
Popularity of OSU!

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I happy more and more people are joining OSU! Joined 8 years ago and took a long break. Came back a couples years ago and definitely noticed the change in the commmunity. It's growing and will hopefully get even bigger.

Also sorry if images are too big. Never posted an image on this before.
Sandy Hoey
Why are you posting this here of all places?
Topic Starter
Well where else would I put it? Actually i was going to put it the tournaments page but this has more to do with the growth of OSU.

scrain8 wrote:

Well where else would I put it? Actually i was going to put it the tournaments page but this has more to do with the growth of OSU.
Yes, osu! has been growing over the years, that's kinda how things work ;3

But yeah, No reason to really post this... Especially here.
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