alright removed the HpD on 00:09:616 (3,4) -
  2. 00:22:427 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Feels a bit weak compared to the other triplet pairs, 00:23:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - etc are much more emphasised here. Increase spacing? fixed
  3. 00:37:346 (7) - I'd much prefer this to be consistent with 00:34:751 (7,8) - pattern wise, I love how this plays and the repeater just sucks and looks pretty ugly in my opinion. done
  4. 00:39:941 (7,8,9,10) - Too many hypers here, should just be at 00:39:941 - and 00:40:265 - (into 00:40:589 - after), maybe try something like this?
    nice one
  5. 00:40:914 (2) - Pretty nazi but I think it looks better to move this to the right, somewhere like x:40 with a small moverment, it looks better than being stacked and adds more emphasis to the hyper. naah, it'll make an awkward movement instead, I prefer stop-and-go movement like this
  6. 00:50:319 - missing finish whistle thingy here? fixed
  7. 00:55:670 (5,6) - double whistlethingy here sounds pretty odd, maybe drop one? removed both of the whistles and add them at and add it on 00:55:346 (4) - tail
  8. 02:00:049 (3,4) - Each of these ticks are strong individually but it's a bit excessive to hyper to each one, so what about splitting 02:00:211 (4) - into two notes and hypering those instead? would be pretty overkill and awkward to be played. imo
  9. 02:33:778 (4,5) - I like a lot of the stacks in this map but this one just feels a bit forced, maybe extend 02:33:778 (4) - to a 3/4 or 1/2 slider and hyper it into 02:34:103 (5) - instead of the awkward stack? It just doesn't feel right considering how strong 02:34:103 - is. sure thing
  10. 03:40:265 (3) - ctrl+g and move to current position? the antiflow movement just becomes annoying on the third set imo, it plays nicely on 03:39:616 (1,2) - but becomes a bit excessive afterwards. sure
  11. 03:40:589 - maybe map this out to 03:40:751 - if you aren't stacking. (You stack at 03:43:022 (9,1) - and 03:45:616 (9,1) - ) naaa, did intentionally to not map these.
  12. 04:16:427 (2,3) - way too weak for how strong 04:16:589 - is, increase spacing here. done
  13. 04:48:373 (1) - Cool slider, bit boring to play in ctb though as its a small stand, 04:45:778 (1) - is much more interactive. did something
  14. 04:49:832 (2,3,4) - bit boring, try adding some wiggles or something like this, walk doesn't add emphasis to the movement into 04:50:968 (1) - etc.
  15. 05:37:022 (3,4) - Maybe hyper these two instead? Much more interesting and feels good at the end, currently feels a bit out of place with the rest of the ending. aye
thank you
random box
00:07:022 (3,4) - hdash?
00:08:319 (3,4) - reduce the distance
00:11:076 (2) - change the direction to the right (considering the gap between each scales)
00:22:914 (6,7) - more distance?
00:30:211 (1,2,3) - curve to the upside
00:54:859 (1,2) - slant it more
01:13:022 (1,2) - this rhythm is more proper
01:16:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - make the boundary between 3/4567/891011 it will be easier to read
01:46:103 (5,6,7) - many players will be confused at here. make sure the distance between (5) and (6) (whether increase or decrease) or change the pattern
01:48:049 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - have to make smoother
03:13:914 (2,3,4) - breaking dash is not that good
03:16:265 (1,2) - make sure if you want break dash or maintain
03:16:589 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you set each slider's direction but players feel just spam not direction.
03:25:751 (6) - move to the (5). the main beat is (7)
03:58:346 (8) - move the the right. hdash must be between (8) and (9)
03:59:076 (1,2) - (1) has own rhythm from earlier stream but it dosnt have any distance
04:13:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I recommand remapping if you are looking for approved map
04:23:238 (7,8) - hdash?
04:55:832 - why does it have kiai?
05:23:400 (1,2) - hdash?
05:30:049 (3,4) - add hash or reduce the distance
05:30:535 (7,8) - no anti-flow plz
05:35:887 (6,7) - make the distance

many of 8bit patterns are a little simple. how about considering creative patterns
some streams are just straight line and it bothers play. slider + ctrl shift f will help you
Yumeno Himiko
mod as requested

