
Flourish Playstyle?

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Having hit a wall with reading fast maps, I decided to go the other way and see what I could do with slower ones. My solution?

Style points.

How much can you show off without looking like a douche by missing?

So, what started as trying to hit notes while swiping across them turned into figuring out cool ways to screw with sliders without messing up on them. I combined these two with Sakyosa and Xyresic and recorded the product of this .. interesting playstyle.

Are there any other videos of stuff like this? We're still trying to see how far we can go with this, and we'd like to, for example, see how to mess with spinners, so it'd be nice to see how people have done this before.
Atelier Nugra
woah... i am usually use that playstyle when i miss to hit the notes lol :lol:
i do this all the time, but on max difficulty maps. when going for high ranks i dont really do it just because of the added chance to miss is not worth it, but for casual play its quite fun to do. but yeah its usually called cursor dancing, and you can see it quite often (after a miss usually, when the person cant be bothered to continue)
for spinners i change direction mid spin a few times, still getting 300
When I saw this thread I thought to myself, "aevv!" I've seen you doing it on maps that I have a hard enough time clicking without flailing my cursor around the screen :P

I occasionally enjoy "interacting" with the SB elements.. but that's usually during pauses/breaks :)

Theme97, your video is somewhat mesmerizing. I break combo enough on sliders without swooping from endpoint to endpoint :)
This is so cool *_*.
Butterfly gameplay isn't nothing new ;f
Wow, the way you follow sliders is really nice >w<
I sometimes do this too..
yep not really new as mentioned, many people do this (though normally only for notes) after missing or when playing ez maps.
was still very amusing to watch though, certainly much nicer than normal plays.
I love doing something similar on CtB - whenever there's a long hold slider I tend to rapidly dash around the screen, completely ignoring the droplets until the next note comes, as well as consantly twitching around with dash during less intensive parts. (I should really record some of this)

One other "style" thing I can suggest is something that I perfected but sadly lost over time - Spinning like a wild maniac to the point where the cursor isn't visible, but stopping exactly where the next note is without repositioning.
This is a nice way of adding some spice to normal/easy maps!
oooooooold \:D/
Who needs skill when you have style? ;) I love doing this.

Lesjuh wrote:

oooooooold \:D/
Agreed, this is soooo 2009

Lesjuh wrote:

oooooooold \:D/

Plus strager did it better always. While playing AR10 200BPM.
Gladi boys. Kuburaczek was quite decent too.
I thought "aevv".
older players are superior because they've played for longer
yo D:

Or in taiko, where you add you own notes/rhythm and still keep combo.


OzzyOzrock wrote:

Sup A Noob
I use such playstyle to practice getting to places quicker. Like jerking the cursor away before every note. If it's save enough.

aevv wrote:

older players are superior because they've played for longer
Agreed that

Lesjuh wrote:

oooooooold \:D/
Back in 2009 it was also refered to as 'stragering'
I miss strager ):

Also on topic, I do this 24/7 \:D/
Replay I just made below~
It's weird that it shows all my movement as linear movement, even though I make everything flowing :'(

Download: GladiOol - Unicorn Kid - Wee Monsters [Monstrous!] (2011-05-25) Osu.osr
wow, that's kinda hard isn't it?
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