
Hatsune Miku - Can't Defeat Airman

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 2:44:20 PM

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Can't Defeat Airman
BPM: 200
Filesize: 17409kb
Play Time: 03:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Airman Training (2.26 stars, 189 notes)
  2. Airman (3.43 stars, 289 notes)
  3. Saturos! (4.86 stars, 418 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Can't Defeat Airman
Download: Hatsune Miku - Can't Defeat Airman (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hatsune Miku returns with an osu classic. :)

Note: 'Airman' difficulty is inspired by the original airman found here, so expect the same obscure spacing in this difficulty only.

Comments are welcome.

Edit 1: Normal complete.
Edit 2: Changed normal to 'airman'.
Edit 3: Airman Training (Easy) added.
Edit 4: Saturos! (Hard/Insane) added.
Edit 5: Temp. unrank to re-add video and minor storyboard.
whoever made this song is awesome.
BPM: 200
Offset 2645 (give or take about 5ms, this one seems to waver between base and snare a good amount)

Miku sounds too robotic in this song =|
Long spinners are long. They should be shortened with added breaks, especially at 02:38:53.

Also, the spacing for the 4-combo at 2:49:44 is too large.
Card N'FoRcE
Great map, but I think:
2:03:84 - (1) is too far
2:05:04 - (5) same
2:38:64 - break?
2:49:44_2:50:34 - maybe too much spacing for a normal map :P
2:51:84 - same as 2:03:84
:| only 11 100s which is insane for my poor accuracy. nothing really bothered me.

2:03:84 - (1) is too far
2:05:04 - (5) same
2:38:64 - break?
2:49:44_2:50:34 - maybe too much spacing for a normal map :P
2:51:84 - same as 2:03:84
jesus play the original airman
Card N'FoRcE

lukewarmholiday wrote:

jesus play the original airman
What does that mean?
That is a different map, and since we got rules for the spacing i was suggesting that those spots are wrongly spaced.
The original Airman is from October 2007, when we didn't have these rules.
Lots of maps don't get ranked because of this, but this one can because it's "Airman"?

Please, I don't want to fight, but you can't tell me these things.
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Ok, I guess I should clarify what I'm planning to do with this.

Normal's going to be the only difficulty that will mimic the style of the original airman. I figure since many osu players have played the original and know how it goes, it'd be alright to do this. If the BAT's say otherwise though, I'll change it.

Easy and Hard will both follow the new standards for beatmapping. I won't even look at the original airman when mapping them. :P

I'll also rename the difficulties accordingly so it'd be easy to tell which is which.

Hope that clears things up.
Card N'FoRcE
Well, I'm ok, if you write it in the difficulty name and if you make other difficulties.

I will simply avoid playing that difficulty, since I hate Airman spacing; I never cleared it because i always lose my mind.

Good luck on the map, the song is cool.

kingcobra52 wrote:

Normal's going to be the only difficulty that will mimic the style of the original airman. I figure since many osu players have played the original and know how it goes, it'd be alright to do this. If the BAT's say otherwise though, I'll change it.
The only thing you should change on Normal is the difficulty name, imo. All the Airman tributes are grand - maybe call it Airman or Airhead or something, because "Normal" is not entirely, well, accurate.
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Ok. A hard/insane difficulty is finally up...with a little twist.

You'll notice it when you try it out. :P

Saturos is gonna kill me. ><
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Download: Croove - Enemy Storm (ignorethis) [HD].osu
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No comment on my little addition to hard? :P
lol!! Saturos!? Where did that come from? ahahahaha!

Anyway, I will look at this eventually as soon as I can. I think I have a few beatmaps I still gotta remod since some have updated. :P
...I almost became insane after I hear this one
Just WOW!! I just played Saturos! difficulty. This is like one of the best beatmaps ever in existence! Seriously! Awesome job!!

/me checks others.

edit: Why isn't this ranked??? Seriously! I give it a 10 out of 10 and I add to my favorites list! ;)
For the Airman difficulty, I think you should put some break between the huge gap of spaces you have there (ex. 00:53:04 - 00:55:14) since the drain is SOOOO high. XD

Same thing with the Saturos! difficulty at 02:38:64 - 02:40:74.

I bet even with the break, few people could pass this since the drain is quite high. :P

Reduced a star till then.