00:29:724 (4,5,1,2,3) - feeling a bit awkward here, my suggestion 00:47:724 (6,7,8) - increase movement
00:48:535 (3) - x:264 inprove the flow
00:49:184 (5,6,1) - increase movement
00:54:941 (2) - x:304
01:02:481 (13) - is this circle necessary? You may remove this to keep it same with other patterns
01:08:968 (6,1) - I expect HDash here
01:18:697 (2,3) - reduce ds here, and create HDash at 01:19:346 (4,1)
01:20:481 (3,4,5) - I geuss a pattern like this would be better 01:21:130 (3,4) - reduce ds a bit or increase to be a HDash
01:38:319 (3) - HDash?
01:39:616 (3) - ^
04:35:076 (6,1) - HDash? I mean you can add HDash at every finish, if not you can still make a larger dash instead of cutting down the ds.
02:16:589 ~ 02:26:968 You may consider remap this part since the ds is really ambiguous and includes a lot of anti-flows.

Generally talking, this is a nice diff, but you have to notice that the streams in kiai parts are not only looking ugly but also hard for play. Try more patterns and copy some from god mappers' maps lel

I'm not modding in detail, but the map can still be improved, good luck >v<
Topic Starter

_Asriel wrote:

random box
00:07:022 (3,4) - hdash? naah, don't want to give the player a HpD on the beginning of the map
00:08:319 (3,4) - reduce the distance aight
00:11:076 (2) - change the direction to the right (considering the gap between each scales) right
00:22:914 (6,7) - more distance? aight
00:30:211 (1,2,3) - curve to the upside ok
00:54:859 (1,2) - slant it more slant?
01:13:022 (1,2) - this rhythm is more proper I'm having a hard time to know what that pic means, but glad that i can understand
01:16:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - make the boundary between 3/4567/891011 it will be easier to read let's seee
01:46:103 (5,6,7) - many players will be confused at here. make sure the distance between (5) and (6) (whether increase or decrease) or change the pattern should be easier now
01:48:049 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - have to make smoother plays pretty fine to me, Define "smoother".
03:13:914 (2,3,4) - breaking dash is not that good yeah
03:16:265 (1,2) - make sure if you want break dash or maintain dash
03:16:589 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you set each slider's direction but players feel just spam not direction. removed some
03:25:751 (6) - move to the (5). the main beat is (7) yep
03:58:346 (8) - move the the right. hdash must be between (8) and (9) yeah
03:59:076 (1,2) - (1) has own rhythm from earlier stream but it dosnt have any distance but I thought the emphasize is on 3 , yes?
04:13:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I recommand remapping if you are looking for approved map into what? it plays pretty normal for me
04:23:238 (7,8) - hdash? ok
04:55:832 - why does it have kiai? for a double spray, if it's okay...
05:23:400 (1,2) - hdash? uh huh
05:30:049 (3,4) - add hash or reduce the distance changed into onther pattern instead
05:30:535 (7,8) - no anti-flow plz oook ?
05:35:887 (6,7) - make the distance ook

many of 8bit patterns are a little simple. how about considering creative patterns
some streams are just straight line and it bothers play. slider + ctrl shift f will help you

Will, check on Yumeno's mod later.

Yumeno Himiko wrote:

mod as requested

00:29:724 (4,5,1,2,3) - feeling a bit awkward here, my suggestion yeah, I agree
00:47:724 (6,7,8) - increase movement did something
00:48:535 (3) - x:264 inprove the flow aight
00:49:184 (5,6,1) - increase movement dnoe
00:54:941 (2) - x:304 naaah, a bit awkward to play instead
01:02:481 (13) - is this circle necessary? You may remove this to keep it same with other patterns let's try to remove it , i guess
01:08:968 (6,1) - I expect HDash here yup
01:18:697 (2,3) - reduce ds here, and create HDash at 01:19:346 (4,1) did something else based on your point
01:20:481 (3,4,5) - I geuss a pattern like this would be better did something else too
01:21:130 (3,4) - reduce ds a bit or increase to be a HDash Hdash
01:38:319 (3) - HDash? yeap
01:39:616 (3) - ^ yup
04:35:076 (6,1) - HDash? I mean you can add HDash at every finish, if not you can still make a larger dash instead of cutting down the ds. right
02:16:589 ~ 02:26:968 You may consider remap this part since the ds is really ambiguous and includes a lot of anti-flows. is it? Hmmm, leet's just see then. It plays decent for me overall.

Generally talking, this is a nice diff, but you have to notice that the streams in kiai parts are not only looking ugly but also hard for play. Try more patterns and copy some from god mappers' maps lel

I'm not modding in detail, but the map can still be improved, good luck >v<
Would still be free pp :d
the end my life.

this is hard im a rank 500
00:08:805 (7,8,9,10) - Because this time note (8) is mapping the stronger guitar sound i would make him the largest jump instead of (10). A good way of implementing this would be to have (8) x=400 and (9) into x=280.

