
Ayy lmao another new scrub in the hizzle

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Hello! Another new guy here figuring I might as well introduce myself before I start posting in the forums.

I'm AgentFail and I've been playing for about a week now and am loving the game! Right now using the mouse/keyboard but looking into getting one of the tablets from the store in a couple weeks.
Sandy Hoey
Welcome to the forum. Hope you have a good time.

Don't feel too pressured to get a tablet. The best option is to borrow one from someone that you know that has one to try it out first because you may not even like it. Mouse can do just as well as tablet.
Topic Starter
So far I haven't had too many problems with the mouse, still getting up to speed where I can't quite do hard maps though but a lot of that I figure I'll get better at over time.

But for only having a week into it I'm doing a lot better than I expected haha
- Jade -
Welcome to the forums and the game! I hope you enjoy it and have a great time! (Although from the looks of it, it looks like you have!)
welcome to osu! :D
Have fun ;)
o x
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :D
Don't forget to read the Forum Wide Rules! Each subforum has it's own set of rules and guidelines so make sure to read it before posting! It saves everyone a headache. ;)
If you need anything feel free to PM me! I'll try my best to help out with anything you need! Also if you end up having any problems with your tablet you can always post in the Help Forum. Some users have troubles setting this up so people there can help you out!
Welcome to the forums! I also joined the forums recently so I'm in the same boat as you.

I'm playing 3-4 star beatmaps with a mouse and keyboard about 3 months in and I still have some mental errors such as not moving the mouse far enough or moving it too far. It takes a lot of time getting accurate with a mouse, but like you said, practicing and just playing will help you get better in no time :lol:
Welcome to the community!
Hey, call me Vee.
Welcome to the forums. As stated above, each subforum has its own specific rules like so:

They can be located at the top of the subforum, stickied.
Have a good time. :>
Ayy lmao another new scrub in the hizzle

Welcome, welcome~
I do think tablet helps a lot for harder maps though, as my mouse aim is rubbish 😂
Either way, the most important thing here is to have fun! Enjoy the game~
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