By the way... can anyone pass this beast? :P

I am personally against ranking something that is "impassable" for even the top players. Buuut, that is just me. :D

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Nonetheless, I am not ranking it until he puts a break in those large gaps. But it is a good thing Saturos is passable despite of the high HP drain. :P
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I don't really agree with the last break in Saturos! but that's alright.

I'll rebubble.
I must say that I can't find much of anything wrong with all this.

Perfect! If I wasn't stupid, your excellent timing would have gotten me a SS!
I have nothing but Hate for this, but you did it well anyways.
I fail every time, but this is perfectly timed and oh so fun to play!

If I had the power, I'd say this is as good as ranked :D
I'm a little bit suprised that it got ranked considering the very long spinners in airman difficulty....
this earns the official, lukewarmholiday completely hates the slider layout seal of disapproval.

honesty ftw

Just WOW!! I just played Saturos! difficulty. This is like one of the best beatmaps ever in existence! Seriously! Awesome job!!

/me checks others.

edit: Why isn't this ranked??? Seriously! I give it a 10 out of 10 and I add to my favorites list!
you should get your head checked out...I find 2stacks very irritating and there were a slider that made me want to rip my hair out.

like 90% of kingcobra maps I find 1 or 2 things I hate and end up disliking the whole map :(


*world starts collapsing*

King just named it after me, apparently.

mrtn wrote:

I'm a little bit suprised that it got ranked considering the very long spinners in airman difficulty....
Yeah, the original one here totally didn't have very long spinners, and totally wasn't famous for it. Seriously. It TOTALLY didn't have them, and Airman difficulty TOTALLY isn't a tribute to the original.


All sarcasm aside, I gotta say, Airman Training difficulty = <3. This song also = <3. I will now play Airman and Saturos! difficulty and comment ASAP (though I'll probably fail both). I'll edit afterwards.

EDIT: I failed both, but what I saw was nice. I should play harder maps, then maybe I can enjoy it more. >_>;

EDIT2: And I like Airman Training difficulty because it's, like, perfectly timed. First map I S'd first try that wasn't super easy, without a single retry.

P.S. burai's replay is awesome.

EDIT3: What. I'm addicted to this map now. Thanks a lot.
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Saturos wrote:


King just named it after me, apparently.
Like I said in irc though, that's just half of it. :P

Ekaru wrote:

mrtn wrote:

I'm a little bit suprised that it got ranked considering the very long spinners in airman difficulty....
Yeah, the original one here totally didn't have very long spinners, and totally wasn't famous for it. Seriously. It TOTALLY didn't have them, and Airman difficulty TOTALLY isn't a tribute to the original.


All sarcasm aside, I gotta say, Airman Training difficulty = <3. This song also = <3. I will now play Airman and Saturos! difficulty and comment ASAP (though I'll probably fail both). I'll edit afterwards.

EDIT: I failed both, but what I saw was nice. I should play harder maps, then maybe I can enjoy it more. >_>;

EDIT2: And I like Airman Training difficulty because it's, like, perfectly timed. First map I S'd first try that wasn't super easy, without a single retry.

P.S. burai's replay is awesome.

EDIT3: What. I'm addicted to this map now. Thanks a lot.
1. Harder two difficulties had them. They're great.
2. Well, yeah. All ranked map should be perfectly timed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of beatmaps that have very poor timing/spacing and lack of uniqueness (awesomeness). which I freaking HATE those beatmaps!
3. I know. I'm awesome.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

this earns the official, lukewarmholiday completely hates the slider layout seal of disapproval.

honesty ftw

Just WOW!! I just played Saturos! difficulty. This is like one of the best beatmaps ever in existence! Seriously! Awesome job!!

/me checks others.

edit: Why isn't this ranked??? Seriously! I give it a 10 out of 10 and I add to my favorites list!
you should get your head checked out...I find 2stacks very irritating and there were a slider that made me want to rip my hair out.

like 90% of kingcobra maps I find 1 or 2 things I hate and end up disliking the whole map :(
What is wrong with you people?? I see so many of you giving all this positive feedback to all the terrible beatmaps, but whenever it comes to the truly amazing and unique ones...

Also, it really depends on the style and song you are beatmapping to. In some songs, they are good (like this one); for others, aren't so great, however.
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Author X
I tried downloading this one, because I'm looking for good SB maps and I <i>love</i> the original song, but I'm not getting any video or SB. Just the three maps and the mp3 (and yes, I'm hitting the regular link, not the 'no video' link).

Any help?
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Author X
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Author X
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