00:19:832 (1,2,3,4) - i think it would feel better if the distances between the slider and the notes were consistent to 00:18:535 (1,2,3,4) which is a similar pattern that maps the same guitar noise.

00:20:968 (8,1) - Make a hyper between here?

00:56:157 (1,2) - make these further away since the guitar noise is really intense and high pitched. i would suggest x=144

01:09:130 (1,2) - i find myself missing alot on these two because of their distancing. The antiflow jump feels like an edge dash also. I would decrease the distance or increase to make a hyper between the two.

01:34:427 (4) - Making these into two 3/4 sliders and a note at the end would fit the map more with the way you've been patterning the map.

01:56:319 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - this feels a bit too condensed. i would increase the spacing between each note like this: ( )

02:07:184 (4,1) - Increase the distance between these two, it feels really awkward when there is little movement when the other parts had movement.

02:50:319 (1,2) - put a hyper here to be consistent with 01:19:508 (1,2) - which is the same pattern.

03:41:238 (2,3) - i would a hyper here.

03:54:859 (4,1) - this should be a hyper to match 03:49:670 (4,1). You can increase the distance from (4) and then ctrl+h (1).

04:19:346 (6,7) - hyper here on 7 because of the drum noise?

04:24:130 (6,7) - hyper between these two also imo.

05:48:211 (2,3) - add hyper here also to match consistency with 05:46:914 (3,4) - .

cool map.

cant really mod much of the last kiai because of my skill vs the map so this is the best youre going to get from me, most of this stuff is to add hypers to make patterns consistent with each other and some minor issues that i see with the map.

I also agree with Yumeno that some streams can be a bit more pretty but its whatever.
Topic Starter

Paranoid Grapes wrote:

the end my life.

this is hard im a rank 500
00:08:805 (7,8,9,10) - Because this time note (8) is mapping the stronger guitar sound i would make him the largest jump instead of (10). A good way of implementing this would be to have (8) x=400 and (9) into x=280. fair point

00:19:832 (1,2,3,4) - i think it would feel better if the distances between the slider and the notes were consistent to 00:18:535 (1,2,3,4) which is a similar pattern that maps the same guitar noise. right

00:20:968 (8,1) - Make a hyper between here? woops

00:56:157 (1,2) - make these further away since the guitar noise is really intense and high pitched. i would suggest x=144 aight

01:09:130 (1,2) - i find myself missing alot on these two because of their distancing. The antiflow jump feels like an edge dash also. I would decrease the distance or increase to make a hyper between the two. did nerf these

01:34:427 (4) - Making these into two 3/4 sliders and a note at the end would fit the map more with the way you've been patterning the map. indeed

01:56:319 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - this feels a bit too condensed. i would increase the spacing between each note like this: ( ) right

02:07:184 (4,1) - Increase the distance between these two, it feels really awkward when there is little movement when the other parts had movement. yeaap

02:50:319 (1,2) - put a hyper here to be consistent with 01:19:508 (1,2) - which is the same pattern. yeaap

03:41:238 (2,3) - i would a hyper here. agree

03:54:859 (4,1) - this should be a hyper to match 03:49:670 (4,1). You can increase the distance from (4) and then ctrl+h (1). not really a hyper but it still got better emphasize

04:19:346 (6,7) - hyper here on 7 because of the drum noise? yuup

04:24:130 (6,7) - hyper between these two also imo. yeaaap

05:48:211 (2,3) - add hyper here also to match consistency with 05:46:914 (3,4) - . done

cool map.

cant really mod much of the last kiai because of my skill vs the map so this is the best youre going to get from me, most of this stuff is to add hypers to make patterns consistent with each other and some minor issues that i see with the map.

I also agree with Yumeno that some streams can be a bit more pretty but its whatever.
From queue

00:26:968 (8,9,10) - Remove sliders as they are overmapped and use notes instead
00:29:724 (4) - You can space this loud guitar beat a bit more for emphasize.
00:44:157 (5,6,1) - Doesnt look that good imo. How about something simular to this?
03:22:751 (1,2,3,4) - Could be polished a bit cause it doesnt look that great in gameplay (
05:18:373 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Would be better with a bit of a bend on these for flow + aestetics.

Sorry, I cannot play this map so I can only give opinions from a quick look through auto play. It looks decent aestetically except for the choruses that can be polished a bit as some patterns in there look a bit inconsistent ds wise (03:15:941 (12,13) - , 03:16:265 (1,2) - , 03:21:454 (9,10) - , etc).

Good luck!
#modreqs I always wanted to mod ctb :p

Penjaga Pintu difficulty
Remove Letterbox while Breaks

00:20:157 (3,4) - Seems better if its H-Dash here since previous one wasn`t h-dash, move both of this to x:224.
00:41:968 (2) - Idk, since I like if its not an ezmiss after h-dash here. Move this one to x:32 seems ok.
00:54:941 (2) - Moving to x:240 seems better since flow is really sudden to the wall.
01:01:346 (1) - New Combo.
01:04:589 (3,4,5) and 01:05:238 (1,2,3) - maybe better if turned like 00:41:968 (2), or probably your preferrence.
01:09:130 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The previous pattern from 01:06:535 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - was strong beat/distance, but here seems underwhelming low distance on current beats. Probably the slider 01:09:292 (2) just goes \ while previous was Horizontal Sliders. I suggest add more distance between 01:09:292 (2) and 01:09:616 (3), and the 01:09:778 (4,5,6).
01:22:265 (2) - Kinda hold dash always. Move this one a bit right to x:248, distance might need a bit lesser from 1 to 2 to 3.
01:28:265 (1,2) - Ctrl+G, at least it looks more constant.
01:31:832 (3) - Move this one to x:488, looks fit on that beat, while catching the next one.
01:47:076 (3) - Ctrl+G this one?
01:52:589 (1) - New Combo
01:57:778 (1) - New Combo
02:01:022 (1) - New combo
02:16:103 (1) - New combo
02:19:508 (4) - Make a bit Horizontal slider, like move the end slider to x:304 y:200.
02:20:319 (8) - Looks better if its moved to x:352 or a bit right, to emphasize strong beats and flow.
02:26:319 (1) - New combo
02:45:130 (1,2,3,4) - I wonder which one looks better if adding 1 H-dash or 2 Hdash in this strong beat section, since previous one did have h-dash.
03:17:400 (8) - Ctrl+G then move a bit left to x:452, seems distance way too much.
03:20:481 (3,4) - Slope a bit, like the (3), move the end slider to x:44 y:96 and (4) move the end slider to x:352 y:128. Reduce sudden miss when catching (4).
03:21:454 (1) - New combo
03:23:400 (1) - Mew combo
03:26:157 (1) - Mew combo
03:28:751 (1) - New combo
04:13:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). Prefer if slider wasn`t 1.5x speed since it looks like weird pattern. Like 1.25x or below seems better.
05:07:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Kinda ez to miss in my opinion, but just info.

Overall, really need to polished more, especially the Stream section, which really lots of Anti-flow pattern, but I won`t point out since this is my opinion.
And Combo placement need to check also.

I think thats it, good luck for ranking :)
Topic Starter

DavidEd wrote:

From queue

00:26:968 (8,9,10) - Remove sliders as they are overmapped and use notes instead It's intended to be overmapped since if I use normal circles instead it'll be pretty awkward to be played cause of the sudden changes
00:29:724 (4) - You can space this loud guitar beat a bit more for emphasize. Sure, I gues
00:44:157 (5,6,1) - Doesnt look that good imo. How about something simular to this? sure, less confusing
03:22:751 (1,2,3,4) - Could be polished a bit cause it doesnt look that great in gameplay ( did something
05:18:373 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Would be better with a bit of a bend on these for flow + aestetics. done

Sorry, I cannot play this map so I can only give opinions from a quick look through auto play. It looks decent aestetically except for the choruses that can be polished a bit as some patterns in there look a bit inconsistent ds wise (03:15:941 (12,13) - , 03:16:265 (1,2) - , 03:21:454 (9,10) - , etc). did stuffs on them

Good luck!
Thank you!

murutattack wrote:

#modreqs I always wanted to mod ctb :p

Penjaga Pintu difficulty
Remove Letterbox while Breaks There's no break at here, therefore it's not necessary

00:20:157 (3,4) - Seems better if its H-Dash here since previous one wasn`t h-dash, move both of this to x:224. alright
00:41:968 (2) - Idk, since I like if its not an ezmiss after h-dash here. Move this one to x:32 seems ok. better flow, yeah
00:54:941 (2) - Moving to x:240 seems better since flow is really sudden to the wall. agreed
01:01:346 (1) - New Combo. yeaap
01:04:589 (3,4,5) and 01:05:238 (1,2,3) - maybe better if turned like 00:41:968 (2), or probably your preferrence. yeah , curved it for better flow
01:09:130 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The previous pattern from 01:06:535 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - was strong beat/distance, but here seems underwhelming low distance on current beats. Probably the slider 01:09:292 (2) just goes \ while previous was Horizontal Sliders. I suggest add more distance between 01:09:292 (2) and 01:09:616 (3), and the 01:09:778 (4,5,6). done
01:22:265 (2) - Kinda hold dash always. Move this one a bit right to x:248, distance might need a bit lesser from 1 to 2 to 3. done
01:28:265 (1,2) - Ctrl+G, at least it looks more constant. Right, lol
01:31:832 (3) - Move this one to x:488, looks fit on that beat, while catching the next one. right
01:47:076 (3) - Ctrl+G this one? yeap
01:52:589 (1) - New Combo
01:57:778 (1) - New Combo
02:01:022 (1) - New combo
02:16:103 (1) - New combo applied all of the NC stuffs
02:19:508 (4) - Make a bit Horizontal slider, like move the end slider to x:304 y:200. done
02:20:319 (8) - Looks better if its moved to x:352 or a bit right, to emphasize strong beats and flow. nice
02:26:319 (1) - New combo ya
02:45:130 (1,2,3,4) - I wonder which one looks better if adding 1 H-dash or 2 Hdash in this strong beat section, since previous one did have h-dash. did some reworks
03:17:400 (8) - Ctrl+G then move a bit left to x:452, seems distance way too much. sure
03:20:481 (3,4) - Slope a bit, like the (3), move the end slider to x:44 y:96 and (4) move the end slider to x:352 y:128. Reduce sudden miss when catching (4). aight
03:21:454 (1) - New combo
03:23:400 (1) - Mew combo
03:26:157 (1) - Mew combo
03:28:751 (1) - New combo did the NCs
04:13:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). Prefer if slider wasn`t 1.5x speed since it looks like weird pattern. Like 1.25x or below seems better. done
05:07:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Kinda ez to miss in my opinion, but just info. naah, it plays decent for me

Overall, really need to polished more, especially the Stream section, which really lots of Anti-flow pattern, but I won`t point out since this is my opinion.
And Combo placement need to check also.
I think thats it, good luck for ranking :)
Thanks for the inputs! and mods!
Razor Sharp
from my queue: p/6028288

filesize warning

some jump distances is not justified and some non hyper jumps is too big. some of the streams are also weird, you should be able to tell which

00:54:859 (1,2) - make this horizontal?`

01:06:211 (6) - ctrl+g and move to x188 might be good for this

01:13:022 (1,2) - distance too big to not be hyper

01:44:481 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i find this a bit weird to play tbh

02:16:103 (1,2,3) - arent these supposed to be 1/8?

03:22:103 (5,6) - distance

04:07:022 (2,3,4,5) - again, 1/8?

04:15:941 (1) - i find the zig zag on this weird

04:28:184 (8,9) - distance

04:28:589 (10,11) - are these 1/8?

05:00:049 (1,1) - the transition from the 2 note hypers to the 4 note one is a little weird and a big jump imo

05:13:022 (1,2,3,4) - too big distance between these

else tha maps is pretty good! good luck!
Topic Starter

Razor Sharp wrote:

from my queue: p/6028288

filesize warning *HS intensifies*

some jump distances is not justified and some non hyper jumps is too big. some of the streams are also weird, you should be able to tell which naah, please give me some examples.

00:54:859 (1,2) - make this horizontal?`sure

01:06:211 (6) - ctrl+g and move to x188 might be good for this right

01:13:022 (1,2) - distance too big to not be hyper nerfed

01:44:481 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i find this a bit weird to play tbh made the movement sharper so it'll give a better flow

02:16:103 (1,2,3) - arent these supposed to be 1/8? right

03:22:103 (5,6) - distance did something

04:07:022 (2,3,4,5) - again, 1/8? yes

04:15:941 (1) - i find the zig zag on this weird uh huh

04:28:184 (8,9) - distance buffed

04:28:589 (10,11) - are these 1/8? yes

05:00:049 (1,1) - the transition from the 2 note hypers to the 4 note one is a little weird and a big jump imo I don't really understand

05:13:022 (1,2,3,4) - too big distance between these nerfed

else tha maps is pretty good! good luck!
Thank you!
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